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Новости за 17.09.2018


Panthers coach Rivera won’t tolerate ‘lazy’ play on defense

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Panthers coach Ron Rivera is still fuming about his team’s performance, saying he won’t tolerate laziness on defense following his team’s 31-24 loss to the Atlanta Falcons. Carolina’s eighth-year head coach was upset after watching his normally stingy defense allow Matt Ryan and the Falcons to roll up 442 yards on offense


Guatemala govt bars anti-graft chief, defying court ruling

GUATEMALA CITY — Guatemalan government officials say they will defy a ruling by the country’s top court and block the return of the man leading a U.N.-backed anti-corruption commission. Interior Minister Enrique Degenhart says that commission chief Ivan Velasquez of Colombia won’t be allowed to return to Guatemala. Foreign Minister Sandra Jovel and Attorney General


Cat knocks out power to 7,500 in New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS — A cat got into a utility company substation and came into contact with electrical equipment, knocking out electricity to more than 7,500 New Orleans customers. Entergy New Orleans said on its website and in social media posts that it happened Monday morning. New Orleans news outlets said the outage happened around 8:30


Past NASA chiefs gather for space agency’s 60th anniversary

ORLANDO, Fla. — NASA chiefs going back 30 years have come together to mark the space agency’s 60th anniversary. Five former NASA administrators joined current boss Jim Bridenstine in Orlando on Monday. It was the largest gathering ever of NASA heads and included every administrator since 1989. The conference was arranged by the American Institute


Miffed Italy to snub Austria over passports for Italians

ROME — Italy says that for now it’s snubbing a proposed bilateral meeting in Vienna because of Austria’s plan to offer citizenship to mostly German speakers in Italy’s South Tyrol region. The Italian foreign ministry said Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi had Italy’s ambassador in Vienna Monday inform Austrian authorities. A ministry statement lamented “repeated


Review: Wilson keeps ‘Immortal’ tracks alive on covers album

Ann Wilson, “Immortal” (BMG) Ann Wilson is one of rock’s immortal performers, having earned her spot among the greatest vocalists of all-time. On “Immortal,” an album of covers, the Heart singer pays tribute to artists who have died or bands who have had a key member pass on. The result is an exciting, eye-opening look


Review: ‘Button Man’ is rich and compelling novel

“Button Man” (Minotaur), by Andrew Gross New York City from almost a century ago and the saga of Jewish immigrants struggling to make a living highlight “Button Man,” a rich and compelling novel from Andrew Gross. Morris, Sol and Harold Rabinowitz had to become adults quickly after their father’s death transfers responsibility for supporting the


AP FACT CHECK: Trump exaggerates benefits of tariffs to US

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is declaring on Twitter a premature victory from his tariffs. Despite the manufacturing renaissance he claims, it’s too soon to determine the full scope of any benefit or harm they might create. Trump is correct to say the tariffs should bring more money to the government. But it’s not a


Mexico finds 124 Central American migrants aboard trucks

MEXICO CITY — Mexican immigration agents say they have found 124 Central American migrants aboard three trucks who said they were prevented from eating or drinking for several days. The National Immigration Institute said Monday the trucks were detected after they sped through a highway checkpoint in the southern state of Oaxaca. Inside the trucks


Dolphins are 2-0, and Gase isn’t fazed whatsoever

DAVIE, Fla. — The Miami Dolphins are off to a perfect start, which they know guarantees nothing. Before now, the most recent season where the Dolphins started 2-0 ended up with them missing the playoffs. And the last time they started 0-2, they actually went to the postseason. So starting with two wins — one


Watchdog: EPA asbestos protection for schoolchildren lagging

WASHINGTON — The Environmental Protection Agency’s internal watchdog is faulting the agency’s monitoring of regional programs that determine whether teachers and pupils are being exposed to asbestos at school. The EPA’s Office of the Inspector General issued the report Monday. Asbestos can cause lung diseases, cancer and other health problems. The EPA’s watchdog office says


Catholic dioceses sued over disclosure of abuse allegations

PHILADELPHIA — Parents of children in the Roman Catholic Church and survivors of sexual abuse by clergy are suing Pennsylvania’s eight dioceses and their bishops to compel them to release information about allegations. The lawsuit filed Monday in Pittsburgh comes a month after a statewide grand jury report detailed sexual abuse allegations against more than


New novel featuring Claire DeWitt not a routine crime solver

“The Infinite Blacktop” (Atria), by Sara Gran Claire DeWitt is a private detective not always easy to like. She steals cars. She steals purses. She pops stolen pills. Without warning, she delivers quick, brutal hits and kicks bad folks when they’re already down. But this cocky, unhappy, clever and driven heroine of Sara Gran’s mystery


Chiefs celebrating Mahomes’ big day – on his birthday

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Patrick Mahomes had just thrown six touchdown passes in a record-setting performance against the Steelers, one that gave the Chiefs a big road win and may have stamped them as the AFC’s top team, when someone asked him how he planned to celebrate his birthday. Mahomes said he planned to watch


Donnelly among those calling for Kavanaugh vote delay

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Sen. Joe Donnelly says a planned vote should be postponed on President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, until Congress has time to review recent sexual misconduct allegations made against him. The Senate Judiciary committee was set for a Thursday vote. A woman came forward over the weekend to say


Judge throws out conviction in Illinois student’s death

MURPHYSBORO, Ill. — A southern Illinois judge has thrown out a murder conviction in the 2014 death of a Southern Illinois University student. A Jackson County judge vacated Gaege Bethune’s first-degree murder conviction Monday in the death of 19-year-old Pravin Varughese (VAHR’-geez) of Eldorado, Illinois. A jury convicted Bethune in June in the suburban Chicago


Amazon investigating claims of bribes and leaked data

NEW YORK — Amazon says it is investigating reports that its employees may have taken bribes from sellers on its site. The Wall Street Journal, citing anonymous sources, reported that some Amazon employees took payments ranging from $80 to $2,000 to provide internal sales metrics to independent sellers, or delete negative reviews, to gain an


Stanford to drop Spanish colonizer’s name from its address

PALO ALTO, Calif. — Stanford University is dropping the name of a controversial 18th century Spanish priest and colonizer from its mailing address and two dormitories. Junipero Serra led the system of missions in California that “contributed to the destruction of the cultural, economic, and religious practices of indigenous communities and left many tribal communities


E. Guinea: Brazil search of VP delegation suitcases illegal

SAO PAULO — The embassy of Equatorial Guinea says Brazilian authorities conducted an illegal search and seizure of the contents of suitcases belonging to a delegation that included the African country’s vice president. Brazilian media have reported that authorities seized around $16 million worth of cash and jewelry at an airport in Sao Paulo state


Defense in correction officer’s death: You’ve got wrong guy

NEW YORK — The lawyer for a New York City transit worker charged in a possible road-rage killing says he believes police arrested the wrong person. Bus maintenance worker Gifford Hunter was arraigned Monday in the death of off-duty correction officer Jonathan Narain. Correction officers packed the courtroom. Police say Narain and Hunter, who was


4 believed dead after ATV plunges off Arizona cliff

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Authorities say a northern Arizona wildfire started by a weekend ATV crash is preventing them from reaching the scene, where the bodies of four people are believed to be. Coconino County Sheriff’s deputies say tracks indicate the ATV went off a Forest Service road and plunged 400 feet (122 meters) down a


Indiana mom pleads not guilty in daughter’s fatal shooting

GARY, Ind. — A northwestern Indiana woman has pleaded not guilty to neglect charges stemming from her 2-year-old daughter’s shooting death. Twenty-two-year-old Dashana Fowler of Gary entered her not guilty plea during a Monday court hearing. She faces one count of neglect of a dependent resulting in death, and three counts of neglect of a


Browns to sign K Greg Joseph following Gonzalez meltdown

CLEVELAND — Zane Gonzalez is getting kicked to the curb. The Browns plan to release their wayward kicker on Monday after his four misses on Sunday cost Cleveland its first win since 2016 with a 21-18 loss to the New Orleans Saints. On Monday, the Browns tried out several kickers and intend to sign free


Kicked aside: Browns try out kickers to replace Gonzalez

CLEVELAND — The Browns are working out kickers to replace Zane Gonzalez, who missed four attempts in Sunday’s loss at New Orleans. Gonzalez misfired on two extra points and two field-goal attempts, including a 52-yarder in the final seconds that would have forced overtime. After his last kick sailed off course, Gonzalez sat alone hanging


Federal lawyers: Gulf oil leak spills much more than thought

Federal government lawyers say a 14-year-old leak is releasing much more oil each day into the Gulf of Mexico than officials previously claimed. A Friday court filing in a case involving Taylor Energy Co. says 10,000 to 30,000 gallons (37,000 to 113,000 liters) daily is leaking from multiple wells around a drilling platform toppled by

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Экология в России и мире

Практически все животные Москвы вышли из зимней спячки до начала майских холодов

Путин в России и мире

Посол Ирана в РФ рассказал о встрече с Путиным по поводу ЧП с вертолетом Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Самарцы исполнили стихи и песни Булата Окуджавы


Посол Ирана рассказал о встрече с Путиным по поводу ЧП с вертолетом Раиси

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