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Новости за 20.09.2017


Mexicans Dig Through Quake Rubble as Death Toll Passes 200 - New York Times

New York Times

Mexicans Dig Through Quake Rubble as Death Toll Passes 200
New York Times
Dozens of buildings collapsed in Mexico City. “The priority at this moment is to keep rescuing people who are still trapped and to give medical attention to the injured people,” Mexico's president said. Credit Adriana Zehbrauskas for The New York Times.
Mexico had two major earthquakes this month. Here's whyCNN
Why some buildings crumbled and others survived the Mexico City quake... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Maria Live Updates: Puerto Rico Loses Power, Officials Say - New York Times

New York Times

Hurricane Maria Live Updates: Puerto Rico Loses Power, Officials Say
New York Times
Hurricane Maria reached Puerto Rico as a powerful Category 4 storm early Wednesday. Hours before, it had crossed the United States Virgin Islands as a Category 5 storm, and tore roofs off houses on the Caribbean island of Dominica. By CHRIS CIRILLO ...
Puerto Rico entirely without power as Hurricane Maria hammers island with force not seen in 'modern history'Washington... Читать дальше...


Read Barack Obama's Speech Bashing the GOP's '50th or 60th' Attempt to Repeal Obamacare - TIME


Read Barack Obama's Speech Bashing the GOP's '50th or 60th' Attempt to Repeal Obamacare
Former President Barack Obama delivered remarks Wednesday at an event sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation held in New York City. The event, called Goalkeepers, was aimed at "accelerating world progress," its website states. Obama took ...
Obama expresses frustration over GOP repeal effortThe Hill
Worries of backlash help revive GOP health... Читать дальше...


California suing Trump over border wall, escalating battle with White House - Fox News

Fox News

California suing Trump over border wall, escalating battle with White House
Fox News
California Attorney General Xavier Becerra plans to announce Wednesday that the state will sue the Trump administration over one of President Trump's paramount campaign promises—the border wall. Becerra's lawsuit, expected to target planned projects ...
California politics updates: State to sue Trump administration over border wall planLos Angeles Times
Exclusive... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Maria Live Updates: Puerto Rico Suffers a Direct Hit With Worries of Floods - New York Times

New York Times

Hurricane Maria Live Updates: Puerto Rico Suffers a Direct Hit With Worries of Floods
New York Times
A man looked out the window over a parking lot at Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, P.R., on Wednesday. Credit Hector Retamal/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images. SAN JUAN, P.R. — Hurricane Maria made landfall on Puerto Rico as a powerful ...
Hurricane Maria pounds Puerto Rico after killing 7 people in DominicaCNN
Hurricane Maria hammers... Читать дальше...


More than 200 dead after magnitude-7.1 quake strikes Mexico; "death toll will rise" - ABC News


More than 200 dead after magnitude-7.1 quake strikes Mexico; "death toll will rise"
ABC News
More than 200 people are dead after a magnitude-7.1 earthquake rocked central Mexico Tuesday afternoon, hitting on the 32nd anniversary of the biggest quake to ever strike the country's capital. PHOTO: SLIDESHOW: Pictures from the Mexico earthquake ...
Rescuers search rubble of school as Mexican quake toll hits 217Reuters
Mexicans Dig Through Quake Rubble... Читать дальше...


Hurricane Maria hammers Puerto Rico with force not seen in 'modern history' - Washington Post

Washington Post

Hurricane Maria hammers Puerto Rico with force not seen in 'modern history'
Washington Post
SAN JUAN — Hurricane Maria roared ashore on Puerto Rico on Wednesday as the strongest storm to strike the island in more than 80 years while panicked residents fled to high ground and huddled in shelters hoping to withstand powerhouse winds that ...
Hurricane Maria makes landfall in Puerto RicoCNN
Hurricane Maria Makes Landfall on Puerto Rico as... Читать дальше...


Mexico had two major earthquakes this month. Here's why - CNN


Mexico had two major earthquakes this month. Here's why
(CNN) For the second time in two weeks, a powerful earthquake struck Mexico, toppling buildings, cracking highways and killing hundreds of people. Just like the deadly earthquake earlier this month, Tuesday's temblor caused heavy and prolonged rattling ...
Mexico City residents search through the night for survivors of quake that killed more than 200Washington Post
More than 200 dead after... Читать дальше...


Dollar eases in run-up to Fed decision; pound briefly rallies above $1.36 - MarketWatch


Dollar eases in run-up to Fed decision; pound briefly rallies above $1.36
The U.S. dollar slipped against major rivals Wednesday before investors hear the Federal Reserve's statement on interest rates and its massive bond-buying program, while the pound made a notable drive higher after British retail sales figures blew past ...
Global Markets Look to Fed MeetingWall Street Journal (subscription)
US Fed heading for uncharted waters... Читать дальше...


Central Mexico earthquake kills more than 200, topples buildings - CNN


Central Mexico earthquake kills more than 200, topples buildings
(CNN) Rescuers searched for survivors through the night after Tuesday's powerful earthquake shook Mexico City and surrounding states, killing scores and leaving many trapped under collapsed buildings. At least 216 people died in Mexico City -- the ...
Mexico: Huge earthquake topples buildings, killing more than 200BBC News
The Latest: Death toll rises to 226 from Mexico earthquakeWashington... Читать дальше...


Central Mexico earthquake kills more than 130, topples buildings - CNN


Central Mexico earthquake kills more than 130, topples buildings
(CNN) Rescuers combed through rubble Tuesday after a powerful earthquake killed scores and collapsed buildings in Mexico City and surrounding states on the anniversary of a devastating earthquake decades ago. At least 139 people died in the ...
Powerful Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Killing Over 100New York Times
Strong earthquake shakes Mexico, killing at least 139 peopleWashington... Читать дальше...


Puerto Rico governor: Still time to get to shelters before Hurricane Maria - CNN


Puerto Rico governor: Still time to get to shelters before Hurricane Maria
(CNN) There is still time for Puerto Ricans to get to a government-run shelter before powerful Hurricane Maria clobbers the island, Gov. Ricardo Rosselló told CNN late Tuesday. But the window of opportunity is closing. "There's still time ... but ...
Hurricane Maria hits Virgin Islands and bears down on Puerto RicoBBC News
Hurricane Maria Does 'Mind-Boggling' Damage to Dominica... Читать дальше...


Maria gains power as storm closes in on Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico - CNN


Maria gains power as storm closes in on Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico
(CNN) Puerto Rico, where more than 45,000 homes and businesses are still without power after Hurricane Irma, braced Tuesday night for an even more powerful blow as Maria headed directly for the US territory. Many of its 3.4 million residents live on ...
Puerto Rico braces for a potential direct hit from Hurricane MariaWashington Post
Hurricane Maria Does 'Mind-Boggling' Damage to Dominica... Читать дальше...


Trump defends 'America first' foreign policy at UN, threatens to 'totally destroy' North Korea - Washington Post

Washington Post

Trump defends 'America first' foreign policy at UN, threatens to 'totally destroy' North Korea
Washington Post
NEW YORK — President Trump on Tuesday delivered a toughly worded defense of his “America first” foreign policy in his inaugural address to the United Nations and threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea if necessary. The president, speaking at the ...
Anxious world lobbies Trump on Iran nuclear dealPolitico
Corey Lewandowski... Читать дальше...


GOP Leaders Signal Graham-Cassidy Support - U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report

GOP Leaders Signal Graham-Cassidy Support
U.S. News & World Report
Republicans are pushing forward with what may be their last chance to repeal Obamacare, as a bipartisan effort to stabilize the current law looks to have failed. By Gabrielle Levy, Political Reporter |Sept. 19, 2017, at 6:54 p.m.. GOP Leaders Signal ...
Cruel September shifts to DemocratsThe Hill
Democrats ask base for one more ACA rescue missionWashington Post
Jimmy Kimmel: Sen. Читать дальше...


Powerful Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Killing Dozens - New York Times

New York Times

Powerful Earthquake Strikes Mexico, Killing Dozens
New York Times
A deadly 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck close to Mexico City. It comes less than two weeks after the most powerful earthquake in Mexico in a century. By CHRIS CIRILLO on Publish Date September 19, 2017. Photo by Ronaldo Schemidt/Agence ...
Strong earthquake shakes Mexico, killing at least 40 peopleWashington Post
Central Mexico earthquake kills dozens, topples buildingsCNN
Major... Читать дальше...


Trump Vows to 'Totally Destroy' North Korea if It Threatens US - New York Times

New York Times

Trump Vows to 'Totally Destroy' North Korea if It Threatens US
New York Times
President Trump threatened to “totally destroy” North Korea, and said that Iran masked a corrupt dictatorship under “the false guise of a democracy.” By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Photo by Chang W. Lee/The New York Times. Watch in Times Video ». embed.
This is global TrumpismCNN
The most surprising thing about Trump's UN speechWashington Post
Twitter Trump and Teleprompter... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе на лучшее путешествие по Дальнему Востоку начнется в мае

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Денис Мацуев

Мацуев и симфонический оркестр Башкортостана выступят в Москве


Выгодный отдых в будни за городом

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