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Новости за 30.03.2024

Times Union 

Connecticut becomes one of the last states to allow early voting after years of debate

Connecticut has finally launched an early, in-person voting system years after almost every other state in the country decided to offer a similar option to voters. Saturday marks the final day for Republicans and Democrats to vote early in the state's presidential primary, a chance to test the new system before the November general election. Only Alabama, Delaware, Mississippi and New Hampshire do not allow early, in-person voting. There had been resistance to change in Connecticut, which is known... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Canada's Niagara region declares a state of emergency to prepare for an influx of eclipse viewers

Ontario’s Niagara Region has declared a state of emergency as it prepares to welcome up to a million visitors for the solar eclipse in early April. The total solar eclipse on April 8 will be the first to touch the province since 1979, and Niagara Falls was declared by National Geographic to be one of the best places to see it. The city is in the path of totality, where the moon will entirely block the sun's rays for a few minutes.

Times Union 

3 UN military observers, a Lebanese interpreter wounded in blast while patrolling southern border

The U.N. peacekeeping mission in Lebanon says three United Nations military observers and a Lebanese interpreter have been wounded while patrolling the southern Lebanese border after a shell exploded near them. UNIFIL said Saturday that the military observers were from the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization which supports their mission. Since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, concerns have grown the near-daily clashes along the border between Israel and Lebanon could escalate into a full-scale war. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

At collapsed Baltimore bridge, focus shifts to the weighty job of removing the massive structure

Engineers in Maryland are focused on the daunting task of removing what had been the Francis Scott Key Bridge from the Patapsco River. A massive cargo ship felled the span Tuesday after striking one of its main supports. Salvage crews will need to break the broken bridge parts into even smaller pieces to lift them out of the water. Seven floating cranes, 10 tugboats and nine barges are arriving to help. Divers are also still searching for the bodies of four workers missing in the water. Clearing... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Some of Trump's allies in Congress already support his 2025 ideas on deportations and Jan. 6 pardons

Donald Trump is campaigning on promises of mass deportations and of pardons for those convicted in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, and his ideas are being met with little pushback by a new era of Republicans in Congress. It’s a shift from the first time around when he faced early skepticism and sometimes condemnation. Today, some Republicans are enthusiastic about Trump's ideas. For example, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio says the U.S. is “going to have to deport some people.” Trump’s words have the potential to move quickly from rhetoric to reality... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Powerball drawing nears $935 million jackpot that has been growing for months

Lottery players will have another shot at a $935 million Powerball jackpot that has been growing larger and larger since the last winner nearly three months ago. No one has won Powerball’s top prize since New Year’s Day, amounting to 37 consecutive drawings without a jackpot winner. That streak without a winner is nearing the record number of 41 consecutive drawings. The game’s long odds of 1 in 292.2 million make this a rare jackpot. The $935 million prize on the line Saturday night is for a sole winner who chooses an annuity... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Who wouldn't like prices to start falling? Careful what you wish for, economists say

Many Americans are in a sour mood about the economy for one main reason: Prices feel too high. Maybe they’re not rising as fast as they had been, but average prices are still painfully above where they were before the pandemic. And they’re mostly heading higher still. Wouldn’t it be great if prices actually fell — what economists call deflation? Who wouldn’t want to fire up a time machine and return to the days before the economy rocketed out of the pandemic recession and sent prices soaring? Many... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Some state lawmakers want school chaplains as part of a 'rescue mission' for public education

Lawmakers in more than a dozen states have proposed legislation to allow spiritual chaplains in public schools. Proponents say the move will ease a youth mental health crisis, bolster staff retention and offer spiritual care to students who can’t afford or access religious schools. Conservatives argue religious foundations will act as a “rescue mission” for what they say are public schools’ declining values. Many chaplains and interfaith organizations oppose the chaplaincy campaign, calling the motivation... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Volunteers uncover fate of thousands of Lost Alaskans sent to Oregon mental hospital a century ago

A 15-year volunteer effort is helping identify the fates of thousands of Alaskans who were shipped to a controversial psychiatric hospital in Oregon between 1904 and the 1960s. The patients were committed after being deemed by a jury “truly insane.” There were no facilities to treat those with mental illness or developmental disabilities in what was then the Alaska territory, so they were sent to Morningside Hospital. Many never left, and their families never learned their fate. Volunteers in Portland... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Uranium is being mined near the Grand Canyon as prices soar and the US pushes for more nuclear power

The largest uranium producer in the United States is ramping up work at a mine less than 10 miles from the rim of the Grand Canyon. The long-contested project is within the boundaries of what is now a national monument. The work is unfolding as global instability and growing demand drive uranium prices higher. The Biden administration and dozens of other countries have pledged to boost the capacity of nuclear power worldwide as a way to fight climate change, ensuring uranium will be a key commodity for decades more. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Key takeaways about the condition of US bridges and their role in the economy

The collapse of a Baltimore bridge that got struck by a cargo ship has highlighted the important role that bridges play in the daily lives of many Americans. Though that bridge was in satisfactory shape before the collision, more than 42,000 other bridges are in poor condition across the country. An Associated Press analysis found that more than 15,800 of those bridges also were listed in poor condition a decade ago. A bridge collapse can be deadly. But the closure of bridges due to safety concerns... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Closed bridges highlight years of neglect, backlog of repairs awaiting funding

Thousands of old bridges across the U.S. are awaiting replacement or repairs after inspectors found them in poor condition. About 167 million vehicles travel daily over about 42,000 bridges that are categorized as poor. An Associated Press analysis determined that four-fifths of those have problems with the substructures that hold them up or the superstructures that support their load. And more than 15,800 of those bridges also were in poor shape a decade ago. A recent federal infrastructure law... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

President Joe Biden is lapping Donald Trump when it comes to campaign cash — and he'll need it

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is raising gobs of cash. And it has an election-year strategy that aims to spend more — and spend faster. His campaign is making significant early investments both on the ground and on air and hopes to create a massive organizational advantage that leaves Republican Donald Trump scrambling to catch up. But while the money pouring in has given Biden and the Democrats a major cash advantage, it’s also becoming clear Biden will need it. Throughout his life in business and politics... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Japanese authorities raid a factory making health supplements linked to 5 deaths

Japanese government health officials are raiding a factory that produces health supplements they say have killed at least five people and hospitalized more than 100 others. News broadcasts of the raid shown widely Saturday on Japanese TV show about a dozen people wearing dark suits solemnly walking into the Osaka plant of Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. The company says little is known about the exact cause of the sicknesses, which include kidney failure. An investigation into the products is underway in cooperation with the government. Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Study says since 1979 climate change has made heat waves last longer, spike hotter, hurt more people

A new study says climate change is making giant heat waves crawl slower across the globe and they are baking more people for a longer time with higher temperatures over larger areas. Friday's study calculates that since 1979, global heat waves are moving 20% more slowly meaning more people stay hot longer and they are happening 67% more often. The study finds the highest temperatures in the heat waves are warmer than they were 40 years ago and the area under a heat dome is larger. Heat waves used to last eight days... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

US judge in Nevada hands wild horse advocates rare victory in ruling on mustang management plans

Wild horse advocates in Nevada have scored a rare legal victory. A federal judge in Reno ruled Thursday that U.S. land managers failed to adopt a legal herd management plan or conduct the necessary environmental review before 31 mustangs died during the roundup of more than 2,000 animals in Nevada last summer. The judge ordered the Bureau of Land Management to complete a formal herd management plan for the Pancake complex in eastern Nevada by next March. Horse advocates said the ruling sets a precedent... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

A big airline is relaxing its pet policy to let owners bring the companion and a rolling carry-on

American Airlines is easing a restriction in its pet policy. For years, people with a small pet could only bring one other thing into the cabin — a small personal item that fits under their seat. American confirmed Friday that people with pets can now bring a personal item or a regular carry-on bag that fits in the overhead bin. Gary Leff, a travel blogger who first wrote about the change, thinks it might discourage people from falsely claiming that their pet is a service animal just to avoid the rule against carry-on bags.

Times Union 

Judge questions Border Patrol stand that it's not required to care for children at migrant camps

A federal judge sharply questions the Biden administration’s position that it bears no responsibility for housing and feeding migrant children who are waiting for agents in makeshift camps. A Justice Department attorney argued at a hearing Friday in Los Angeles that the children at the camps are not in legal custody. Being in custody would start a 72-hour limit on how long children can be held. It would also mean that Border Patrol must provide medical services and other support. The migrants are... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

California governor to deploy 500 surveillance cameras to Oakland to fight crime

California Gov. Gavin Newsom says hundreds of high-tech surveillance cameras are coming to the city of Oakland and surrounding freeways to battle crime. The Democrat said in a statement released Friday that 480 cameras will be deployed on city streets and surrounding state freeways to identify and track suspect vehicles in real time. Opponents say the technology infringes on privacy and will lead to further police abuse of already marginalized communities. Public safety remains a concern statewide... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

OpenAI reveals Voice Engine, but won't yet publicly release the risky AI voice-cloning technology

ChatGPT-maker OpenAI is getting into the voice assistant business and showing off new technology that can clone a person’s voice, but says it won’t yet release it publicly due to safety concerns. The artificial intelligence company unveiled its new Voice Engine technology Friday, just over a week after filing a trademark application for the name. The company claims that it can recreate a person’s voice with just 15 seconds of recording of that person talking. OpenAI says its plan is to preview it... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

Robot disguised as a coyote or fox will scare wildlife away from runways at Alaska airport

A headless robot about the size of a labrador retriever will be camouflaged as a coyote or fox to ward off migratory birds and other wildlife at Alaska's second largest airport. The Alaska Department of Transportation has named the new robot Aurora and says it will be based at the Fairbanks airport to “enhance and augment safety and operations." The Anchorage Daily News reports the robot will be tested this fall during the migratory bird season when Aurora imitates predator-like movements to keep... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В выходные в Москве ожидается до 28 градусов тепла

Путин в России и мире

Путин направил поздравления патриарху Кириллу с днем тезоименитства

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Россия и Белоруссия будут тесно сотрудничать в сфере оборонной безопасности

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Зеленскому приготовиться". В Киеве раскрыли, что задумал Порошенко

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Премьера спектакля Игоря Бутмана и Константина Хабенского "Петя и Волк"


Президенту ПО «ФОРЭНЕРГО» Николаю Алексеевичу Карасёву присвоено звание «ПОЧЕТНЫЙ ИЗОБРЕТАТЕЛЬ ГОРОДА МОСКВЫ»

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