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Новости за 06.12.2017


Neo-fascists throw flares at Italy’s Repubblica in ‘war’

ROME — A neo-fascist party attacked the headquarters of the left-leaning La Repubblica newspaper Wednesday and declared “war” against its publisher, the latest in a series of extremist, far-right and anti-immigrant incidents across Italy. A dozen masked Forza Nuova supporters, dressed in black and carrying the party’s flag, threw flares at the office housing Repubblica,


Neo-fascists throw flares at Italy’s Repubblica paper

ROME — Italy’s neo-fascist Forza Nuova movement has attacked the headquarters of the left-leaning La Repubblica newspaper, the latest in a series of extremist, far-right incidents across Italy. A dozen masked Forza Nuova supporters, dressed in black and carrying the party’s flag, threw flares at the office housing Repubblica and its weekly L’Espresso. They carried


Whistleblower: Flynn texts broached nuclear plan, sanctions

WASHINGTON — As Donald Trump delivered his presidential inaugural address last January, his national security adviser Michael Flynn told a former business associate in text messages that a private plan to build nuclear reactors in the Mideast was “good to go” and that U.S. sanctions hobbling the plan would soon be “ripped up,” a whistleblower


Lawsuit: Gary’s ordinance violates ‘sanctuary city’ ban

GARY, Ind. — An influential conservative lawyer is suing a northwestern Indiana city for allegedly violating the state’s ban on so-called sanctuary cities with its “welcoming city” ordinance approved earlier this year. Terre Haute-based attorney James Bopp Jr. filed the lawsuit against Gary in Lake County on Tuesday, The (Northwest Indiana) Times reported. The ordinance,


Insurance claims for Northern California wildfires reach $9B

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — More than $9 billion in insurance claims have been filed following wildfires that ravaged Northern California two months ago, the state’s top insurance regulator said Wednesday. The figure represents residential, commercial, automobile and other property claims filed with 260 insurers by Dec. 1, Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones said. It’s up from $3.3


Putin’s power: From mean streets to Kremlin

MOSCOW — As a kid in a dismal Soviet communal apartment, Vladimir Putin was a scrapper who dreamed of being an operator — diligently training in martial arts and boldly walking into a KGB office to inquire about how to become a spy. As Russia’s leader in the 21st century, he’s been the epitome of


Kosovo court acquits 9 accused of terror attack in Serbia

PRISTINA, Kosovo — A Kosovo court has acquitted a group of nine Albanian men accused of a 2012 terror attack against a border post in southern Serbia. The court in Pristina, the capital, decided Wednesday to acquit the nine men of the attack, which injured a Serb border guard, saying there was no prove they


US to review ended protections for Yellowstone grizzly bears

BILLINGS, Mont. — U.S. officials say they’ll review the recent lifting of protections for Yellowstone-area grizzly bears in light of a court ruling that retained protections for gray wolves in the Great Lakes. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Wednesday that it is seeking public comment on the court ruling given the possible implications


Hornets coach Clifford out indefinitely with ‘health issue’

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Hornets coach Steve Clifford will be away from the team for an undetermined period of time to deal with a “health issue.” The team made the announcement Wednesday in a release. The 56-year-old Clifford missed Monday night’s game against the Orlando Magic because he was not feeling well. Associate head coach Stephen


Trial set for man accused of killing neighbor, taking baby

FARGO, N.D. — Trial is scheduled in March for a North Dakota man accused of killing a pregnant neighbor so he and his girlfriend could keep the baby. William Hoehn (HAYN’) appeared Monday in Cass County Court in Fargo. The 32-year-old and his girlfriend, 38-year-old Brooke Crews, are charged with conspiracy to commit murder and


Salvage team sinks fishing boat off Hawaii reef

HONOLULU — A commercial fishing vessel carrying foreign workers that ran aground and later burned and leaked fuel just off the beaches of Waikiki was towed out to sea Thursday and sunk by a team of salvage workers. After being patched up and filled with foam to regain buoyancy, the 79-foot (24-meter) Pacific Paradise was


Salvage team tows wrecked fishing boat off Hawaii reef

HONOLULU — A derelict fishing boat has been removed from the shores of a famous tourist mecca in Honolulu. Salvage crews Thursday morning were able to pull the Pacific Paradise out to deeper water after it had been grounded off Waikiki beach for nearly two months. The plan is to eventually sink the ship in


Veitch, Whitaker and Nagler honored by Racing Hall of Fame

SARATOGA SPRINGS, N.Y. — Michael Veitch, Jack Whitaker and the late Barney Nagler have been selected to the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame’s Joe Hirsch Media Roll of Honor. Veitch has covered thoroughbred racing for The Saratogian, his hometown newspaper, and The Pink Sheet since 1979 and has written two books on


James Roday and Dule Hill reteam for ‘Psych: The Movie’

NEW YORK — Dule Hill was searching for the right word to sum up how it felt that some original crew members from his series “Psych” turned down other jobs to work on “Psych: The Movie.” “I think that is a…” he began. “Testament,” interrupted his co-star, James Roday. “I knew where you were at.”


Boone knows he’s a rookie who has to prove himself to Yanks

NEW YORK — Aaron Boone was pulling into the driveway of his home in Scottsdale, Arizona, last Thursday, bringing 8-year-old daughter Bella home from school so his wife could drive her to a dance lesson, and he noticed a missed call from Brian Cashman. Boone called back the New York Yankees general manager as his


‘Jeopardy!’ winner charged with computer crimes in Michigan

ADRIAN, Mich. — Cyber shenanigans for 200? A former “Jeopardy!” winner has been charged with illegally accessing co-workers’ email accounts at a small Michigan college. Stephanie Jass is a former history professor at Adrian College. She appeared in Lenawee County court on Tuesday, charged with unauthorized access to a computer and using a computer to


Dembele returns to training nearly 3 months after surgery

BARCELONA, Spain — Ousmane Dembele trained with his Barcelona teammates for the first time since rupturing a thigh tendon nearly three months ago. Dembele, the most expensive signing in Barcelona’s history, joined the rest of the group for the first part of Wednesday’s session and then continued with his recovery routine. The 20-year-old Dembele hurt


AP Player of the Year finalists: Mayfield, Love, Jackson

Oklahoma quarterback Baker Mayfield, Stanford running back Bryce Love and Louisville quarterback Lamar Jackson are the finalists for The Associated Press college football Player of the Year. The winner will be announced Thursday. The finalists are the same as those for the Heisman Trophy, which will be presented Saturday. Mayfield has led the No. 2


Nuclear fusion project hails halfway construction milestone

BERLIN — A vast international experiment designed to demonstrate that nuclear fusion can be a viable source of clean and cheap energy is halfway toward completion. The organization behind the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor announced the milestone Wednesday and confirmed it’s aiming to conduct a first test run in 2025. Construction in southern France has


Barkley, Jewell highlight AP All-Big Ten team

Penn State’s Saquon Barkley is the offensive player of the year for the second straight season and Iowa linebacker Josey Jewell is defensive player of the year on The Associated Press All-Big Ten Conference team released Wednesday. Wisconsin took the other two top honors. Freshman running back Jonathan Taylor was voted newcomer of the year


Here are your options if YouTube vanishes from Amazon gizmos

NEW YORK — You’ll still have ways to watch YouTube service if it disappears from Amazon’s Fire TV streaming device. Google is threatening to pull YouTube from Fire TV as a fierce battle between the two tech heavyweights escalates. The latest dispute is over the e-commerce company’s refusal to sell some Google devices that compete


South Carolina fires assistant and play caller Roper

COLUMBIA, S.C. — South Carolina has fired the assistant coach who called its offensive plays. Coach Will Muschamp said in a statement Wednesday he decided after much deliberation to dismiss co-offensive coordinator Kurt Roper and go a different direction. The Gamecocks other co-offensive coordinator, wide receivers coach Bryan McClendon, will call plays at the Jan.


Bolivia lawmakers vote to ease right abortion restrictions

LA PAZ, Bolivia — Bolivian lawmakers voted Wednesday to ease the country’s tight restrictions on abortions, shrugging aside opposition from religious groups. The Legislative Assembly vote will allow “students, adolescents or girls” to have abortions up to the eighth week of pregnancy. The measure doesn’t specify ages, but it appears to apply to girls up


UK jeweler won’t make replicas for Meghan Markle’s ring

LONDON — The jewelry maker who worked on the engagement ring Prince Harry gave to Meghan Markle says it’s been inundated with requests for replicas— but it won’t be taking any orders for copycat rings. Stephen Connelly, director of Cleave and Company, tells The Associated Press: “We’re not going to be making replicas of it.


Disbarred attorney sentenced for thefts from defunct chain

HAMMOND, Ind. — A disbarred northern Indiana attorney has been sentenced to two years in prison for stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from the estate of a defunct supermarket chain. Sixty-four-year-old Robert E. Stochel was convicted of mail fraud in May. He was sentenced Tuesday by a federal judge in Hammond who also ordered

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Экология в России и мире

Директор Московского зоопарка Светлана Акулова провела экологический марафон

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об историческом минимуме уровня безработицы в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Союзное государство – сила двух суверенных стран

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Охранник Зеленского предлагал Киеву сдаться в первые дни СВО

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Серябкина с волком, Волочкова с крыльями ангела и Клава Кока в роли Русалочки — самые яркие и запоминающиеся образы звезд на VK Fest


"Терпению Путина пришел конец": Появилось объяснение отзыву посла России из Армении

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