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Новости за 13.06.2018


H&M's new millennial-focused brand is taking a page out of Kanye West's playbook


  • H&M's new millennial-focused brand, Nyden, launched its first collection online this month. 
  • H&M CEO Karl-Johan Persson wants to create the brand of the future — one that he believes does not follow trends or churn out endless different styles, but sells a limited selection of "affordable luxury" clothing.
  • The brand shares several things in common with Kanye West's Yeezy brand. 

There has been plenty of buzz around H&M's new millennial-focused brand... Читать дальше...


VW zahlt in der Dieselaffäre eine Milliarde Euro Geldbuße

Volkswagen zahlt wegen der Dieselaffäre nun auch in Deutschland eine Geldbuße von einer Milliarde Euro. Damit werden nach Angaben des Unternehmens und der Staatsanwaltschaft Braunschweig „Aufsichtspflichtverletzungen“ geahndet. Formal handelt es sich um eine Ordnungswidrigkeit; die Buße setzt sich aus dem gesetzlichen Höchstbetrag von fünf Millionen Euro sowie einer Abschöpfung wirtschaftlicher Vorteile in Höhe von 995 Millionen Euro zusammen, wie die Volkswagen AG am Mittwochabend mitteilte. Der Autobauer verzichtet darauf... Читать дальше...


Divorce isn't a failure, say therapists — in fact, it could mean the marriage was a success


  • A marriage can still be considered successful even if it ends in divorce.
  • Couples therapists say marriage is designed to help people grow — and sometimes, they grow out of the relationship.
  • It's important to embrace change in your relationship, instead of fearing it.

"Your marriage has one goal," said Hal Runkel. "Marriage has evolved into a people-growing machine."

Runkel is a marriage and family therapist based in Atlanta, Georgia... Читать дальше...


A legendary Silicon Valley investor wants to split California into 3 states, and his proposal just qualified for the November ballot

Frederick M. Brown/Getty

  • A proposal to split California into three states — Northern California, California (new), and Southern California — has qualified to appear on the ballot in November's general election.
  • The measure received more than 400,000 valid signatures, thanks to support from legendary Silicon Valley investor Tim Draper.
  • The rationale is: California is the most populous state in the nation. Having three states would give the people of California three times the number of senators in Washington... Читать дальше...


A legendary Silicon Valley investor wants to split California into three states, and his proposal just qualified for the November ballot

Frederick M. Brown/Getty

  • A proposal to split California into three states — Northern California, California (new), and Southern California — has qualified to appear on the ballot in November's general election.
  • The measure received more than 400,000 valid signatures, thanks to support from legendary Silicon Valley investor Tim Draper.
  • The rationale is: California is the most populous state in the nation. Having three states would give the people of California three times the number of senators in Washington... Читать дальше...


A chain of Texas convenience stores with a cult-like following chooses to display pay, vacation time, and its 401K plan on big signs, and it doesn’t plan to stop any time soon


  • Buc-ee's is a Texas-based chain of convenience stores that's acquired a cult-following in Texas.
  • All 33 of the company's locations have signs advertising its salaries, benefits, and vacation policies.
  • Buc-ee's general counsel Jeff Nadalo told Business Insider that the transparency is meant to attract top job candidates.
  • He said the company also hopes to demonstrate to current employees that there's room for advancement within Buc-ee's.
... Читать дальше...


This puppy lost all of its fur after being chained and abused — but she made a dramatic and inspiring transformation after getting rescued

Courtesy of A Chance To Bloom

  • The Houston Police Department discovered Ziva, an eight-month-old pit bull, padlocked in the city's Acres Home neighborhood.
  • She was severely malnourished, covered in sores, had an eye and skin infection, as well as split paws. She had also lost most of her fur to mange, a type of skin mite.
  • Dog rescue organization A Chance To Bloom took Ziva in and got her the veterinary care she needed.
  • One of the vet techs fell in love with her and fostered her for a couple months. Читать дальше...


Air Force A-10 Warthogs are back in the Baltics, practicing for rough landings close to the Russian border

US Air National Guard/Staff Sgt. Bobbie Reynolds

US Air Force A-10 Thunderbolts are back in the Baltics this month, practicing for rough landings on improvised runways as a part of Saber Strike 18, the annual exercise where NATO and partner forces work to improve their ability to operate across Europe and with NATO's forward-deployed battle groups.

In early June, A-10s from the Michigan Air National Guard's 107th Fighter Squadron, based at Selfridge Air National Guard Base, practiced... Читать дальше...


Trump's looming sanctions could cripple Iran's auto industry

Chip Somodevilla/Getty

  • The US is set to reimpose sanctions on Tehran after withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal.
  • PSA Peugeot announced unwinding of its joint ventures in Iran.
  • The move will likely drive market contraction, according to analysts. 

As companies withdraw foreign brands and halt planned investments in Iran, analysts think the country's auto industry could be the first to hurt.

Trump announced last month the US will reimpose "the... Читать дальше...


Meet North Korea's most powerful woman, Kim Yo Jong — Kim Jong Un's 30-ish sister who played a key role in the summit with Trump

REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

During the summit between the United States and North Korea this week, Kim Jong Un's younger sister Kim Yo Jong was front and center during the historic show of diplomacy with President Donald Trump.

It's not the first time Kim Yo Jong has made headlines in recent months — she traveled to South Korea during the 2018 Winter Olympics in February, becoming the first member of North Korea's ruling family to visit the south since the Korean War in the 1950s.

Like her brother... Читать дальше...


Twitter is making more room for major events and news stories

AP Images

  • Twitter said on Wednesday that it will begin notifying app users when a major event occurs, like the World Cup or a royal wedding, that might interest them.
  • The update will make it easier for people to find interesting tweets pertaining to such events.
  • The events will be promoted in a dedicated section of Twitter's search page.

Twitter Inc said on Wednesday it is changing its service to give more space to major events such as the World Cup... Читать дальше...


15 before and after photos of adopted dogs that will make you melt


Just in case you were feeling down, remember that there is good in this world — good dogs, that is.

There will never be a shortage of pups in need of a good home, and one of the best ways to show compassion to a doggo in need (and to gain a new best friend) is to adopt.

Prepare to get misty-eyed by the heartwarming transformations these 15 rescue dogs underwent after being rescued by loving owners.

Look at the bright and happy puppy-smile that Jax... Читать дальше...


Who the experts think will be the World Cup winner and top scorer

Alex Livesey/Getty Images

  • Brazil, which lost in devastating fashion at home in the last World Cup, is a strong favorite to win the tournament this year. 
  • And Neymar is a popular pick to be the top scorer at the World Cup. 

The World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world, and members of the winning team become heroes of an entire country, and earn sporting immorality. But which team will earn its place among soccer legends this year? 

We looked at choices made by experts from ESPN FC... Читать дальше...


Media companies are launching streaming services to survive — here's how they can thrive

Digital Trends

Consumers having been “cutting the cord,” or canceling their pay-TV subscriptions in favor of internet-delivered alternatives, for years now, but the trend reached new heights in 2017. 

There’s little reason to believe that this phenomenon will slow down any time soon either, so pay-tv providers will have to find new ways to generate revenue as their primary source continues to erode. 

One of the most prominent ways media companies are recuperating cord-cutting... Читать дальше...


A blockbuster gene-editing tool has been linked to cancer — here's how worried you should be

American Cancer Society/Getty Images

  • Bold headlines linking blockbuster gene-editing tool CRISPR to cancer sent stocks in companies trying to bring the technology to medicine tumbling.
  • But scientists who study the technique say the concerns are overblown at best and an incorrect interpretation of the science at worst.
  • Ultimately, using CRISPR does not appear to present any challenges that scientists familiar with gene editing have not already faced.

Earlier this week... Читать дальше...


There is now a blockchain-based religion. No, this is not a joke.

  • Former Augur CEO Matt Liston has founded a blockchain religion called "0xΩ." Liston pronounces this as "Zero Ex Omega."
  • He describes the project as a way to "incentivize mindshare."
  • Despite founding a blockchain-based religion, Liston maintains that he is not a"Cryptprophet."

Matt Liston would like to publicly refute the claim that he is a "Cryptprophet." He'd also like to clarify that he is not the "Cryptsiah" or the "CryptChrist." ("I grew up Jewish," he points out.)

Читать дальше...


6 things you never knew about Chick-fil-A

See Also:

  • An Australian restaurant drenches burgers in cheese fondue
  • French fries made out of fruit are a signature dish at Legoland California
  • A colorful nail salon in Austin is paving the way for inclusivity and fun


The mysterious lives of the 3 kids who are believed to be Kim Jong Un's

KCNA via KNS/AP Images

  • North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un is believed to have three children with his wife Ri Sol-ju.
  • There are few details on the kids, but they're believed to be between the ages of 10 months and 7 years old.
  • The eldest child is believed to be a boy who is expected to one day succeed Kim.

Like much of North Korea, the personal and family life of its dictator Kim Jong Un is shrouded in secrecy.

Though the North Korean leader... Читать дальше...


Juso-Chef Kevin Kühnert: „Auch an der SPD-Basis herrscht gelegentlich Bequemlichkeit“

Zufrieden ist in der SPD niemand. Veränderung muss her, das wissen alle. Nach der Bundestagswahl hat der damalige Parteichef Martin Schulz eine Analyse angeordnet, um zu ermitteln, was bei den Sozialdemokraten alles schief läuft. Am Montag wurde der Bericht vorgelegt. Er zeichnet ein verheerendes Bild, vor allem von der Parteiführung. Die Autoren hatten nur eine Vorgabe, sagt Generalsekretär Lars Klingbeil: „Schont uns nicht.“

Читать дальше...


The World Cup starts on Thursday — these photos from around the world show why soccer is the world's most beloved game

Reuters/Stefano Rellandini

  • Soccer is the world's most popular and beloved sport, and it's played in virtually every corner of the world.
  • Ahead of the 2018 World Cup, Reuters sent photographers around the globe to document the variety of ways people manage to play soccer.
  • Soccer lovers play in the dirt, sand, and even snow, and the narrowest of city streets won't stop them from playing "the beautiful game."

The 2018 World Cup kicks off on Thursday... Читать дальше...


5 simple workouts that can make you feel more energized instantly


As we all know, the beach will get whatever body we give it this summer, but being healthy is so much more than “looking the part.” If you’re looking for a way to upgrade your workout or need an extra boost of energy, whether you’re in the gym, at home or at work, try adding these workouts into your summer rotation:

Crunches are classic for a reason.

Antonio_Diaz / iStock

If your work day has been a drag, try doing some crunches from your desk. These are your traditional get on your back... Читать дальше...


Walmart's e-commerce CEO reportedly just dropped $43 million on a penthouse in a 'paparazzi-proof' building filled with celebrities. Take a look inside.


  • Walmart's CEO of US e-commerce, Marc Lore, has reportedly purchased a penthouse in an ultra-luxury building in Manhattan for $43.8 million, according to the Wall Street Journal.
  • The building is known for being an enclave of celebrities due to "paparazzi-proof" features like a lower-level parking lot protected by iron gates.
  • The move comes as Walmart focuses more on city dwellers with its e-commerce operations, like the recently announced initiative Jetblack... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

Путин в России и мире

Песков: возможное изъятие активов РФ будет солидным гвоздем в гроб западной экономики

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Рэпер Джиган вызвал Тимати на поединок из-за шуток в свой адрес и проиграл


Городские службы переведены на усиленный режим работы до 12 мая из-за праздников

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