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Новости за 07.06.2016


From life sentence to White House guest: one ex-con’s journey

He looked at prison like a chess game: a thinking game that could be outsmarted. Chris Wilson was sentenced to life in prison for murder at age 17. These days, he’s a free man who heads up two Baltimore companies and has been honored at the White House twice in the past month. He’s currently […]


Show rape victim’s letter to your sons

I just finished reading one of the most powerful things I’ve ever seen. If you’ve already seen it, you likely feel the same way: It is riveting. It’s raw. I hung on every single word. It is the 12-page victim impact statement written by a woman who was raped in January 2015 on the Stanford […]


India moves toward U.S. on climate change

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi committed to attempting to ratify the Paris climate change agreement by the end of this year following a meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House Tuesday. The announcement was made in a statement after the meeting, where climate change was the main focus. India “has begun its processes […]


U.S.: Chinese jet makes ‘unsafe’ intercept of Air Force plane

A U.S. Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft flying Tuesday in international airspace over the East China Sea was intercepted in an “unsafe manner” by a Chinese J-10 fighter jet, several defense officials tell CNN. The Chinese jet was never closer than 100 feet to the U.S. aircraft, but it flew with a “high rate of […]


ISIS clams responsibility in Hindu priest’s hacking death in Bangladesh

A 70-year-old Hindu priest was hacked to death Tuesday in southwestern Bangladesh, police say. ISIS released a statement saying its “soldiers of the caliphate” are responsible for the priest’s death. “God willing, the knives of Mujahedeen will continue until we cleanse Bangladesh from the wrath of polytheism,” the statement said. The priest, Ananda Gopal Ganguly, […]


Companies must pay $67 million in settlement over cancer drug claims

Two pharmaceutical companies owe $67 million as a part of a federal court settlement over allegations that they made misleading claims about a drug used to treat lung cancer. The companies are Genentech, which is based in South San Francisco and is now a part of the Roche Group, and Farmingdale, New York-based OSI Pharmaceuticals, […]


Leopard escapes from Salt Lake City zoo exhibit

A 4-year-old leopard escaped from an exhibit at Salt Lake City’s Hogle Zoo on Tuesday morning, a zoo official said. “Per our safety protocol, our staff jumped into action and escorted all guests into indoor buildings,” community relations manager Erica Hansen said. Emergency teams found the Amur leopard, named Zeya, and tranquilized her, Hansen said. […]


Graham: Trump’s judge comments ‘un-American’

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said Tuesday that Donald Trump’s criticism of a judge with Mexican heritage is an example of playing “the race card” and is “very un-American.” “I don’t think he’s racist but he’s playing the race card. And in the political process he’s putting the race card on the table,” he told […]


Keurig discontinues Kold brewer and offers refunds

Keurig is discontinuing its new Kold brewer and offering refunds to customers who bought the product. The company also said Monday that it will lay off 130 workers, mostly in Vermont where the company is headquartered. Spokesperson Suzanne DuLong said “the majority” of affected employees were involved with Kold’s manufacturing or support team, and the […]


Cheapest summer gas in 12 years

Summer gas prices are expected to be at their lowest level in 12 years, according to a government forecast released Tuesday. Gas is expected to average $2.27 a gallon nationwide during the April through September summer driving season, according to the Energy Information Administration. That’s down 36 cents, or 13%, from gas prices last summer. […]


11 killed in car bombing targeting police bus in Istanbul

A car bomb attack targeting a police bus killed 11 people, including seven police officers, Tuesday in the historic center of Istanbul, officials said. Four civilians were among the dead in the morning rush-hour attack in Istanbul’s Beyazit Vezneciler district, Istanbul Gov. Vasip Sahin told reporters. The explosion, which occurred about 8.40 a.m. local time, […]


Graham to Trump backers: ‘If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it’

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham urged Republicans backing Donald Trump to rescind their endorsements following the presumptive Republican nominee’s comments about judges’ ethnicity and religion. “This is the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy,” Graham told The New York Times regarding Trump’s comments. “If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is […]


Pelosi endorses Clinton on Clalifornia primary day

The House’s top Democrat, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, endorsed Hillary Clinton Tuesday, shortly after Clinton locked up the Democratic nomination and as voters head to the polls in Pelosi’s home state. “I’m a voter in California and I have voted for Hillary Clinton for president of the United States and I’m proud to endorse her […]


Gorilla killing: Cincinnati Zoo exhibit to reopen with new barrier

The gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo is set to reopen to the public Tuesday, 10 days after handlers killed one of its inhabitants when a 3-year-old boy wriggled into the enclosure. The exhibit will have a new barrier meant to make it more difficult for members of the public to get into the habitat, […]


The girls learning science in defiance of Boko Haram

Stella Uzochukwu, a former electronics engineer, is doing something profound. She is teaching girls how to code in defiance of Boko Haram, whose brutal crusade against western-style education — among other things — has robbed children of education in northern Nigeria. School girls in the Odyssey Educational Foundation’s after school STEM program are being encouraged […]


Lululemon founder says company has ‘lost its way’

Yoga apparel maker lululemon is having a pretty good year. The stock is up nearly 30%. And analysts are expecting it will report a sales increase of 15% from a year ago when it announces its first quarter results on Wednesday. But that apparently isn’t enough to satisfy lululemon founder and former chairman Chip Wilson. […]


Only 7% of firefighters are women. She wants to change that

Firefighter Erin Regan is used to being the only woman on the job. It doesn’t bother her. But it is a constant reminder that firefighting is still an overwhelmingly male-dominated profession. There are over 1.1 million firefighters in the United States. Only 7% are women, according to the National Fire Protection Association. “I realize that […]


These workers are getting raises

Who says no one is getting a raise? One of the pervasive narratives in recent years is that wage growth has been weak. Average hourly earnings increased only slightly in the years after the recession ended in 2009, before picking up modestly in 2015, according to federal Department of Labor data. But government data provides […]


11 killed in Istanbul car bomb

At least 11 people were killed and 36 injured Tuesday when a car bomb targeted a police bus in the historic center of Istanbul, the Istanbul governor told reporters. The death toll included seven police officers and four civilians. “Today at around 8:40, in our neighborhood of Vezneciler, an attack by a car bomb on […]


Hindu priest hacked to death in Bangladesh, police say

A 70-year-old Hindu priest was hacked to death in southwestern Bangladesh Tuesday morning, police say. The priest was on his way to temple when he was attacked by assailants in an open field in a secluded part of a village in the country’s Jhenaidah district. Developing story – more to come


Luxury brand Lancome accused of caving in to China pressure

French luxury brand Lancome has been accused of ditching an outspoken celebrity from its promotional activities to please China. The cosmetics line, owned by L’Oreal, recently canceled a promotional concert in Hong Kong featuring popular local singer Denise Ho, who has spoken out on a range of controversial political issues concerning China. The move prompted […]


Hunting for humans: Malawian albinos murdered for their bones

For Agness Jonathan, every day is a gamble with her children’s lives. Simple questions like whether they should go to school carry an unimaginable risk of death and dismemberment to satisfy a barbaric demand. This is because her daughters are living with albinism, a genetic condition resulting in little or no pigmentation in the skin, […]


‘I am okay’: Japanese boy lost for six days leaves hospital

Yamato Tanooka, the Japanese boy who was missing in woods for six days, has been released from hospital on the northern Japanese island of Hokkaido. The seven-year old left Hakodate City Hospital with his parents on Tuesday afternoon, carrying a large card shaped like a baseball filled with messages from well-wishers. The boy answered reporters’ […]


‘Race against time’ to save thousands of refugees from war-torn Falluja

Aid workers face a “race against time” to provide critical support to Falluja residents who have managed to flee the violence that has engulfed their city, according to a group of NGOs led by UNICEF. As Iraqi forces attempt to wrest back control from ISIS, the World Food Program (WFP), the International Organization for Migration […]

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Экология в России и мире

Прием заявок на участие в конкурсе на лучшее путешествие по Дальнему Востоку начнется в мае

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о догазификации СНТ  

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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В Москве арестован на пять суток историк-публицист Сергеев за пост памяти Навального

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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