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Новости за 22.05.2024

Times Union 

Top Apple exec acknowledges shortcomings in effort to bring competition in iPhone app payments

Longtime Apple executive Phil Schiller on Wednesday acknowledged a court-ordered makeover of the U.S. payment system in its iPhone app store hasn’t done much to increase competition — a shortcoming that could result in a federal judge demanding more changes. Schiller, who has overseen Apple's app store for 16 years, made the admission during occasionally sheepish testimony about new payment options that so far have been shunned by all but a few dozen apps since their introduction in January. His... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Nvidia's profit soars, underscoring its dominance in chips for artificial intelligence

Nvidia overshot Wall Street estimates as its quarterly profit skyrocketed, bolstered by the chip-making dominance that has made the company an icon of the artificial intelligence boom. Net income rose more than sevenfold compared to a year earlier, jumping to $14.9 billion in the first quarter from $2 billion a year earlier. Revenue more than tripled in the quarter, rising to $26 billion from $7.2 billion in the previous year. It also announced a 10-for-1 stock split, a move that it noted will make... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Nashville council rejects proposed sign for Morgan Wallen's new bar, decrying his behavior

Nashville councilmembers have rejected a plan to erect a glowing sign at Morgan Wallen’s new bar along a neon-lit strip of honky tonks in the city's downtown. The council voted 33-0 on Tuesday against the idea. That came after members decried Wallen's use of a racial slur publicized in 2021 and recent criminal charges accusing him of throwing a chair off a Nashville rooftop and nearly hitting two police officers. Plans for a sign to be put up over a public sidewalk required the approval of local... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Congress aims to overhaul presidential ethics rules with a plan led by an unlikely pair of lawmakers

Bipartisan legislation introduced in the House would require presidents and vice presidents to publicly disclose tax returns before, during and after their time in the White House. The proposal Wednesday is the latest election-year push for more oversight of presidential ethics as both parties grapple with ongoing congressional investigations into their leading candidates for the White House. The plan is being led by the unusual pairing of Republican Rep. James Comer and progressive Democratic Rep. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Bosnian Serb leader reiterates threat to secede from Bosnia ahead of UN vote on genocide

The leader of Bosnia’s Serb-controlled territory has reiterated a threat to secede from the Balkan country, a day ahead of a U.N. vote on establishing an annual day to commemorate the 1995 genocide of more than 8,000 Bosnian Muslims by Bosnian Serbs. Relatives of the victims, meanwhile, say the vote will mark a historic day in ensuring that the deaths cannot be denied or forgotten. The proposed U.N. resolution sponsored by Germany and Rwanda has been supported by the Bosniaks, who are mostly Muslim. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Cybersecurity labeling for smart devices aims to help people choose items less likely to be hacked

Smart devices like baby monitors, fitness trackers and internet-connected appliances will soon be eligible for labels certifying that they meet federal cybersecurity standards. Federal officials said Wednesday that the first “Cyber Trust” labels could appear in time for the holiday shopping season. The White House announced the labels last year to help consumers avoid devices that are vulnerable to hacking. The trust mark program is voluntary, but manufacturers and retailers including Amazon, Best... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Target sales decline to start the year, but it sees improvement

Target is reporting a decline in quarterly revenue as still-stubborn inflation cuts into shoppers’ spending. The Minneapolis retailer also delivered a muted profit outlook on Wednesday. But it said it expects it will get back to quarterly sales growth in the current quarter. The fiscal first-quarter report comes as Target is looking for ways to reverse a sales malaise. On Monday, it announced plans to cut prices on thousands of consumer basics this summer, from diapers to milk. Target reported net income of $942 million... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Families of Uvalde school shooting victims plan announcement ahead of second anniversary

The families of 19 of the victims in the Uvalde elementary school shooting in Texas have scheduled a news conference ahead of the upcoming second anniversary of one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history. The news conference is planned for Wednesday. The attack at Robb Elementary School killed 19 fourth-graders and two teachers in 2022. Several lawsuits have previously been filed. The legal team representing the Uvalde families helped the families of victims in the Sandy Hook School shooting... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Anonymous gifts are common. But a climate group says a $10 million gift it got is an all-out mystery

A climate philanthropy organization, Giving Green, received a $10 million anonymous donation in April and thinks that the same donor may have given even more. Giving Green researches and recommends donating to a handful of nonprofits they think have the potential to make a significant difference in preventing climate change. Founder Dan Stein says the same donor may actually have given as much as $17 million more directly to those organizations in the last two years. Tory Martin is a director at the Dorothy A. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Biden is honoring Kenya with state visit as the East African nation prepares to send police to Haiti

President Joe Biden is welcoming Kenyan President William Ruto to the White House to kick off a three-day state visit. Ruto comes to Washington as his country is preparing to deploy 1,000 police officers to Haiti to take part in a U.N.-led effort to try to calm a spiraling security crisis in the Caribbean nation. White House deputy national security adviser Jon Finer welcomes Kenya's move as an “unprecedented undertaking." The state visit gets going on Wednesday afternoon when Biden and Ruto meet... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Stock market today: Global shares edge lower after Wall Street sets more records

World markets are mostly lower after U.S. stocks hit new record highs. U.S. futures and oil prices also slipped. Tokyo's Nikkei 225 fell after Japan reported that its trade deficit rose last month as rising costs for imports outpaced an 8% rise in exports from the year before. Britain’s FTSE 100 slipped after the government announced a stronger-than-expected inflation reading, dashing hopes for a rate cut in June. On Tuesday, the S&P 500 rose 0.3% to surpass its record set last week. The Nasdaq composite added 0.2%... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

UK inflation falls to 2.3%, lowest level in nearly 3 years but still above Bank of England's target

Inflation in the U.K. fell sharply to its lowest level in nearly three years in April on the back of big declines in domestic bills. The Office for National Statistics said Wednesday that inflation, as measured by the consumer prices index, fell to 2.3% in the year to April, down from 3.2% in March. That is the lowest level since July 2021 when the global economy was still being held back by the coronavirus pandemic. The fall also takes inflation nearer to the Bank of England’s target rate of 2%... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Tough-on-crime challenger leading in race for district attorney in Portland, Oregon

A centrist candidate who has vowed to be tough on crime is leading in the race for top prosecutor in Oregon’s Multnomah County, home to Portland, in a contest that is seen as a referendum on voter concerns over homelessness, public drug use and disorder. Nathan Vasquez was leading incumbent District Attorney Mike Schmidt in early returns Tuesday night. Schmidt’s term began as the death of George Floyd at the hands of police sparked nightly protests in Portland and a larger national conversation about criminal justice reform. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

South Africa election: How Mandela's once revered ANC lost its way with infighting and scandals

South Africa’s African National Congress rose above politics for years. It was a movement dedicated to freeing Black people from the oppression of white minority rule and to the principle of democracy, equality and a better life for all South Africans. It was widely admired as a force for good under Nelson Mandela. The ANC transformed from a liberation organization to a political party in government at the end of apartheid in 1994. But the party faces growing dissatisfaction three decades later.... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Sites with radioactive material more vulnerable as climate change increases wildfire, flood risks

Climate climate change increasingly threatens research laboratories, weapons sites and power plants across the nation that handle or are contaminated with radioactive material or perform critical energy and defense research. The Department of Energy recently required existing sites to assess vulnerability to fires, floods and other disasters. Now the agency division that oversees active sites will decide how to consider future climate risks when issuing permits or licenses. The General Accounting... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Most of passengers from battered Singapore Airlines jetliner arrive in Singapore from Bangkok

Singapore Airlines says most of the passengers who were on one of its jetliners that was battered by severe turbulence have been flown to Singapore from Bangkok. The airline says 143 passengers arrived in the city state shortly after 5 a.m. Wednesday. Airline CEO Goh Choon Phong says an additional 79 passengers and six crew members remain in Bangkok, including the 71 reported to be hospitalized as of late Tuesday. The airline told The Associated Press that a second relief flight is planned. The airline... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Female White House chef duo has dished up culinary diplomacy at state dinners for nearly a decade

While President Joe Biden and his guest of honor at a White House state dinner chew over foreign policy, a female chef duo takes care of the culinary diplomacy. Cris Comerford is the White House executive chief and Susie Morrison is the executive pastry chef. Both are the first women in these roles. Comerford, a native of the Philippines, is also the first person of color to be named executive chef. Their collaboration and their culinary creations will be featured again Thursday when Biden and his wife... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Barbie will make dolls to honor Venus Williams and other star athletes

Barbie dolls will honor tennis champion Venus Williams and eight other athletes as part of a project announced by Mattel. The others who are being depicted as dolls are gymnasts Rebeca Andrade and Alexa Moreno, soccer players Mary Fowler and Christine Sinclair, boxer Estelle Mossely, swimmer Federica Pellegrini, paratriathlete Susana Rodriguez and track and field sprinter Ewa Swoboda. Mattel released the names of the nine athletes on Wednesday to note the ways sports can foster self-confidence, ambition and empowerment.

Times Union 

Using AI, Mastercard expects to find compromised cards quicker, before they get used by criminals

Mastercard says it expects to be able to discover that your credit or debit card number has been compromised well before it ends up in the hands of a cybercriminal. In its latest software update rolling out this week, Mastercard is integrating artificial intelligence into its fraud-prediction technology. It said Wednesday that it expects the system will be able to see patterns in stolen cards faster and allow banks to replace them before they are used by criminals.

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Экология в России и мире

1114 кг мусора и вторсырья за час: новый рекорд акции «Живи Экологично»

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Тайны королевской семьи: что скрывает нумерологический прогноз для Чарльза III?


Успенская обратилась к Киркорову: "Ну что, Филя, шах и мат!"

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