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Новости за 18.08.2017


Alleged Yahoo hacker in Canada agrees to extradition to US

HAMILTON, Ontario — A Canadian man accused in a massive hack of Yahoo emails agreed Friday to forgo his extradition hearing and go face the charges in the United States. Karim Baratov was arrested in Hamilton, Ontario, in March under the Extradition Act after U.S. authorities indicted him and three others, including two alleged officers


A home gas blast led to 2 deadly attacks, manhunt in Spain

BARCELONA, Spain — A gas explosion initially misconstrued as a domestic accident led to two days of bloodshed and a manhunt in Spain, authorities have said. Here is how the attacks unfolded: Wednesday, Aug. 16: 11:20 p.m. An explosion rocks a home in Alcanar. Authorities believe at first that it is simply a home gas


Police: 3 children found dead in Maryland home

CLINTON, Md. — Police said Friday they are determined to make an arrest in the killings of three children in a home outside Washington, D.C. An adult family member found the dead children — all with trauma to their bodies — inside the home in Clinton, and no suspects are in custody, said Jennifer Donelan,


Charlie Cox, Finn Jones on 2 Marvel-ous ‘Defenders’ roles

NEW YORK — Maybe you know them as Iron Fist and Daredevil. But now Finn Jones and Charlie Cox, who star as these Marvel superheroes on the Netflix series “Iron Fist” and “Daredevil,” have joined forces with Mike Colter (“Luke Cage”) and Krysten Ritter (“Jessica Jones”) for a much-awaited miniseries hybrid. “The Defenders,” which finds


Homeless file lawsuit over Indianapolis sidewalk order

INDIANAPOLIS — The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana has filed a federal lawsuit against Indianapolis on behalf of the city’s homeless population over an order that required them to vacate certain sidewalks downtown. The Indianapolis Star reports that the city’s Department of Homeland Security and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department made an emergency declaration


Widow won’t sign, and that puts timeshare giant in a bind

ORLANDO, Fla. — There’s a new twist in the standoff between an octogenarian widow in Florida who refused to sell her townhome and the giant developer that constructed a timeshare resort around her vacant, two-story building anyway. In order to get a county permit for tenants to move into the new timeshare units, the company


Polish ruling party figure criticized for anti-migrant tweet

WARSAW, Poland — A prominent member of Poland’s ruling party has drawn outrage with a tweet that praised threats and shots fired recently at a rescue ship destined to aid refugees in the Mediterranean Sea. European Parliament Vice President Ryszard Czarnecki tweeted “At last!!!” in reaction to information that the Libyan coast guard fired shots


Trump won places drowning in despair. Can he save them?

ABERDEEN, Wash. — One-hundred-fifty baskets of pink petunias hang from the light posts all over this city, watered regularly by residents trying to make their community feel alive again. A local artist spends his afternoons high in a bucket truck, painting a block-long mural of a little girl blowing bubbles, each circle the scene of


Can JT Barrett pass better for Ohio State in 2017?

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Can Ohio State quarterback J.T. Barrett become a better passer? That’s the overarching question at preseason training camp as the fifth-year star works with yet another new offensive coordinator and position coach. Barrett arguably is the best quarterback to ever play at Ohio State, but his issues with accuracy and decision-making —


Saudi forces deployed in Yemen’s port of Aden amid friction

SANAA, Yemen — Yemeni security officials say Saudi forces have arrived in the southern port city of Aden amid friction within the kingdom-led alliance there. The officials say the troops were deployed on Friday at the presidential palace, port, and airport. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they weren’t authorized to talk to journalists.


Dig into honey-glazed Cornish hens with cabbage and apples

Though the disco ball drops in January, the shofar blows in September, marking the beginning of the new year for Jewish communities across the globe. Observed as one of the holiest days of the year, Rosh Hashanah is a special two-day celebration of what’s to come. Like the ceremonial blowing of the shofar (a ram’s


The Latest: Finland steps up security after fatal stabbings

HELSINKI — The Latest on stabbings in Finland (all times local): 7:20 p.m. Finland’s interior minister says security is being stepped up across the Nordic country after stabbings that killed at least two people in a western city. Paula Risikko made the announcement during a news conference in Turku, where the stabbings happened. Police say


11 US states added jobs in July

WASHINGTON — Hiring increased in 11 U.S. states in July, while the unemployment rate tumbled to record lows in two states. The Labor Department said Friday that unemployment rates were relatively stable in most states. They fell in 15 states and rose in 23, but many of the changes were statistically insignificant. The jobs report


Conte laughs off Costa comments, says striker is ‘the past’

LONDON — Chelsea manager Antonio Conte laughed off Diego Costa’s suggestion that he was being treated like a criminal and said Friday the striker is “the past.” The English soccer season started last weekend but Costa is currently in his native Brazil, after claiming he was told in a text message sent by Conte during


Technology companies lead as US stocks turn higher

NEW YORK — Gains for technology companies, banks and energy companies are helping U.S. stocks erase an early loss and move higher Friday. Stocks are coming off their biggest loss in three months. Sporting goods makers and retailers continue to take sharp losses after investors did not like what they heard from Foot Locker and


Finnish police shoot man who stabs 8 people in Turku; 2 dead

HELSINKI — A man stabbed eight people Friday in Finland’s western city of Turku, killing two of them, before police shot him in the thigh and detained him, police said. Authorities were looking for more potential suspects in the attack. A suspect — a man whose identity was not known — was being treated in


Francis DiLorenzo, bishop of Diocese of Richmond, dies at 75

RICHMOND, Va. — The Rev. Francis X. DiLorenzo, who served as bishop of the Diocese of Richmond for 13 years and made a return to conservative values his top priority, has died. He was 75 years old. DiLorenzo died at a hospital late Thursday, Monsignor Mark Richard Lane of the Diocese of Richmond said in


Church officials oppose show by singer facing drug charges

HAGATNA, Guam — The leadership at Guam’s Roman Catholic Church is protesting plans by one of its schools to proceed with a concert by singer Yvonne Elliman-Alexander after she was arrested in the U.S. territory and charged with drug possession. The Pacific Daily News reported (http://bit.ly/2xaXZG2 ) Friday that the Archdiocese of Agana regrets that


New Hampshire confirms identity of suspected serial killer

CONCORD, N.H. — New Hampshire authorities say they have confirmed the true identity of a suspected serial killer. In January, authorities said that a man who died in a California prison in 2010 likely killed a New Hampshire woman who disappeared in 1981 and a woman and three girls whose bodies were found in barrels


Ex-West Texas deputy gets 15 months for game rooms extortion

MIDLAND, Texas — A former sheriff’s deputy in West Texas must serve 15 months in prison for extorting money from illegal gambling operations and tipping the businesses off to investigations. Prosecutors say former Ector County Sheriff’s Deputy David Oscar Limon was sentenced Thursday in Midland. He was also fined $13,200. Texas law bans casino-style gambling.


Hot stock tip: Chicken Soup for the Soul

NEW YORK — “These are the times that try men’s souls,” was written more than two centuries ago, but given events this week, they could have popped up in any blog or tweet in recent days. What better time then, for a little Chicken Soup for the Soul? The provider of positive vibes is becoming


In Germany, neo-Nazis get to march but threats are verboten

BERLIN — Given Germany’s grim history as the home of National Socialism and the efforts it has made since then to atone for its genocidal past, it might seem surprising that far-right extremists who glorify a dead Nazi official are allowed to march in his honor this weekend. Police in Berlin have given far-right extremists


High school football team to play season after player death

FARMINGVILLE, N.Y. — A spokeswoman says a suburban New York high school where a teenager died when a log fell on his head in a football training drill will go ahead with the upcoming season, but with changes to the coaching staff. Deirdre Gilligan, a spokeswoman for the Sachem (SAY’-chehm) School District, says the Sachem


Markets Right Now: US stock indexes erase early losses

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in financial markets (All times local): 11:45 a.m. Stocks erased early losses and are mostly higher in midday trading. Technology companies and banks are rising more than the rest of the market Friday. Foot Locker plunged 26 percent after reporting a weak quarter. Deere fell 6 percent after


Tally reaches 500 in Florida Everglades Burmese python hunt

MIAMI — Hunters have killed 500 Burmese pythons during an elimination program in the Florida Everglades. Officials who are overseeing the program tell local news outlets that Miami snake hunter Jason Leon killed the 500th python — a 7-foot (2-meter) snake — Thursday morning. It was his second kill since the Python Elimination Program began

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Экология в России и мире

Институт СТЭИ при поддержке Комитета общественных связей и молодежной политики города Москвы реализует проект "Вода Москвы"

Путин в России и мире

Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Григорий Лепс

Лепс отдыхает: звезда «Пацанок» Михеева била телефоны фанатов на концерте в Москве


Российский лидер Владимир Путин ясно дал понять: время мигрантов прошло. И проблему дефицита кадров нужно решать иначе.

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