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Новости за 10.08.2018


25 dumplings from around the world that you'll want to try

Flickr/Marshall Astor

Dumplings are a magical, ubiquitous food that can be found almost anywhere in the world. From Germany’s potato dumpling, kartoffelknoedel, to China’s black sesame paste-filled dessert, tangyuan, most cuisines offer up their own unique version of the deliciously stuffed dough pocket. Whether sweet or savory, meat or vegetarian, filled with broth or bean paste, the options of what can be wrapped up in dough are endless.

We’ve rounded up 25 different types of dumplings... Читать дальше...


Here's how the regtech landscape is evolving to address increasing compliance needs

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

Regtech solutions seemed to offer the solution to financial institutions' (FIs) compliance woes when they first came to prominence around 24 months ago, gaining support from regulators and investors alike. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:


The Air Force wants to fight its severe pilot shortage with a special career path for fliers

(US Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Jensen Stidham)

The head of Air Mobility Command says he keeps asking himself what he got the US Air Force into after working with the service to launch the Aviator Technical Track program.

But Gen. Carlton Everhart is betting that the experimental program will have more benefits than costs at a time when the service is dealing with a troubling pilot shortage.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Watch the F-22 in action — the... Читать дальше...


Außerhalb der Liga: Studie zeigt, warum manche Menschen attraktivere Partner finden

Dating-Portale wie Tinder oder Parship bieten Nutzern viele Möglichkeiten: um jemanden unverbindlich kennenzulernen, die große Liebe zu finden oder den eigenen Marktwert abzuschätzen etwa. Und dann gibt es solche, die erforschen wollen, was dort passiert — um dabei Rückschlüsse auf die Gesellschaft und ihre Attraktivitätsstandards sowie Strategien bei der Partnerwahl zu ziehen.

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A popular service that offers access to luxury airport lounges around the world is being slammed as a 'waste of money'

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

  • Priority Pass is a program that allows members to access a worldwide network of independently-operated airport lounges.
  • But some members have taken to Twitter to complain that the service is unreliable.
  • People have described getting blocked from lounges due to occupancy issues and arbitrary access times.

Priority Pass certainly isn't getting a pass from some of its members.

Travelers have taken to Twitter to complain about capacity issues... Читать дальше...


13 seemingly harmless 'health hacks' to watch out for


Taking care of your health may seem like a normal part of any daily routine, as drinking enough water, eating fruits and vegetables regularly, and taking your multivitamin are all habitual tasks we all seem to follow regularly. However, it’s important to note that there are lots of seemingly harmless health hacks out there that can actually be quite detrimental to our health, as nutrition experts suggest that habits, like drinking diet soda, consuming too many supplements... Читать дальше...


6 breastfeeding hacks to make feeding your baby a whole lot easier

Audrey McAvoy/APImages

Breastfeeding is an exhausting task. Between getting shamed for breastfeeding in public, dealing with breast engorgement, and having your milk leak, there is a lot that makes nursing your baby a challenge. 

To make it a little easier, INSIDER spoke with postpartum doula Kristin Mejia and certified doula Arielle Fears of Music City Doulas to find the best breastfeeding tricks. 

From specific positions to utilizing cabbage leaves, here is what they suggest. Читать дальше...


Mark Zuckerberg reportedly suspects Alex Jones wanted to be banned from Facebook for the attention (FB)

Ben Jackson/Getty Images for SiriusXM

  • Mark Zuckerberg reportedly suspects that infamous Infowars founder Alex Jones wanted to get banned from Facebook all along, for the attention it would give him.
  • Indeed, the official Infowars app has shot up the Apple and Google app store charts in the wake of Facebook's actions. 

The tech giants are cracking down on Alex Jones — and his public profile is skyrocketing in the aftermath.

Over the last few days, numerous big tech firms... Читать дальше...


A close associate of Roger Stone has been held in contempt of court for refusing to testify in the Mueller probe

  • A federal judge in Washington, DC, has held an ally of the Republican strategist Roger Stone in contempt of court for refusing to testify in the Russia investigation.
  • Andrew Miller, Stone's associate, was ordered to appear before a grand jury on Friday but he did not show up.
  • Miller worked with Stone during the 2016 presidential election.
  • He is one of several Stone associates to be called to testify in the Russia investigation.

Sign up for the latest Russia investigation updates here»

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JCPenney is taking advantage of the death of Babies R Us (JCP)


  • JCPenney is expanding its selection of baby products with new baby-centric shops in 500 stores. 
  • It will sell some bigger items, like cribs, high chairs, and strollers, that were previously only sold online, as well as a larger selection of baby apparel. 
  • The department store is looking to capitalize on Babies R Us' store closures and lure in new customers. 

JCPenney is wasting no time in capitalizing on the downfall of Toys R Us. 

The... Читать дальше...


BECCA Cosmetics responds to accusations that it edited a white woman's hand a darker skin tone instead of hiring a black model

BECCA Cosmetics

  • A promotional photo for BECCA Cosmetics' new line of foundation went viral after people accused the brand of editing a white model's arm to appear darker.
  • The photo shows four arms in various skin tones, but people thought the same hand was used for all of the color swatches.
  • Others thought the four hands were different but possibly edited to look more uniform.
  • On August 10, BECCA Cosmetics issued a statement on social media that said four different models were used for the image... Читать дальше...


Neue Studie: Es könnte gefährlich sein, wenn ihr mehr als acht Stunden pro Nacht schlaft

Viel Schlaf ist erholsam, aber nicht zwingend gesund. Zu diesem Ergebnis kommt jetzt eine Studie der Keele University aus Staffordshire in Großbritannien. Die Forscher haben herausgefunden, dass ein Schlaf von mehr als acht Stunden regelmäßig pro Nacht sogar schädlich sein kann – nämlich dann, wenn die lange Schlafdauer auf andere Gesundheitsprobleme hindeutet.

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Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Omarosa's book is 'riddled with lies' and bashes the media for giving her 'a platform'

Mark Wilson/Getty Images

  • White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said ex-White House adviser Omarosa Manigault's new memoir, "Unhinged," is "riddled with lies and false accusations."
  • She also slammed the media for giving "her a platform."
  • Sanders referred to Manigault as a "disgruntled former White House employee," saying it's "sad" she's "trying to profit off these false attacks." 
  • Manigault's memoir claims the president used the N-word on tape... Читать дальше...


A baby squirrel attack forced a man to call the police

Don Ryan/AP Photo

  • A man called the German police after being chased by a baby squirrel on Thursday, reported The Guardian.
  • Officers said the man, whose name has not been released, was still being chased by the animal when police arrived on the scene.
  • Police suspected that the animal had been separated from its mother and, instead, was looking to the man for support.
  • The chase ended when the animal, apparently tired, suddenly fell asleep.
  • Police took the squirrel to an animal shelter... Читать дальше...


Soybeans are getting whacked after USDA boosts production outlook

Jim Young/Reuters

  • USDA raised its outlook for soybean production. 
  • Prices have been under pressure amid the US-China trade war.
  • Watch soybeans trade in real time here.

Soybean futures fell Friday after the US Department of Agriculture boosted its outlook for harvests. 

Prices fell 2.5% to $8.65 a bushel at 12:45 p.m. ET. See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Brazil's empty $300 million World Cup stadium

See Also:


The comedy icon who spotted talent like Jon Stewart, Dave Chappelle, and Michelle Wolf explains how she's done it

Business Insider/Jessica Tyler

  • Caroline Hirsch is the cofounder and owner of the New York comedy club Carolines and is behind the annual New York Comedy Festival.
  • She's been respected for over 30 years for the way she's able to spot and showcase emerging talent ahead of huge fame, like Jon Stewart, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Seinfeld, and Michelle Wolf.
  • She explained how thinking from a customer's perspective has been foundational to her success.

For more than three decades... Читать дальше...


'Are you going to change the name or what?' Connecticut town grapples with 'Paul Manafort Drive'


  • Some residents in New Britain are anxious to see "Paul Manafort Drive" renamed. 
  • The road is named after Paul Manafort Sr., the late mayor of the town who was the father of the former Trump campaign manager with the same first and last name.
  • Many say that the road name brings dishonor to the town, since the younger Manafort is currently on trial for tax evasion. 

GettyIn New Britain, Connecticut, residents hear the name "Paul Manafort" not only in the news, but on their GPS as well. Читать дальше...


The best places to work in tech don't include Silicon Valley or New York


  • Because some of the traditional tech hubs are clustered in the cities with the highest cost of living, like New York or San Francisco, tech salaries no longer go as far as they used to.
  • In response to the high cost of living in these locations, plenty of nontraditional tech cities have begun to sprout up.
  • SmartAsset compiled a list of the 10 most affordable tech hubs based on the percentage of the population employed in tech, the average tech salary... Читать дальше...


United Airlines is being sued for allegedly failing to stop a pilot who shared explicit photos of a flight attendant

Leon Neal/Getty Images

  • The US government is suing United Airlines for allegedly failing to stop one of its pilots from posting explicit photos of a flight attendant online, and creating a hostile work environment of sexual harassment.
  • The pilot pled guilty in 2016 to internet stalking.
  • Now the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission wants United to pay damages to the attendant and make reforms against sexual harassment.
  • United told INSIDER it "will vigorously... Читать дальше...


The most-binged TV show in every state


Even though some shows have been off the air for years, they're still some of the most popular TV series viewers are watching at home. Streaming platforms including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime have made it easier for fans to access older sitcoms and anime series like "Roseanne" and "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" that would otherwise be difficult to access. 

What are people in each state binge-watching the most? 

TV Time, a social app which tracks shows fans and allows them to share their reactions in real time... Читать дальше...


Wie ihr mit der teuersten Aktie der Welt von Warren Buffetts Investmentstrategie profitieren könnt

Es ist sein Talent für die richtige Anlagestrategie, das Warren Buffett so reich macht; ein Talent, das nur den wenigsten vergönnt ist. Doch es gibt eine Möglichkeit, mithilfe derer nun auch diese Leute von seinem Sinn für Marktentwicklungen profitieren können — und das nicht mehr nur für schlappe 305.000 Dollar pro mit „A“ bewerteter Aktie, sondern auch mit einer B-Aktie. Die ging zehn Jahre nach dem ersten Börsengang 1980 auf den Markt. Vergangenen Freitag war sie für 200 Dollar zu haben, wie das „Handelsblatt“ berichtet. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Эколог Рыбальченко оценил вероятность формирования теплового купола в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Ради сохранения наследия: Путин распорядился создать в Москве национальный центр "Россия"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Как Лукашенко еще в 90-е расправился со всеми ОПГ Беларуси

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский призвал США разрешить бить ракетами ATACMS вглубь России

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Фёдор Шаляпин

Фёдор Шаляпин предстал в необычных образах в Нижнем Новгороде


Терапевт Бузуверова объяснила, почему может повышаться или понижаться уровень лейкоцитов

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