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Новости за 17.08.2017


Global shares meander after upbeat Japan trade report

TOKYO — Shares were mixed in narrow trading Thursday, with European benchmarks falling back after recent gains. Japan’s Nikkei 225 index slipped as the yen strengthened against the U.S. dollar, despite the release of upbeat trade data for July. KEEPING SCORE: Germany’s DAX edged 0.1 percent lower to 12,258.20 and the CAC 40 of France


Scholars say Trump went afoul in lumping Lee with founders

Both were great generals. Both Virginians. Both came from slave-owning plantation families. Is it really so far-fetched to put Robert E. Lee in the same category as George Washington, as President Donald Trump suggested Tuesday? Many historians say yes. “It’s a ridiculous conflation,” said Professor Alice Fahs of the University of California, Irvine. “He’s not


Business execs shunned Trump panels before he disbanded them

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump had pushed many of America’s top corporate leaders to the breaking point with his inability to decisively condemn white supremacists — so they huddled on an 11:30 a.m. conference call Wednesday. The frustrated members of the White House policy forum — which included executives from General Electric, Wal-Mart, General Motors,


Kiwi Daniel Pearce leads Fiji International after 1st round

NATADOLA BAY, Fiji — New Zealand’s Daniel Pearce shot a 6-under 66 Thursday to take a one-stroke lead after the first round of the wind-swept Fiji International. Compatriot Ben Campbell and Australian Daniel Valente shared second place on the Natadola Bay course at Sigatoka. Gavin Green of Malaysia was among four golfers tied for fourth


Hyundai unveils new fuel cell SUV with longer travel range

SEOUL, South Korea — Hyundai Motor said Thursday it plans to launch early next year a second-generation hydrogen fuel cell vehicle that will travel more than 580 kilometers (360 miles) between fill-ups. If delivered as promised, the new fuel cell vehicle will travel 40 percent farther than its first generation fuel cell SUV, the Tucson


Charges dropped against man in pot giveaway near US Capitol

WASHINGTON — The U.S. attorney’s office says charges have been dropped against a man who was one of eight protesters arrested during a marijuana giveaway near the U.S. Capitol in April. The Washington Post reports the charges were dropped Monday after the Drug Enforcement Administration determined Adam Eidinger been carrying less than 2 ounces (57


US men’s gymnastics team hitting reset at nationals

ANAHEIM, Calif. — The sprawling sleeve of tattoos running down Alex Naddour’s left arm is unmissable. The American flag on the shoulder. The Olympic rings running down the inside of his forearm. They serve as a testament to the Olympic bronze medalist’s passion and his longevity. Oh and if they happen to send a message


Kabul catwalk: Afghan models show off traditional clothing

KABUL, Afghanistan — Amid tight security, over two dozen young models, including six women, strutted down the catwalk in the garden of a private Kabul villa, proudly displaying the traditional clothing and costumes of Afghanistan’s many ethnic groups. The audience, about 100 men and women, tightly packed the small space on a recent afternoon, but


Redshirt freshman QBs could make huge impact in SEC

This could turn into a big year for redshirt freshman quarterbacks in the Southeastern Conference. It all depends on how a few preseason competitions turn out. Florida, Tennessee and Texas A&M all have redshirt freshman quarterbacks bidding for starting spots. None of the three schools has named a starter. Texas A&M’s Nick Starkel has emerged


Lebanon prepares for Syria’s post-war construction windfall

TRIPOLI, Lebanon — The port of Tripoli in northern Lebanon wants the world to know it’s ready for business. British safety managers are training local hires to operate heavy machinery and Chinese technicians are running diagnostics on two new container cranes that tower over the harbor, just 28 kilometers (18 miles) from the Syrian border.


Mets rookie Gsellman apologizes to GM for ‘care’-less remark

NEW YORK — Mets rookie pitcher Robert Gsellman says he apologized to Sandy Alderson for publicly dismissing a recent assessment by the general manager. Gsellman was on the disabled list and struggling in his rehab assignment at Double-A Binghamton when Alderson said the right-hander needed to pitch better. After throwing six shutout innings in his


US soldier killed in battle with IS in Afghanistan

KABUL, Afghanistan — The U.S. military says an American soldier was killed and several others wounded in a battle with Islamic State militants in eastern Afghanistan. The military said in a statement that several Afghan forces were also wounded in the fighting on Wednesday in the Achin district of the Nangarhar province, a militant stronghold.


Anti-Muslim Australian senator wears burqa in Parliament

CANBERRA, Australia — An Australian senator provoked an angry backlash from lawmakers by wearing a burqa in Parliament on Thursday as part of her campaign for a national ban on Islamic face covers. Pauline Hanson, leader of the anti-Muslim, anti-immigration One Nation minor party, sat wearing the black head-to-ankle garment for more than 10 minutes


US: War would be ‘horrific’ but NKorea nukes ‘unimaginable’

BEIJING — A military solution to the North Korean missile threat would be “horrific” but allowing Pyongyang to develop the capability to launch a nuclear attack on the United States is “unimaginable,” the top U.S. military officer said Thursday in Beijing. The chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford,


Police: Shopping cart with human remains found in the Bronx

NEW YORK — Human remains have been found in a shopping cart in New York City. Police made the discovery Wednesday night in the Bronx. WCBS-TV reports police found a man’s remains inside a cardboard box in a shopping cart that was covered by a black bag. The medical examiner will determine the cause of


Suspect falls to death from atop crane at Los Angeles port

LOS ANGELES — A suspected car thief led police on a chase across Los Angeles before he ditched the vehicle and climbed to the top of a loading crane at the city’s port, dangling over edges and stripping naked before falling to his death. The man fell about 160 feet to the ground and died


Judge hits long homer, Gregorius lifts Yankees over Mets 5-3

NEW YORK — Aaron Judge connected and there was no doubt about it. Except how far the ball went. Judge launched a titanic homer into the upper deck, Didi Gregorius snapped a seventh-inning tie with a two-run double and the New York Yankees beat the Mets 5-3 on Wednesday night for their third straight Subway


Will war of words turn into war for real? Views in east Asia

BEIJING — Tensions are swirling as North Korea and President Donald Trump exchange threats over Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs, leading to fears in east Asia of a possible armed conflict. Last week, North Korea said it was drawing up plans to launch missiles into waters near the U.S. territory of Guam, and Trump promised


Saudi-Qatar border reopened for hajj pilgrims amid rift

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Saudi Arabia said Thursday it is reopening its border with Qatar to let pilgrims attend the hajj, marking a breakthrough in a monthslong rift between the two Gulf countries. The official Saudi Press Agency reported that Qatari pilgrims will be allowed to enter the kingdom by land and that pilgrims would


Oh the drama: Puig lifts Dodgers to 5-4 win over White Sox

LOS ANGELES — The Dodgers won in — what else — dramatic fashion, scoring three runs in the bottom of the ninth inning for their major league-leading 10th walk-off victory of the season. Trailing 4-2, Yasiel Puig’s two-run double drove in the tying and go-ahead runs to beat the Chicago White Sox 5-4 on Wednesday


Louisiana city to erect monument of novelist at park

COVINGTON, La. — A Louisiana city will place a statue of novelist Walker Percy in a park. The Covington City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to put the bronze statue of Percy at Bogue Falaya Park. NOLA.com/The Times-Picayune reports the 9-foot (2.7 meter) sculpture entitled “Walker Percy Gateway” pays homage to the prize-winning writer who lived


Science Says: DNA test results may not change health habits

NEW YORK — If you learned your DNA made you more susceptible to getting a disease, wouldn’t you work to stay healthy? You’d quit smoking, eat better, ramp up your exercise, or do whatever else it took to improve your odds of avoiding maladies like obesity, diabetes, heart disease or cancer, right? The scientific evidence


1 million South Sudan refugees now in Uganda, UN says

KAMPALA, Uganda — The number of South Sudanese refugees sheltering in Uganda has reached 1 million, the United Nations said Thursday, a grim milestone for what has become the world’s fastest-growing refugee crisis. Ugandan officials say they are overwhelmed by the flow of people fleeing South Sudan’s civil war and the U.N. refugee agency urges


Bundesliga top flight set for its first female referee

BERLIN — After a decade in Germany’s second division, Bibiana Steinhaus will make Bundesliga history this season by becoming the first woman to referee in the country’s top flight. The 38-year-old police officer is among four referees to have been promoted by the German football federation (DFB) into the league’s elite group of 24. “For


Wisconsin Assembly set to approve $3 billion for Foxconn

MADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Assembly planned to approve a $3 billion tax break Thursday for Taiwan-based Foxconn Technology Group to build a massive display panel factory in the state, a project President Donald Trump touted as a transformational win for the U.S. economy. Democratic critics in Wisconsin, who don’t have the votes to stop

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Экология в России и мире

Тело 13-летней девочки обнаружили в лесопарке на востоке Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Политолог Ткаченко: Визит Путина в КНДР усилит коммуникацию Москвы, Пхеньяна и Пекина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Независимая политика Венгрии привела в ярость США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Самарцы исполнили стихи и песни Булата Окуджавы


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