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Новости за 16.09.2017


Malaysia police arrest 7 teens linked to deadly fire

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — The police chief in Malaysia’s capital says authorities have arrested seven teenagers suspected of intentionally starting a deadly blaze an Islamic boarding school that killed 23 people. Kuala Lumpur police chief Amar Singh says the seven arrested boys lit Thursday’s fire because they had been mocked by students at the school.


Don’t remove the tie: France’s Macron bound by unspoken rule

PARIS — That tie. He just won’t take it off, even when picking his way in sweltering heat through the rubble left by Hurricane Irma on the French Caribbean island of St. Martin. President Emmanuel Macron has shaken French politics to its core but dares not breach the dress code for a French chief of


Moriya Jutanugarn fires 68 to lead 2nd round at Evian major

EVIAN-LES-BAINS, France — Moriya Jutanugarn of Thailand shot 3-under 68 to lead in the Evian Championship second round on Saturday. Seeking to follow her younger sister, Ariya, as a major winner, Jutanugarn’s 9-under total was four shots clear of three players in the clubhouse, including Jennifer Song of the United States, whose 65 was best


700 Catalan mayors back holding independence vote

BARCELONA, Spain — More than 700 mayors from Catalonia are meeting in Barcelona in a show of strength amid pressure from Spain’s central government not to hold an independence referendum for the northeastern region that has been deemed illegal by the courts. Political tensions in Spain are increasing as the proposed voting date of Oct.


3 Baton Rouge museums showcase Louisiana in World War I

A trio of exhibits about Louisiana’s part in World War I will include a walk-through simulation of a trench on the Western Front, propaganda posters and a “trench art” vase made from a spent artillery shell. The Louisiana State Museum’s Capitol Park Museum , the Old State Capitol Museum and the USS Kidd Veterans Museum


Tropical storm warning for Los Cabos due to Hurricane Norma

MEXICO CITY — A tropical storm warning is in effect for the resort-studded southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula due to Hurricane Norma, which is forecast to pass nearby in the coming days. The U.S. National Hurricane Center says the storm is essentially stationary early Saturday but is expected to resume motion toward the


Diyas beats defending champion McHale at Japan Women’s Open

TOKYO — Qualifier Zarina Diyas of Kazakhstan outlasted defending champion Christina McHale 6-4, 0-6, 6-3 Saturday to advance to the final of the Japan Women’s Open. Diyas was down 3-1 in the final set but broke the 25-year-old American twice to complete the victory and secure her second WTA final. Diyas, a finalist here in


Indian priest says Yemeni captors did him no physical harm

VATICAN CITY — A Catholic priest from India who was freed after being held 18 months in Yemen said Saturday that he was never physically harmed during his captivity, even if his captors feigned hitting him on videos seeking ransom. Officials said they had no knowledge of ransom having been paid. The Rev. Tom Uzhunnalil


Davis Cup: Kazakhstan wins doubles to lead Argentina 2-1

ASTANA, Kazakhstan — Kazakhstan is on the verge of sending last year’s Davis Cup champion Argentina out of the top-tier World Group after winning Saturday’s doubles rubber. Timur Khabibulin and Alexander Nedovesov recovered from losing the first set to beat Argentina’s Maximo Gonzalez and Andres Molteni 5-7, 6-4, 7-5, 6-4 in just under 3 1


2 die in Denmark race after car hits spectators

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — Two spectators died after being hit by a rally car which came off the road in a western Denmark street race. In a statement Saturday, Danish police said the car was driven by a 73-year-old male and 22-year-old female co-pilot. The spectators died shortly afterward, police said, without giving further details. The


German police stop truck with 51 migrants squeezed inside

BERLIN — German police say they have stopped a truck near the German-Polish border with 51 people squeezed inside, among them 17 children. Federal police say the truck was stopped early Saturday on the highway A12 near the eastern German town of Muellrose. Police said some of the people inside were dehydrated and all were


Zimbabwe’s top opposition leader in South Africa hospital

HARARE, Zimbabwe — A spokesman confirms that Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader and former prime minister is hospitalized in South Africa. Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the MDC-T party, is in “very stable condition,” Luke Tamborinyoka said in a statement Saturday. Tsvangirai is widely viewed as President Robert Mugabe’s main challenger in elections scheduled for next year.


Bicyclists get free roadside assistance in Connecticut city

HARTFORD, Conn. — Maureen Hart was riding home on the Founders Bridge into Hartford when the tire on her bicycle went flat. Stranded on her way home from a friend’s house, Hart took advantage of a program she’d learned about just days before. While at a jazz concert in Bushnell Park, she and other friends


Is there a suspect in prostitute deaths? Prosecutor is coy

MINEOLA, N.Y. — Years of law enforcement silence on a serial killing case on New York’s Long Island has been broken. A prosecutor suggested a carpenter convicted of killing two prostitutes in the 1990s may have had a role in at least one of 10 unsolved killings. Remains of eight women, a man and a


Verstappen fastest in final Singapore GP practice

SINGAPORE — Red Bull continued to dominate at the Singapore Grand Prix, with Max Verstappen posting the fastest time in the third and final practice ahead of qualifying later Saturday. Daniel Ricciardo, Verstappen’s Red Bull teammate, had been quickest in Friday’s two practice runs with lap records each time. This time, Ricciardo was only sixth.


Beer flowing in Munich: Thousands head to Oktoberfest

MUNICH — The beer is flowing again at Munich’s fabled Oktoberfest. Mayor Dieter Reiter inserted the tap into the first keg Saturday with two blows of his hammer and the cry of “O’zapft is” — “It’s tapped.” About 6 million visitors are expected to come to Munich for the 184th Oktoberfest, which runs through Oct.


Syria’s Deir el-Zour coming back to life after 3-year siege

DEIR EL-ZOUR, Syria — Syria’s Deir el-Zour is rising from the ashes after a grueling three-year siege by the Islamic State group. That’s the case even though rounds of machine-gun fire are still heard on the outskirts as Syrian government troops push out remaining IS fighters. The liberation of Deir el-Zour on Sept. 5 brought


Tax cuts quiet once-deafening GOP call for fiscal discipline

WASHINGTON — Republicans spooked world markets in their ardor to cut spending when Democrat Barack Obama was in the White House. Now, with Republican President Donald Trump pressing for politically popular tax cuts and billions more for the military, few in the GOP are complaining about the nation’s soaring debt. The tea partyers and other


Indian priest says Yemeni captors did him no physical harm

VATICAN CITY — A Catholic priest from India who was freed after being held 18 months in Yemen says he was never physically harmed during his captivity, even if his captors feigned hitting him on videos seeking ransom. The Rev. Tom Uzhunnalil told reporters Saturday that his kidnappers “have not injured me at all.” Indian


Police in Zanzibar arrest 20 over homosexual activities

ZANZIBAR, Tanzania — Police in Tanzania’s semiautonomous region of Zanzibar say they have detained 20 people accused of engaging in homosexual activities. Regional police chief Hassan Ali said Saturday that 12 women and eight men were arrested following a police raid on a hotel where the suspects were attending a workshop. Homosexuality is criminalized in


Germany’s Merkel: flexible in politics and modest in private

BERLIN — She’s been named the world’s most powerful woman, seen off a series of domestic rivals and led an unsentimental response to Europe’s debt crisis. But to many Germans, Chancellor Angela Merkel is a reassuring figure known simply as “Mutti” — Mom. Beyond her bold decision to allow in large numbers of migrants and


Boris Johnson fuels speculation about UK leadership bid

LONDON — British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has fueled speculation that he hopes to eventually succeed Prime Minister Theresa May, spelling out his Brexit goals days before her major policy speech on the subject. Johnson said in The Daily Telegraph newspaper Saturday that Britain shouldn’t pay for the right to European markets and shouldn’t seek


Millions of world’s children lack any record of their births

MASAKA, Uganda — Would a 15-year-old girl be married off by her parents in violation of the law? Would another girl, who looks even younger, get justice after an alleged statutory rape at the hands of an older man? In their impoverished communities in Uganda, the answers hinged on the fact that one girl had


34 Burundian refugees killed by Congo forces, official says

BUJUMBURA, Burundi — An official says Congolese forces have allegedly shot and killed 34 Burundian refugees in an area near Burundi’s border. Waquara Yunusi, commander of the Pakistani battalion of the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Congo, says the deaths occurred Friday in the Kamanyola area of Congo’s South Kivu province. He says 15 of the


Airstrike hits US-backed fighters in east Syria wounding 6

BEIRUT — A U.S.-backed force in Syria says a Russian airstrike has wounded six of its fighters near the eastern city of Deir el-Zour. The command of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces said in a statement that Saturday’s attack occurred on the eastern side of the Euphrates River in the industrial area that was recently

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Экология в России и мире

МегаФон добавил инноваций системе экомониторинга в Череповце

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко назвал рецепт своего фирменного салата "Молодость", которым угощал Путина в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Суд Москвы продлил арест трем адвокатам Навального по делу об экстремизме

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Трансляцию концертов оркестра Бутмана в Китае посмотрели более 50 млн человек


В Калининграде впервые представят работу Шишкина из собрания Третьяковской галереи

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