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‘Snowfall’ showrunner Dave Andron discusses key scenes from the first season

Snowfall FX crackFX Networks

Dave Andron describes crack cocaine in 1980s Los Angeles as a “bomb” that hit the city. But while LA was ground zero of the epidemic, it was also the center of a drug web that connected to Mexico, Nicaragua, and the CIA.

That’s the story of “Snowfall,” a drama on the FX network that just finished up its first season. The show follows a Mexican-American crime family, a CIA officer, and a young drug dealer named Franklin Saint.

The show is set in 1983, but Andron, who served as the first season’s showrunner,  says that there are parallels between then and now.

"The war on crack became a war on black people,” Andron said. “And it was handled, I think, pretty horribly and so in that regard, we're still dealing with it."

A showrunner does a lot of things, from directing to writing to making sure the right kind of paper cups are on set. The showrunner ultimately controls every facet of a TV show, which is why INSIDER created “Showrunners,” the podcast that talks to the people making the shows we love.

On this episode of “Showrunners,” INSIDER’s Editor-in-Chief Nicholas Carlson talks with Andron about how “Snowfall” relates to race relations in the US today, and we took a look at a few key scenes from the beginning of the first season.

You can listen to the whole episode here:

Here’s the full transcript of the interview:

Nicholas Carlson: There's this scene where Franklin, we were talking about him before, he starts to get into the cocaine selling business, he's got some momentum, it's going well, and then he leaves a nightclub where he just left a bunch of big packages and —

Dave Andron: And he gets his ass whooped.

Carlson: All his stuff taken and money is gone, he bought this cool motorcycle that he doesn't have anymore and he's in trouble, he needs to get that money back because he owes it to people.

Andron: Right, that's right. The keys that he's selling at that point have been fronted to him by this Israeli gangster and now he doesn't have the drugs because he just sold it and he doesn't have his money.

Carlson: Yeah, what a character that Israeli gangster is, like, oh my god.

Andron: Avi is a good time.

Carlson: Yeah that's right. And anyway so Franklin sets about getting his money back. He needs the money back. And the guy who stole it, he goes to his pal and says, "Oh I know a tough guy who can help us get it back."

Andron: Right these are kids and it was really important to me that you see them as kids and especially Franklin. Leon, the buddy he goes to, had spent some time in juvie, knows those folks but Franklin doesn't. He's not a gangster, he's a 20-year-old kid who's always been able to talk himself into or out of whatever situation he found himself in, and now he can't talk himself in or out of these things.

Carlson: So they enlist a tough guy who goes way overboard in trying to extract the money and I was watching this scene being like, "this is a flip moment for Franklin." Basically, the tough guy they enlist finds the guy who beat up Franklin and took his money and is torturing him and then rapes him. So the tough guy rapes the guy who stole Franklin's money, and they find out. Tell me about writing that scene and how it got there, and how you write Franklin there, and what does that mean for him at that moment?

Andron: Through this first season, we really wanted to track Franklin with a kid who gets into this thinking, “Oh, I can do this without incurring serious damage and violence,” and pretty quickly putting him in a situation where he's realizing, “Oh shit, I'm not going to be able to talk myself in or out of these situations, and how far am I willing to go?” And we were really looking for something to start to make him understand how deep and bad and ugly this could get, right from the jump. Franklin is forced to deal with the ramifications of that throughout the entire first season. Does he create this monster and how does Franklin have to deal with that monster? And so if we were going to go there, that was kind of my edict, then we got to really make this a thing and earn it.

Carlson: So in that moment Franklin is realizing how deep it is.

Andron: Yes, the "Oh my god."

Carlson: Because I remember at one point in the show he's like, "I don't need a gun, I don't need this."

Andron: Yeah that's the end of the pilot and his Aunt Louie, who's been through it all and helps him out, says take it, and he won't. He really, truly believes he's been able to do this and he'll be able to figure it out without going there.

Carlson: There's a moment in one of the episodes where Franklin gets out of the business and then there's an episode following that where he has this ordeal with his father and he gets back in, so why did he get out and then why did he get back in?

Andron: Yeah I mean look, it's a drug show, he's the center of it, I think you understand that he eventually is going to be in the drug game for keeps but I felt like it was important looking at his character, after everything he goes through in the first four episodes, he needed, in my mind, to be very affected by it. You needed to see it take a toll where he needed to be like, "OK, I need to pump the brakes here, I need to stop, I need to take stock of my life and my world and reevaluate why I'm doing this now that I know what the costs are going to be." He seeks out his father at that point. He has this naive idea, I think, that he's going to go to him and be able to try to identify with a guy who was once involved in a movement and believed in things and lost the thread, and I think he needs that touchstone in this moment. And he goes and, of course, what he finds is his father has been thrown in jail for whatever minor offense and he goes as far as even getting him out and sees his father’s face and realizes, "Oh this is a mistake. I shouldn't have come here. I'm never going to get from this guy what I need."

It was that sense, for me, of him feeling so powerless and feeling reminded that, "Boy, if I don't do something drastic, this is how it's going to be for me forever and that's not enough and there's no fucking way I'm ending up like that man who's bailing on me again. I'm going to lift people up, I'm going to be better than that." And we tried to do it in a subtle way, but I was hoping that that's what the audience would feel, that he just decides at the end of that no, it's worth it, it's worth whatever cost because whatever happens, I'm not going to be that.

Carlson: I remember an interesting thing that happens in the scene where Franklin shows up at — I don't know what you'd call them — it's a gang that sells for the cartels cocaine and so it's like distributors, right? And he's just immediately terrified. He just sees one of them and just is like, "ah," and he wants to get out of there.

Andron: Right, I mean once he decides to get back into the game, he tries to go about it in a way where he's doing it the smartest way possible and he knows he can't sell it in his neighborhood, they can't afford it. Of course in a very Franklin way, what he does is he gets his uncle to take him to a guy who warns him and says, "What you don't do is this," and Franklin then thinks, "Well I can pull that off, right?" Again, he's the guy who's always been able to figure this stuff out and he goes there to scope it out and to see what this is going to be like and it's a little naive. Maybe he shouldn't have gone there or shouldn't have gone there alone, but I think he thinks, "If I show up with a bunch of guys, it looks threatening, but if I just show up on my own, maybe I can make some inroads, or I can at least see what I'm dealing with," and he pulls up and just parks for a moment and yeah, he immediately realizes — you get that feeling when you put your foot in it and you can feel like, "oh this is a mistake." And he pulls up and very quickly, to his credit, is like, "Oh no, no, no, this was not the right play, I need to do this in a different way," but before he can literally pull away, it happens so quickly that he's put in this horrible —

Carlson: He was afraid.

Andron: Right. I think he also doesn't care so much about that. He was the guy who flourished in the white school. The backstory for us was he was literally the prom king. He really still thinks he can go in, doesn't bring a gun with him to that thing, that he can go charm him and he's like, "I don't care that I'm black and you're Mexican," and I actually love that about him. Not only in the world of our show but in the world that's we're currently dealing with in this country, that he doesn't see it that way. It's like, look, this is a business thing. Why shouldn't I? If I have something that can help you and you can help me, why would you care that I'm a black guy and you're a Mexican guy? And I think that's something he's honestly going to keep running into and is interesting to me in the series and part of what's wonderful about these three different worlds. LA is an extremely diverse city. I overheard somebody saying there are more languages spoken everyday in Los Angeles than any other city in the world. I don't have data to back that up but I think it's very possible and I think part of the diversity is what makes this city so wonderful and part of what we really wanted to explore in the series.

Carlson: So through a nuanced viewing of this show that certainly comes through, but I'm going to ask sort of a somewhat tough question, just heads up. Here we go.

Andron: Please, bring it.

Carlson: The Mexicans in this show are gang members. The black people in this show are selling drugs and not all of them —

Andron: Not all of them.

Carlson: Not all of them, yeah.

Andron: We don't take it easy on the white guy, either.

Carlson: That's true, the white guy —

Andron: Everybody's fucking up. And look, that's part of it. This is a crime show. This is not necessarily a comment on —

Carlson: So how do you deal with this issue? How do you say, "we just want to make sure that we're not stereotyping races and things like that and perpetuating things that are going to lead to people saying stupid things" and stuff?

Andron: Yeah I mean look, I think ultimately you have to give the show a chance and let us build it out and try to portray the community and the world around these people as real and layered and authentic, and part of the challenge of having a show with three storylines is you really have to focus on the plotty, dramatic elements. Ultimately I think you just have to watch the show and trust that we understand that, that we're not trying to portray this as one-dimensional. But look, I remember when the show was announced and there was a lot of chatter online from people just straight up being like, “Oh great, another show about black people selling drugs.” And that's fair. I don't really know what to say to that, I'm hoping that it's about much more than that. I'm hoping that we can get into the indictment of the way that government handled the war on drugs, the prison industrial complex ramping up. I mean there are really massive implications for the way the war on drugs ramped up on the crack addiction in the hood was handled, that I think are extremely important and need to be talked about and so again, I know we have to come in through this particular lens right now but I'm hoping this thing ends up refracting into a lot of different areas and we can get into those more political, important stories that teach us something about how not to deal with this type of thing.

Carlson: Does this show speak to the current day? I mean what's going on with the world right now?

Andron: I think in the way that we were just talking about the war on drugs and what it did and how it became a war. The war on crack became a war on black people, that's just the way it was. White areas were not being decimated, the prison population of white people didn't increase whatever thousand percent. That's what it became and it was handled, I think, pretty horribly and so in that regard, we're still dealing with it. Having now spent the time and doing the research and being in these environments talking to people, I honestly think we might have been at some sort of tipping point for the black community in the early 80s. At that point, you're 20 years out of the Jim Crow south, you really were starting with this next generation where if the schools were in good shape and that generation is raised right and they have a family unit at home who is looking out for them and they are getting educated, maybe they're rising up in the world and starting to deal with some of this inequality that we're feeling so drastically now, and instead you had literally the complete opposite where family units were destroyed. Singleton is fond saying that crack was the only thing that could take mothers away from their kids, slavery didn't do that, the mothers were still raising their kids; crack literally destroyed these families, it put the fathers in jail, it left these kids out on the street with nobody looking out for them and what it did to at least one generation and certainly the ripple effect, I think you could argue it set the African American communities back 50, 100 years, at least a generation. And I think that is really important as we deal with the stuff we're dealing with, not only with the frustrations of those communities and how much they feel like the system doesn't give a shit about them, and now you have these leaders in place who really don't — who genuinely don't — and I think if we had any doubt this was the case, that was confirmed yesterday when you-know-who doubled down on his both sides bullshit [Editor's note: this interview was conducted days after protests in Charlottesville, when President Donald Trump said there was violence on "many sides" during the protests.].

Carlson: We're still talking about many-sided stuff over here, so when you listen to this weeks from now —

Andron: Yeah, sorry and I know —

Carlson: Reverse — who knows what will happen between now and then, so.

Andron: But it is important to talk about in the context of this show because it is a way to get at the things we're dealing with now and the future of this country depends on us having some knowledge and understanding of what that looked like.

Carlson: There's this great scene in the show where Franklin, he asks his uncle to introduce him to someone who used to be in the cocaine business and who is out now. The question is: who controls your life? Or just, in life, what's the thing that's running you? And just listening to that, I thought, like good fiction does, what is the thing controlling my life? What is the thing controlling your life? What are you after?

Andron: FX, my god. Slave drivers. Wow, honestly in all the construction and thinking we did about that for the show, I hadn't thought about that much in regards to my own life. I think with regards to a career and in the professional sense, yeah, when you're in the middle of making a show, there is very little else. I'm lucky right now, I'm not married, I don't have kids. I have real trouble envisioning how you run a television show as hands-on as I would like to be, and make sure you're giving enough time to your kids and your family and I know a lot of people in this country work too hard and at least to run a show, you get paid I feel like accordingly, but that really does start to take over and every moment you're thinking about the ten problems you've got to solve and the episode being written and the one that's in post that maybe didn't work the way you'd hoped it would, and you really are devoting so much energy and brainpower to problem solving but I feel like I'm fairly lucky, I think, thinking globally about the way people have to struggle to survive and just feed families and find clean water. I have to remind myself that I'm pretty lucky to get to do the thing that I do and have the freedom to express myself and live in a place and work for a network where I can tell the story about what crack did to the black community and have the freedom to tell that and not only tell an entertaining story but be a little political and make a comment on our world and where we've been. It's a really wonderful thing. I feel pretty free in that way.

Carlson: Well I'm excited to see the rest of it and thanks for doing this. Really appreciate it.

Andron: Oh it was great to be here man, thank you very much.

Carlson: Thanks.

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