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Новости за 19.08.2017


The Latest: Nigeria’s president returns after 3 months away

ABUJA, Nigeria — The Latest on Nigeria president’s return after three months of medical treatment in London (all times local): 4:55 p.m. Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has returned to the country after more than three months in London for medical treatment. His plane has landed in the capital, Abuja. Supporters have lined the road to


Dortmund impresses without Dembele in Bundesliga-opener

BERLIN — Borussia Dortmund showed it can thrive this season without suspended forward Ousmane Dembele by opening its Bundesliga campaign with a 3-0 rout at Wolfsburg on Saturday. United States international Christian Pulisic scored one goal and set up another. Dembele remains suspended after missing training when Barcelona made a bid for the player. Dortmund


DNA lab reduces testing for missing people amid funding woes

DALLAS — Karen Stipes always believed her missing mother was “Mountain Jane Doe,” buried unidentified in a paupers’ cemetery deep in the woods outside Harlan, Kentucky. But without proof, it took nearly half a century and the development of DNA technology for forensic scientists at the University of North Texas to confirm her intuition. Police


Getting water to Peru’s desert capital is no easy task

LIMA, Peru — Getting fresh water to Peru’s desert capital is no easy task. Lima relies on a vast network of concrete tunnels to transport water originating in lakes in the Andes mountains to the bone-dry coastal city some 125 miles (200 kilometers) away. By the time it arrives, it is so contaminated it must


More delays for low-flying fighters over western Maine

PORTLAND, Maine — A National Guard proposal to expand airspace for fighter jet training low over the mountains of western Maine has dragged on for so long that many of the aircraft currently used for training could be retired by the time the plans are completed. Vermont-based F-16 fighters account for the bulk of the


California lawmakers to tackle housing crisis, immigration

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California lawmakers return Monday from a monthlong break with a busy agenda that includes tackling the state’s housing crisis and deciding whether to make California a statewide sanctuary for people living illegally in the U.S. Here’s a look at some of the high-profile issues the Legislature will tackle in the last four


Indiana State Fair asks vendors to drop Confederate goods

INDIANAPOLIS — Vendors at the Indiana State Fair have been asked to stop selling goods with Confederate symbols. The Indianapolis Star says the fair received complaints about Confederate flag items sold by a leather vendor. Spokeswoman Sharon Smith says the request was made “in light of current events.” In Charlottesville, Virginia, white nationalists violently clashed


Trump not first president to vacation in New Jersey

TRENTON, N.J. — President Donald Trump is not the first president to vacation in New Jersey. But unlike Trump, who spent most of his “working vacation” at his private golf club in Bedminster, his 19th century predecessors sought relief along the New Jersey shore from Washington’s swamp-like summer before air-conditioning. They joined wealthy friends, such


The Latest: Confederate soldier statue in NC city defaced

DURHAM, N.C. — The Latest on growing opposition to Confederate monuments since last weekend’s deadly confrontation at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. (all times local): 11 a.m. Another North Carolina city is cleaning up after vandals defaced the base of a Confederate soldier statue. Multiple media organizations reported someone spray-painted unintelligible black letters


The Latest: 2 suspects in stabbing death brought to Chicago

CHICAGO — The Latest on the extradition of a Northwestern University professor Wyndham Lathem and Oxford University staffer Andrew Warren (all times local): 10 a.m. Two employees of elite universities charged in the fatal stabbing of a 26-year-old hair stylist have been returned to Chicago to face charges of first-degree murder in the brutal killing.


Prize-winning Polish-US playwright Janusz Glowacki dies

WARSAW, Poland — Renowned Polish-U.S. playwright and screenwriter Janusz Glowacki, who won top prizes for his bitter, ironic analysis of the difficult lives of immigrants, died Saturday at 78. His wife, actress Olena Leonenko-Glowacka, announced his death but its cause was not immediately revealed. Popular in New York and Polish artistic and intellectual circles, Glowacki


Train derails in northern India, killing at least 23

LUCKNOW, India — Six coaches of a passenger train derailed in northern India on Saturday, killing 23 people and injuring at least 81, officials said. Two of the coaches telescoped into each other, while four others toppled over after going off the track, said Arvind Kumar, a top official in Uttar Pradesh, the state where


American Girl’s first Native Hawaiian doll set to go on sale

HONOLULU — American Girl has made its first Native Hawaiian doll. The doll’s name is Nanea Mitchell and she goes on sale Monday. The doll is 18 inches (46 centimeters) tall and is priced at $115. Her character grows up during World War II. Her wardrobe includes 1940s-era outfits, hula attire and many accessories. A


Physicist Hawking criticizes UK health secretary on service

LONDON — Noted physicist Stephen Hawking has criticized Britain’s health secretary for what he described as the selective use of scientific studies to support changes in the National Health Service. The world-renowned scientist has accused Conservative minister Jeremy Hunt of “cherry picking” evidence to support the changes and says the service is at risk. Hunt


Schools in eclipse’s path seize on ready-made science lesson

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A fourth-grade class at a suburban Kansas City school erupted in wonder when they tried on their solar eclipse glasses for the first time and turned toward the sun for an eclipse “practice.” “The sun looks like the moon!” ”It’s really dark!” ”There’s just a little circle of light!” ”It’s just


The lore and lure of eclipses: Blood, sex and some snacking

WASHINGTON — For thousands of years, people have made up stories to explain why the sun suddenly disappears during the middle of the day. We now know they are solar eclipses. But the myths and history of eclipses tell us a little bit about cultures gone by. The tales often involve the sun being eaten.


After Charlottesville, students worry about safety on campus

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia — When Carl Valentine dropped off his daughter at the University of Virginia, he had some important advice for the college freshman: Don’t forget that you are a minority. “She has to be vigilant of that and be concerned about that, always know her surrounding, just be cautious, just be extremely cautious,” said


Liquor stores closed in Turkmenistan’s capital until October

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan — Liquor stores have been closed down and alcoholic products taken off the shelves of food stores in the capital of Turkmenistan ahead of a major international athletic competition next month. Merchants at several stores told The Associated Press on Saturday that authorities had ordered alcohol sales halted until October, after the Asian


Broadway ticket-buying now easier for fans, not re-sellers

NEW YORK — Fans wanting to see the hottest shows often struggle to compete with re-sellers and brokers when tickets go on sale. Some Broadway productions are turning to a new online system for ticket-buying that aims to keep more tickets in the hands of fans. Known as Verified Fan, the program from Ticketmaster requires


Indiana children’s commission gets first executive director

INDIANAPOLIS — An Indiana commission created four years ago to address the needs of vulnerable children finally has its first director. The Commission on Improving the Status of Children agreed Wednesday to hire Julie Whitman. She’ll manage the commission’s initiatives when she begins her job in September. Whitman is vice president for engagement and advocacy


Nebraska student managers keep Big Red operation running

LINCOLN, Neb. — They spend hours a day with the Nebraska football team. They’re given free apparel and have access to tickets. They’re on the sidelines for games. They must have the best jobs in the world, friends and family tell the Cornhuskers’ student managers. “I agree. It’s great. But there’s a lot that they


The Latest: Kennedy Center awards to go on without Trump

WASHINGTON — The Latest on President Donald Trump’s decision not to participate in the Kennedy Center arts awards (all times local): 9:45 a.m. The Kennedy Center arts awards program will go on. Kennedy Center Chairman David M. Rubenstein and President Deborah Rutter say in a statement that they respect President Donald Trump’s decision to cancel


New Ohio River bridge sparks development in Jeffersonville

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. — A new bridge spanning the Ohio River between Indiana and Kentucky is sparking development in the city of Jeffersonville, where three hotels and several other projects are in the works. Plans filed with the Army Corps of Engineers show three hotels, three restaurants, a bank and a convenience store are slated for


Kashima beats Shimizu S-Pulse 1-0 to keep lead in J-League

TOKYO — Leandro and Mu Kanazaki scored as defending champion Kashima Antlers beat Shimizu S-Pulse 2-0 Saturday to stay top of the J-League. Leandro put the hosts ahead in the 16th minute and Kanazaki sealed the win with his ninth goal of the season with four minutes left. Kashima improved to 49 points, four ahead


Study: Small Indiana districts lagging on test scores

INDIANAPOLIS — A study of Indiana schools found that size may have an impact on academic performance. More than half of Indiana districts can’t operate efficiently because they’re too small, Ball State University’s Center for Business and Economic Research said. The study found that districts with less than 2,000 students performed worse on tests than

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Экология в России и мире

Первый в России электромобиль Tesla Cybertruck заметили на Москве

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Любовь Успенская назвала дурной композицию Пугачевой «Балалайка»


Переезд с комфортом. Реновация в столице идёт полным ходом

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