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Новости за 20.12.2017


Family to match donations for snapping turtle’s $5,500 tank

BENNINGTON, Vt. — A Vermont museum says a local family will match dollar for dollar all donations to help a friendly snapping turtle get a new tank for Christmas. Michael Clough is assistant director at the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum in Marlboro. He said last week the museum was seeking $5,500 for a custom-made


Controversy over wildlife tourism and selfies in the Amazon

Planning a trip to the Amazon? You might want to look at the controversy over wildlife selfies. World Animal Protection, an advocacy group, says animals like sloths suffer when they’re offered to tourists for selfies. Instagram is supporting education efforts by responding to hashtag searches like #slothselfie with this warning: “You are searching for a


Congress deals pair of blows to ‘Obamacare’

WASHINGTON — Two Republican senators abandoned their fight Wednesday for legislation this year to help contain premium costs by resuming federal subsidies to insurers, as Congress dealt a pair of blows to President Barack Obama’s health care law. Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander ran into opposition from both parties to inserting


Congress deals 2 blows to ‘Obamacare’

WASHINGTON — Congress dealt a pair of blows to the Obama health care law Wednesday, including a retreat by two senators who were fighting for a provision this year that would help contain premium costs. GOP Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander ran into opposition from both parties on their measure to


Congress is dealing 2 big blows to Obama-era health law

WASHINGTON — Congress is dealing two blows to President Barack Obama’s health law. Here’s the first: Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Lamar Alexander of Tennessee say they’ve abandoned their effort to force a year-end budget bill to restore federal payments to insurers that have helped contain premium costs. The lawmakers say they’ll continue


Sick Chipotle workers prompt scrutiny of California store

NEW YORK — Health officials are investigating a Chipotle restaurant in Los Angeles after the burrito chain reported that some of its workers were ill with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The company has struggled to win back customers after previous food safety issues. Chipotle spokesman Chris Arnold confirmed Wednesday that the company had reported the


LA County investigating reports of illnesses at Chipotle

LOS ANGELES — The Los Angeles County health department is investigating reports of illnesses by customers who ate at a Chipotle. Chipotle says it has not directly received any complaints from customers and was not aware of any reports made to local health officials. The burrito chain said it only knew of complaints on “user-generated


Chicago sports franchises team up to tackle violence in city

CHICAGO — Chicago’s major sports franchises are teaming up to tackle violence in the city. Baseball’s White Sox and Cubs, the NFL’s Bears, NBA’s Bulls and NHL’s Blackhawks announced Wednesday they are forming the Chicago Sports Alliance and donating a total of $1 million in one-time grants to three programs addressing violence. The money will


After net neutrality: Brace for internet ‘fast lanes’

NEW YORK — Now that federal telecom regulators have repealed net neutrality, it may be time to brace for the arrival of internet “fast lanes” and “slow lanes.” The net neutrality rules just voted down by the Federal Communications Commission prohibited such “paid prioritization,” as it’s technically known. That’s when an internet provider such as


Nicasio, Mariners finalize $17M, 2-year deal

SEATTLE — Reliever Juan Nicasio has finalized a $17 million, two-year contract with the Mariners that gives Seattle another hard-throwing arm out of its bullpen. Nicasio gets a $500,000 signing bonus and salaries of $7.5 million next year and $9 million in 2019. He can earn an additional $3.5 million annually in performance bonuses for


Mariners sign right-hander Juan Nicasio to 2-year deal

SEATTLE — The Mariners have signed reliever Juan Nicasio to a two-year contract, giving Seattle another hard-throwing arm out of its bullpen. Seattle announced the signing on Tuesday after Nicasio completed a physical. The deal was agreed upon during the winter meetings last week in Florida. Seattle’s 40-man roster is now at 39. Nicasio, 31,


AP FACT CHECK: Trump says ‘Obamacare’ is repealed. It isn’t.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has prematurely declared “Obamacare” dead and displayed a misunderstanding of where the money comes from to make the health law work. A look at his remarks Wednesday about the tax plan he will soon sign into law and its effect on President Barack Obama’s health insurance overhaul: TRUMP: “Obamacare has


AP FACT CHECK: Trump says Obamacare is repealed. It isn’t

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump has prematurely declared “Obamacare” dead and displayed a misunderstanding of where the money comes from to make the health law work. A look at his remarks Wednesday about the tax plan he will soon sign into law and its effect on President Barack Obama’s health insurance overhaul: TRUMP: “Obamacare has


Shiffrin beats Vlhova to win World Cup parallel slalom race

COURCHEVEL, France — Mikaela Shiffrin beat Petra Vlhova of Slovakia in the final to win a World Cup parallel slalom race on Wednesday for the 35th win of her career. The defending World Cup champion followed up her victory in Tuesday’s giant slalom on the same course to extend her sizeable overall lead this season.


Baltimore’s enduring eccentricities shine at Christmas

BALTIMORE — While Baltimore residents enjoy “The Nutcracker” and other holiday classics, residents of this proudly eccentric city also relish celebrating Christmas in their own unique way. Film director John Waters is Baltimore’s most famously offbeat son. He wraps Christmas lights around an electric chair in his city home and decorates ornaments with the most


Review: ‘Pitch Perfect 3’ not the high note of the series

Sorry, Pitches, but it’s a good thing “Pitch Perfect 3 ” is billed as the farewell tour for this musical franchise. It hasn’t jumped the shark, exactly, but it does send its singing Bellas jumping off an exploding yacht. Because that’s what a cappella competitions are about! The cast may be delightful and the musical


Review: ‘Pitch Perfect 3’ not the aca-peak of this series

Sorry, Pitches, but it’s a good thing “Pitch Perfect 3 ” is billed as the farewell tour for this musical franchise. It hasn’t jumped the shark, exactly, but it does send its singing Bellas jumping off an exploding yacht. Because that’s what a cappella competitions are about! The cast may be delightful and the musical


Alouettes hire former NFL coach Mike Sherman as head coach

MONTREAL — Mike Sherman has simple goals for the Montreal Alouettes. The Alouettes hired the former NFL coach Wednesday to fill their vacant head coaching position. Sherman replaces general manager Kavis Reed, who assumed the position on an interim basis last year after firing Jacques Chapdelaine. Sherman, 63, takes over a Montreal squad that was


Falcons’ Jones has ankle injury, expected to play vs Saints

FLOWERY BRANCH, Ga. — Falcons receiver Julio Jones has an ankle injury and will miss the first day of practice this week. Coach Dan Quinn said Wednesday that he expects Jones to play Sunday when Atlanta (9-5) visits New Orleans (10-4). The Falcons can earn a playoff spot with a victory. Jones was injured on


Gardner-Webb beats Toccoa Falls 102-41

BOILING SPRINGS, N.C. — David Efianayi had 18 points and seven rebounds, DJ Laster added 15 points, and Gardner-Webb beat Toccoa Falls 102-41 on Wednesday. Garner-Webb had runs of 11-0, 12-0, 13-0 and 14-0 in the first half to build a 58-18 lead. The Bulldogs shot 54 percent in the half with 10 3-pointers while


Ohio State inks 21 recruits on first early signing day

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The nation’s top-rated tight end and defensive tackle were among the 21 recruits locked up by Ohio State on the first day of the early signing period on Wednesday. Jeremy Ruckert from Lindenhurst, New York, could make an immediate impact at tight end, with the departure of starter Marcus Baugh and the


Ohio State inks 20 recruits on first early signing day

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The nation’s top-rated tight end and defensive tackle were among the 20 recruits locked up by Ohio State on the first day of the early signing period on Wednesday. Jeremy Ruckert from Lindenhurst, New York, could make an immediate impact at tight end, with the departure of starter Marcus Baugh and the


Sheriff: Virginia woman mauled to death by her dogs

GOOCHLAND, Va. — Authorities in Virginia say a woman was mauled to death by her two dogs while out on a walk. Goochland County Sheriff Jim Agnew told The Washington Post that the father of 22-year-old Bethany Lynn Stephens found her in a wooded area Thursday evening. Authorities say he initially thought that the two


Man convicted of rape, robbery freed over faulty witness ID

NEW YORK — A New York City man who spent more than 25 years behind bars for rape and robbery has been set free. Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez on Wednesday vacated the conviction of Mark Denny because an investigation revealed faulty witness identification. In 1987, three men forced their way into a Burger King


Ethics watchdog says Canada PM Trudeau broke conflict rules

OTTAWA, Ontario — Canada’s federal ethics commissioner has concluded Prime Minister Justin Trudeau violated conflict of interest rules when he vacationed last Christmas at the private Bahamian island owned by the Aga Khan. Mary Dawson said in a report Wednesday that Trudeau’s vacation broke conflict of interest laws that prohibits a minister from accepting gifts

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Экология в России и мире

Пресс-релиз | CRYPTONIUM | Новая экосистема для заработка на криптовалюте | Арбитраж | Трейдинг | Обучение

Путин в России и мире

Путин с Собяниным приехали в Храм Христа Спасителя на Пасхальное богослужение

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Балерина Волочкова заявила, что считала Кудрявцеву подругой до критики


Валиеву и Щербакову исключили из списка действующих спортсменов в базе данных «Спорт вокруг»

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