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Новости за 23.06.2016


Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen is giving millions to turn Columbus, Ohio into the city of the future

Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Self-driving electric shuttles and high-speed WiFi stations may soon grace the the streets of Columbus, Ohio as part of a futuristic makeover planned for the city. 

Columbus was named the winner of the US Department of Transportation's Smart City Challenge Thursday, and will get $50 million in funding to carry out a plan to weave technology throughout the city. 

The capital of Ohio beat out six other finalists: Austin, Denver, Kansas City, Pittsburgh, Portland OR and San Francisco. Читать дальше...


16 movies that changed our lives

Columbia Pictures

A great movie has images that stick in your mind long after you've seen them. They have unforgettable characters and tell moving stories. And they can even change your life.

We asked the staff at INSIDER, Business Insider, and Tech Insider to tell us the one movie that changed their lives.

For some of our writers and producers, some movies inspired a deep, lifelong yearning for adventure or a newfound love of literature. Others inspire small but important life lessons that still resonate years later. Читать дальше...


McLaren just made its ultimate hypercar even faster


Thought the McLaren P1 was dead? We thought so, too.

Despite McLaren's announcement that the final P1 hypercar had rolled off of the company's Woking, England production line earlier this year, there will indeed be more from a new, ultimate version.

The P1 LM — basically a road-legal (and somehow faster) version of the track-only P1 GTR — will be created by Lanzante Ltd., a race-prepping company responsible for McLaren's F1 GTR which famously won the 24 hours of Le Mans in 1995. Читать дальше...


The reviews for Bill Simmons’ new show are brutal, but they are also premature


Bill Simmons made his highly anticipated return to television with the debut of his new weekly show on HBO, "Any Given Wednesday."

While most of the buzz has centered on Ben Affleck's f-bomb-laced Deflategate rant, the reviews of the entire episode are starting to come in and some are pretty brutal. However, there are also several reasons to think that these reviews are premature and that we need to let the show breathe for a few more episodes before passing a firm judgment.

... Читать дальше...


This bombshell 'Game of Thrones' theory will probably come true on Sunday's finale


Warning: Major Spoilers ahead for "Game of Thrones," including speculation of future events. 

"A Song of Ice and Fire" fan theories are virtually endless, especially since author George R.R. Martin has yet to publish the final two books, leaving many storylines open-ended and up for interpretation. But one fan theory is so widely believed by the fandom that it may as well be canon. The theory is known as "R + L = J" and centers on the question of Jon Snow's true parentage. 

According to a majority of the fan base... Читать дальше...


RANKED: The 20 best Nintendo 64 games of all time

One of the world's best video game consoles just turned 20 years old.

On June 23, 1996, a little console called the Nintendo 64 was released in Japan, forever altering the way we think about video games. Whether you loved it for your first glimpses at 3D gaming in "Super Mario 64" or your first experience with four-player competitive gaming in "GoldenEye 007," almost everyone has a fond memory of playing this iconic console.

Here are the top 20 games that graced the Nintendo 64:

20. Читать дальше...


The 9 coolest technologies that startups are pitching to NASA right now


Turning a big idea into reality often comes down to convincing the right people to throw money at it.

The Starburst Accelerator Global Summit, happening Thursday, gives 10 inventors a chance to pitch their ideas in front of agencies like NASA, venture capitalists, and aerospace companies, including Boeing and Lockheed Martin.

And, even more excitingly, it offers us a first glimpse at the best ideas coming down the pike in aviation, space travel, and related fields. Читать дальше...


Congrats, America! The 33 biggest banks in the US are getting safer

Michael Regan/Getty Images

The Federal Reserve announced the results of its latest round of banking stress tests on Thursday, saying that the 33 largest financial institutions in the US look safer.

The tests, conducted since 2009 and mandated by the Dodd-Frank Act since 2011, attempt to determine just how safe financial institutions with more than $50 billion in US-based assets are.

The Fed runs a hypothetical test of a recession and severe recession. The severe recession is unique to every year. Читать дальше...


Biotech is bouncing back

Wikimedia Commons

Traders are flying their crazy flags as Brexit voting begins today.

Yesterday’s morning melt-up was interrupted by another one of these polls. A couple of news outlets reporting on a possible Brexit win is all it takes to torpedo any rally in this environment…

Luckily, one unlikely group of stocks fought higher yesterday amid the market’s whipsaw action.

I’m talking about biotechs.

These stocks have been a confusing bunch since the sector bottomed out in February. Читать дальше...


The way we buy things online is on the verge of a revolution


Amazon introduced Prime in 2005, letting customers pay $79 for a year-long two-day free-shipping shopping spree.

It changed the entire industry.

Prime got people used to buying everyday items like toothpaste and Cocoa Puffs off of the internet, and it got people used to window shopping from the comfort of their bed, both of which are now the norm for online shopping.

Amazon brought together everything into one place, which was convenient, but limited in its personal touch. Читать дальше...


Hundreds of celebrities signed an open letter demanding that Congress 'stop gun violence now'

Ian Gavan; Stuart C. Wilson/Getty

Paul McCartney, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry were among the hundreds of celebrities who signed an open letter from Billboard magazine to Congress on the issue of gun-control reform on Thursday.

The letter, "An Open Letter to Congress: Stop Gun Violence Now," finds an impressive and extensive list of artists and music-industry executives throwing their voices into "the chorus of Americans demanding change," following the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida. Читать дальше...


Europe is warming on Russia — even as Putin tries to undo the European Union

REUTERS/Grigory Dukor

The times, they seem to be a-changin'

The vibe at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum was distinctively different this year, with European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, and former French President Nicolas Sarkozy making high-profile appearances.

The noises coming out of European capitals are also taking on a different tone, with German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier calling for a phasing out of sanctions... Читать дальше...


5 things highly respected people do every day

Stephen Brashear/Stringer/Getty Images

While we often think that money and material goods will bring happiness, some research suggests that being respected and admired can actually be even more important for boosting happiness.

And not only does respect seem to lead to increased happiness, it can help build stronger relationships with those around you.

In her book "Respect: An Exploration," researcher Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot calls respect the "single most powerful ingredient... Читать дальше...


NBA teams are reportedly doubting the age of an NBA draft prospect, and his stock is plummeting

Gregory Payan/AP

Thon Maker's path to tonight's NBA draft has been one of the more curious journeys we've seen in some time.

He rose, seemingly out of nowhere, to internet-mixtape viral fame. He then successfully petitioned to jump straight from his prep school in Canada to the draft by claiming that he was not a senior, but instead completing a post-graduate year — meaning that he had graduated in 2015, not 2016.

As recently as this week, the 7-foot-1 prospect was projected to be a late first-round... Читать дальше...


DOW RALLIES 230 POINTS, BRITAIN VOTES: Here's what you need to know

REUTERS/Stefan Wermuth

Stocks rallied on Thursday as markets eagerly awaited the results from the UK's big EU referendum vote, with results of this expected to roll in overnight. 


  • Dow: 18,011.1, +230.2, (+1.3%)
  • S&P 500: 2,113.3, +27.9, (+1.3%)
  • Nasdaq: 4,910, +76.7, (+1.6%)
  • WTI crude oil: $50.10, +2%
  • 10-year Treasury: 1.74%


Britons took to the polls on Thursday to vote in the long-anticipated... Читать дальше...


Should you use cash, debit, or credit?

Samantha Lee Business Insider

Joe Raedle / Staff / Getty Images

Most of us have multiple payment options in our wallets.

Credit allows us to borrow money, with the promise we'll pay it back at the end of the month or pay a fee in the form of interest.

Debit pulls electronic cash straight from our checking account.

Cash starts and ends the transaction in plain sight at the register, when we hand over paper and coins. (For our purposes, we're not talking about bank transfers. Читать дальше...


The former CEO of a $34 billion company says you should always do 2 things when starting a new job

Larry French/Getty Images

As the CEO of Yum Brands from 1999 to 2015, David Novak turned a PepsiCo spinoff into a global leader in the fast-food industry through the brands KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.

When he retired from his position as chairman of Yum in May, he left behind a legacy of 41,000 restaurants across 125 countries and a market capitalization of about $34 billion.

Novak recently visited Business Insider in New York, where we discussed his new book, "O Great... Читать дальше...


Here are 9 ways to de-stress at work in 2 minutes or less

Flickr/Minoru Nitta

One of the common misconceptions about the nonprofit sector is that feelings of burnout will magically be pushed in the background simply because you're doing meaningful work.

But the reality is, no matter what job you have, exhaustion is very real.

Building a career that creates lasting social impact is great, but not if you forget to take care of yourself, too.

Worried there isn't enough time for self-care while you're busy changing lives? You can alleviate stress without leaving your desk!


The former CEO of a $34 billion company says living in 23 states as a kid taught him a people skill he still uses today

Larry French/Getty Images

Growing up in a series of about 20 trailer parks across the Midwest, David Novak never envisioned himself as the head of a billion-dollar company.

As the CEO of Yum Brands from 1999 to 2015, Novak turned a PepsiCo spinoff into a global leader in the fast-food industry through the brands KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut.

When he retired from his position as chairman of Yum in May, he left behind a legacy of 41,000 restaurants across 125 countries and a market capitalization of about $34 billion. Читать дальше...


5 lessons from LeBron James about big goals and proving the doubters wrong

Jason Miller/Getty Images

The NBA Finals is over, and we have a new champion. Living in the San Francisco Bay area, my loyalties were firmly behind the Golden State Warriors, but the Cleveland Caveliers earned this title and deserve our full appreciation.

In the midst of the Finals, I praised Warriors coach Steve Kerr's leadership style, and it seems only fair now to give LeBron his due and see what lessons we can take away from his feats.

If Kerr exemplifies one flavor of low-key coaching... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Путин в России и мире

Путин: Россия и Китай работают над формированием справедливого мироустройства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В Российском национальном Музее Музыки пройдет концерт «Курские Песни 2.0»


ТАСС: в Москве задержали зампреда правительства Алтайского края

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