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Новости за 12.03.2016

Times of Malta 

Process to beatify Bro. Louis Camilleri begins

The Vatican has started the process for the beatification of Bro. Louis Camilleri and the postulator of the cause will be coming to Malta in the coming weeks, this newspaper has learnt The postulator, who guides the process, will evaluate information on the late provincial’s life. Bro. Louis, who died in May 2011, was a much-loved faculty member of the De La Salle and Stella Maris colleges and taught generations of boys. He was director of both colleges as well as St Benild School and went on to serve as provincial... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Barack Obama: 'Dangers are real' in encryption debate

US president Barack Obama has backed authorities in the debate pitting encryption and personal privacy against national security, saying authorities need access to data on electronic devices because the "dangers are real". Mr Obama, appearing at an annual technology festival in Austin, Texas, delivered his most extensive comments to date on the issue being played out in court. Apple, one of the world's largest technology companies, is challenging the US government's request that it help the FBI access... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Malta Enterprise silent on Sai Mizzi Liang’s future

Malta Enterprise is maintaining total silence about Sai Mizzi Liang’s future as its envoy to Asia, also failing to give information about her achievements over the past three years. Health and Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi would not say whether his wife would be returning to Malta once her contract with the government agency expires in August. Questions sent to Malta Enterprise on March 1 remain unanswered despite six reminders and promises by the government agency that replies will be sent shortly. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

North Korea threatens pre-emptive strike against South

North Korea has said its military is ready to pre-emptively attack and "liberate" Seoul, in its latest outburst against the joint military drills by the United States and South Korea. In a statement carried through state media, the North's Korean People's Army said its front-line units were prepared to strike first if they saw signs that American and South Korean troops involved in the annual drills were attempting to invade the North. The KPA said it would counter the drills that it claims are aimed... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A different kind of retriever: Dog food firm exhibits restored vehicle at Crufts

A 1950s delivery van rebuilt with bodywork retrieved from a Stoke-on-Trent salvage yard has gone on show at Crufts - after its owner ignored calls to scrap it. The Morris Commercial J-Type was unveiled at the NEC by Lincolnshire-based Laughing Dog farm bakery after a 1,750-hour restoration overseen by William Grant, the grandson of the firm's founder. Mr Grant, aged 27, says the pre-motorway vehicle could be used for local deliveries but admits its 40mph top speed - slower than some greyhounds - would make journeys further afield problematic. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Photos of the week - Times of Malta

Times of Malta presents a selection of its photographers' choice of their best photos over the past days.

Times of Malta 

Year-in-space astronaut Scott Kelly announces retirement

Astronaut Scott Kelly is hanging up his spacesuit after spending nearly a year in orbit. Mr Kelly's retirement comes less than two weeks after he returned to Earth. He leaves space agency Nasa on April 1. Mr Kelly, 52, spent a US-record 340 days on the International Space Station to see how the human body endures long periods of time in orbit. His results are being compared to those on the ground from his twin brother Mark, who is a retired astronaut. Scott Kelly also holds the American record for... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Are the political insults going too far?

Personal attacks and insults are on the increase. To attack political rivals, politicians and commentators are taking their discourse and posts to unprecedented levels. At which point does such criticism – be it through public statements or on the social media - become unacceptable? What impact is such discourse having on society? Broadcasters David Thake and Glenn Bedingfield will go head-to-head to discuss the limits of partisan and political broadcasts.  Presented by Herman Grech and Mark Micallef... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Fuel smuggled from Libya being brought to Malta - UN

Fuel smuggled from Libya is being transferred between ships on the high seas and brought to Malta, UN experts have told the Security Council. The mastermind is Libyan national Fahmi Ben Khalifa, who co-owns ADJ Trading with former Malta international footballer Darren Debono and an Egyptian man, the report by the panel of experts on Libya said. In a detailed annex on fuel smuggling, the UN report links ADJ Trading to the fuel smuggling business and points out that the Maltese authorities are aware of the company’s activities. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Maltese newspapers review

The following are the top stories in national newspapers today. Times of Malta says the board of directors of its mother company, Allied Newspapers Ltd’s, has launched an inquiry following “very serious allegations” made in public yesterday. In another story, it says UN experts have told the Security Council fuel smuggled from Libya is being transferred between ships on the high seas and brought to Malta. L-Orizzont says that preparatory works on the tendering process for a tunnel between Malta and Gozo are underway. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Labour lost 6.3% of votes but would still win relative majority in election tomorrow - survey

The Labour Party would win an election tomorrow with a relative majority of 48.5 per cent of the votes, according to a survey commissioned by Xarabank on the occasion of Labour’s third year in government. The survey found that Labour lost 6.3 per cent since the last general election, the PN increased by 2.8 per cent to 46.1 per cent and the gap between the two parties has reduced to 2.4 per cent. According to the survey, the shift from the PL voters (except switchers) to PN voters amounted to 3.4 per cent... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Musician Keith Emerson may have killed himself - police

Keith Emerson, one of the founding members of progressive rock group Emerson, Lake and Palmer, may have killed himself, police have said. Sergeant Erika Aklufi of Santa Monica police said the 71-year-old keyboardist, who died at his home in California, had an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. "It's being investigated as a suicide," she said. Emerson was found dead by his long-time girlfriend Mari Kawaguchi at their Santa Monica condominium on Friday morning. Bandmate Carl Palmer... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Trump calls off Chicago University rally amid security fears

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has cancelled one of his signature rallies over safety concerns after protesters swarmed into the arena where he was due to speak. The announcement that the brash billionaire businessman would postpone the rally led a large portion of the crowd inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion to break out into raucous cheers. Many rushed on to the floor, jumping up and down with their arms up in the air. "Trump represents everything America is not... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Brief nap leads to snore court ruling

A US appeal court has quashed a North Carolina man's conspiracy and racketeering convictions - because his lawyer slept through the trial. Judges at the US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, said Nikita Mackey's sleepiness meant defendant Nicholas Ragin, who had been jailed for 30 years, was deprived of his constitutional right to a lawyer. The ruling has set a precedent for federal cases in the Carolinas, Virginia and West Virginia. The decision says five of the 11 regional appeal... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Upbeat Hibs not taking Mosta lightly

Hibernians coach Branko Nisevic is confident his players will go into tomorrow’s ‘winnable’ fixture against Mosta in the right frame of mind as the champions strive to keep their title challenge on track. Coming from an 8-0 thrashing of relegation-threatened Naxxar Lions, Hibs are not short of confidence but Nisevic is convinced that his team will not take Mosta lightly. “I’m quite sure that we will not approach the Mosta match with an air of over-confidence,” the Hibs coach told Times of Malta.... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Key men back for Stripes, Sliema

Birkirkara and Sliema Wanderers are bolstered by the return of a number of key players ahead of their clash this afternoon. With their title chances looking increasingly slim, the fourth-placed Birkirkara need to win today to keep their Europa League hopes alive. Drazen Besek, Birkirkara’s Croatian coach, welcomes back flank defender Cain Attard and Chilean midfielder Edison Zarate (picture) who missed the come-from-behind win over Tarxien due to suspension. Argentine defender Mauricio Mazzetti... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Balzan without Arab, Grima

Balzan’s mission is to remain within touching distance of pace-setters Valletta when they face struggling Naxxar Lions. Oliver Spiteri, the Balzan coach, must make do without defender Samir Arab, who will serve the second of a three-match suspension, and Dylan Grima who was handed a one-match ban in midweek. Midfielder Ryan Fenech is still out with a groin problem. Naxxar need to shore up their defence if they are to stand a chance against the free-scoring Balzan as the Lions have conceded a staggering 19 goals in their last four matches.

Times of Malta 

Monopoly government

Malta has a highly polarised electorate, and a small minority party garnering possibly 1.5% of the vote. The usual result is a dictatorship of the majority party in government, with resultant common abuses in finances and the environment due to nepotism and clientelism. In larger countries like Britain and Germany, coalition governments prove beneficial to the people, with self-control being exerted on the majority party in government. The minority coalition party can even bring down the government by withdrawing its parliamentary support. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Juve win thanks to Dybala brilliance, Buffon clean sheet

Juventus forward Paulo Dybala scored another exquisite goal and their goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon kept his 10th successive clean sheet in the league to give the Serie A leaders a 1-0 win over Sassuolo. Dybala curled a shot in off the inside of the post for his 14th goal of the season to put Juve, chasing a fifth successive title, on 67 points and six clear of Napoli, who visit Palermo on Sunday. Buffon, 38, has not conceded a goal in 926 minutes and is three minutes short of the Serie A record set by Sebastiano Rossi for Milan in 1994. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

«Чистая Арктика» разработает стандарт сбора и вывоза отходов из удаленных мест

Путин в России и мире

Политический директор премьера Венгрии: наша страна сдалась бы в случае

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Александр Лукашенко анонсировал название для 2025 года и всей пятилетки, у студентов было другое предложение

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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Олег Лундстрем

​Мастерская Леонида Лундстрема в Чите объединила 90 талантливых детей из разных регионов России


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