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Новости за 22.09.2017


Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico reels, Turks and Caicos hit - CNN


Hurricane Maria: Puerto Rico reels, Turks and Caicos hit
San Juan, Puerto Rico (CNN) Puerto Rico grappled with damages and deaths caused by Hurricane Maria on Friday as the storm hurtled across the Caribbean and slapped the Turks and Caicos Islands. Hurricane Maria leaves more than 3 million Americans ...
Facing Months in the Dark, Ordinary Life in Puerto Rico is 'Beyond Reach'New York Times
'Thousands of people could die.' 70000 in Puerto Rico... Читать дальше...


McCain Announces Opposition to Republican Health Bill, Likely Dooming It - New York Times

New York Times

McCain Announces Opposition to Republican Health Bill, Likely Dooming It
New York Times
Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, at the Capitol on Monday. Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times. WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain of Arizona announced on Friday that he would oppose the latest proposal to repeal the Affordable ...
'Regular order' may have just killed GOP's Obamacare repeal. So what is it?Washington Post
Why John McCain opposed... Читать дальше...


Looks like John McCain just killed Obamacare repeal, again - CNN


Looks like John McCain just killed Obamacare repeal, again
(CNN) As official Washington began to wind down on a unseasonably sweaty Friday afternoon, John McCain dropped a bombshell that threatened to end the last-ditch attempt by Republicans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. "I cannot in good ...
Why McCain screwed the GOP on Obamacare repeal — againPolitico
The Cassidy-Graham bill probably won't become law. And more than half of... Читать дальше...


McCain Announces Opposition to Republican Health Bill, Likely Dooming It - New York Times

New York Times

McCain Announces Opposition to Republican Health Bill, Likely Dooming It
New York Times
Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, at the Capitol on Monday. Credit Tom Brenner/The New York Times. WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain of Arizona announced on Friday that he would oppose the latest proposal to repeal the Affordable ...
'Regular order' may have just killed GOP's Obamacare repeal. So what is it?Washington Post
Why McCain screwed the GOP on Obamacare repeal ... Читать дальше...


This is no way to dismantle a nuclear bomb - CNN


This is no way to dismantle a nuclear bomb
Ian Bond is the Director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank based in London and Brussels. The opinions in this article belong to the author. (CNN) Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un are doing their best to make a bad situation ...

and more »

Читать дальше...


This is no way to dismantle a nuclear bomb - CNN


This is no way to dismantle a nuclear bomb
Ian Bond is the Director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank based in London and Brussels. The opinions in this article belong to the author. (CNN) Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un are doing their best to make a bad situation ...

and more »

Читать дальше...


Dotard? How about crapulous, gormless or snoutband? Our guide to underused insults. - Washington Post

Washington Post

Dotard? How about crapulous, gormless or snoutband? Our guide to underused insults.
Washington Post
Yes, dotard is a real word. Thanks to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who used the word to describe President Trump as “a mentally deranged U.S. dotard” this week, Americans rediscovered an arcane English insult long forgotten. This was a comeback ...
What does 'dotard' mean? Inside Kim Jong-un's strange Trump insultMashable

all 1,045 news articles »

Читать дальше...


North Korea Hits New Level of Brinkmanship in Reacting to Trump - New York Times

New York Times

North Korea Hits New Level of Brinkmanship in Reacting to Trump
New York Times
People in Pyongyang, North Korea, watched a television broadcast on Friday of the leader Kim Jong-un's response to President Trump's speech at the United Nations. Credit Ed Jones/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images. SEOUL, South Korea — North ...
A short history of 'dotard,' the arcane insult Kim Jong Un used in his threat against TrumpWashington Post
Trump Scorns... Читать дальше...


Uber loses its license to operate in London - TechCrunch


Uber loses its license to operate in London
In a huge blow to Uber in the UK London's transport regulator has rejected its application to renew its license to operate in the city. In a statement today TfL said it has concluded that Uber is “not fit and proper to hold a private hire operator ...
London rejects Uber's license, saying ride-share not 'fit and proper' for passengersWashington Post
Uber London loses licence to operateBBC News
Uber stripped of London license... Читать дальше...


The Health 202: Cassidy-Graham's abortion ban workaround - Washington Post

Washington Post

The Health 202: Cassidy-Graham's abortion ban workaround
Washington Post
THE PROGNOSIS. Tony Perkins is president of the Family Research Council, a group that has pushed for antiabortion language in the Republican health-care bills. (Mary Altaffer/AP). Want the inside scoop on health care? Get more stories like this ...
Graham-Cassidy and 50 states of chaosThe Hill
McCain Announces Opposition To Obamacare Repeal Bill, Possibly Dooming ItNPR
McCain to oppose Graham-Cassidy... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Maria Updates: In Puerto Rico, the Storm 'Destroyed Us' - New York Times

New York Times

Hurricane Maria Updates: In Puerto Rico, the Storm 'Destroyed Us'
New York Times
Rubble atop a car in the Puerta de Tierra area of San Juan, P.R., on Thursday. Credit Erika P. Rodriguez for The New York Times. Puerto Rico remained in the throes of chaos and devastation Thursday as the remnants of Hurricane Maria continued to dump ...
Why would anyone in Puerto Rico want a hurricane? Because someone will get rich.Washington Post
How we lived... Читать дальше...


Facebook's Frankenstein Moment - New York Times

New York Times

Facebook's Frankenstein Moment
New York Times
Victor Frankenstein, looking over a creature he had made, eventually realized that he couldn't control his creation. Credit Hammer Film, via Photofest. On Wednesday, in response to a ProPublica report that Facebook enabled advertisers to target users ...
The Note: Fake news gets real after Facebook CEO reveals Russian adsABC News
Trump dismisses Facebook ads controversy as part of 'Russia hoax'Reuters
Trump... Читать дальше...


The Next Big Focus In The Russia Investigations: Social Media - NPR


The Next Big Focus In The Russia Investigations: Social Media
For more than nine months, Twitter and Facebook have tried to dodge the intense public scrutiny involved with the investigation into Russian interference in last year's presidential election. Now they're in the spotlight. Congressional investigators ...
Thoughts on Facebook's 9 plans to curb election interferenceTechCrunch
Facebook To Give Details Of Thousands Of Russian Election Ads... Читать дальше...


Decoding Kim's speech and the Pacific threat - BBC News

BBC News

Decoding Kim's speech and the Pacific threat
BBC News
Pyongyang's foreign minister has said the North is considering a nuclear test around the Pacific, after a personal statement from North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to US President Donald Trump. Analyst Ankit Panda decodes this unprecedented statement ...
A North Korea nuclear test over the Pacific? Logical, terrifyingReuters
The Latest: Analyst says biggest fear is an atmospheric testWashington... Читать дальше...


Trump imposes new sanctions on North Korea; Kim says he will 'tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire' - Washington Post


Trump imposes new sanctions on North Korea; Kim says he will 'tame the mentally deranged US dotard with fire'
Washington Post
NEW YORK — President Trump on Thursday announced new financial sanctions targeting North Korea as his administration seeks to build international support for more aggressively confronting the rogue nation, whose escalating nuclear and ballistic ...
North Korea could test hydrogen bomb over Pacific Ocean, says foreign ministerCNN
Kim's Rejoinder to Trump's Rocket Man... Читать дальше...


Mexican authorities now doubt any child remains trapped in collapsed school - Washington Post

Washington Post

Mexican authorities now doubt any child remains trapped in collapsed school
Washington Post
MEXICO CITY — Mexican officials expressed doubt Thursday that any children — dead or alive — remained in the rubble of a collapsed elementary school in Mexico City, an outcome that could turn into an emotional whipsaw for a country that had been ...
Mexico school collapse: All students accounted for as searches continueCNN
Mexico focuses on 10 buildings in search for quake survivors... Читать дальше...


Trump imposes new sanctions on North Korea, administration seeks to rally support for confronting Pyongyang - Washington Post


Trump imposes new sanctions on North Korea, administration seeks to rally support for confronting Pyongyang
Washington Post
NEW YORK — President Trump on Thursday announced new financial sanctions targeting North Korea as his administration seeks to build international support for more aggressively confronting the rogue nation, whose escalating nuclear and ballistic ...
Trump Moves to Widen US Sanctions on North KoreaNew York Times
5 things to know... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Maria passed, but for two women in Puerto Rico, the terror was only just beginning - Washington Post

Washington Post

Hurricane Maria passed, but for two women in Puerto Rico, the terror was only just beginning
Washington Post
LEVITTOWN, PUERTO RICO — The winds had eased, the debris was no longer soaring through the air, the chaos had subsided. Elizabeth Serrano Roldan decided to lie in her bed and rest. In her gated, middle-class community in the San Juan suburbs, ...
Puerto Rico Faces Mountain of Obstacles on the Road to RecoveryNew York Times
Hurricane Maria bears down on Turks and Caicos... Читать дальше...


Advanced stages of CTE found in Aaron Hernandez's brain - ESPN


Advanced stages of CTE found in Aaron Hernandez's brain
BOSTON -- Former New England Patriots star Aaron Hernandez had a severe case of the degenerative brain disease chronic traumatic encephalopathy, researchers said on Thursday. His lawyer announced a lawsuit against the NFL and the team for hiding ...
How Does Aaron Hernandez's CTE Diagnosis Affect a Potential Lawsuit Against the NFL?Sports Illustrated
Aaron Hernandez was suffering from advanced... Читать дальше...


Thoughts on Facebook's 9 plans to curb election interference - TechCrunch


Thoughts on Facebook's 9 plans to curb election interference
Election meddling is Facebook's next adversary, and it's got a plan to attack it just like it did with fake news. Solutions to both these scourges come too late to prevent tampering that may have aided Donald Trump winning the presidency — but at ...
Facebook will provide ads bought by Russian company to congressional committees investigating Trump tiesLos Angeles Times
Read... Читать дальше...


Thoughts on Facebook's 9 plans to curb election interference - TechCrunch


Thoughts on Facebook's 9 plans to curb election interference
Election meddling is Facebook's next adversary, and it's got a plan to attack it just like it did with fake news. Solutions to both these scourges come too late to prevent tampering that may have aided Donald Trump winning the presidency — but at ...
Facebook will provide ads bought by Russian company to congressional committees probing Trump tiesLos Angeles Times
Facebook... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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