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Новости за 13.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Gaza aid fund explored, second ship to leave Cyprus

Cyprus is preparing to send a second ship with aid to Gaza, while it is exploring creating a common fund to support the maritime corridor, Foreign Minister Constantinos Kombos announced on Wednesday. Kombos was making statements after a video conference with his US, UK, Qatar and UAE counterparts, along with...

Cyprus Mail 

Dutch politician Wilders says he is ready to forego job of prime minister

Dutch politician Geert Wilders said on Wednesday he was ready to forego the job of prime minister in an effort to facilitate the formation of a new right-wing government, nearly four months after an election in which his party won most votes. Wilders has been in talks with potential allies since...

Cyprus Mail 

CySEC oversight on 50 companies ‘unacceptable’

Oversight on 50 of the biggest service-industry firms is not the way to ensure compliance, Bar Association chairman Michalis Vorkas charged on Wednesday. Making distinctions based on how small or large the company is should not be the criterion to determine whether a firm is scrutinised for compliance, he argued...

Cyprus Mail 

Adidas posts first loss in 30 years

German sportswear giant Adidas posted its first annual loss in more than 30 years on Wednesday and warned sales in North America would fall again as sportswear retailers in the U.S. struggle with high inventories. Adidas has been battling to right itself after it cut ties with Kanye West in October 2022,...

Cyprus Mail 

Accessibility in love

Continuing to shine a light on female voices in contemporary theatre, which began with Lena Kitsopoulou’s play CRY, the Larnaca 2030 team presents the work Bodies We Fall For next. On March 29, two young women will unfold their truth and the raw, accessible, and inclusive reality about finding Love....

Cyprus Mail 

EMERGE project successfully concludes

By Hanna Yerega The EMERGE project, a collaborative initiative aimed at advancing civic participation and active citizenship in Cyprus, proudly announces its successful conclusion. Led by CARDET and Koumanto Stin Tsepi Sou, the EMERGE project has achieved significant milestones over the course of two years, making a visible contribution in...

Cyprus Mail 

More aid to be sent from Cyprus to Gaza as sea route gains acceptance

A second shipment of aid will be sent from Cyprus to Gaza in coming days, its foreign minister said on Wednesday, citing growing acceptance the island could play a pivotal role in delivering supplies by sea to the shattered Palestinian enclave. A ship carrying almost 200 tonnes of food aid for Gaza left Cyprus on Tuesday,...

Cyprus Mail 

Israeli parliament approves amended 2024 budget to fund Gaza war

Israeli lawmakers gave their final approval on Wednesday to an amended 2024 state budget that adds tens of billions of shekels to fund Israel‘s war against the Islamist Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza, as the conflict runs into its sixth month. The amended budget adds more spending on defence and compensation to households and businesses hurt...

Cyprus Mail 

New costumes in revamped torch lighting ceremony for Paris

Next month’s Paris 2024 Olympics flame lighting ceremony in ancient Olympia will showcase a new high priestess, redesigned costumes and fresh music as Greece looks to revamp the traditional ceremony. The flame will be lit on April 16 in ancient Olympia, birthplace of the Games. In a traditional ceremony, actress Mary...

Cyprus Mail 

Deryneia’s Agia Marina open Green Monday

Members of the public were granted access by the United Nations to visit Agia Marina Chapel in Famagusta’s buffer zone on Green Monday, Deryneia municipality announced on Wednesday. “The chapel will open for pilgrimage, while excursionists will have the opportunity to rejoice and enjoy the enchanting nature with Famagusta as...

Cyprus Mail 

New Nicosia court buildings in five years

Construction of the new Nicosia District Court buildings will be completed in five years, Transport Minister Alexis Vafeades said on Wednesday, following a House legal committee meeting. The meeting was also attended by Justice Minister Marios Hartsiotis. In his initial statement before the committee, Hartsiotis referred to a long-standing problem...

Cyprus Mail 

Woman arrested in north scandal handed public sector job

Meray Durust, who was arrested as part of investigations into the north’s “fake diploma scandal”, has begun work in a new public sector role. Durust was arrested alongside her husband and former ‘education minister’ Kemal Durust last month, accused of having falsely obtained a degree from the now-infamous Cyprus Health...

Cyprus Mail 

Christodoulides visits Mount Athos

President Nikos Christodoulides is in Thessaloniki on Wednesday, where he is set to visit with Greek officials before heading to the Mount Athos monastery. The Mount Athos monastery is known as the Virgin Mary’s Garden, and legend has it she visited the site before her death. Her belt, a relic...

Cyprus Mail 

Government offers money for upgrade of processing units

The Council of Ministers on Wednesday approved a budget of €25 million for the creation, modernisation, and digital upgrade of processing units for the marketing of agricultural products. The plan is part of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, set to span from 2021 to 2026, and is designed to...

Cyprus Mail 

Platform set up to evaluate business’ ESG compliance

The introduction of a reliable tool for assessing the degree of compliance with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) criteria that companies must meet to ensure their sustainable development, will be introduced by banking and financial institutions. The Cyprus Credit Bureau, in collaboration with Cyprus Banks Association and ICAP CRIF, will use...

Cyprus Mail 

Barbershop bomb suspect remanded

A 42-year-old man was apprehended this morning on a warrant and remanded in custody as part of an ongoing investigation to a bomb that exploded in a barbershop in Nicosia on Sunday evening. Police spokesman Christos Andreou confirmed on Monday that the explosion resulted from an explosive device strategically placed in...

Cyprus Mail 

House to vote on expansion of pre-primary education

Parliament is expected next week to vote on the expansion of free and compulsory pre-primary education to include children aged four years old and above. The planned vote comes after Education Minister Athena Michaelidou sent a letter to the House Education committee with instructions to move the matter forward, with...

Cyprus Mail 

Incentive plans for jobs for unemployed

Cabinet on Wednesday approved two incentive plans for the employment and training of 1,265 unemployed people. The total budget of the two projects approved amounts to €11,694,000, with the costs divided between them at €7,824,00 and €3,870,000. After the cabinet meeting, Labour Minister Yiannis Panayiotou said the projects were amongst...

Cyprus Mail 

Cabinet approves 1,000 electric car chargers

The cabinet on Wednesday approved the creation of 1,000 charging stations for electric vehicles. The transport ministry is responsible for dealing with implementation of the project, which is intended to encourage wider electric vehicle adoption. The project is part of the Cyprus Recovery and Resilience Plan, with a policy focus...

Cyprus Mail 

Italy to set up AI fund of 1 billion euros, PM says

Italy plans to set up an investment fund with an initial endowment of 1 billion euros ($1.09 billion) to promote Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on Tuesday. Backed by CDP Venture Capital, a unit of state lender Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), the fund could raise...

Cyprus Mail 

Wall Gallery artist’s works to adorn Oncology Centre

For the seventh straight year, The Wall Gallery is reshaping the interior of the Bank of Cyprus Oncology Centre, improving the ambience for patients, while also offering young artists living in Cyprus the chance to showcase their work. Having become something of an institution, The Wall Gallery has been transforming...

Cyprus Mail 

Cabinet approves subsidy for relatives of patients sent abroad

Cabinet on Wednesday approved a plan to cover the travel, accommodation and food expenses of one family member who accompanies a patient sent abroad to receive medical treatment. Speaking after the cabinet meeting, Health Minister Michalis Damianos expressed his satisfaction with the plan’s approval, saying the request for such expenses...

Cyprus Mail 

Health affairs commissioner honoured

The Council of Europe (CoE) honoured health affairs commissioner Stella Kyriakidou as one of the 75 outstanding women for their significant contributions to the advancement of human rights. This recognition is part of a campaign commemorating the 75th anniversary of the organization’s establishment. The selection aims to highlight the crucial...

Cyprus Mail 

Celestyal revamps fleet’s specialty dining options

Celestyal has updated the specialty restaurant menus on its two-ship fleet. The news comes following Celestyal Discovery’s recent maiden voyage and the refurbishment of Celestyal Journey. The Mediterranean style brasserie, Grill Seekers, is available for dinner on both ships, offering: Brazilian Picanha steak, American Wagyu, Argentinian Black Angus beef, Australian...

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

В этот день ровно 30 лет назад будущий президент Российской Федерации был гидом будущего короля Великобритании в экскурсии по Ленинграду

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Бердымухамедов в Казани пригласил Гергиева на гастроли в Туркменистан


В марте в экспортных и импортных расчётах РФ доля рубля впервые превысила 40 процентов

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