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Новости за 06.04.2018


How to send a tip to Business Insider

Sarah Jacobs/Business Insider

News tips are important to the reporting process, but knowing a secure process for getting in touch with a news organization is the first step.

At Business Insider, there are multiple ways to send us a tip, some quicker or more secure than others. Here's what you need to know.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: Facebook can still track you even if you delete your account — here's how to stop it

See Also:


These 8 insider secrets will guarantee you make the most out of your Disney World vacation

  • When visiting Disney World, try to book an on-site hotel to save you time getting to and from the park. 
  • Don't always follow the crowds and eat at irregular hours to avoid lines and waiting times. 
  • Go to the busiest attractions while the firework show is happening.

Walt Disney World in Orlando has four theme parks (Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney’s Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom), two water parks (Blizzard Beach and Typhoon Lagoon) and Disney Springs, a restaurant and shop-filled area. Читать дальше...


The best deals you can find at Costco, according to employees

kyle tsui/Flickr

  • Costco membership provides access to a store known for its deals and bulk quantities.
  • Business Insider reached out to Costco employees to find out what they thought were the best deals in the store.
  • Employees highlighted a huge range of products, from bananas to hearing aids to the $1.50 food court hot dog.

Costco membership is supposed to bring about some major savings. The retail chain is famous for selling items in bulk, which can help you save money... Читать дальше...


Women have more active brains than men, according to science

De Repente/Shutterstock

  • Recent research discovered that women's brains are more active in many more areas than men's brains. 
  • Women are more prone to anxiety and depression than men, which could be partially due to the fact that women have a greater blood flow in the limbic areas of the brain.
  • Women also have an more rapid blood flow in the prefrontal cortex than men, which could explain why women are more empathetic and intuitive.

Women's brains... Читать дальше...


9 unexpected things that will actually keep your relationship healthy


To hear happy couples tell it, the formula that keeps a relationship thriving often involves listening to your partner more, doing nice things for them, and showing them you support and appreciate them. While these rituals are, of course, important and worthwhile, there are other (less discussed) things that can also keep your relationship healthy. Below, you'll find nine not-so-obvious yet thoroughly effective ways to keep your connection strong.

1. Spend more time... Читать дальше...


14 photos that show just how different women's bodies can look at the same weight

Kelsey Wells/Instagram

  • From daily weight fluctuations to unnecessary mental obstacles, there are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't weigh yourself too frequently.
  • One reason you shouldn't rely on the scale is that it doesn't measure your body composition, or the ratio of muscle to fat that you have on your body. 
  • To demonstrate that, many women have shared photos on social media that show how building muscle can make you look leaner, even if you don't see a change on the scale. Читать дальше...


Prince Harry doesn't get paid for his royal duties — here's how he actually earns his princely fortune

Ben A. Pruchnie/Stringer/Getty Images

  • Prince William and Prince Harry both have an estimated net worth of approximately $39 million.
  • When the royal turned 30 in 2014, he inherited a trust of around $14 million from his late mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.
  • While serving as an officer in the Army Air Corps, he was reportedly granted a salary of around $45,251 per year.
  • Prince Harry received between $50,278 and $53,286 while working as a helicopter pilot for the Army Air Corps. Читать дальше...


Former Masters chairman explained the tournament's infamous cell-phone policy and vowed to never change it

Harry How/Getty Images

  • Among the many things that make the Masters the quirkiest event in sports is the strict no-cell-phone policy during the tournament.
  • Former Masters chairman Billy Payne explained Augusta National's position and vowed to never change it under his watch.
  • Now that Payne is retired, the future of the rule is unknown, but it is hard to argue with the attention to detail considering how great the Masters is.

Augusta National Golf Club... Читать дальше...


These 2 women use knitting to cope with stress and mental illness — here's why you should consider picking it up too

Matthew Lloyd/Getty Images

  • A 2013 survey in the British Journal of Occupational Therapy found significant psychological and social benefits in knitting that are worthy of further research.
  • The two women INSIDER interviewed for this piece both found solace from the demands of tech careers in the warm camaraderie of the knitting world.
  • Knitting can be a healthy coping mechanism for those who struggle with everything from anxiety to ADHD to PTSD.

It's... Читать дальше...


India is beefing up its military as tensions rise with China and Pakistan — and now it wants to buy more than 100 fighter jets


  • India is phasing out some of its main combat aircraft.
  • The country's air force is looking to buy more than 100 new fighters.
  • India has been trying to modernize and expand its armed forces for some time, with an eye on countering threats from its neighbors.

India is looking to make a multibillion-dollar defense deal to secure more than 100 fighter aircraft, according to a request for information issued on Friday.

According to the request... Читать дальше...


Russia is weirdly obsessed with Sergei Skripal's dead cat

Jack Taylor/Getty Images

  • Russia has some questions about poisoned spy Sergei Skripal's dead cat.
  • The cat and two guinea pig, have died after Skripal was poisoned with nerve agent in Salisbury, England.
  • Russia's embassy in London is demanding answers on whether the pets were also poisoned.
  • The statements are part of a broader pattern of trying to sow doubt and confusion about Britain's investigation.

Russia is hotly pursuing a new line of... Читать дальше...


Dow tumbles as many as 700 points amid mounting trade war fears

Markets Insider

  • Stocks got smoked Friday as fears of a trade war spiked.
  • The Dow fell as much as 700 points before finishing the day down 2.2%
  • You can track the Dow Jones industrial average in real-time here.

US stocks tumbled Friday, with the Dow Jones industrial average falling more than 700 points, or about 3% at its lowest point, as fears of a global trade war continued to mount. Here's how all three major indices finished the day: 


Dow tumbles as much as 700 points amid mounting trade war fears

Markets Insider

  • Stocks got smoked Friday as fears of a trade war spiked.
  • The Dow fell as much as 700 points before finishing the day down 2.2%
  • You can track the Dow Jones industrial average in real-time here.

US stocks tumbled Friday, with the Dow Jones industrial average falling more than 700 points, or about 3% at its lowest point, as fears of a global trade war continued to mount. Here's how all three major indices finished the day: 


Trump is really excited about new Yankees star Giancarlo Stanton

Getty Images

  • President Donald Trump is a huge fan of new Yankees' outfielder Giancarlo Stanton.
  • "I think he's gonna be great," Trump said.

President Donald Trump is a huge fan of the New York Yankees' big offseason acquisition, outfielder Giancarlo Stanton. 

During an appearance on the "Bernie and Sid" show Friday morning, Trump said he believes the 2017 National League MVP "almost can't fail."See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH... Читать дальше...


Jay-Z opens up about his honest relationship with Blue Ivy — and shares the 'most beautiful thing' she's ever said to him

Christopher Polk/Getty Images for NARAS

  • Jay-Z was the latest guest on David Letterman's Netflix talk show "My Next Guest Needs No Introduction."
  • The rapper opened up about his 6-year-old daughter Blue Ivy, and what he called the "most beautiful thing" she has ever said to him.
  • "'Dad, I didn't like the way you told me to get in the car the way you told me. It hurt my feelings.'"

Fans of the Carter family already know that Blue Ivy has plenty of charisma and very expensive taste. Читать дальше...


The lobbyist family that gave EPA chief Scott Pruitt a $50-a-night deal to stay with them reportedly changed the locks after he wore out his welcome

Riccardo Savi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit

  • Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt wore out his welcome in the $50-a-night condo he was staying in.
  • His lobbyist landlords eventually changed the locks on their property and told Pruitt they planned to rent the room to a new tenant.

The lobbyist family that let Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt stay with them for $50-per-night apparently soured on their guest to... Читать дальше...


Beyoncé's daughter Blue Ivy has her own stylist and personal shopper — and we never thought we'd be jealous of a 6-year-old

Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images

  • Blue Ivy, the 6-year-old daughter of Beyonce and Jay-Z, has her own professional stylist and personal shopper. 
  • Her stylist is a man named Manuel A Mendez and he is also one of Beyonce's personal assistants. 
  • He is responsible for Blue Ivy's gold-feathered dress and white Grammys tuxedo.

While most 6-year-olds are wearing hand-me-downs from their older siblings and cousins, Blue Ivy‘s closet is stocked with designer items—from... Читать дальше...


If you shopped at these 14 stores in the last year, your data might have been stolen


  • At least 14 retailers were hacked and likely had information stolen from them since January 2017.
  • Many of these were caused by flaws in payment systems taken advantage of by hackers.

At least 14 separate security breaches occurred from January 2017 until now. Many of them were caused by flaws in payment systems, either online or in stores.

Data breaches are on the rise in both retailers and other businesses. According to Business Insider Intelligence... Читать дальше...


9 restaurants you didn't know had secret menu items

  • Some of your favorite fast-food places have their own secret menu items.
  • Chick-fil-A has six different offerings, including a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich that will make your mouth water.
  • Try the five-layer Incredible Hulk or The Superman burrito at Taco Bell.

You’ll want to order all of these delicious, and sometimes ginormous concoctions that you never knew existed!

Читать дальше...


How the military teaches fighter pilots when to eject

US Air Force/Staff Sgt. Bennie J. Davis III

  • The fatal crash of a F-16 Fighting Falcon at Nellis Air Force Base that claimed the life of a Thunderbirds pilot is the latest in a string of accidents.
  • Many people don't realize just how dangerous these powerful vessels truly are.
  • When the crew decides to punch out, even modern ejection seats offer no guarantee of safety.

The recent, fatal crash of a F-16 Fighting Falcon at Nellis Air Force Base that... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Мокрый фасад: как сделать отделку по технологии СФТК

Путин в России и мире

Путин поручил сократить время в пути от Москвы до курортов Черного моря

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко рассказал о планах расширения НАТО

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Проводивший панихиду по Навальному* священник запрещен в служении

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Пианист из Электроуглей получил областную премию


«На мечту» добавит государство. Но копить придется 15 лет

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