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Новости за 10.08.2017


US airstrikes in Somalia; high-level al-Shabab leader killed

MOGADISHU, Somalia — The U.S. military has announced two new airstrikes against al-Shabab extremists in Somalia, and Somalia’s president says the joint operation killed a high-level leader of the group. The U.S. statement says the airstrikes were carried out Thursday near the Banadiir region in southern Somalia. Somalia’s president in a separate statement says the


Kendrick Lamar to perform at MTV Video Music Awards

NEW YORK — Top nominee Kendrick Lamar is set to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards this month. MTV said Thursday that Lamar will take the stage at the Aug. 27 event at the Forum in Inglewood, California. Lamar is nominated for eight awards. Previously announced performers include host Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran, Miley


Canadian diplomat in Cuba treated for hearing loss

TORONTO — The Canadian government is confirming that at least one Canadian diplomat in Cuba also has been treated for hearing loss. U.S. officials believe a group of American diplomats in Havana suffered severe hearing loss after being exposed to a covert sonic device. Global Affairs Canada spokeswoman Brianne Maxwell said Thursday that agency officials


Trump names ex-McConnell aide to lead energy agency for now

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Thursday named a former aide to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell as interim leader of the commission that oversees the U.S. power grid. Trump elevated Neil Chatterjee, McConnell’s longtime energy adviser, to head the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, for at least the next few weeks. The appointment


Kansas scrutinizes doctor over 13-year-old girl’s abortion

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Kansas’ regulatory medical board is weighing disciplinary action against a doctor who Planned Parenthood self-reported may have violated state law in handling a 13-year-old girl’s abortion. The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts on Thursday was to discuss a petition alleging Dr. Allen Palmer illegally failed to preserve fetal tissue from


Experimental defense unit funds new tech but faces skeptics

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — An Obama-era effort enlisting startup companies to come up with solutions to the military’s toughest technological challenges is funding experimental drones, new cybersecurity technology and advanced communications systems for soldiers. But as the Department of Defense’s “Defense Innovation Unit Experimental,” or DIUx office, approaches the two-year mark this month, it continues to


Study finds climate change altering Europe’s river floods

BERLIN — Climate change is affecting the timing of river floods across Europe and societies may have to adapt to avoid future economic and environmental harm, scientists said Thursday. River floods are among the costliest natural disasters worldwide, causing annual damages of more than $100 billion. They affect millions of people each year because many


Study: Fines for illegal pollution plummet under Trump

WASHINGTON — Fines for illegal pollution have plummeted under President Donald Trump, according to analysis by an environmental advocacy group. The Environmental Integrity Project looked at that civil penalties paid by polluters during the first six months under Trump. The group published an analysis Thursday that found penalties were less than half their levels under


2016 weather report: Extreme and anything but normal

WASHINGTON — Last year’s global weather was far more extreme or record breaking than anything approaching normal, according to a new report. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Thursday released its annual checkup of the Earth, highlighting numerous records including hottest year, highest sea level, and lowest sea ice in the Arctic and


Not just fluff and buff: Spas emphasize wellness over beauty

NEW YORK — Unplug. Breathe. Relax. Wellness rather than beauty was the message this week at the annual International Spa Association event in New York. While there were plenty of skin products and treatments on display, the bigger trend in the spa world remains alleviating stress. “We’re not just fluff and buff,” said Erin Stremcha,


Service set for NY dentist who died after UK WWII wreck dive

KINGSTON, N.Y. — A memorial service is set for a New York dentist who died after scuba diving on a World War II airplane wreck in the English Channel. According to his obituary in the Kingston Daily Freeman, Dr. Bruce Hottum’s service will be held Saturday afternoon at the Bearsville Theater in Woodstock. United Kingdom


The Latest: Taylor Swift cordial, testy during testimony

DENVER — The Latest on Taylor Swift’s civil trial (all times local): 10:05 a.m. Taylor Swift has wrapped up her testimony in a civil trial over whether a former radio DJ groped her before a 2013 concert. The pop star was cordial, but direct and sometimes testy while being questioned Thursday by a lawyer representing


US budget deficit narrowed to $42.9 billion in July

WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit fell sharply in July from a year earlier, largely because of a quirk in the calendar. The U.S. Treasury Department said Thursday that the budget gap came in at $42.9 billion last month, down from $112.8 billion in July 2016. The bulk of the improvement came because benefit payments


Cops: Mom, missing girl found in car with blocked tailpipe

DUDLEY, Mass. — Police say a Massachusetts woman who sparked an Amber Alert when she threatened to harm her 3-year-old daughter was found with the girl inside an idling car with the exhaust pipe stuffed with clothing. Lee-Ann Rickheit was held on $500,000 bail Thursday after pleading not guilty to charges including attempted murder. Police


US moves up 9 spots to 26th in FIFA rankings

ZURICH — The United States climbed nine spots to 26th in the FIFA rankings after winning the CONCACAF Gold Cup. The U.S. had dropped 12 places to 35th in the July rankings, one above the Americans’ low in July and August 2012. Much of that drop was attributable to a devaluation of points from last


Badgers lose team captain LB Cichy for season to knee injury

MADISON, Wis. — Wisconsin has lost senior linebacker Jack Cichy for the 2017 season after he suffered a knee injury. Coach Paul Chryst said Thursday that Cichy tore an anterior cruciate ligament during practice on Tuesday. The former walk-on and team captain will have surgery Friday. The Somerset, Wisconsin, native was expected to a major


Syracuse’s Dino Babers hopes to avoid injury jinx

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Syracuse coach Dino Babers has a theory about his system — year two, game four is when it should begin to purr. It happened in his two previous head coaching stops at Eastern Illinois and Bowling Green. Whether it happens again with the Orange is anybody’s guess, but Babers has a distinct


High schooler dies when log falls on him in football drill

FARMINGVILLE, N.Y. — A high school football player performing a drill used by the U.S. Navy SEALs for conditioning was killed Thursday when the log he and teammates were carrying fatally struck him in the head, police said. Joshua Mileto, 16, was taking part in a preseason exercise camp with the Sachem East High School


Postal Service: More red ink, missed payments as mail slumps

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Postal Service warned Thursday that it will likely default on up to $6.9 billion in payments for future retiree health and pension benefits for the fifth straight year, citing a coming cash crunch that could disrupt day-to-day mail delivery. The service said it expected cash balances to run low by October


Ex-Fox News star Bill O’Reilly launches daily online show

NEW YORK — Ousted Fox News Channel star Bill O’Reilly has launched an experimental video comeback with a daily online show. The initial half-hour was posted on his website Wednesday for premium subscribers, originating from what he called a “new prototype studio.” He requested input from viewers for what he characterized as a “sneak preview.”


Facebook envisions Watch feature as TV for social media

NEW YORK — Facebook envisions its new Watch feature as TV designed for social media, a place where users comment, like and interact with show creators, stars and each other — and never leave. It’s a potential threat to Twitter, YouTube, Netflix and other services for watching video, including old-fashioned TV. Yet its success is


The Latest: NBA star arrested on pot charge in Los Angeles

LOS ANGELES — The Latest on the arrest of NBA star Zach Randolph (all times local): 8:30 a.m. Police say veteran NBA star Zach Randolph was arrested on a marijuana charge after several police cars were vandalized when a large gathering became unruly at a Los Angeles housing project. Officer Liliana Preciado says the 36-year-old


Woman sues hospital in death of 4-day-old son

PORTLAND, Ore. — An Oregon woman is suing a hospital where she gave birth to her son over the baby’s death after she accidently smothered him at just 4-days old. Monica Thompson filed an $8.6 million lawsuit against Portland Adventist Medical Center, The Oregonian/OregonLive reported (http://bit.ly/2vToC5T ) on Wednesday. She claims the hospital is at


Pilot whale returns to the sea after a brief SeaWorld rehab

ORLANDO, Fla. — A pilot whale is back in the sea after an extensive rehabilitation at SeaWorld Orlando. Officials at SeaWorld said in a news release that the short-finned, 725-pound (328 kilogram) whale was released Tuesday 140 miles (225 kilometers) off Florida’s west coast. The whale beached herself July 1 in Dixie County in north


A look at credit card skimmers and how to prevent fraud

Fuel theft using fraudulent credit cards has become widespread with the development of skimmers that steal account information at gas station pumps. Here’s a look at how they work, what authorities are doing to combat them and what consumers can do to protect themselves. SKIMMERS Skimmers are electronic credit card readers that thieves insert inside

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Экология в России и мире


Путин в России и мире

Посольство Бахрейна: король Аль Халифа считает Путина другом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Посол Белоруссии: Лукашенко и Путин обсудят учения с тактическим ядерным оружием

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Любовь Аксенова, Олег Трофим, Сергей Шнуров и другие на премьере фильма «Майор Гром: Игра»


Президент России Путин возложил цветы к монументу Победы в Минске

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