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Новости за 10.04.2017


Argentine judge denounced over parolee turned murder suspect

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Argentine officials are seeking the removal of a judge who freed a convicted rapist now under arrest for a young woman’s murder. Judge Carlos Rossi granted probation in 2016 to Sebastian Wagner, who was sentenced to nine years in 2012 for raping two women. Wagner was arrested Friday in the killing


Michigan hockey coach Red Berenson retires after 33 seasons

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Michigan hockey coach Red Berenson is retiring after a 33-season run that included two national championships. “I’ve thought about this for a long time and I think this is the right time and it’s the right thing to do for the Michigan hockey program,” the 77-year-old Berenson said Monday. He will


Bullpen fix paying off for Colorado Rockies

DENVER — In years past, the sight of the Colorado Rockies’ bullpen doors swinging open was usually accompanied by groans from their fans and players alike. There’s a whole different vibe in 2017. Led by setup men Adam Ottavino and Mike Dunn and new closer Greg Holland, the Rockies’ refurbished relief corps posted five saves


21st Century Fox investigating O’Reilly harassment claims

NEW YORK — As advertisers flee Bill O’Reilly’s nightly talk show amid mounting allegations of sexual harassment, Fox News parent 21st Century Fox is investigating one of those claims against its popular TV host. The investigation is in response to a complaint lodged last week by Wendy Walsh, formerly a regular guest on Fox News’


2017 Pulitzer winners and finalists in journalism and arts

The 2017 Pulitzer Prize winners and finalists: JOURNALISM Public Service New York Daily News and ProPublica for uncovering, primarily through the work of reporter Sarah Ryley, widespread abuse of eviction rules by the police to oust hundreds of people, most of them poor minorities. Also nominated as finalists: The Chicago Tribune for reporting on prescription


Synthetic urine ban bill heads to Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb

INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana House has voted to send a bill banning the sale of synthetic urine to Republican Gov. Eric Holcomb. The bill by Rep. Greg Beumer (BEYE’-mer) makes it a misdemeanor for store owners to knowingly sell products designed to fraudulently pass drug or alcohol tests. The House approved the bill 94-0 Monday.


McDavid is third-youngest to win Art Ross Trophy

NEW YORK — Connor McDavid is the third-youngest player to win the Art Ross Trophy after he led the NHL in scoring with 100 points. McDavid turned 20 in January, and only Sidney Crosby and Wayne Gretzky were younger Art Ross winners. McDavid had 30 goals and 70 assists in his second season to finish


Lawyer: Imprisoned Utah doctor may have killed himself

SALT LAKE CITY — A lawyer says a doctor who died three years after he was imprisoned for drugging his beauty queen wife and leaving her to die may have killed himself. Randall Spencer was the lawyer for Martin MacNeill. The 60-year-old MacNeill was found unresponsive Sunday near the greenhouse of a Utah State Prison


Red Sox fumigate clubhouse at Fenway Park to fight the flu

DETROIT — The Boston Red Sox have fumigated and disinfected their clubhouse at Fenway Park to help fight the flu. Boston manager John Farrell says it has been done a few times while the team has been on the road. After closing a series in Detroit on Monday, Boston is scheduled to begin a six-game


The Latest: Biweekly paper wins editorial writing Pulitzer

NEW YORK — The Latest on the Pulitzer Prizes in journalism and the arts (all times local): 4:15 p.m. A 3,000-circulation newspaper that publishes twice a week has won the Pulitzer Prize for editorial writing. The Storm Lake Times of Iowa and writer Art Cullen won for a series of editorials that challenged powerful agricultural


Getting up to speed on the Wells Fargo sales scandal

NEW YORK — The fraudulent account scandal at Wells Fargo has been making national headlines for months, with no end in sight. If you haven’t kept up with the story since the beginning, it’s worth backing up to get a fuller context for what has happened, and what is still to come. HOW DID THIS


Ranieri refuses to blame players on firing by Leicester

LONDON — Claudio Ranieri refuses to accept Leicester’s players were behind his firing as manager of the unlikely English champions. “I can’t believe my players kill me. No, no, no,” Ranieri said on Monday in his first interview since his dismissal in February. The Italian coach told British broadcaster Sky Sports that “maybe there could


LeBron James, Kyrie Irving ruled out for Cleveland-Miami

MIAMI — LeBron James and Kyrie Irving have been ruled out of Cleveland’s game at Miami on Monday night with injuries. Irving has a problem with his surgically repaired left knee, which the Cavs are calling tendinitis. The team also says James has a right calf strain. The Cavaliers will also be without Tristan Thompson


Norway extends detention of 17-year-old in explosive case

HELSINKI — A Norwegian court has extended by two weeks the detention of a 17-year-old asylum-seeker in the investigation of a homemade explosive device that was left by a subway station in Oslo. The Oslo District Court’s decision came after police prosecutors alleged that the teenager is being charged with attempting to detonate the device


Rapping firefighters go viral with ode to hose in area codes

NEW GLOUCESTER, Maine — They’ve got hose in different area codes. Actually they don’t because New Gloucester (GLAH’-stur), like the rest of Maine, is located entirely in the 207 area code. But New Gloucester Fire & Rescue’s parody of the song “Area Codes” by Ludacris and Nate Dogg is going viral anyway. The fire department’s


Chemical weapons attack latest in litany of Syria atrocities

BEIRUT — With its missile strike on Shayrat air base in central Syria, Washington signaled that it had judged President Bashar Assad responsible for the horrific chemical weapons attack in northern Syria that drew international outrage last week. But it is not the first or even deadliest atrocity of the war. Rights groups and many


Erin Boley, Ali Patberg to transfer from Notre Dame

NOTRE DAME, Ind. — Erin Boley and Ali Patberg will transfer from the Notre Dame women’s basketball program. Boley was the 2016 Gatorade National Player of the Year and a McDonald’s All-American as a high school senior. The 6-foot-2 forward played in 37 games with 10 starts last season and averaged 6.5 points and 2.8


World Bank head optimistic Trump will back global bodies

BERLIN — The head of the World Bank says he is optimistic that President Donald Trump will continue to provide U.S. support for international organizations such as his. Trump and his advisers have questioned spending billions of American tax dollars on organizations that do much of their work outside the United States. World Bank President


Longoria breaks up Pineda’s perfect-game bid in 7th

NEW YORK — Tampa Bay’s Evan Longoria lined a double down the left-field line with two outs in the seventh inning, breaking up a perfect game bid by the Yankees’ Michael Pineda in New York’s home opener. Pineda retired his first 20 batters Monday, starting 16 of them with strikes, before Longoria reached on a


Get Started: Don’t forget April 18 estimated tax deadline

DON’T FORGET ESTIMATED TAXES April 18 is more than just the deadline for small-business owners to file their tax returns or get extensions and pay their 2016 tax bills. It’s also the day they must make their first estimated tax payments for 2017. Estimated payments are made quarterly, in April, June, September, and in January


Turkmen president’s song becomes Asian Indoor Games’ anthem

ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan — Turkmenistan has made a song performed by its authoritarian president the anthem of an international sports competition. President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov performed the patriotic song Friday before an audience of international sports officials while unveiling an ice arena in the gas-rich ex-Soviet Central Asian nation. The government daily Neutral Turkmenistan reported Monday that


Ex-journalist pleads not guilty to threatening Jewish groups

NEW YORK — A former journalist from St. Louis has pleaded not guilty to charges he made threats against Jewish organizations. Juan Thompson entered the plea Monday during a brief appearance in federal court in New York. Prosecutors have accused the 32-year-old Thompson of making threats against Jewish community centers, schools or other facilities to


6 hotel housekeepers say boss sexually assaulted them

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Six housekeepers are suing a North Carolina hotel, saying their supervisor put them through a decade of sexual assaults and threatened to have them deported if they complained. Documents filed in Mecklenburg County Superior Court in Charlotte say the six workers are suing the Hilton Charlotte University Place, the corporate owners and


Michelle Branch returns, thrillingly, after some time

Michelle Branch, “Hopeless Romantic” (Verve Records) The last time Michelle Branch released a full-length solo album was the same year Apple launched iTunes and “Finding Nemo” was in movie theaters. Judging by Branch’s excellent new album, let’s try to get her back in the studio as soon as possible. A mature, complex Branch emerges on


Review: For Father John Misty, doomsday is ‘Pure Comedy’

Father John Misty, “Pure Comedy” (Sub Pop) Father John Misty, Josh Tillman’s alias, makes his bleak, wordy account of today’s human condition sound like a long-lost Elton John album from the early ’70s. Drenched in piano and strings, “Pure Comedy” offers small measures of comic relief amid the misery, virtual reality and hopes of keeping

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Экология в России и мире

Доверяй, но проверяй: в Калачеевском районе власти экологическую проблему решили исключительно на бумаге

Путин в России и мире

Путин: пример поколения ветеранов Великой Отечественной войны вдохновляет и сейчас

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве СБУ проводит облавы против нелояльных Зеленскому

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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