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Новости за 24.06.2016


Biggest losers: ‘Brexit’ is already hitting these companies

British business leaders warned for months that if U.K. voters chose to exile themselves from the European Union, there would be swift, negative consequences. On Friday, their fears were realized. The pound was hammered, bank stocks plunged, and investors preyed on companies that do a lot of business in the U.K. British Airways owner IAG […]


Booze & books! Barnes & Noble to serve beer & wine

Take that, Amazon! Barnes & Noble hopes that booze will lure book lovers back to its stores. Barnes & Noble announced Thursday that it planned to open four new concept stores this fiscal year that will have an expanded food menu — and also serve beer and wine. But no vodka. Sorry, Chelsea Handler. The […]


Dow plunges over 600 points as U.K. ‘earthquake’ crushes global markets

Investors around the world went into crisis mode as British voters chose to leave the European Union in a stunning decision with far-reaching implications. U.S. stocks followed plunging global markets. The Dow ended the day down 611 points, or over 3.4%, while the S&P 500 lost 3.6%. The Nasdaq composite index dropped 4.12%, and into […]


Anti-establishment tsunami sweeps Europe

The United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union is part of a tsunami of anti-establishment sentiment washing over a bitterly divided region. The decision upended global markets, led to UK Prime Minister David Cameron’s plans to resign and blew a cloud of uncertainty over Europe. And the UK isn’t alone. Anti-establishment leaders in France […]


Dow plunges 650 points as U.K. ‘earthquake’ crushes global markets

Investors around the world went into crisis mode as British voters chose to leave the European Union in a stunning decision with far-reaching implications. U.S. stocks followed plunging global markets. By late Friday afternoon, the Dow plummeted about 650 points, or over 3.5%, while the S&P 500 lost 3.4%. The Nasdaq composite index dropped 4.1% […]


The lessons of the Iran deal

Last summer, the international community reached a landmark agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Roughly one year later, Americans must ask ourselves: Has the deal succeeded? To receive relief from sanctions related to its nuclear program, Iran took a number of important steps. It […]


At least 14 dead in West Virginia flooding, governor says

At least 14 people have lost their lives in floodwaters raging through West Virginia, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin said at a news conference Friday. Trees and power lines fell as heavy thunderstorms sent creeks and rivers out of their banks, leaving many stranded residents waiting to be rescued. Forty-four counties declared a state of emergency […]


The next LGBT cause: gun control

The National Rifle Association, often thought of as a powerful, unbeatable special interest group, may have finally met its match. After the attack this month at a gay nightclub in Orlando — the deadliest modern mass shooting in the United States — dozens of LGBTQ groups joined with other organizations in calling for “more stringent […]


Brexit vote: Anger in the bedroom, joy on the streets

Shortly after 5 a.m. in the northwest London suburb of Harlesden, Toni Carlton rolled over in bed, picked up her cell phone and checked its news feed. And nearly burst into tears. “It felt like the world was ending right there,” said the 41-year-old childminder. “It sounds dramatic, but I just felt like burying my […]


Dow plunges almost 600 points as U.K. ‘earthquake’ crushes global markets

Investors around the world went into crisis mode as British voters chose to leave the European Union in a stunning decision with far-reaching implications. U.S. stocks followed plunging global markets. The Dow plummeted almost 600 points, or over 3.25%, while the S&P 500 lost 3.4% and the Nasdaq dropped 4%. The British pound plummeted close […]


Should Trump really celebrate ‘Brexit’?

Britain votes for “Brexit” and Donald Trump shows up in Scotland to open a golf course. It feels very strange watching this as a Briton. I can’t quite believe it’s all happening. I’m expecting to suddenly wake up and find Bobby Ewing in the shower. “It was only a dream!” Trump is pleased with Britain’s […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Clearfield State police reported an incident of disorderly conduct that occurred Wednesday on private property on Roy Mays Road in Pike Township. Further, an Olanta woman allegedly withheld information on the whereabouts of a suspect who had caused bodily injury to another person. She was cited through the district court as a […]


RNC Rules Committee stocked with stalwarts

The long-shot effort to pass rules at the Republican National Convention that would unbind delegates and allow them to vote for someone other than Donald Trump will face even longer odds given the make-up of the Rules Committee. Members of the convention committee that will draft the rules in Cleveland in July were given the […]


House Republicans call for postcard-simple tax returns

Simplify the tax code and whittle down the tax return to the size of a postcard. Lower tax rates. Expand key tax breaks and eliminate most others. That’s what a tax reform blueprint put out by House Republicans on Friday promises to do. The blueprint doesn’t say how much money the reformed tax code would […]


Obituary Notice: Andrew P. Hess Sr.

Andrew P. Hess Sr., 80, of Clearfield died Saturday, May 28, 2016 at Mountain Laurel Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, Clearfield. Mr. Hess was born April 1, 1936, the son of Amos L. and Ruth A. (Johnson) Hess. He had worked for the former tannery in Curwensville and Zimmerman’s Concrete. He is survived by five children, […]


Disney beaches reopen; state believes it caught killer gator

Walt Disney World reopened its beaches to guests Thursday, a source at the Florida theme park with knowledge of the situation told CNN. The move comes more than a week after an alligator snatched a boy, Lane Graves, from a beach behind the Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, killing him. The beaches will open one […]


J.K. Rowling, James Corden react to shocking Brexit

British celebrities flooded Twitter with their reactions to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union after 43 years. Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling wrote that she was disappointed: “I don’t think I’ve ever wanted magic more.” While, actress Elizabeth Hurley appeared to be elated with the news and wrote “birds are singing.” The opinions were […]


Trump on Brexit: America is next

British voters just shattered political convention in a stunning repudiation of the ruling establishment. Donald Trump is betting America is about to do the same. Voters in the UK did more than reject the European Union and topple their pro-EU Prime Minister David Cameron in a referendum Thursday. They also set off a cascade of […]


UK Brexit vote triggers global financial, political havoc

The UK has voted to leave the European Union in a historic referendum that triggered the resignation of British Prime Minister David Cameron and wreaked havoc on global markets. There was a mixture of jubilation and tearful disbelief in the UK as people awoke Friday to the final verdict in the extremely close vote that […]


Bernie Sanders: I’ll probably vote for Clinton

Bernie Sanders said Friday he will likely vote for Hillary Clinton for president in November, the strongest expression of support yet from the Vermont senator, but he left the door open that he could change his mind. “In all likelihood, it will be Hillary Clinton,” Sanders told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” Sanders said […]


UK votes for Brexit: What the hell just happened — and what could be next?

As dawn broke over the UK Friday, Britons woke to the tremors of a political earthquake the likes of which most had never felt before. After one of the bitterest political campaigns in recent UK history, voters backed a British exit — a “Brexit” — from the European Union, turning their back on decades of […]


UK PM David Cameron’s resignation speech in full

British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced his resignation after voters in the UK’s referendum backed a “Brexit” from the EU. This is the full text of his speech outside 10 Downing Street: “Good morning everyone. The country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise, perhaps the biggest in our history. “Over 33 […]


This is Brexit: London and European stocks get crushed

Stocks in London and Europe are plunging headlong into one of their biggest falls in years after the U.K. voted to leave the European Union. London FTSE 100 index has plunged as much as 8%, the biggest fall since 2008, before recovering slightly to trade 5% down. The pound has dropped to its lowest level […]


Brexit: David Cameron to quit as Prime Minister

David Cameron has announced he will leave his role as prime minister in the wake of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Cameron, who had championed the Remain campaign, made the announcement outside 10 Downing Street Friday as the pound fell to its lowest level against the dollar since 1985 following the result. […]


PM Cameron resigns as UK votes to leave EU

David Cameron has announced his resignation as Prime Minister following the UK’s historic vote to leave the EU. He refused to give an exact time table for his departure, but said that he wanted a new leader to be in place by the start of the Tory Party conference in October. In his statement, delivered […]

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Экология в России и мире

Озоновые Дыры: Вызов современности, Взгляд Романа Терещенко

Путин в России и мире

Кировчанин с позывным Струна стоял рядом с Владимиром Путиным 9 Мая в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко вернулся с парада Победы в Минск: "Ядерный апокалипсис неминуем"

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкову спасли на Мальдивах после новости о рождении сына у Вдовина


Российское тактическое ядерное оружие: вот теперь действительно страшно

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