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Новости за 16.01.2018


Testimony ends in former ‘cocaine cowboys’ pilot fraud trial

MIAMI — Testimony has ended in an auto fraud trial of a pilot who once flew loads of drugs for Colombian cartels during Miami’s “cocaine cowboys” era. A federal jury is scheduled Wednesday to begin deliberating the fate of 72-year-old Mickey Munday, who has become well known through his open bragging about his past in


Free e-books offer samplers of ‘Buzz’; books for 2018

NEW YORK — New fiction from Allison Pearson and Chris Offutt and a memoir by Boston Globe “Love Letters” columnist Meredith Goldstein are among the upcoming works excerpted in a pair of free e-books. The industry newsletter Publishers Lunch told The Associated Press that “Buzz Books 2018: Spring/Summer” and “Buzz Books 2018: Young Adult Spring/Summer”


Despite doping scandals, Olympic fever grips Russian cinemas

MOSCOW — Russia’s going crazy for the Olympics. The 1972 Olympics. Even as the Russian team faces up to being barred from next month’s Winter Games for doping offenses, audiences are flocking to see a movie about Soviet glory on the Olympic basketball court 46 years ago. “Going Vertical” tells the story of the Soviet


Protesters clash with police in Ukraine over new law

MINSK, Belarus — At least one policeman has been injured and several protesters have been detained after scuffles outside the Ukrainian parliament in Kiev, the capital. Several hundred people were rallying on Tuesday outside the Supreme Rada to protest a new law governing the areas in the country’s east under separatist control. The conflict between


2 newly confirmed van Gogh drawings on show in Netherlands

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — Two drawings of a hill in Paris have been confirmed as works by Vincent van Gogh and are going on display at a Dutch museum. The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam said Tuesday that an 1886 drawing of Montmartre owned by the Van Vlissingen Art Foundation was recently confirmed as a


The Latest: Snow causes crash involving bus in Kentucky

ATLANTA — The Latest on wintry weather in the U.S. (all times local): 12:35 p.m. Police say multiple people have been injured in a five-vehicle pileup that included a Greyhound bus on a snow-slicked interstate in south-central Kentucky. The crash, which also involved two commercial vehicles and two passenger vehicles, occurred Tuesday morning on I-65


The Latest: Snow causes multiple crashes in Kentucky

ATLANTA — The Latest on wintry weather in the U.S. (all times local): 12 p.m. Another round of snow fell Tuesday across much of Kentucky and Tennessee leading to multiple school closures and slick roads that caused multiple crashes. The Kentucky Transportation Department reports that multiple crashes closed a 10-mile section of Interestate 24 in


The Latest: Ice coats roads in 36 counties in Mississippi

ATLANTA — The Latest on wintry weather in the U.S. (all times local): 10:45 a.m. In Mississippi, ice had coated roads and bridges in 36 of the state’s 82 counties, the Mississippi Department of Transported said in a statement Tuesday morning. Road crews were working to put salt and other materials on roadways, mainly in


Prize winner Matt de la Pena has new book coming in October

NEW YORK — Prize-winning children’s author Matt de la Pena has a new picture book planned for the fall that his publisher is calling “poignant and timely.” G.P. Putnam’s Books for Young Readers told The Associated Press on Tuesday that de la Pena’s “Carmela Full of Wishes,” a collaboration with illustrator Christian Robinson, tells the


Even the eyelashes freeze: Russia sees minus 88.6 degrees F

MOSCOW — Even thermometers can’t keep up with the plunging temperatures in Russia’s remote Yakutia region, which hit minus 67 degrees Celsius (minus 88.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas Tuesday. In Yakutia — a region of 1 million people about 3,300 miles (5,300 kilometers) east of Moscow — students routinely go to school even in


Big freeze: Russia’s Yakutia sees near-record cold spell

MOSCOW — Temperatures in the remote, diamond-rich Russian region of Yakutia have dropped to near-record lows, plunging to -67 degrees Centigrade (-88.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in some areas. In Yakutia — about 3,300 miles (5,311 kilometers) east of Moscow — where students routinely go to school in -40 degrees, school was cancelled throughout the region. Over


Survivor recounts Florida casino shuttle boat fire

TAMPA, Fla. — A survivor of Sunday’s casino shuttle boat fire in the Gulf of Mexico described a chaotic scene as passengers had to jump into the chilly water. Robert Handzus told The Tampa Bay Times Tuesday that the crew of The Island Lady casino shuttle moved passengers around the 72-foot wood-hulled vessel as fire


Ole Einar Bjoerndalen fails to make Norway’s Olympic team

OSLO, Norway — Olympic great Ole Einar Bjoerndalen has failed to make Norway’s biathlon team for the Pyeongchang Games, missing out on a chance to compete at his seventh Olympics. With 13 medals, including eight gold, Bjoerndalen is the most decorated Winter Olympian in history. Tore Ovrebo, the head of sports at the Norwegian Olympic


Race is on for succession to Europe’s top economic posts

FRANKFURT, Germany — Europe is preparing to find successors for many of its most powerful economic officials, including the influential head of the European Central Bank. Those chosen will make decisions affecting the jobs, savings and pay of 340 million people living in the 19 countries that share the euro. The starting gun in the


Couple planning honor flight to DC just for women

OMAHA, Neb. — A Nebraska couple who have planned several honor flights to Washington for war veterans have planned a new trip just for women. Bill and Evonne Williams say the Nebraska Female Veterans Flight is for women who served in the European or Pacific theaters during World War II, or during the wars in


Doctor: Trump is healthy, did very well on cognitive test

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s overall health “is excellent” and he did “exceedingly well” on cognitive screening designed to detect early signs of memory loss and other neurologic functions, the Navy doctor who performed Trump’s medical checkup said Tuesday. Ronny Jackson had issued a blanket declaration that Trump was in “excellent health” after last Friday’s


German linguists: ‘Alternative facts’ the non-word of 2017

BERLIN — German linguists have declared the phrase “alternative facts,” popularized by White House aide Kellyanne Conway, the non-word of 2017. Conway used the phrase last year when asked why President Donald Trump’s then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer mischaracterized the size of the inauguration crowd. A team of six language experts at Darmstadt University chose “alternative


Reports: Turkey’s Erdogan to visit Pope Francis next month

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkish media reports say President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican next month. Hurriyet newspaper and other media said Erdogan would travel to the Vatican on Feb. 5. for talks that are expected to focus on the status of Jerusalem. Erdogan, a vocal critic of a U.S.


Observation deck in Indiana for Lake Michigan collapses

PORTAGE, Ind. — A circular, concrete observation deck overlooking Lake Michigan in northwestern Indiana has collapsed following recent erosion along the lakeshore. No injuries were reported in the collapse at the Portage Riverwalk and Lakefront. The (Northwest Indiana) Times reports the park has been suffering from the effects of erosion the past few years and


Sirotkin chosen ahead of Kubica to drive for Williams in F1

Sergey Sirotkin has been chosen ahead of Robert Kubica to drive for Williams in this year’s Formula One championship. The 22-year-old Russian will form the most inexperienced line-up on the grid with 19-year-old Canadian Lance Stroll. Sirotkin, who was a test driver for Sauber in 2014 and Renault in 2016 and 2017, will replace Brazilian


Sirotkin gets Williams drive as 3rd Russian in Formula 1

LONDON — Sergey Sirotkin will drive for Williams and form the most inexperienced line-up on the Formula One grid with Lance Stroll. The 22-year-old Sirotkin, who has previously been a test driver for Sauber in 2014 and Renault in 2016 and 2017, has been chosen to replace Felipe Massa to drive with the 19-year-old Stroll.


Lebanon bans ‘The Post’ over Spielberg’s support for Israel

BEIRUT — Lebanon’s censorship authorities are recommending a ban on Steven Spielberg’s newspaper drama “The Post” ahead of its planned opening this week in movie theaters in Beirut. The recommendation still needs to be signed by Interior Minister Nouhad Machnouk to enter into effect but that is considered a formality that’s unlikely to stop the


The Latest: 3 churches firebombed in Chile during pope visit

SANTIAGO, Chile — The Latest on the pope’s visit to Chile (all times local): 9:10 a.m. Three churches have been firebombed in Chile on the first full day of Pope Francis’ visit to the Andean nation. Authorities say two churches were burned in the early hours of Tuesday in the southern Araucania region. The pope


With a $6B charge comes new thoughts about GE’s future

BOSTON — After a decade breaking off substantial pieces of the multinational conglomerate in bid to a return to its industrial roots, a more comprehensive reshaping of General Electric Co. may be on the way. CEO John Flannery, who was put in charge of reviving the company last summer, revealed significant issues at GE Capital


GE to take $6.2 billion charge tied to GE Capital

BOSTON — General Electric is taking a $6.2 billion after-tax charge in the fourth quarter tied to its review and reserve testing of GE Capital’s runoff insurance portfolio. GE Capital will also suspend its dividend to GE for the foreseeable future. “At a time when we are moving forward as a company, a charge of

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о перспективах развития туризма в Ингушетии

Путин в России и мире

Активам прописали превентивные меры // Какое имущество США в России может быть изъято в качестве ответного шага

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Владимир Путин прибыл с двухдневным визитом в Белоруссию

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Луи Армстронг

Будет выпущен неизданный концертный альбом Луи Армстронга


Представители 12 вузов РФ учатся управлять проектной работой в ТУСУРе

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