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Новости за 06.03.2016

Times of Malta 

Man suffers knife injury in Paceville, woman, policeman slightly injured

A 25-year-old man from Zejtun suffered a knife wound and was seriously injured in a fight in Paceville last night, the police said. The man was involved in an argument with an Eritrean man, 37, at about 4.30am. A 26-year-old woman from San Gwann, was slightly inured during the argument. A policeman was also assaulted and slightly injured, the police said.

Times of Malta 

‘Panamagate shows Prime Minister is unfit to lead the country’ - Simon Busuttil

The Prime Minister’s failure to take action against his closest aide and his second in command over their involvement in the Panamagate scandal makes him unfit to lead the country, Opposition leader Simon Busuttil has said. “The time for Joseph Muscat to absolve himself by pointing his finger at the PN’s past mistakes is over, as people now expect him to take decisions to stamp outcorruption,” he says in an interview with The Sunday Times of Malta ahead of a national protest against corruption to be held by the Nationalist Party today. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Trump, Cruz win two states each - Sanders wins two to Clinton's one

Ted Cruz and Donald Trump each captured two victories in Saturday's four-state round of voting in the Republican race for the White House. It is fresh evidence that there is no quick end in sight to the bitter contest, and both men suggested other rivals should now quit. On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders won in Nebraska and Kansas, while frontrunner Hillary Clinton took Louisiana, another divided verdict from the American people. Mr Cruz, a Texas senator, claimed Kansas and Maine, and declared... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Malta newspapers review

The following are the top stories in the Maltese newspapers today. The Sunday Times of Malta leads with an interview with Simon Busuttil who says the prime minister is unfit to lead the country after failing to act against those around him involved in wrongdoing. The newspaper also reports that 71 people are awaiting trial, one since 2002 MaltaToday says the Sadeen Group has been told to drop the 'university' logo by the National Commission for Higher Education. Il-Mument leads with a full front... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Ted Cruz is winner of straw poll, leads Kansas

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz gained momentum, projected as the winner of the nominating contest in Kansas and the winner of a "straw poll" of conservative activists. Cruz, currently in second place in a Republican field that has been winnowed to just four, is seeking to dent the lead of brash New York billionaire Donald Trump. Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton are each looking to strengthen their front-runner status as five states hold presidential nominating contests on Saturday. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A pint a couplet

It’s Shakespeare, but not as you know it. Maxine Brimmer checks out the upcoming production of Two Gentlemen of Verona at one of Valletta’s iconic pubs. Let’s take a little trip down memory lane. Picture yourself – the pimply glow of adolescence still on your face – sitting dull-eyed and day dreaming while your English language teacher prattles on about the importance of rhyming couplets. Does that ring a bell? It’s certainly how a lot of students make the acquaintance of the Bard of Avon, and it... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Opposites attract

Neil Simon’s The Odd Couple may be more than 50 years old, but it is still considered one of the best comedies ever written. Not only did it launch the classic, eponymous movie starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau, but it even spawned two TV sitcoms and inspired various other adaptations, including a female version. Watching MADC’s production, it’s easy to see why; it’s got a perfectly balanced blend of great one-liners, off-the-wall goofiness and a great insight into the nature of human relations and friendship in particular. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Experiencing Lampedusa in absentia

If reality were to belong only to the world of appearances, to the world on the surface, what use would there be for faith then? And I do not mean faith in a religious sense, mind you. I use the word ‘faith’, here, to refer to a conviction in what cannot be seen or felt – faith as a reference to the submerged world of possibilities. The faith that connects a 19th-century French masterpiece, a 20th-century Maltese bronze monument, a 21st century, concrete, underwater sculpture and a temporary installation and photographic exhibition... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Killer Queen

They wowed in the 1970s and 1980s and still manage to send shivers down our spines today. Jo Caruana interviews Simply Queen choir master Roger Tirazona to discover why Queen will always be the band that rocks us. While most modern pop stars come and go, some bands will never go out of style – and Queen is one of them. In fact, even the least musical among us will be able to hum the tune to a Queen song or two, while true fans will be able to churn out all sorts of facts and figures related to these iconic rock masters ... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Malaysia trip for top performers

A team of top performers from Frank Salt Real Estate visited some of Malaysia’s remarkable natural landmarks as part of an incentive trip, which included brainstorming sessions, key meetings and planning exercises. Seen here are Matthew Vella Critien, Julian Caruana, Darren De Domenico, Vanessa Grech Lupi, George Vassallo, Aaron Borg, Simone Magri, Sandra Jaccarini and director Grahame Salt and Paul Bondin (squatting).

Times of Malta 

Make-up collection launch

Make-up artist from Diego Dalla Palma Gianluca Oddi with (from left) Ilaria Cutajar, Patricia Fava, Petra Fava, Graziella Fava, Fiona Galea Debono, Veronica Grech Sant, Adriana Farrugia, Andi Aquilina, Edmund Vassallo, Rene Micallef Decesare, Marie Benoit, Aurora Fava, Josef Calleja, Axil Vassallo and Sarah Pace at the launch of the brand’s spring/summer 2016 make-up collection at The Palace hotel, Sliema.

Times of Malta 

CineMum mornings

Eden Cinemas is reintroducing its CineMum mornings for mothers with their babies, toddlers and older children. The first CineMum will be taking place on March 22, with all films starting at 10.30am. Family films shown on the day include Kung Fu Panda 3 and Alvin & the Chipmunks – The Road Chip, both in 2D. CineMum, which will also have a number of stands on display, provides a play area made available before the start of the film and during intermission, where children can play and interact with one another... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Murphy runs for Hospice

Onlookers will be forgiven for doing a double-take next Sunday, when spotting a tall, pink figure zooming past. But they need not worry – because this is likely to be Murphy, the BRND WGN mascot who will be taking to the University ring road to raise money for Hospice Malta. Fundraising has already kicked off on local crowdfunding platform ZAAR where an online €1,000 target has been set. The history of the University Ring Road Race dates back to the early 1980s when the fittest students would run around the ring road. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Easter artisan market

Malta Artisan Markets, organised by The Definitive(ly) Good Guide Co, is holding its annual Easter market at the Cavalieri Art Hotel, St Julian’s, on Saturday and next Sunday from 11am to 6pm. The market features some of the best and most unique independent art and craft designers showcasing and selling original, handmade crafts. The hotel will be offering a special buffet lunch at its Ottocento Restaurant for €12.50 per person, which will be served between noon and 2pm on both days. Entrance is free. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Storytelling workshop

Actor Malcolm Galea held a storytelling workshop for residents of Roseville in Attard where, using a series of antiques as props, they discussed their memories and families for a project that will turn their stories into a narrative. The workshop is also part of an umbrella project that includes the staging of Alfred Buttigieg’s upcoming play, Mela Hawn Xi Manikomju?, which debuted at St James Cavalier last Friday.

Times of Malta 

Experiences of bus service

I have noticed several letters in the media criticising the bus service in Malta. My experiences are both good and not so good. I have found drivers and other staff to be at all times courteous and efficient. Services between Sliema, where I stay in Malta, and Valletta are excellent – so they should be; there are numerous bus routes between both places. However, less frequent services leave a lot to be desired. On a recent day trip from Sliema to Gozo, the 8.20am bus number 222 to Ċirkewwa did not arrive. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca visits art hotel

President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca visited the Cavalieri Art Hotel in St Julian’s last week, where she was welcomed by HR manager Paul Ciappara and introduced to the hotel’s management, employees and organising committee members. General manager Mark Camilleri said the hotel, which offered a unique setting and location overlooking St Julian’s Bay, had two stationary art galleries displaying works of art by various local and foreign artists. The hotel has hosted 73 exhibitions since the first exhibition was held in 2010. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A rebuilt Royal Opera House

Alfred Palma is correct in urging the authorities to rebuild our Royal Opera House, (‘Give us back the Royal Opera House’, The Sunday Times of Malta, February 21). If Valletta is to be the European City of Culture in 2018, then this challenge should be met, and the entrance to Valletta should be revived through the replacement of one of the last war’s sad relics with a revived Royal Opera House. A purpose-built opera house gives splendor and prestige to a city and a country. Tunis, Dresden, Venice... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Women’s Day at San Anton

As Malta prepares to celebrate International Women’s Day on Tuesday, investment services company Exante said it was proud of the fact that women represented a pivotal role and accounted for almost half of its staff. Communications director Patrick O’Brien said the company’s perspective has always been based on diversity and inclusion. Seen here are CEO Alexey Kirenko and co-founder Gatis Eglitis with staff members on a recent visit to President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca at San Anton Gardens.

Times of Malta 

Swieqi is now a rubbish dump

Ever since white eco-bags startted being used on Wednesdays and Fridays, Swieqi has become a rubbish dump. It is disgusting to walk along the streets on these days. Most of the culprits are tenants of rented flats who don’t care about the village. Small posters have been stuck on walls, saying offenders will be fined. Who is going to fine them since we have no green wardens? I am curious to know whether other localities in the scheme are encountering the same problem. This article is part of our premium content. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Young entrepreneurs test skills for challenge

Participating students from the University of Malta’s Degree Plus and Fema programmes, as well as St Martin’s Institute, took part in the Start-Up Programme Business Plan Challenge at Malta Enterprise, Guardamangia. Throughout the course, participants had to come up with a solution to Malta’s low health literacy challenges. Business professionals guided the participants, providing the necessary tools and offering advice on report-writing techniques for investment proposals. The challenge was won by Costantin Bignoli and Duc Dzuy Christian Tri... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

House arrest

Road works have been going on in University Street, Msida, for almost a week. During this time residents who live in this street have been confined to our homes. It is almost impossible to venture outside without a real danger of getting seriously hurt, due to the large gaping holes and trenches. Why? Simply because someone, somewhere, somehow, illogically and selfishly decided, in spite of the various complaints to the local council and other authorities, not to at least provide us with a temporary... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

President’s ball back to its original roots

This year’s edition of the President’s ball, organised by the Malta Community Chest Fund, will be held in its original venue and format in the Grand Council Chamber at the Palace, Valletta. The chairman of the organising committee, Marchesino Daniel de Petri Testaferrata, said he was pleased that the patrons of the President’s Ball would have the opportunity to experience the beauty of the presidential palace and the grandeur of the Grand Council Chamber. Proceeds from this gala event, which will be held on Saturday at 8pm... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Foreigners and monti hawkers

Why do we Maltese cater for foreigners but choose to ignore the plight of our countrymen? For example, the foreigners who sell their products opposite the law courts have it good. Unlike the monti hawkers – who are scared that one of these days they will have to move away from where they operate – they pay no rent. Doesn’t anyone bother to hear the pleas of the Maltese hawkers? What are these people – aliens from another planet? When is the government going to show them some sympathy? This article is part of our premium content. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Caring staff at hospital ward

I feel I must thank the doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and all the other staff in Serenity Ward 3 at St Vincent de Paul Hospital. Their dedication is second to none. If there was an award for the love, attention, care and dedication the staff show to patients, this ward would win hands down. The overall care given to my mother, who was seriously ill, deserves the highest praise. Thank you and well done. This article is part of our premium content. Full story is available on Times of Malta Premium.

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Первое армянское название в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Американская разведка предупредила Байдена: Путин не пошутил, Зеленский тянет нас в ад

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Как только НАТО нападет на Беларусь, будет применено ядерное оружие – Лукашенко

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Карди Би

«Скажи правду!»: бывший муж Карди Би обвинил ее в измене во время беременности


Ефимов: неэффективно используемые участки в СВАО реорганизуют по программе КРТ

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