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Новости за 25.09.2018


Beluga whale spotted in River Thames outside London

LONDON — A beluga whale was spotted in the River Thames outside the British capital on Tuesday, officials said. The unusual sighting happened in the Gravesend area about 30 miles (50 kilometers) east of London. It was reported to be feeding near a number of barges. TV news helicopters filmed the whale from the air


British officials checking reports of whale in River Thames

LONDON — British officials are checking out reports that a beluga whale is swimming in the River Thames. The RSPCA animal welfare group said Tuesday it is “working with other agencies to monitor the situation.” It says it is ready to provide help to the whale if asked to do so by other agencies. Photos


Waterbed promoters trying to revive industry with new focus

TAMARAC, Fla. — Waterbeds still elicit a wink, wink, nudge, nudge whenever they come up in conversation — but two pioneers of the industry in the United States are hoping to generate a new wave of popularity for the old furniture concept by using a wholesome new pitch. Talking about temperature-control innovations and health-conscious consumers,


Met Exhibit: how Chippendale became a household name

NEW YORK — A small but elegant exhibit tucked amid the American period rooms on the second floor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art explores the little-known story behind Chippendale furniture, and how one young man’s bold idea to create a detailed manifesto about chairs and tables for the British elite transformed his name into


Bred-Spred to Cashewgurt: Foods that defy the rules

Creative names can be a way for companies to get around the U.S. standards that spell out what constitute a particular food item. Some examples: BRED SPRED In the 1920s, Bred-Spred’s deliberate misspelling helped protect the jam-like substance from regulators. The product had relatively little fruit and relied on coloring and flavoring to make it


Marseille striker Njie out for 3 weeks with thigh injury

MARSEILLE, France — Marseille striker Clinton Njie will miss three weeks after picking up a thigh injury in the French league. Marseille says Njie underwent medical tests which showed he damaged his right abductor muscle during the 4-2 loss at Lyon. The 25-year-old Cameroon international came in as a substitute for the last 15 minutes


Sauber pairs Giovinazzi with Raikkonen for 2019 F1 season

HINWIL, Switzerland — The Sauber Formula One team says Antonio Giovinazzi will join former champion Kimi Raikkonen as its drivers for 2019. Giovinazzi is replacing the 20-year-old Charles Leclerc, who will join Ferrari next season. Leclerc’s move to the storied Italian team opened the way for Raikkonen to return to Switzerland-based Sauber where the 2007


Tennessee man shot with stun gun during arrest dies

HARRISON, Tenn. — A Tennessee sheriff’s office says man shot with a stun gun while being taken into custody has died. Citing a Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office release, news outlets report deputies responding to a report of disorderly conduct Sunday night found 35-year-old Jeremy Allen Conn. The release says he fought with deputies after being


What’s yogurt? Industry wants greater liberty to use term

NEW YORK — If low-fat yogurt is blended with fatty ingredients like coconut or chocolate, is it still low-fat? Is it even yogurt? The U.S. government has rules about what can be called “yogurt,” and the dairy industry says it’s not clear what the answers are. Now it’s hopeful it will finally get to use


Natural light sets a nice mood, and builders seek more of it

The first year that Bob Webb Homes used transom windows in the showcase house the company built for a home tour, visitors described the house as bright, warm and inviting. While few mentioned the windows, company representatives said tour participants were responding favorably to the additional natural light provided by the horizontal windows above the


Autumn’s a good time for making compost, and a bin is key

Garden cleanup, lawn mowing and falling leaves all provide materials that make autumn a good time of year for composting. No need for exotic ingredients, fancy equipment or a degree in soil microbiology to put together a pile that yields quality compost and is not unpleasantly aromatic. HOUSING FOR YOUR COMPOST ‘PET’ You might look


Real Madrid midfielder Isco needs surgery for appendicitis

MADRID — Real Madrid midfielder says Francisco “Isco” Alarcon has been diagnosed with appendicitis. Madrid says tests on Tuesday showed Isco’s condition requires emergency surgery. Spanish media say Isco is expected to be sidelined for about a month. He could be back just in time for the clasico against Barcelona on Oct. 28 at Camp


Ballpark worker charged after video shows spitting on pizza

DETROIT — A 20-year-old food service worker at Comerica Park in Detroit has been charged after a video was posted online that appeared to show him spitting on a pizza intended for customers during a Major League Baseball game. The Wayne County prosecutor’s office says Jaylon Kerley of Detroit is charged with a felony count


CBS’ ‘Murphy Brown’ is back, ready to ‘make some noise’

LOS ANGELES — Last season’s short-lived “Roseanne” revival blew an air kiss to President Donald Trump in its debut episode before it reverted to finding laughs in family and working-class woes, not politics. Expect “Murphy Brown,” another reborn 20th-century sitcom, to be consistently faithful to its own roots. Washington tumult, social issues and the role


The Latest: Tardy Trump throws off UN’s top event

UNITED NATIONS — The Latest on the United Nations General Assembly (all times local): 10:20 a.m. U.S. President Donald Trump is holding up the whole world. Trump ran a bit late for his once-a-year speech at the U.N. General Assembly, forcing organizers to change the order of speakers. Trump was scheduled to speak second at


The Latest: UN to warn against populism in high-level week

UNITED NATIONS — The Latest on the United Nations General Assembly (all times local): 8:45 a.m. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is expected to paint a grim picture of the state of the world as leaders open their annual meeting Tuesday, spotlighting the breakdown of trust around the globe and the need to counter unilateralism and reinvigorate


Swiss shipper in touch with pirates who took 12 crew hostage

BERLIN — A Swiss shipping company says it is in contact with pirates who have been holding hostage 12 crew members of a bulk carrier following a weekend attack off Nigeria’s coast. Massoel Shipping says “it is understood” that the MV Glarus crew members are together, well and unharmed. The Geneva-based company said the ship,


Child shoots man while playing with gun left near toys

WICHITA, Kan. — Authorities say a child picked up a handgun that was left next to a pile of toy guns and shot a man at a Wichita home. The Wichita Eagle reports that several friends and family were dining together Monday night when the child started playing with the handgun and a toy gun.


Wildfire fueled by strong winds forces evacuation in Croatia

ZAGREB, Croatia — A wildfire whipped by strong winds has forced dozens of people to evacuate part of a southern Croatian peninsula as the army joined local efforts to fight the flames. Croatian authorities say the wind has prevented firefighting planes from helping ground teams and pushed the fire toward the village of Mokalo on


The Latest: Cosby being taken to suburban Philadelphia jail

NORRISTOWN, Pa. — The Latest on Bill Cosby’s sentencing hearing (all times local): 3:35 p.m. Bill Cosby will spend the first few days of his prison sentence at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility outside Philadelphia. Cosby left the suburban Philadelphia courthouse in a dark SUV after a judge sentenced the 81-year-old to three to 10


The Latest: Cosby denied bail; to be locked up immediately

NORRISTOWN, Pa. — The Latest on Bill Cosby’s sentencing hearing (all times local): 2:55 p.m. Bill Cosby has left a Pennsylvania courtroom in handcuffs to begin serving a three-to-10 year prison sentence for sexual assault. Defense lawyers tried to keep the 81-year-old out of prison while he appeals his conviction, saying he’s frail and legally


The Latest: Defense expert says Cosby unlikely to reoffend

NORRISTOWN, Pa. — The Latest on Bill Cosby’s sentencing hearing (all times local): 10:55 a.m. A defense psychologist says the chances that Bill Cosby will commit another sex offense are “extraordinarily low” because he’s old, legally blind and needs help getting around. Psychologist Timothy Foley testified Tuesday at the 81-year-old comedian’s sentencing hearing. A judge


Lebanon’s parliament approves Arms Trade Treaty

BEIRUT — Lebanon’s parliament has ratified the international Arms Trade Treaty, angering Hezbollah legislators, some of whom walked out in protest. The 2014 treaty seeks to regulate international trade in conventional arms and prevent illicit trade. Hezbollah legislator Ali Ammar walked out of the parliament Tuesday, saying it “infringes on the weapons of the resistance.”


German bishops apologize for thousands of sex abuse cases

BERLIN — A top German bishop has apologized for thousands of sexual abuse cases that took place inside the Catholic Church in Germany, according to a devastating report released Tuesday that concludes at least 3,677 people were abused by clergy between 1946 and 2014. “Sexual abuse is a crime,” Cardinal Reinhard Marx, who is also


Flying manhole cover hits worker at underground fire scene

BALTIMORE — Authorities say a flying manhole cover injured a Baltimore fire department worker on the scene of an underground fire that caused several manhole explosions. Fire department spokeswoman Blair Skinner told news outlets that the employee was hospitalized Monday after being hit downtown. Two fire trucks were also damaged. The worker’s condition is unclear.

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам пообещали аномальную жару до +29 градусов на следующей неделе

Путин в России и мире

Москва не собирается просить о восстановлении порушенных Токио двусторонних отношений

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин пригласил Лукашенко в Россию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бондаренко: отказ Байдена от поездки на саммит в Швейцарии отрезвит Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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