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Новости за 22.03.2018


Rockies look to reel in playoff spot for 2nd straight season

DENVER — Charlie Blackmon didn’t need much baiting: The lure of a fishing contest in the middle of spring training was incentive enough. So the quirky Colorado Rockies outfielder/avid outdoorsman slipped into some waders and grabbed his fishing rod for a game to see which player could most accurately cast at cans set up on


Renowned jockey Jose Flores dies in racing accident

PHILADELPHIA — A renowned jockey who was among the best in Pennsylvania history died Thursday of injuries suffered in a racing accident. Parx Racing announced the death of Jose Flores, 56, who was racing Monday at the suburban Philadelphia track when his horse went down and Flores was thrown off. The jockey hit the ground


How the Parkland teens have spearheaded a worldwide movement

PARKLAND, Fla. — They can’t buy a beer or rent a car and most aren’t even old enough to vote, yet the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have spearheaded what could become one of the largest marches in history with nearly 1 million people expected in Washington and more than 800 sister marches


False stories claim NASA ‘confessed’ to spreading lithium

Some websites are falsely claiming that NASA has “confessed” to “dosing Americans” with lithium and other chemicals. On its website , NASA explains that it does use the materials for wind experiments launched on sounding rockets to the upper atmosphere. The space agency says “the small amounts of vapor tracers that are released in space


Idaho moves ahead with possible grizzly bear hunting season

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho officials have started the process of opening a grizzly bear hunting season this fall that would allow the killing of one male grizzly. The Fish and Game Commission on Thursday directed the Department of Fish and Game to gather public comments on the possible hunt in eastern Idaho. The department will


‘Roseanne’ revival aims to keep it real, Trump included

LOS ANGELES — Roseanne Barr looks more glamorous, John Goodman slimmer. But the mass-market plaid couch is a giveaway that ABC’s “Roseanne” revival hasn’t ditched its roots. The blue-collar Conner family and the times in which they live are at the heart of the sitcom debuting 8 p.m. Eastern on Tuesday, as they were for


New York, New Jersey airport workers to see wage hikes

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Workers at New York-area airports will see their wages nearly double after the agency that operates the airports approved a series of hikes through 2023, bring to a close years of protests. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey voted unanimously to raise the hourly minimum wage for workers


Cowboys sign free agent WR Deonte Thompson to 1-year deal

FRISCO, Texas — Free agent wide receiver Deonte Thompson has signed a one-year contract with the Dallas Cowboys. Thompson joined the Cowboys on Thursday, one day after veteran linebacker Joe Thomas agreed to a two-year deal and was their first acquisition since NFL free agency opened last week. In six NFL seasons, Thompson has played


Houseman, World Cup-winning Argentina striker, dies at 64

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Rene Houseman, a striker who won the 1978 World Cup with Argentina, died after fighting tongue cancer since last year. He was 64. The Argentine Football Association confirmed his death. Known as “Loco,” or the “Crazy One,” Houseman played in the 1974 and 1978 World Cups. He played 55 games for


Bucks say Giannis doubtful with ankle injury for Bulls game

MILWAUKEE — The Milwaukee Bucks say Giannis Antetokounmpo is doubtful for Friday night’s game against the Chicago Bulls with a sprained right ankle. The All-Star forward got hurt in the second quarter of a 127-120 loss on Wednesday to the Los Angeles Clippers when he appeared to trip over teammate Shabazz Muhammad under the Bucks’


Study: ‘Legacy’ nitrogen also feeds Gulf of Mexico dead zone

NEW ORLEANS — The Gulf of Mexico’s “dead zone” will be an unwanted summer visitor for decades, Canadian scientists say. They say the oxygen-starved patch would persist even if farmers could immediately end all fertilizer runoff. An area with too little oxygen to support marine life forms every summer off the Louisiana coast. It’s fed


Ex-boxing champ pleads guilty to charges in domestic dispute

PITTSBURGH — Former lightweight boxing champ Paul Spadafora has pleaded guilty to resisting arrest and simple assault on police officers who responded to a domestic dispute at his Pittsburgh home in 2016. The 42-year-old boxer was sentenced Thursday to time served and probation. Spadafora also was accused of stabbing his brother and kicking his mother


UN chief: Global water crisis has widespread impact

UNITED NATIONS — Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says on World Water Day that 40 percent of the world’s population faces water scarcity. The U.N. chief told diplomats and activists at Thursday’s launch of the International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development that “water is a matter of life and death,” stressing that humans, cities,


Duke Energy utility CEO got big boosts to severance, pay

RALEIGH, N.C. — Duke Energy Corp.’s board is striving to keep CEO Lynn Good on the job, promising a bigger severance package if she’s forced out the door in addition to raising her pay by 55 percent. A report released Thursday ahead of May’s annual shareholders meeting shows company directors increased Good’s potential severance package


What will Mariners be? Much depends on pitching staff

SEATTLE — Robinson Cano has spent enough time now to understand the angst surrounding the Seattle Mariners. The Mariners have the longest playoff drought in the four major sports, meaning there is an urgency to finally end the skid. They also appear to be an average ballclub at a time when the American League is


A new wave of Mexican filmmakers succeeds internationally

MEXICO CITY — A trio of Mexican directors known as the Three Amigos has made their mark on Hollywood, dominating the Academy Awards best picture contest in recent years with films that have little connection to their homeland. But a new generation of Mexican filmmakers is finding international success with films produced in their own


FAU hires Dusty May as its new men’s basketball coach

BOCA RATON, Fla. — Florida Atlantic has hired Dusty May as its new basketball coach, signing him to a five-year contract. The school announced the move Thursday. May will be introduced to the FAU community on Friday. May has spent the last three years as an assistant at Florida under coach Mike White — the


Dodgers a threat to get back to World Series in 2018

LOS ANGELES — The Dodgers start a new season with an old burden: they haven’t won a World Series since 1988. Winning 104 games and owning baseball’s best record last year didn’t get it done. However, the Dodgers bring back most of their roster and boast depth in the rotation and up and down the


Madison Bumgarner, Giants ready to rebound from last place

SAN FRANCISCO — Madison Bumgarner learned a tough lesson and he’s ready for a do-over. San Francisco’s ace is as motivated as ever after the embarrassment of a dirt bike accident that cost him nearly three months and contributed to his club falling out of contention in a hurry. Same goes for all of the


Column: Rules tinkering by baseball bosses ruining sport

The proprietors of baseball, charged with the task of protecting and preserving the sport, insist on tinkering with it instead. They keep fooling around with the game, changing the rules every so often, adding a designated hitter here, and a wild card team there. And now they have come up with the goofiest idea of


Jim Parsons says he’s fortunate to have worked with Hawking

LOS ANGELES — Jim Parsons cherished the opportunity to work with Stephen Hawking, but admitted he was a bit intimidated to meet the celebrated theoretical physicist. Hawking or his voice appeared in seven episodes of Parsons’ hit series “The Big Bang Theory.” “So much of our show is related, based on, adjacent to everything that


Kenyan court rules forced anal exams as gay test unlawful

NAIROBI, Kenya — A Kenyan appeals court on Thursday ruled unlawful the use of forced anal exams to test whether two men had gay sex, which is criminalized in the East African nation. The earlier high court decision was unconstitutional and violated human rights, appellate court Judge Alnashir Visram said during the hearing in the


Kenyan court blocks anal probe as test for homosexuality

NAIROBI, Kenya — A Kenyan appeals court has blocked authorities from using an anal examination to test whether two men had gay sex, which is criminalized in the East African nation. Appellate Court Judge Alnashir Visram on Thursday said the high court decision was unconstitutional and violated human rights. Eric Gitari, the chairman of the


Microsoft announces major solar buy in Virginia

RICHMOND, Va. — Microsoft Corp. says it’s making a major purchase of solar energy in Virginia. The company announced the deal Wednesday to buy 315 megawatts from solar developer sPower, which is planning to build the state’s largest solar project. Microsoft has both data centers and office space in Virginia, and has committed to getting


The Latest: Govt: Militia members wanted to kill Muslims

WICHITA, Kan. — The Latest on the trial of three militia members accused of plotting to bomb a Kansas mosque and apartment complex (all times local): 12:05 p.m. A federal prosecutor says three militia members accused of plotting to bomb an apartment complex housing Somali immigrants were trying to murder as many Muslims as possible.

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Экология в России и мире

В России замечен доступный кроссовер по цене Lada Granta: что о нем известно?

Путин в России и мире

Мантуров: на инаугурации Путина 7 мая представят обновленный Aurus Senat

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Linkin Park

Звездные разборки: Филипп Киркоров выпустил новую песню, Linkin Park поедут в тур, а Ольга Бузова показала сына-подростка


Росія планує диверсії по всій Європі, – ЗМІ

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