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Новости за 04.03.2024

Cyprus Mail 

Ioannou implores EU to consider parts of Syria safe

Interior Minister Constantinos Ioannou on Monday implored his European Union counterparts to re-evaluate the status of parts of Syria and consider parts of the war-torn country as “safe”. Speaking at the EU’s justice and internal affairs council, he stressed “the need to re-evaluate the existing status of Syria and to...

Cyprus Mail 

Man arrested a year after attempted murder

Police on Monday announced the arrest of a 30-year-old man in connection with an attempted murder which had taken place in March last year. The man was arrested after having allegedly attacked someone with a knife in Nicosia on March 5, 2023, and was arrested on Saturday. The man who...

Cyprus Mail 

North’s air traffic control goes on strike (Update)

Air traffic control staff in the north announced an immediate strike on Monday evening to show their dissatisfaction with the state of Ercan (Tymbou) airport. The strike is set to continue until 8.30am on Tuesday, with evening and early morning flights to and from the north cancelled. The north’s air...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus risks losing EU funds over smart meters

Authorities in Cyprus risk losing out on EU funds unless they quickly come to a final arrangement concerning the purchase and installation of smart meters, the boss at the Electricity Authority of Cyprus (EAC) told lawmakers on Monday. Giorgos Petrou, chairman of the board at the EAC, was speaking in...

Cyprus Mail 

Nicosia gets funky

Get ready for a night of electrifying performances as three of Cyprus’ top bands come together for one music-filled evening, part of the LeFUNKosia event. Taking over a downtown Nicosia spot, Stou Teli, music enthusiasts will get to enjoy Nabuma, Fuzz Bus, and Alexis Sunder and The Sundercats this Saturday,...

Cyprus Mail 

Greek Cypriot back in north court after sexual assault

The Greek Cypriot arrested in the north for sexually assaulting a male hitchhiker appeared in court in the north for the second time on Monday. The man, aged 69, reportedly sexually assaulted the 20-year-old hitchhiker after picking him up on the Near East Boulevard outside of northern Nicosia. It had...

Cyprus Mail 

Over 70% in north overweight or obese

Over 70 per cent of people in the north are overweight or obese, the north’s ‘health minister’ Hakan Dincyurek said on Monday. Speaking on the occasion of World Obesity Day, he explained that studies had shown 33.8 per cent of people over the age of 18 in the north are...

Cyprus Mail 

Former financial ombudsman to run as Elam MEP

Former financial ombudsman Pavlos Ioannou will run as MEP on the Elam ticket, the far-right party announced on Monday. Ioannou will be classed as candidate “according to merit” and has accepted the platform available to him through Elam, the party added. During Ioannou’s 10-year term he demonstrated his ability to...

Cyprus Mail 

Organised crime in Cyprus ‘no longer has any inhibitions’

Organised crime has grown to a ‘worrying’ scale, and all elements of society must come together to contain it, speakers said at a workshop held on Monday. The remarks came at one-day seminar organised by the bar association and the Department of Law of the University of Cyprus. Speaking on...

Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus at risk of terror attack – Diko

The foreign ministry has not allayed concerns that Cyprus is at risk for a terror attack over the use of the British Bases, Diko MP Christos Orphanides charged on Monday. Orphanides had written to permanent secretary of the foreign ministry Kyriacos Kouros, arguing that the use of the Akrotiri bases...

Cyprus Mail 

Tatar decries UN Resolution 186 on Unficyp anniversary

Turkish Cypriot Leader Ersin Tatar on Monday decried the United Nations Security Council Resolution 186 on the anniversary of its passage. The resolution, which passed through the Security Council on March 4, 1964, created the UN’s Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp), but also made reference to the “Government of Cyprus”,...

Cyprus Mail 

Deposit interest rates decrease in January, according to CBC

The Central Bank of Cyprus (CBC) on Monday released a report revealing a decline in deposit interest rates in January 2024, alongside a mixed picture in interest rates for key loan categories. According to the CBC’s January statistics, interest rates for household time deposits, maturing within one year, saw a...

Cyprus Mail 

Andrestinos Papadopoulos dead at 88

Cypriot diplomat Andrestinos Papadopoulos died on Sunday at the age of 88, following a battle with cancer. Papadopoulos was born in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in 1936, and went on to study in Athens, Geneva and London. He served as the Cypriot foreign ministry’s director of political affairs, before...

Cyprus Mail 

Zahra street fight suspects ‘were handing out golf clubs’

Two of the suspects accused of being a part of a mass brawl which took place on Zahra street in Nicosia’s old town in the north “were handing out golf clubs from their car” to other fighters, it was heard in court on Monday. The pair were apparently handing the...

Cyprus Mail 

EU supports Cyprus’ humanitarian Gaza corridor

The European Commission will support Cyprus’ initiative to implement a maritime humanitarian corridor, its president Ursula von der Leyen said on Monday. Her post on X came after a call she had with President Nikos Christodoulides, which she described as “excellent”. “The EU Commission will support the implementation of Cyprus’...

Cyprus Mail 

University of Nicosia and Junior Achievement highlight business education

For the second consecutive year, the University of Nicosia and Junior Achievement Cyprus co-organised the World Conference on Business Education, with the theme “Development of Business Skills”. This event took place on March 1, at the University of Nicosia and was held under the auspices of the Minister of Education,...

Cyprus Mail 

UK Conservatives’ support lowest in 46 years in new poll

Support for the governing Conservative Party has fallen to the lowest level in more than four decades as a general election draws nearer in an opinion poll published on Monday, as another former minister announced he was quitting parliament. An Ipsos poll put support for the Conservatives, in power for...

Cyprus Mail 

Shriner’s team in Cyprus to perform child operations

A team from Shriners Children’s are in Cyprus to perform surgical procedures and examine children with orthopedic diseases. Shriners Children’s, operated by Shriners International in Florida is a network of non-profit medical facilities across North America. It specialises in orthopedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries and cleft lip and palate....

Cyprus Mail 

MSPS toasts revamped identity, philosophy at new offices

MSPS Cyprus unveiled its new offices and renewed brand identity and philosophy on February 29, 2024, in a convivial evening full of music, in the presence of distinguished guests from Cyprus and abroad. Celebrating at its new premises on Archbishop Makarios III Avenue, in the heart of Nicosia’s business centre, the...

Cyprus Mail 

Celestyal Cruises and the Cyprus Maritime Academy sign cooperation agreement

Celestyal Cruises and the Cyprus Maritime Academy on Monday announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, marking a significant collaboration in the realm of maritime education. Under this agreement, Celestyal commits to offering full scholarships to aspiring cadets of the Cyprus Maritime Academy, thereby affirming the company’s dedication to...

Cyprus Mail 

Greens include Turkish Cypriot on Euro-election ballot

The Green party has included a Turkish Cypriot, Oz Karahan, on its ballot for June’s European elections. They have become only the second political party represented in parliament to do so, with Akel having been the first with Niyazi Kizilyurek in 2019. This year’s elections will represent Karahan’s second run...

Cyprus Mail 

SEC to decide on Bitcoin ETF Options Trading; Anticipation builds for Dogecoin challenger’s Uniswap debut

The world of cryptocurrency is abuzz with anticipation as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) prepares to make a crucial decision regarding trading Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) options. Simultaneously, excitement is building among investors for the highly anticipated debut of Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) on Uniswap, marking a significant moment for...

Cyprus Mail 

Hamas presses on with Gaza truce talks without Israelis

Hamas said on Monday it was pressing on with talks on securing a ceasefire in Gaza despite Israel‘s decision not to attend, while Washington appeared to take a tougher line in demanding its ally Israel ease the plight of suffering civilians. The ceasefire talks, which began on Sunday in Cairo, are billed as...

Cyprus Mail 

A timeline of Boeing’s 737 MAX crisis

The latest black eye for Boeing’s top-selling 737 MAX aircraft occurred in January when a cabin panel blowout forced an Alaska Airlines (ALK.N) flight to make an emergency landing. US regulators briefly grounded certain planes for safety checks. That’s not as severe a move as the grounding of all MAX-family...

Cyprus Mail 

The Cyprus chronicles: our vanishing island

‘Soon, it will be too late for us.’ Calling across the miles to Limassol and Larnaca, London and Melbourne, one young creator is attempting to preserve what remains of the true Cyprus finds ALIX NORMAN “When I lived abroad, hardly anyone knew Cyprus existed!” says Chara Nicolaou. “And if I...

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Экология в России и мире

Цифровая Эпоха и ПМСОФТ: стратегическое партнерство для создания экосистемы управления промышленными проектами

Путин в России и мире

«Настоящая дружба». Почему китаянка Гун восхищена визитом Путина в КНР

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск поддерживает Баку: планы по строительству агрогородка в Карабахе – ОБНОВЛЕНО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Mash: певец Сергей Шнуров задолжал ФНС больше 4,5 млн рублей

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