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Новости за 31.05.2017


Health records vendor settles false claims suit for $155M

BURLINGTON, Vt. — Federal prosecutors say one of the country’s largest vendors of electronic health records will pay a $155 million settlement to resolve allegations that it caused health care providers to submit false claims to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The U.S. attorney in Vermont says eClinicalWorks, of Westborough, Massachusetts, and


Outdoor grilled ratatouille creates lovely summertime char

Ratatouille is a classic vegetable dish starring eggplant, zucchini, peppers and tomato that is deeply steeped in the culture of Mediterranean France. When I married a man from the heart of Provence, one of the first lessons I received from my new mother-in-law Muriel was how to make a proper ratatouille. (The other was how


Russia calls for expulsion of Estonian, Moldovan diplomats

MOSCOW — Russia on Wednesday called for the expulsion of Estonian and Moldovan diplomats in response to moves against Russian diplomats in those countries. The Russian Foreign Ministry said five diplomats from the Moldovan embassy in Moscow had been declared personae non grata and would have to leave within three days. It did not name


Browns top pick Garrett still sidelined by unknown injury

BEREA, Ohio — Myles Garrett wore a baseball cap at practice Wednesday instead of a helmet. The No. 1 overall draft pick remains slowed by an injury the Browns insist is not serious but are choosing to keep secret. Garrett stayed on the side and worked with a trainer while his Cleveland teammates continued their


Among the job cuts at The New York Times, the public editor

NEW YORK — The New York Times is ditching its public editor position, created in 2003 as the paper sought to restore its credibility with readers after a plagiarism scandal. Publisher Arthur Sulzberger wrote in a memo Wednesday that the public editor’s role “has outgrown that one office” and that the paper is instead creating


Sen. Cassidy’s health care alternative jeered at town hall

COVINGTON, La. — Skeptics of Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy’s alternative to the Affordable Care Act moaned and jeered at him during a town hall in Louisiana Wednesday, and when he said he’s “neutral” on the Paris Accords to combat climate change, members of the audience groaned. One shouted, “Take a stand.” The Republican senator had


NY officer pleads not guilty in mentally ill woman’s death

NEW YORK — A police sergeant was charged with murder Wednesday in the shooting of a 66-year-old mentally ill woman wielding a baseball bat, a death the mayor called tragic and unacceptable. Sgt. Hugh Barry pleaded not guilty at an arraignment Wednesday to charges that also included manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide in Deborah Danner’s


Douglas Brunt serves up tale of pro tennis in ‘Trophy Son’

“Trophy Son” (St. Martin’s Press), by Douglas Brunt Best-selling author Douglas Brunt writes about the world of professional tennis and the use of performance-enhancing drugs in his latest novel, “Trophy Son.” The narrative follows Anton Stratis throughout his career. From an adolescent kid with natural talent to a young man who has grown to be


Slovak court opens door to investigate political kidnapping

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — Slovakia’s Constitutional Court has approved Parliament’s decision to annul criminal pardons granted by former Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar that barred an investigation into the kidnapping of the son of late President Michal Kovac. The authoritarian Meciar led Slovakia into international isolation during the 1990s and is alleged to have been behind Michal


Fact Sheet: 2017 Honda CR-V 1.5T AWD Touring

2017 Honda CR-V 1.5T AWD Touring BASE PRICE: $24,045 for 2WD LX; $25,345 for AWD LX; $26,795 for 2WD EX; $28,095 for AWD EX; $29,295 for 2WD EX-L; $30,595 for AWD EX-L; $32,495 for 2WD Touring; $33,795 for AWD Touring. AS TESTED: $34,735. TYPE: Front-engine, all-wheel-drive, five-passenger, compact SUV. ENGINE: 1.5-liter, double overhead cam, turbocharged


Honda CR-V is restyled, has first turbo engine in 2017

The top-selling Honda, the CR-V SUV, is a bit bigger for 2017 and offers its first turbocharged engine for stronger performance. The 2017 CR-V interior has a higher quality look and is quieter than its predecessor, and the all-wheel drive system is improved, too. The restyled, five-seat, CR-V also leads other 2017 non-hybrid, non-electric, compact


Company sues Virginia over alleged breaches in contract

RICHMOND, Va. — Northrop Grumman Systems Corp. has filed a lawsuit against Virginia and its information technology agency over the state’s attempt to end a 13- year contract. Richmond Times-Dispatch reports (http://bit.ly/2rb9woU ) the aerospace and defense company filed the lawsuit Friday, seeking damages of more than $10 million. The lawsuit alleges the state sabotaged


Aerosmith’s nearing 50 years but plans to ‘keep going’

MUNICH — Aerosmith may be approaching its 50th anniversary, but its members say the band’s not going anywhere. Front man Steven Tyler and Joe Perry both say the band will keep playing. That’s despite the title of their tour, ‘Aero-Vederci Baby!’ — which seems to play on “arrivederci,” Italian for “goodbye till we meet again.”


Jury acquits man in traffic death of Michigan state trooper

PONTIAC, Mich. — A Detroit-area man has been found not guilty in the death of a Michigan State Police trooper who died when he was struck and dragged several miles by a trailer along a freeway. An Oakland County jury in Pontiac returned not guilty verdicts Wednesday against 71-year-old Charles Warren Jr. of Waterford. Warren


Stanton held out of Marlins’ lineup with hamstring cramping

MIAMI — Miami Marlins slugger Giancarlo Stanton is being held out of the lineup against Philadelphia as a precaution while he recovers from mild hamstring cramping. Ichiro Suzuki was to start in right field Wednesday in place of Stanton, who was available off the bench and is expected to start Thursday, according to manager Don


Blanco re-elected president of Spanish Olympic Committee

MADRID — Alejandro Blanco has been elected to his fourth consecutive term as president of the Spanish Olympic Committee. Blanco will remain in charge until 2021, becoming the body’s longest-serving president since its foundation in 1912. The 66-year-old Blanco took over the committee for the first time in 2005. He will have completed 16 years


Lebanon bans the new “Wonder Woman” movie

BEIRUT — Lebanese authorities banned the new “Wonder Woman” movie Wednesday hours before it was due to premiere in the capital and following a campaign against its lead actress, Gal Gadot, who served in the Israeli army, a security official and activists said. Cinemas in Beirut began removing the movie posters and cinema executives said


Gregg Allman’s funeral planned in Macon, where band won fame

MACON, Ga. — A funeral for rock star Gregg Allman will be held Saturday in Macon, Georgia, where The Allman Brothers Band first won fame. Local news media report that a private memorial is scheduled for 1 p.m. at Snow’s Memorial Chapel. Allman will be buried near his late brother, founding Allman Brothers guitarist Duane


Malaysia Airlines plane diverted over disruptive passenger

CANBERRA, Australia — A Malaysia Airlines plane was forced to return to Australia on Wednesday after a disruptive passenger attempted to enter the cockpit, the airline said. It said Flight MH128, which was headed from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur, turned back to Melbourne because of the incident, which it said was not a hijacking. The


Serena’s back at a Slam! OK, sort of; she watched Venus win

PARIS — Serena Williams was back on the Grand Slam scene Wednesday, only she was snacking on a piece of fruit while sitting in a shaded part of the stands at the French Open, watching her older sister win in straight sets instead of playing a match herself. About six months pregnant, and off the


General Assembly elects Slovakia’s Lajcak as next president

UNITED NATIONS — The U.N. General Assembly elected Slovakia’s Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak Wednesday as its next president, a job he pledged to use to help reform and strengthen the United Nations, with peace and a decent life for all people as a top priority. The 193-member assembly, the U.N.’s most representative body, burst into


The Latest: Friend: Man arrested at Trump hotel is no threat

WASHINGTON — The Latest on a doctor arrested with two guns in his car at the Trump hotel in Washington (all times local): 3:45 p.m. A longtime friend of the Pennsylvania physician arrested on weapons charges at the Trump International Hotel in Washington says he was not a threat. Lisa DellaRatta says she’s known Bryan


Ohio attorney general sues 5 drugmakers over opiate crisis

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio attorney general sued five drugmakers on Wednesday, accusing the companies of perpetrating the state’s addictions epidemic by intentionally misleading patients about the dangers of painkillers and promoting benefits of the drugs not backed by science. Attorney General Mike DeWine said the companies created a deadly mess in Ohio that they


NYC becomes latest city to cut back on ties with Wells Fargo

NEW YORK — New York City is cutting back its ties with Wells Fargo, making it the latest major city or state government to suspend its business relationship with the bank following its sales practices scandal. Mayor Bill de Blasio and Comptroller Scott Stringer said Wednesday they will vote as members of the city’s Banking


A look at deadly Afghan insurgent attacks in recent years

KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan insurgents have stepped up their attacks since the drawdown of NATO troops from Afghanistan in 2014, devastating the capital of Kabul with increasingly deadly and brutal assaults and leaving Afghans feeling embattled and exhausted following 16 years of war. Attacks have been claimed by an Islamic State group affiliate as well

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве заключили соглашение об обмене знаниями в области разведения соколов

Путин в России и мире

Москва готова развивать сотрудничество с Ташкентом и Астаной по поставкам газа – Песков

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Союзное государство – сила двух суверенных стран

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Охранник Зеленского предлагал Киеву сдаться в первые дни СВО

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Валерий Гергиев

Гергиев рассказал о концерте в честь Дня славянской письменности и культуры


В Сочи трех кайтсерферов унесло в море

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