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Новости за 06.10.2017


The Las Vegas shooter was reportedly prescribed a common anxiety medication — here's what you need to know about it

David Becker/Getty Images

People are still looking for the motive behind the Las Vegas shooting as more details come in. 

One detail that has emerged around the shooter, Stephen Paddock, concerns his prescriptions. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that in June, Paddock was prescribed diazepam, sometimes known by its brand name, Valium. It's a common medication used to treat anxiety.

The drug has been on the market since 1963, when it was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Читать дальше...


The 5 best new songs you can stream right now

Kevin Winter/Getty

This week, Sam Smith collaborated with Timbaland on a new single, Canadian rapper Belly teamed with Pusha T on a track, and Kelela released her debut album. 

Here are the 5 best songs from the past week that you can stream right now:

Sam Smith — "Pray"

English singer Sam Smith turns a minimalist Timbaland beat into a full-fledged, choir-accompanied gospel track on his latest single, "Pray," from his upcoming album, "The Thrill of It All." 

Andrew Bird ... Читать дальше...


FEMA inexplicably removed statistics on the number of Puerto Ricans without water and electricity from its website

AP Photo/Carlos Giusti

The Federal Emergency Management Agency has inexplicably removed information from its website concerning the numbers of people in Puerto Rico who still lack access to drinking water and electricity in the wake of Hurricane Maria, The Washington Post reported Thursday.

The hurricane, which hit on September 20, caused massive devastation, wiping out the island's power grid, communication systems, much of its infrastructure, and private property.

On Thursday... Читать дальше...


The best bets from this Saturday's college football slate

Duane Burleson/Getty Images

Last week was a rough one for our bets, going just 2-5 against the spread in our seven weekly picks. The losing week brings us to 18-17 on the season, so while we're still a little up, there's work to be done to get back to our winning ways.

Thankfully, this Saturday offers plenty of underdog action that could serve bettors well in a pinch. Michigan State visits Michigan in the biggest rivalry game on the board, and we'll see if Alabama, Auburn, and Georgia... Читать дальше...


JPMORGAN: It's time for bond investors to 'remove skeletons' from their portfolio

Thomson Reuters

When stocks price in bad news, they often do it gradually.  But in fixed income, investors often find that bonds priced at par see the next trade at $70 when something goes awry.  As a result, the time to remove skeletons from a fixed income portfolio is before all the scary news is in the price. The current benign period in fixed income markets, before the onset of Fed tightening and balance sheet unwind, is a great time to get started. 

Understanding the credit risk... Читать дальше...


Trump winks when asked again about his mysterious 'calm before the storm' comment


In the Oval Office on Friday, President Donald Trump was asked again about his previous comment that we're in "the calm before the storm," winking in response to a reporter who wondered what he meant by it.

"You'll find out," Trump said after his wink. "We'll see."

During a Thursday night photo op at the White House with senior military officials, Trump said the moment "maybe" represented "the calm before the storm."

"What's the storm?" a reporter asked. "On Iran? Читать дальше...


The 50 best bars in the world


The INSIDER Summary:

  • The annual list of The World's 50 Best Bars was just released for 2017.
  • The ranking is determined by votes from more than 500 drinking experts around the globe.
  • The US, UK, and Singapore dominated this year's list.
  • The American Bar in London's Savoy Hotel was named the best bar in the world.

Some bars are known for their views, while others are known for their drinks — like the following ones on the annual list of The World's 50 Best Bars... Читать дальше...


I sold my house to live in a van — 9 years later I'm facing an uncomfortable truth

Courtesy of David Sandel

I didn't purposely set out to live a minimalistic lifestyle.

I didn't reach some kind of breaking point or encounter any life-changing event that I wasn't fully in control of.

It just kind of happened.

As crazy as it sounds, I just felt like living in a van.

Since there's not a ton of room in a van and storage units aren't cheap, it made sense to get rid of much stuff as I possibly could.

Consumerism overload

In 2008, I owned a house and a duplex. Читать дальше...


A key House Democrat is retiring at the end of her term

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, the first woman elected to Congress from New Hampshire, said Friday she's retiring at the end of her term.

Shea-Porter, 64, said in a statement that "the time has come in my life to pause and decide on a different path."

Shea-Porter, who was a community activist before coming to Washington, has cut a reliably liberal profile in Washington, voting for the "Obamacare" health law during her second term and the 2010 financial overhaul bill. Читать дальше...


A PayPal exec's favorite interview question reveals the skill all good employees should have

Derek Hann

Never stop learning.

If nothing else, will make it easier for you answer PayPal chief learning officer Derek Hann's favorite interview question. As CLO, he focuses on implementing learning and development initiatives at the worldwide online payments system company.

"I would ask this of any candidate — what did you learn this week?" Hann told Business Insider. "Even if it's only Tuesday. What's something new you learned this week and how did you apply it in what you do?"

Hann... Читать дальше...


Man spotted wearing 'Build the Wall' hat to Trump's Hispanic Heritage Month event at the White House

White House pool photo

A man was spotted Friday wearing a "Build the Wall" hat to an event celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month at the White House.

The slogan on the hat references President Donald Trump's signature campaign pledge to build a wall along the US-Mexico border to help curb illegal immigration.

A White House pool report identified the man as Fredy Burgos, a Virginia Republican.

Late last month, companies began constructing prototypes for the promised wall. Читать дальше...


Bowe Bergdahl expected to plead guilty and avoid trial



NASA's future missions to Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and beyond could hit a nuclear roadblock within the next decade

Department of Energy, via Wikipedia

  • Most places in the solar system can't be reached without nuclear energy.
  • NASA uses plutonium-238 forged during the Cold War to power its most ambitious missions.
  • NASA is running low on the material, but the Department of Energy is making more.
  • However, a government report suggests production challenges might impact NASA's future nuclear-powered missions.

Classroom models lie — our solar system isn't a bunch of bright, closely nestled orbs. Читать дальше...


Trump defends Melania for wearing stilettos before flights to hurricane-ravaged areas: She 'wants to look good leaving the front entrance'

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

President Donald Trump in an interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee defended the first lady over backlash she received for wearing stiletto heels before boarding flights to hurricane-ravaged areas.

Trump made the comments in response to a question from Huckabee on Melania Trump's high approval ratings, saying that she is a "private person" who "loved her other life."

"She doesn't need to be adored by people, but she does like to help people. Читать дальше...


Deciding which job you want next is only the beginning — to be successful, you have to ask yourself something else

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design Follow/Flickr

When you're stuck in a less-than-fulfilling job, everyone else's work can start to look more appealing than yours. So it can be tempting to grab the first opportunity that comes your way — because your new boss is nice, the hours are less grueling, or the snacks are plentiful.

And while this isn't necessarily the wrong way to forge a career path — snacks are important! — it can be helpful to take a step back before you sign any employment contracts. Читать дальше...


I retired at 43 but I still have over $100,000 of debt — and I love it

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

This post comes from Budgets Are Sexy guest columnist, Mr. 1500. He hit financial freedom at the age of 43 with $1,800,000, and is the founder of a financial blog, 1500Days.com.

So, I'm financially independent and no longer work, but I still have a load of debt. And I love it. This debt has made me some serious money.

I'll explain all, but let's back up for a moment.

That debt is my home mortgage. I bought my last home for about $175,000. I had the cash to buy it outright, but didn't. Читать дальше...


13 of the best places to buy a rental property in the US right now

Mike Blake/Reuters

Rental properties give you, the investor, the power to determine your profits.

Let's be clear: Buying a home doesn't always give you the biggest return on your money.

From 1890 to 2012 the inflation-adjusted return on a house was 0.17% — a fraction of the 6.27% return for investments in the stock market over the same time period.

But there is a way to earn similar, or even greater, investment returns in real estate: owning a rental property.

In this case... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о героях нашего времени

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья отказался от должности и попросил защиты у Лукашенко. Он обвинил Варшаву в нечестной политике

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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