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Новости за 15.01.2019


Spanish rescuers bore tunnel in frantic search for toddler

MADRID — Rescuers in southern Spain are digging a horizontal tunnel in an attempt to reach the bottom of a deep and narrow borehole where they hope to find a 2-year-old toddler, two days after he disappeared. The 100-meter (330-feet)-deep shaft is too narrow for an adult to enter. It was bored last month during


The Latest: Zimbabwe military uses tear gas on protesters

HARARE, Zimbabwe — The Latest on Zimbabwe demonstrations (all times local): 11:30 a.m. A Zimbabwean military helicopter has fired tear gas at demonstrators blocking a road and burning tires on a second day of protests after the government more than doubled the price of fuel. Soldiers have moved in to disperse crowds at the busy


The Latest: Danish skiing club unhurt by Austria avalanche

BERLIN — The Latest on the heavy snowfall across Europe (all times local): 10:30 a.m. The head of a western Denmark ski club says the hotel in Austria where 50 members were staying, was hit by an avalanche overnight but “fortunately no persons were present in the part of the building that was hit.” Niels


China criticizes Trudeau comments on death penalty case

BEIJING — China is expressing “strong dissatisfaction” with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau over his criticism of a death sentence given to an alleged Canadian drug smuggler at a retrial. Foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying says Trudeau should “respect the rule of law, respect China’s judicial sovereignty, correct mistakes and stop making irresponsible remarks.” Hua


German economy slowed in 2018, but dodges year-end recession

FRANKFURT, Germany — Germany’s economic growth eased to 1.5 percent last year amid signs of a wider global slowdown, though the figures suggest Europe’s largest economy at least escaped a feared recession in the fourth quarter. The figure announced Thursday by the government statistics agency was down from 2.2 percent in 2017 and is the


The Latest: Israeli PM slams Iran over satellite launch

TEHRAN, Iran — The Latest on Iran’s failed satellite launch into orbit on Tuesday (all times local): 12:45 p.m. Israel’s prime minister is accusing Iran of lying about its satellite launches. Benjamin Netanyahu says that the supposedly “innocent satellite” launched on Tuesday was actually “the first stage of an intercontinental missile” Iran is developing in


Huawei founder says company would not share user secrets

SHENZHEN, China — The founder of network gear and smart phone supplier Huawei Technologies says the tech giant would reject requests from the Chinese government to disclose confidential information about its customers. Meeting with foreign reporters at Huawei’s headquarters, Ren Zhengfei sought Tuesday to allay Western concerns the company is a security risk. Those fears


Game from quick exit, Venus Williams wins at Australian Open

MELBOURNE, Australia — Things were looking bad for Venus Williams, who was perilously close to an opening-round exit at the Australian Open for the fourth time in six years. When she double-faulted twice in the span of three points, Williams suddenly trailed by a set and a break against 25th-seeded Mihaela Buzarnescu. At that moment,


Poland arrests 3 urging more deaths after mayor slain

WARSAW, Poland — Poland’s interior ministry says police have arrested three people calling for more killings following the assassination of the mayor of Gdansk. Joachim Brudzinski said Tuesday on Twitter that police arrested the three on Monday, the day Pawel Adamowicz died after being stabbed while on stage during a charity event. He described those


South Sudan pursues fragile peace, but people remain wary

KAJO KEJI, South Sudan — Since a fragile peace deal was signed in September, South Sudan’s previously warring parties have been working to rebuild trust in some of the areas hardest hit by the war. To reduce tensions, opposition fighters are being trained in humanitarian law and some are being embedded with their former enemies,


5 killed in Zimbabwe fuel hike protests, activists say

HARARE, Zimbabwe — A human rights group in Zimbabwe says five people were killed in clashes between demonstrators protesting fuel hikes and security forces who opened fire on some crowds. The Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights on Tuesday reported the death toll as many businesses in the capital, Harare, and other cities were


Avalanches, flooding cause disruptions in Austria, Germany

BERLIN — Austrian officials say several a series of avalanches have struck buildings and roads but caused no injuries. Austria news agency APA reported Tuesday that an avalanche overnight in Ramsau slammed a hotel but that all 60 visitors and staff got out of the building unharmed. Warmer, wetter weather after days of heavy snowfall


France’s Macron launches ‘grand debate’ following protests

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron is formally launching a “grand debate” to try to appease the yellow vest movement following weeks of anti-government protests. Macron heads Tuesday to Grand Bourgtheroulde, a small town in Normandy, where he is to meet about 600 mayors and local officials. Some groups of yellow vest protesters have called


Israel’s new military chief takes office at ceremony

JERUSALEM — Israel’s new military chief has taken office at a ceremony in Tel Aviv. The 54-year-old Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi was promoted from major-general at the ceremony at the military headquarters, becoming the country’s 22nd military chief. He replaces Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, who is retiring after 40 years of service. Israel’s army chiefs


Kings’ Shumpert stopped by security at Blazers locker room

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Kings guard Iman Shumpert was stopped from going into Portland’s locker room by arena and Trail Blazers security after Sacramento’s 115-107 victory Monday night. Shumpert apparently was angry at Blazers center Jusuf Nurkic, who set a hard screen in the second half. “Some stuff needed to be between me and him, a


Tokyo court denies bail to Nissan’s ex-chair Carlos Ghosn

TOKYO — The Tokyo District Court turned down a request by Nissan’s former chairman Carlos Ghosn for release on bail Tuesday, prolonging his detention by weeks and possibly months. Ghosn, 64, who was arrested on Nov. 19, has been charged with falsifying financial reports in underreporting his compensation, and with breach of trust in having


Death toll in Russia’s gas explosion climbs to 2

MOSCOW — The death toll in a gas explosion at an apartment building in southern Russia has climbed to two after a woman was found in the debris. The blast on the top floor ripped through the nine-story building in the city of Shakhty, not far from the Ukrainian border, before dawn on Monday. One


World shares rally ahead of vote on Brexit deal

SINGAPORE — Global shares were mostly higher Tuesday as British lawmakers prepared to vote on a Brexit deal that has drawn strong opposition at home. Markets were also boosted by senior economic officials saying Beijing will cut taxes and keep monetary policy flexible to help weather China’s slowdown. KEEPING SCORE: In Europe, Britain’s FTSE 100


Pakistan kills 2 men linked to 2011 abduction of American

MULTAN, Pakistan — A Pakistani official says security forces raided a militant hideout in the country’s east, killing two members of the Islamic State group linked to the 2011 al-Qaida abduction of American development worker Warren Weinstein. Weinstein, who was taken from the city of Lahore, was accidentally killed in a U.S. drone strike in


Davis scores 46, Pelicans beat Clippers 121-117

LOS ANGELES — Anthony Davis had 46 points and 16 rebounds, Julius Randle added 27 points and the New Orleans Pelicans defeated the Los Angeles Clippers 121-117 on Monday night for just their second road win this season against a Western Conference team. Davis and Randle combined to score 24 of their team’s 28 points


Family’s fight for liquor license leads to Supreme Court

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Doug and Mary Ketchum chose Memphis, Tennessee, as a place to live with their disabled adult daughter because it has clearer air than their former home in Utah. That was the easy part. Their decision to support themselves by buying a liquor store has been considerably more complicated, and it is at


A timeline of events in the Jayme Closs disappearance case

BARRON, Wis. — Notable events in the disappearance and discovery of Jayme Closs, a 13-year-old Wisconsin girl who went missing after her parents were killed in the family’s home. Authorities say Jayme was found alive after being held captive for three months by a man who is now charged in her kidnapping and her parents’


Australian Open glance: Rafael Nadal gets another Aussie

MELBOURNE, Australia — A quick look at the Australian Open: LOOKAHEAD TO WEDNESDAY Rafael Nadal will be testing the loyalty and support of Rod Laver Arena fans when he plays an Australian for the second consecutive match. Nadal beat James Duckworth in straight sets in the first round and his next match is against Matt


EPA criminal action against polluters hits 30-year low

WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency hit a 30-year low in 2018 in the number of pollution cases it referred for criminal prosecution, Justice Department data show. EPA said in a statement that it is directing “its resources to the most significant and impactful cases.” But the 166 cases referred for prosecution in the last


Complaint: Kidnapping suspect kept Wisconsin girl under bed

BARRON, Wis. — For nearly three months, 13-year-old Jayme Closs was forced to hide in a 2½-foot space beneath her kidnapper’s bed, going without food, water or a bathroom for hours, too terrified to flee from a man she knew had fatally shot both of her parents. But when Jake Thomas Patterson left the remote

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Экология в России и мире

Категория повышенного кешбэка в июле от Инго Экосистемы и Ингосстрах Банка

Путин в России и мире

Бизнес, Путин и былая любовь? Что связывает Канье Уэста с Россией

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лавров сообщил о планах Путина и Лукашенко встретиться в ближайшее время

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский резко изменил риторику: что скрывается за хитрыми речами из Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Егор Летов

Колледж имени Егора Летова обнаружили в Екатеринбурге. ФОТО


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