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Millions come together and ‘clap for carers’ for fourth week in a row

A mass round of applause rang through the streets of Britain once again tonight.

NHS Clap
Clap for Carers has lit up the streets of Britain for the fourth week in a row

A mass round of applause rang through the streets of Britain once again tonight, as millions came together to show their appreciation for NHS and social workers.

Clap For Our Carers has become a weekly event as people across the nation unite in a massive show of support for the UK’s emergency workers who are caring for patients with coronavirus.

Over the past month, people on locked-down streets have opened their doors and windows to cheer on frontline workers, who are risking their lives daily in the battle against Covid-19.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is recovering from the virus at his Chequers residence, was among those who joined in with the campaign tonight. He put his hands together to say thank you for the ‘incredible efforts of the country’s doctors, nurses and care workers’ his official spokesman said.

LONDON, ENGLAND - APRIL 16: Soldiers from the Foot Guards of the Household Division clap for the NHS workers at Wellington Barracks in Westminster on April 16, 2020 in London, United Kingdom. Following the success of the
Soldiers clap for the NHS workers at Wellington Barracks in Westminster (Picture: Getty)
Britain's Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab (L) and Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak (R) take part in a national
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak take part in a national ‘clap for carers’ (Picture: AFP)
Nurses outside the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, as they join in to salute local heroes during Thursday's nationwide Clap for Carers NHS initiative to applaud NHS workers and carers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. PA Photo. Picture date: Thursday April 16, 2020. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Aaron Chown/PA Wire
Nurses outside the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, as they join in to salute local heroes during Thursday\’s nationwide Clap for Carers NHS (Picture: PA)
Merseyside Police and Fire service clap the NHS workers at Royal Liverpool University Hospital come outside to see the public clapping to salute local heroes during Thursday's nationwide Clap for Carers NHS initiative to applaud NHS workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. PA Photo. Picture date: Thursday April 16, 2020. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
Merseyside Police and Fire service clap the NHS workers at Royal Liverpool University Hospital (Picture: PA)

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, who is deputising for the PM, said he and Chancellor Rishi Sunak also ‘joined the nation in paying tribute to all the heroes on the frontline of the fight against coronavirus’.

Mr Johnson’s pregnant fiancee Carrie Symonds also took part in tonight’s event, saying she was clapping not just for health workers but also for Captain Tom Moore, the 99-year-old army veteran who has raised £15 million for the NHS.

She tweeted: “Clapping harder than ever tonight for our carers.

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‘You are the best of Britain. Also clapping for @captaintommoore who has now raised over £15m for our NHS. Not only have you raised an enormous amount of money but you’ve inspired us all.’

Meanwhile, Mayor of London  Sadiq Khan tweeted a video in which boats could be seen with blue lights on along the River Thames. He said: “Best moment of the week. To everyone working flat out on the frontline in the fight against COVID19: thank you!’

Clap From Our Carers | Britain Get Talking | ITV
Health care workers have joined in with tonight’s clap, thanking the UK for staying at home during the crisis (Picture: ITV)
NHS workers applaud outside Chelsea and Westminster Hospital during the Clap for our Carers campaign in support of the NHS as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, London, Britain, April 16, 2020. REUTERS/Kevin Coombs
The event takes place every Thursday at 8pm (Picture: Reuters)
An advertising van outside the Royal Liverpool University Hospital before Thursday's nationwide Clap for Carers NHS initiative to applaud NHS workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. PA Photo. Picture date: Thursday April 16, 2020. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire
An advertising van outside the Royal Liverpool University Hospital saying thank you to the NHS (Picture: PA)
Brothers Luca (5) and Christian (2) dressed as Mario and Luigi during the Clap for our Carers campaign in support of the NHS as the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) continues, Cheshunt, Britain, April 16, 2020. REUTERS/Mark Hartnell
Brothers Luca (5) and Christian (2) dressed as Mario and Luigi during the Clap for our Carers campaign in support of the NHS (Picture: Reuters)

The first clap for carers saw national landmarks light up in blue to thank the NHS, while videos from streets across the country saw people bang pots and pans together to show health care workers how valued they are.

Event organiser Annemarie Plas says the event will take place at the same time every week for as long as the crisis continues.

The weekly event is a way to say thanks, not only to doctors and nurses, but to everyone else who has to venture out to work for the good of the country.

Staff put a sign on the windshield in support of the NHS at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne, to salute local heroes during Thursday's nationwide Clap for Carers initiative to recognise and support NHS workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. PA Photo. Picture date: Thursday April 16, 2020. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Owen Humphreys/PA Wire
Staff put a sign on the windshield in support of the NHS at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne (Credits: PA)
Nurses applaud outside University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, to salute local heroes during Thursday's nationwide Clap for Carers NHS initiative to applaud NHS workers fighting the coronavirus pandemic. PA Photo. Picture date: Thursday April 16, 2020. See PA story HEALTH Coronavirus. Photo credit should read: Jacob King/PA Wire
Nurses applaud outside University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire, as part of the weekly clap for carers campaign (Picture: PA)
NORTHAMPTON, UNITD KINGDOM- APRIL 16: Local residents take part in the weekly tribute to NHS and other key workers on April 16, 2020 in Northampton, United Kingdom. Following the success of the
Local residents take part in the weekly tribute to NHS and other key workers in Nottinghamshire (Picture: Getty)
NEWPORT, UNITED KINGDOM - APRIL 16: A member of staff wearing a face visor holds up a sign which says 'RIP Jeremy Williams' as people clap at the Royal Gwent Hospital on April 16, 2020 in Newport, United Kingdom. Following the success of the
A member of staff wearing a face visor holds up a sign paying tribute to healthcare worker Jeremy Williams, who lost his life to coronavirus (Picture: Getty)

A message on the campaign’s website said: ‘Healthcare workers, emergency services, armed services, delivery drivers, shop workers, teachers, waste collectors, manufacturers, postal workers, cleaners, vets, engineers and all those who are out there making an unbelievable difference to our lives in these challenging times… bravo, you are amazing!’

This evening’s Clap For Our Carers has been followed by a broadcast on ITV from healthcare workers applauding the nation, thanking them for their support and for staying home.

It comes after the government announced lockdown would be extended for at least three more weeks.

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