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Kanye West gave Bianca Censori a Porsche for ‘sexual gratification’ – but having the car towed ‘strengthened his power’

BIANCA Censori may have relished moments of freedom when she hopped into the driving seat of her new Porsche and hit the streets of Los Angeles.

A psychologist has claimed that Kanye West picked the car for his Aussie wife as a “status symbol” when her hours behind the wheel were already numbered.

A psychologist told The U.S. Sun that Kanye West (seen here at a car dealership) chose and bought Bianca Censori a Porsche for sexual gratification and status[/caption]
Bianca may have felt distraught when her new silver Porsche 992 Carrera was towed away on May 1 after she entered Yeezy HQ in Los Angeles, said an expert[/caption]

Bianca, 29, appeared happy the last time she was photographed driving her new silver Porsche 992 Carrera.

Kanye, 45, had shelled out around $120,000 on the luxury vehicle.

The couple courted plenty of attention in March when they visited a car dealership.

Bianca tested the car wearing Prada shorts and a tan body suit.

Psychologist Jo Hemmings said Kanye had taken the lead in choosing the car’s color and model.

Bianca was spotted driving her Porsche solo in the coming weeks through the West Hollywood neighborhood.

“Kanye probably chose the car and color for her, just as he chooses all his wife’s clothes,” Hemmings told The U.S. Sun.

“Porsches are very sexy cars. They are high-end and fast.

“This was about gratification and a powerful status symbol for Kanye.

“But when he bought it for Bianca, he was grafting his sexual power.

“Kanye had probably chosen silver to ensure Bianca did not stand out too much without him there.

“Sadly, Bianca only drove her new car a few times.”

Bianca has not been seen driving her Porsche since it was towed on May 1 in Los Angeles.

She parked the gift outside her husband’s Yeezy HQ. After heading inside, a company came to remove it.

The Porsche was seen being loaded into a towing truck and driven off.


The reason for the car removal remains unclear. Hemmings suggested the incident may have involved Kanye.

“Bianca sadly had a shortlived Porsche experience,” she said.

“It started when she sat on Kayne’s lap wearing barely anything in the car dealership.

“Kanye made a point of taking Bianca there to give the impression that the purchase was a joint decision.

This was all an extension of Kanye and his sexual gratification.

Jo Hemmings

“He supposedly gifted her this eternally desirable Porsche Carrera.

“Weeks afterward, the gift was conveniently towed away.

“Whatever the reason for the sudden car removal, it would have strengthened Kanye’s power play.

“He bought it, and it was towed.

“Kanye retook control because his poor wife had to clamber back into his cybertruck.

“Bianca may have felt distraught at losing that brief taste of freedom.

“This was all an extension of Kanye and his sexual gratification.

“This was all so much about him rather than her.”

Since marrying Kanye in 2022, Bianca has rarely been photographed solo.

Usually, she is seen walking close to Kanye or his family.

The more neutral color like silver or grey in a Porsche is a much more subtle extension of the power of the penis.

Jo Hemmings

Sometimes, she sits with the Yeezy founder in his Tesla cyber truck or other cars.

“I suspect she will be seen being driven around by Kanye or a driver in one of his other vehicles from now,” Hemmings added.

“This could have been another example of getting Bianca to believe she has some independence back.”


Hemmings previously told The U.S. Sun how the style and color of people’s cars highlight character traits.

Hemmings included selecting silver in her analysis.

“It’s a safe, neutral color — car colors reflect trends of the time, ” she said.

“Think of all those shades of grey we use in our homes now, cars tend to reflect that.”

Kanye may have chosen a silver car for his wife so that she blended in whenever he was not with her, said an expert[/caption]

“Porsche are generally associated with men,” Hemmings added.

“These high-level sports cars are often bought and driven by women nowadays as well.

“But women tend to avoid the traditional red Porsche color favored by men.

“Red is often believed to be a metaphorical extension of the power of their penis.

“The more neutral color like silver or grey in a Porsche is a much more subtle extension of the power of the penis.

Her independent moments of freedom were taken away when the car was towed.

Jo Hemmings

“This is what Kanye bought Bianca, and silver is one of the most popular car colors.

“It tends to be favored by those who do not want to stand out.

“They want to enjoy the sleek and elegant simplicity of the color.

“People who chose silver also tend to take less risks than drivers of virtually every other car.

“This is about as different as how Bianca dresses as it could get.”

Kanye often dresses his wife in nearly naked outfits and has shared explicit images of her modeling online[/caption]

Since tying the knot, fans and followers have voiced concerns over Bianca and her fashion choices.

Over 18 months, the rapper faced backlash for dressing his wife in risky, nearly-naked outfits.  

Her attention-grabbing fashion stunts with Kanye have been non-stop.

The pair whipped up controversy on their lengthy trips to Italy, Japan, and Dubai.

Kanye started sharing explicit photographs of Bianca online in January.


Hemmings said Kanye was still “showing off” by buying Bianca the gift in public.

“This was to display undeniable wealth and luxury,” she said.

“This does seem to have been one of Bianca’s first major public gifts from Kanye.

“He is ever-keen to show off his woman, wealth, and success.”

After Bianca married Kanye in 2022, the couple has rarely been photographed apart[/caption]

Professionally, Kanye’s business ventures have come under fire.

With rumors, the father of four is looking into launching a pornographic studio.

Little is known about how Bianca spends her own time. Fans have only once heard her speak.

Hemmings said perhaps Kanye regretted giving his wife any independence.


“Maybe Bianca was misusing this car,” she suggested.

“It could have been given to Bianca for short hops from A to B, so perhaps she was using it to go further afield.

“Maybe she wanted to go and see people who were not on his approved list.

“Whatever the reason the car was towed, Bianca’s independent moments of freedom were taken away.

“Now Bianca is probably back in his cyber truck, so Kanye probably exercised his influence here.”

Interestingly, body language expert Judi James claimed the couple had appeared tense at the dealership in March.

She said Bianca looked “stricken” when she sat on the rapper’s lap and “purred” at him like a cat.

“Kanye kept his hand clamped to his thigh,” said James.

“It looked like overkill behavior from the rapper not to show affection.”

“In the end, perhaps Kanye did not want her to have much independence,” added Hemmings.

“When she is not by his side, perhaps it is all too much for Kanye.”

Kanye and Bianca (seen here in 2023) traveled in a car in Italy where he sat in the passenger seat, and she sat in the back
Instagram /azizi

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