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Новости за 05.10.2018


10 cities where it's the cheapest to get a startup off the ground

  • Startups are prominent in cities like San Francisco, New York City, or Washington DC — but those are also among the most expensive places to start a new business. 
  • Depending on your industry, it can be advantageous to start a business in one of the US cities with the lowest costs. 
  • SmartAsset ranked the cities with the lowest startup costs based on cost of filing fees, office space rentals, utilities, lawyers, accountants, and payroll for five employees.
  • Tennessee... Читать дальше...


A new Nintendo patent shows how a smartphone case could turn your phone into a working Game Boy


  • Nintendo filed a US patent for a Game Boy-style phone case in March 2018.
  • The case is designed to turn a smartphone's touchscreen into a functioning Game Boy with a working control pad and buttons.
  • Nintendo does not currently have any Game Boy software available for Android or iOS devices, but the case design suggests that a line of handheld games are on the way.

Nintendo has filed a patent for a phone case that would turn your touch screen into a Game Boy with functioning buttons. Читать дальше...


Bitcoin 101: Your essential guide to cryptocurrency

Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is everywhere.

The cryptocurrency is seemingly in the news every day as investors and businesses try to understand the future of this digital finance.

But what is Bitcoin all about?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • The Podcast Report: How brands and marketers can tap into the future of audio
  • Cybersecurity startup Tanium raises $200 million
  • Facebook Marketplace is getting an AI facelift


Indian rupee sinks to record low after central bank unexpectedly holds rates

Thomson Reuters

  • India's central bank unexpectedly left rates unchanged Friday.
  • The  Indian rupee fell to a record low following the announcement. 
  • Watch the Indian rupee trade in real time here.

India's central bank unexpectedly held rates steady at 6.5% on Friday sending the rupee to a record low. 

More than half of analysts surveyed by Reuters had forecast the Reserve Bank of India would raise its key interest rate. The rupee sank to an all... Читать дальше...


Senate votes to advance embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to a final vote

Zach Gibson/Getty Images

  • The US Senate has voted to invoke cloture on the confirmation of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh by a narrow 51-49 margin.
  • Kavanaugh is now guaranteed a final vote after no more than 30 hours of floor debate, meaning the final floor vote on his confirmation could occur as soon as Saturday night. 
  • Kavanaugh's nomination has been tainted by two allegations of sexual assault against him from the early 1980s, culminating in emotional... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump Jr. leaves the door open for a possible run for office of his own: 'I'm never going to rule anything out'

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

  • Donald Trump Jr. left the door open to a future run for office.
  • He has flirted with running for office in the past.
  • President Donald Trump has dismissed past speculation about his son running for office.

President Donald Trump's eldest son Donald Trump Jr. told NBC News that he wouldn't rule out his own run for office sometime in the future.

Trump Jr., a senior executive at the Trump Organization, has been traveling the... Читать дальше...


How Hollywood shoots car chases

See Also:

  • This 13-pound burger feeds 6 people
  • Clock Shadow Creamery makes Milwaukee's best cheese curds
  • 10 of the most terrifying fictional serial killers in TV and movies


Apartments are now available inside the world's skinniest skyscraper — take a look

Hayes Davidson

The world's skinniest skyscraper will soon open up in New York City.

Rising more than 1,400 feet above the ground, 111 W. 57th Street features a facade made from bronze and terra cotta. Its height-to-width ratio, 24:1, makes it the skinniest tower in the world. The new structure stands on top of the historic Steinway Hall, which has been called a "timeless monument to classical music and architecture" by New York City's Landmarks Preservation Commission.

Kevin Maloney... Читать дальше...


I spent 7 years working in finance and managed a $1.3 billion portfolio — here are the 5 best pieces of investing advice I can give you

Chelsea Brennan

  • Former investment manager Chelsea Brennan was managing a $1.3 billion portfolio when she left her seven-year career in finance.
  • During her time on Wall Street and working at a hedge fund, she learned how to invest wisely.
  • Here, she shares her best investing advice — which includes knowing your goals without assuming you have it all figured out, the importance of index funds, and being prepared for the long-term road ahead and worst case scenarios. Читать дальше...


The American Bar Association is re-evaluating Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's 'well-qualified' rating ahead of the Senate vote to confirm him

Erin Schaff-Pool/Getty Images

  • The American Bar Association informed the Senate Judiciary Committee on Friday that it was re-evaluating Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's "well-qualified" rating following his testimony on sexual assault allegations against him.
  • Kavanaugh was criticized for coming across as overly emotional, partisan, and biased when defending himself against allegations he sexually assaulted Christine Blasey Ford at a Maryland house party in 1982. 
  • The National Council of Churches... Читать дальше...


9 outfits that violated dress codes in American schools


In 1969, the US Supreme Court ruled that when it comes to school dress codes, "Students don't shed their constitutional rights at the school house gates." But the struggle between school administrators' policies and students' individuality continues.

Students and parents are pushing back against dress codes that disproportionately affect female students, who are often told that their manner of dress is too distracting to boys and miss class time to face disciplinary action. Читать дальше...


Ariana Grande posted a photo that sparked speculation that she's pregnant — but she explained that it's not what it seems

Mike Windle/Getty Images

  • Ariana Grande recently posted a photo that appeared to show a baby crib in the background.
  • Many fans, including fellow singer Katy Perry, speculated that the photo could mean Grande is pregnant.
  • Grande clarified, however, that the crib is actually a playpen for her pet pig.

Ariana Grande recently sparked pregnancy reports with a recent photo that appeared to show a baby crib in the background.

The photo in question, posted on Thursday... Читать дальше...


5 little-known facts about George Washington and the winter at Valley Forge

John Ward Dunsmore/Wikimedia Commons

  • A new book on Valley Forge, by Bob Drury and Tom Clavin, was published on October 2, 2018. 
  • The book details what happened during the winter of 1777. 
  • Below are five facts that emerged from the book.

1. Valley Forge was not the coldest winter of the Revolution

Yes, 250 years of illustrations have portrayed a Continental Army perpetually snowbound in its winter encampment. Yet historical records confirm that the winter of 1777 ... Читать дальше...


„Müsste überlegen, ob ich auswandere“: Frank Thelen erklärt sein Albtraum-Szenario für Deutschland

In Sachen Digitalisierung schneidet Deutschland im EU-weiten Vergleich gerade einmal mittelmäßig ab. Ein seit Mai bestehendes „Innovation Council“ unter Digitalisierungsministerin Dorothee Bär soll das ändern. Mit dabei: Frank Thelen, Investor und Geschäftsführer der Risikokapital-Firma „Freigeist Capital“. Die meisten kennen ihn als Juror in der Fernsehsendung „Die Höhle der Löwen“. Zusammen mit anderen deutschen Gründern und Unternehmenschefs versucht Thelen im Council nun, Deutschland digital voranzubringen. Читать дальше...


Lidl nimmt ein Produkt aus dem Sortiment, das bei vielen Kunden nicht mehr gut ankommt

Lidl stellt sein Sortiment um und nimmt als erster großer Händler in Deutschland ein Produkt aus den Regalen, auf dass viele Kunden bereits verzichten. Wie das Unternehmen in einer Pressemitteilung erklärt, wird Lidl sein Bananen-Angebot sukzessive auf Fairtrade umstellen. Konventionelle Bananen, die kein Fairtrade-Siegel haben, soll es künftig bei dem Discounter nicht mehr geben. Fairtrade wird für viele Kunden ohnehin immer wichtiger beim Einkauf. 

Читать дальше...


MoviePass' parent company just freed up some room to sell more stock — after already increasing its share count by 80,000% since July (HMNY)

Hollis Johnson/Business Insider

  • Helios and Matheson, the parent of MoviePass, is required to reserve millions of shares of stock as part of a series of debt agreements.
  • The company's creditors have agreed to reduce the number of shares it has to set aside.
  • The move could free the company up to sell new shares to the public, something it's done repeatedly to stay in business.
  • However, the agreement came around the same time that the investment bank that has... Читать дальше...


How self-driving cars are poised to move into the mainstream and upend the automotive industry

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The self-driving car is no longer a futuristic fantasy. Consumers can already buy vehicles that, within a few years time, will get software updates enabling them to hit the road without the need for a driver.

This autonomous revolution will upend the automotive sector and disrupt huge swaths of the economy... Читать дальше...


Costco exec says the company still pays better than any rival following Amazon's decision to raise wages to $15 per hour (COST)

Tim Boyle / Getty Images

  • Costco is unconcerned about losing potential employees to Amazon despite the e-commerce giant's higher minimum wage.
  • CFO Richard Galanti said that Costco's average pay still "dwarfs any other retail or retail-type entity out there" in a call with investors on Thursday. 
  • According to Galanti, Costco workers make an average of roughly $22.50 per hour, with employees who have been at the retailer for years making into the mid-$40 to $50 range. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Шувалов: в Москве потеплеет до +15 градусов, заморозки прекратятся

Путин в России и мире

Как Россия побеждает в Африке: Волна военных переворотов приносит Путину новых союзников

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Марина Василевская передала Александру Лукашенко флаг Беларуси, побывавший на МКС

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мечтающего по победе Киева Макаревича* проверят на экстремизм

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юлия Савичева

Пензенская певица ответила на жесткую критику Юлии Савичевой


Заполняемость индустриальных парков Подмосковья достигла 87%

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