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Новости за 07.04.2018


John Kelly reportedly threatened to quit because he was so fed up with Trump

AP Images

  • White House chief of staff John Kelly is reportedly so frustrated with President Donald Trump that he threatened to quit last month after blowing up at Trump in the Oval Office.
  • A senior administration official told Axios Kelly was just "venting frustration."
  • But Kelly was said to be angry enough that West Wing aides had to call his allies to calm him down.

The White House chief of staff, John Kelly, grew so frustrated with President Donald Trump last month that he threatened to quit... Читать дальше...


Tiger Woods says the 'coolest thing in the world' about winning his first Masters was that it guaranteed him a job for at least 10 years

Getty Images

  • Tiger Woods says he was thrilled with his first Masters win because it qualified him for a ten-year exemption on the PGA Tour. 
  • Nowadays, Woods doesn't have to fear losing a place on Tour, but at one point it was something he at least contemplated.
  • The ten-year exemption for winning The Masters has since been changed to a five-year exemption. 

On the occasion of his celebrated return to The Masters, Tiger Woods was asked at a... Читать дальше...


Japan's military activated its first marine unit since World War II — here's how they're training to recapture an island from enemy invaders

Issei Kato/Reuters

Japanese Self-Defense Forces, Japan's unified military command, activated its first marine component since World War II and conducted a training exercise on Friday.

Dubbed the Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade, or ARDB, the newly formed group displayed their ability to repel and recapture islands from other occupying forces.

The subject of an autonomous, combatant military command is a sensitive subject, given that following World War II, the nation... Читать дальше...


9 food parts you should never throw away

Mike Mozart/Flickr

  • Use the zest of citrus peels to boost marinades, smoothies, and even oatmeal. 
  • Swiss chard stems have certain nutrients that can improve your immune system, plus, they're delicious when roasted.
  • Both the rinds and seeds in watermelon have surprising health benefits.

If you're immediately tossing those leftover parts of fresh produce in the trash, you could be missing out on some powerful nutrients—and losing money in the process. Читать дальше...


5 destinations you can experience in just 24 hours for when you're in desperate need of a quick vacation


  • Some cities take days to explore while others are practically made for a 24-hour visit. 
  • If you want to visit Hong Kong, you won't need to get a visa ahead of time like you would if you wanted to visit China. 
  • The Blue Lagoon is one of Iceland's most iconic features and it's not too far outside the city center of Reykjavik.

Looking for a quick layover spot to break up a long trip? Short on time but eager to travel? Fear not, we've got you covered. Читать дальше...


The world's largest asset manager will exclude gun manufacturers and retailers from its newest investment products

Scott Olson/Getty Images

  • BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, is offering new investment products that exclude gun manufacturers and retailers.
  • It has been in discussions with these companies since March, in the wake of the fatal Parkland high school shooting.
  • The decision is directly related to BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's declaration in January to only do business with companies that are taking into account their impact on society.
  • This post is... Читать дальше...


14 predictions for the future of media


The media landscape is almost shifting more quickly than consumers can keep up.

But certain trends have emerged that will carry the media industry into the future.

For the past eight years, IGNITION, Business Insider’s flagship conference, has collected the best minds in media and technology to share what they see as the future. Through unscripted interviews, cutting-edge demos, and insights from industry pioneers, attendees learn what key trends to be aware of and what... Читать дальше...


10 photos of the next-generation T-14 tank — Russia's answer to an M1 Abrams, the king of the battlefield

Getty Images

Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said in early February that Moscow ordered two battalions of T-14 Armata tanks and one battalion of T-15 infantry fighting vehicles. 

The T-14 and T-15 are part of Russia's new Armata universal chassis system, which serves as a platform for up to 13 tracked armored vehicles, including the self-propelled Koalitsiya-SV howitzer, according to The Diplomat. 

Initially, Moscow said it would put 2,300 T-14s into service by 2020... Читать дальше...


5 incredible places you have probably never heard of, according to a woman who traveled 100 countries


  • While Mar Pages has travelled to over 100 countries, she found that certain locations stood out for their natural undiscovered beauty.
  • U.S. citizens can travel to the quiet island of American Samoa without a passport. 
  • For undisturbed blue waters, travelers can snorkel or dive in the Aitutaki or Chuuk Lagoons — both tend to be relatively tourist-free. 

Traveling is always an exciting experience, but nothing quite compares to discovering something new. Читать дальше...


How to travel the world without going broke

David Bokuchava/Shutterstock

  • A travel editor shared some of the most helpful tips and tricks for traveling without breaking the bank.
  • Southeast Asian countries are the best "bang-for-your-buck" destinations to visit.
  • To find the best travel deals and keep yourself from wasting money, use tools like Google Flights and Airfare Watchdog.

“I don’t need a vacation,” said no one ever. But if you’ve ever put a trip on the back burner because you didn’t think you could afford it... Читать дальше...


Here's how Amazon's and Apple's new smart speakers stack up with consumers (AMZN, AAPL)

BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from BI Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about BI Intelligence, click here.

Smart speakers — Amazon's Echo, for example — are the latest device category poised to take a chunk of our increasingly digital lives. These devices are made primarily for the home and execute a user's voice commands via an integrated digital assistant. These digital assistants can play music, answer questions, and control other devices within a user's home... Читать дальше...


Experts are researching the use of brain implants to treat medical conditions — but they can alter the way patients see the world in potentially dangerous ways

Marcelo Hernandez/Getty Images

  • Deep brain stimulation is a medical procedure that inserts an implant into the brain. This implant can alter neural activity, in an effort to treat neural dysfunction. 
  • In the past, patients have experienced a change in perception and hallucinations with the implant in place. 
  • If the implant can control a person's behaviour to an extent, this raises questions over whether or not the person is wholly responsible for their actions. 

Mr. Читать дальше...


The US and North Korea are holding secret talks ahead of a planned meeting between Trump and Kim Jong Un

Alex Wong/Getty Images

  • US and North Korean officials are holding secret talks ahead of a planned meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump.
  • Mike Pompeo, the CIA Director and Trump's nominee for Secretary of State, is leading the discussions.
  • The talks could happen as soon as next month, though the White House has publicly wavered over the meeting. 

The US and North Korea are holding secret, high-level discussions ahead... Читать дальше...


JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon lays out the market's worst-case scenario — and outlines 7 differences from the latest financial crisis

Getty Images / Scott Olson

  • JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon's annual letter to shareholders was just published.
  • Dimon is keenly focused on one market headwind that is being overlooked, and it features prevalently in his worst-case scenario for markets.

As fears of a global trade war capture the attention of investors, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon is turning a watchful eye to something that has been largely swept under the rug: the Federal Reserve's unprecedented monetary... Читать дальше...


Fashion is undergoing a massive change — and H&M's struggles are proof


  • H&M's new millennial-focused brand, Nyden, launched online this week. 
  • CEOKarl-Johan Persson wants to create the brand of the future — one that he believes does not follow trends or churn out endless different styles but sells a limited selection of "affordable luxury" clothing.
  • This new label is the antithesis of H&M, and it speaks to the direction in which fashion is headed, casting doubt on whether H&M in its original form is still viable in the current apparel market. Читать дальше...


A family keeps turning down millions for its house next to the Masters golf course

via Google Maps

  • Augusta National, the home of the Masters, has been buying up property around the course for nearly two decades.
  • One family refuses to sell the home where they raised children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, turning down seven-figure offers.
  • Their house, which sits on two-thirds of an acre, is surrounded by a huge parking lot once a year.

Over the past 17 years, Augusta National Golf Club in Georgia has bought up much of the land that borders its private grounds. Читать дальше...


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could visit the United States sooner than expected

Chris Jackson/Getty Images

  • Kensington Palace is already in the process of planning Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's every move following their royal wedding. 
  • It was announced recently that Prince Harry would become the patron of "Walk Of America."
  • A team of six veterans from the United States and the UK will walk 1,000 miles from the West to the East Coast of the US in 14 weeks.
  • Though it's not confirmed that the couple will make an appearance, their staff... Читать дальше...


Facebook’s plan to let users 'unsend' messages could boost harassment and bullying, experts warn

  • Facebook plans to let users delete messages they have sent from the inboxes of other users.
  • This feature carries the big risk of enabling abuse: Experts told Business Insider it could be used to hide evidence of harassment and to gaslight victims.
  • The feature was announced shortly after it was revealed that some of CEO Mark Zuckerberg's sent messages had been secretly deleted.

Facebook's recently announced plan to let users delete messages they have already... Читать дальше...


How to get tickets to the Masters, one of the most exclusive sporting events in the world

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

  • Tickets to the Masters are considered the second-hardest to obtain in sports, trailing only the Super Bowl.
  • Tickets are cheap if you are lucky enough to be a patron or win the annual lottery.
  • If you don't get tickets directly from Augusta National, be prepared to spend thousands.

Want tickets to the Masters? It's possible, but it is not easy unless you are willing to shell out the big bucks.

Tickets — or badges — to... Читать дальше...


Costco employees reveal the worst, grossest, and most bizarre things they've seen on the job


• Costco workers shared their stories about the weirdest and worst things they've seen on the job with Business Insider.

• Some Costco workers reported that colleagues and members can occasionally make life a bit difficult.

• Many Costco employees cited the chain's generous return policy as a source of unexpected situations.

Costco jobs aren't always easy. The retail chain isn't just known for selling some rather unexpected products.

Sometimes, surprising situations crop up as well.


NBA legend Ray Allen discusses his new book, how the NBA has evolved, and why the concept of super-teams is overstated

Lynne Sladky/AP; Business Insider

  • NBA legend Ray Allen spoke to Business Insider to discuss his new book, which covers his journey through the NBA.
  • Allen spoke about how the NBA evolved over his career and which teams were best at taking care of their players.
  • Allen also discussed the concept of super-teams and what he would change about the NBA today.

Four years after leaving the NBA, Ray Allen still remains a key figure in the league.

Allen... Читать дальше...


The tumbling stock market is stuck in free fall without its most important safety net

Reuters/Mike Segar

  • The US stock market is plummeting once again Wednesday as global trade-war tensions escalate even further.
  • Unfortunately for bulls, US equities will have to recover without the use of a trusted strategy that has served as a safety net for the market.

If the stock market is to recover from its ongoing free fall, it'll have to do so without its most important buyer: companies themselves.

That's because this patch of equity weakness is... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Швеция хочет ограничить доступ в Балтийское море российским танкерам

Путин в России и мире

Путин всё знал, но никого не предупредил: Немцы обвинили Москву в прорыве израильского Купола

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко сравнил Всебелорусское народное собрание с «пустотой»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Shaman разрешил певице из Нижнего Новгорода Ивановой петь свою песню «Встанем»


Необычным людям в Ярославском помогают адаптироваться и почувствовать вкус к жизни

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