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All the dangerous pathogens that could be lurking in your tap water – as hundreds fall sick in Devon’s ‘crypto crisis’

THE whole of the UK is currently at risk from the nasty bug which has infiltrated the tap water in Devon, an expert has warned.

People in the area are experiencing grim symptoms after cryptosporidium, also called crypto, was found in the water supply.

Data from the Government’s Drinking Water Inspectorate reveals the potentially harmful toxins found in water supplies in the UK

The waterborne parasite can cause violent diarrhoea and vomiting for weeks and can be passed on from person-to-person.

The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) is investigating 46 cases of bug infections in South Devon, and hundreds more are feared to be ill.

Locals have been urged to “not drink” tap water without boiling it.

Experts have warned that more outbreaks of the bug could crop up in other parts of the UK if infected people carry the virus away from Devon.

So, how safe is the water in your local area?

There is no available geographic data for cryptosporidium detections in UK water supplies, but there is data for other potentially dangerous pathogens.

As part of an annual investigation by the Government’s Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), investigators found that 34 E. coli and Enterococci breaches took place in England and Wales in 2022.

The agency sets safe limits for each substance – for E. coli and Enterococci, this limit was 0, which means no traces should be found in drinking water.

Both are types of bacteria that indicate water has been contaminated by faeces, which can make humans and animals very sick.

The data shows that twelve breaches were recorded in the Northwest area served by Severn Trent Water.

Map reveals all the areas E.coli or Enterococci was found in tap water

Next was Anglian Water in the East of England, which recorded six breaches, while Northumbrian, Essex and Suffolk Water had four.

The figures show at least 5,577 Brits drank water contaminated with faecal matter in 2022.

Professor Paul Hunter, from the University of East Anglia, and who has advised the World Health Organization on drinking water standards, told the MailOnline these pathogens are unlikely to make people sick but do point to contamination of water sources.

“They are generally not hazardous in themselves but are an indication that the water could have been contaminated by faecal matter,” he said.

“There are some types of E.coli that can cause potentially severe diarrhoea, but the most common type of this often wouldn’t show as a positive even if present.

“So the presence of an indicator E.coli or Enterococcus does not mean that disease-causing bacteria are present just that we cannot say they are absent.

“You could probably drink water with quite a few indicator bacteria in it without getting sick.”

He pointed out that in general the UK’s tap water is very safe – demonstrated by the fact only 27 tests came back positive out of the 150,000 or more carried out.

What else was found in our tap water?

High levels of arsenic – a type of metal – were also found in drinking water supplies.

Exposure to the metal, which is known as arsenic poisoning, is believed to cause cancers of the bladder and lungs.

Investigators also found unsafe levels of aluminium, which – if exposed to in high amounts – might increase the risk of Alzheimer’s, some studies suggest.

High levels of other metals, including iron, lead and nickel, were also found in water supplies.

Drinking water containing high levels of copper can trigger stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Meanwhile, iron – which was also found in some drinking water at above-acceptable levels – is part of a well-balanced diet.

It makes red blood cells, which carry oxygen around the body. Iron also plays an important role in brain development, fighting infections, and growth.

However, too much iron can be bad for you and consuming more than 20mg a day can leave you with a sore tummy.

Lead, also spotted in some samples, is known to adversely affect brain development in children, affecting their IQ in later life.

In adults, heavy metal poisoning can also lead to heart and kidney disease and high blood pressure.

Drinking high quantities of nickel, which was detected in a number of water samples, can cause skin irritation.

Nitrites are naturally occurring chemical compounds.

But consuming too much nitrite can be harmful, especially for babies.

Investigators said a handful of water samples showed up above-acceptable levels of the compound.

Ingesting too much can trigger a condition called methaemoglobinaemia, also called blue baby syndrome, in very young children.

This is a potentially fatal illness where nitrites are converted to nitrite in the infant’s gut and interfere with the absorption of oxygen by the blood.

How to tell if you've picked up cryptosporidium - plus, steps to avoid it

HUNDREDS of people in Devon have been struck down by a parasite that infiltrated the water supply.

The bug, cryptosporidium, commonly known as ‘crypto,’ can infect the digestive systems of both animals and people.

Most people recover, but some can become seriously ill, such as very young children and those with particularly weak immune systems.

What are the symptoms?

  • Profuse watery diarrhoea
  • Stomach pains
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Low-grade fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Weight loss

Symptoms usually last about two weeks but can be longer, especially in people with weak immune systems.

During the illness, you might think you are getting better and have shaken off the infection, but then it returns a couple of days later before you fully recover.

Take the following steps to protect yourself from the illness

The advice to people living in the affected area is to boil your drinking water and drink plenty to prevent becoming dehydrated – and stay away at home until it’s subsided.

Beyond the current outbreak, crypto can also be caught in lakes and swimming pools and contact with animal manure.

Therefore, you should always avoid swallowing water in lakes and swimming pools.

Catching it from animals is usually the most common way people become unwell, with a spike coming in spring when farms hold open days.

You should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after working with, feeding, grooming or playing with pets and other animals.

How do I treat the illness?

There is no specific treatment for cryptosporidiosis.

Most people with a healthy immune system will recover within one month.

It’s important to drink plenty of fluids as diarrhoea or vomiting can lead to dehydration and you can lose important sugars and minerals from your body. 

Cryptosporidiosis is highly infectious, so you need to be very clean around your home for at least 48 hours after your symptoms stop, so don’t return to work or school until that time has passed, don’t share towels or bedding and don’t prepare food for others.

You are infectious to other people while you are ill and have symptom

Cryptosporidium is a parasite that can live in the intestines and faeces of infected humans and animals.

It can spread directly from another person or animal by touching faeces.

The bug can also spread through swimming in or consuming contaminated water and food.

Prof Paul told the Sun that holidaymakers in Devon could spread the disease to other parts of the UK.

“The infection could also spread if visitors drank the water whilst in the area.

“A classic theme in the past has been wedding receptions,” he said.

“If there were any such receptions in the area and people were given tap water to drink, they would only get sick when they got back home, wherever they lived in the UK or the world,” he added.

On Wednesday, South West Water urged residents of Brixham, Boohay, Kingswear, Roseland, and North East Paignton to boil their tap water.

The water company has apologised for the outbreak. It is feared that the dirty water fallout could ruin the half-term and trigger an exodus of tourists.

It comes as a map reveals how over 44.5 million Brits were supplied water by a company that experienced at least one bacteria breach in 2022.

Take steps to protect you and your family

By Lizzie Parry, Head of Health

ANYONE who’s had a bout of norovirus will know how miserable a tummy bug can be.

In this case, the cause appears to be the Cryptosporidium parasite, a tiny organism that causes an illness known as cryptosporidiosis.

The bug can be found in the intestines and poo of infected humans and animals.

Anyone can fall sick but it’s most common in kids aged between one and five.

Other people at high risk include people who work with animals, people exposed to human faeces (parents changing nappies), and people who swim in open water.

That’s because you catch the bug from an infected person or animal by coming into contact with their faeces.

Other sources of infection include drinking or swimming in contaminated water, eating contaminated fresh food (unwashed or unpeeled veg or salads) and drinking contaminated raw milk.

Like norovirus, the symptoms can be really unpleasant, watery diarrhoea, stomach pains, nausea or vomiting, fever and a loss of appetite, which can lead to dehydration.

Symptoms tend to last for about two weeks but can ease off and reappear in that time.

The only way to know for sure if you’ve been infected – and to tell it from other tummy bugs – is to ask the doctor to test a stool sample.

Like other infectious bugs, there are things you can do to protect yourself and your family.

First and foremost, wash your hands thoroughly with warm soap and water before handling any food, after preparing raw food, after going to the loo or changing a baby’s nappy and after playing with, or looking after any animals – including your pets.

And if you, or a member of your family, catches the bug make sure you wash all dirty bedding and towels, avoid sharing towels, clean all bathrooms and avoid preparing food for others until you’ve been symptom-free for at least 48 hours.

It goes without saying that if you have symptoms avoid going into work or taking your children to school until you’ve been symptom-free for 48 hours too.

There’s no specific treatment, but most healthy people will recover within a month. The NHS notes it is important to drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

If you are worried about your child, or you can’t seem to shrug off the bug it’s worth speaking to your GP – try filling out an online consultation form.

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