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Новости за 28.10.2016


Parent: Daughter injured after bus driver slams on brakes

BOISE, Idaho — School officials in southwest Idaho say a bus driver slammed on the brakes when several kids were fighting, and a parent says her second-grade daughter suffered a concussion as a result. West Ada School District spokesman Eric Exline tells KBOI-TV (http://bit.ly/2e4nvWR) that surveillance video shows the bus driver did slam on the


National Geographic’s famed ‘girl’ denies getting fake ID

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A Pakistani prosecutor says National Geographic’s famed green-eyed ‘Afghan Girl’ has made her first appearance before a court, insisting she did not fraudulently obtain Pakistani nationality. Manzoor Aalam said Sharbat Gulla, during Friday’s court hearing, essentially retracted the confession that investigators say she made after her arrest. She was detained on Wednesday


3 teens accused of killing couple in home, taking their safe

PENN RUN, Pa. — Authorities say three teens killed a young couple inside their Pennsylvania home and robbed them of a safe. Twenty-six-year-old Timothy Gardner and 20-year-old Jacqueline Brink were found slain in their Cherryhill Township home early Thursday. State police have charged 18-year-old Nathaniel Price, of Indiana, Pennsylvania, and 19-year-old Justin Stevenson and 17-year-old


Pakistani police, opposition supporters clash in Islamabad

ISLAMABAD — Pakistani police have charged with batons and fired tear gas at stone-throwing supporters of cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan who are rallying in Islamabad in defiance of a government-imposed ban on demonstrations. The clashes erupted on Friday as supporters of Khan’s opposition party were making their way toward his residence in for the rally. The


Woman who cited religious objections law to plead guilty

INDIANAPOLIS — An Indianapolis woman is expected to plead guilty after she argued Indiana’s religious objection law gave her the right to beat her son with a coat hanger. The Indianapolis Star reports (http://indy.st/2eD4VFX ) that 30-year-old Khin Par Thaing is scheduled Friday morning to receive a year of probation. Thaing’s attorney in July cited


Family sues Amazon over hoverboard that burned $1M house

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A family is suing Amazon for selling a hoverboard blamed for starting a fire that burned their $1 million home in Nashville. The Tennessean reports (http://tnne.ws/2eVcuWL ) that the Fox family’s lawsuit says Amazon had information about the dangers of the product before the Jan. 9 fire. The lawsuit was filed in


Markets Right Now: Stocks open mostly lower on Wall Street

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in U.S. financial markets: 9:35 a.m. Steep drops in several health care companies are pulling major stock indexes mostly lower at the opening bell. Prescription drug distributor McKesson plunged 20 percent Friday after its revenue fell far short of analysts’ forecasts. The company also cut its profit outlook.


Tensions soar along frontier in disputed Kashmir region

SRINAGAR, India — Tensions soared Friday along the frontier between India and Pakistan in the disputed Kashmir region as soldiers from the nuclear-armed rivals continued to shell villages and border posts. In the latest incident, an Indian paramilitary officer said a civilian and a soldier were killed by Pakistani firing on Friday. The officer said


Prison for hacker who stole celebrities’ nude photos, videos

HARRISBURG, Pa. — A Pennsylvania man has been sentenced to a year and a half in prison for hacking into the email and online accounts of several female celebrities and stealing private information, including nude photos and videos. Thirty-six-year-old Ryan Collins was sentenced Wednesday by a federal judge in Pennsylvania. Prosecutors say he gained access


Uber drivers in UK should get paid vacation, tribunal says

LONDON — Uber drivers in Britain should get paid vacation days and guaranteed minimum wage, a tribunal said Friday in a ruling that the company will appeal. The GMB union says the decision will have a “major” impact on the drivers, who argued they should get the labor rights of employees, not self-employed workers. The


Volkswagen introduces new American-built 7-passenger SUV

DETROIT — Volkswagen took a big step toward recovering from its emissions-cheating scandal by introducing a new seven-passenger SUV. The Atlas SUV gives VW an entry into the fastest-growing part of the U.S. market, something dealers had sought for years. Volkswagen says the Atlas will have enough space for seven adults plus their luggage. Third-row


Olympic champion Mayer wants F1-like qualifying in skiing

VIENNA — World Cup skiing needs a qualification system like Formula One, with qualifying runs determining the starting order for the race, Olympic downhill champion Matthias Mayer said Friday. “You could compete in training for who is the first to pick a start number,” the Austrian skier said. Mayer’s proposal goes a step further than


Griffey Jr. among MLB dads of sons playing college football

Ken Griffey Jr. has a different game to watch during the World Series. The newly inducted member of the Baseball Hall of Fame can certainly be forgiven for having his attention elsewhere Saturday night. His son is a starting receiver for the Arizona Wildcats. Junior’s son Trey isn’t the only Pac-12 receiver whose dad played


Images show Prince Harry working to help elephants in Malawi

LONDON — Newly released photos and video show Prince Harry helping to herd elephants in Africa during the summer. The images released Friday show Harry working with conservationists in Malawi to help relocate roughly 500 elephants. In the video, the prince says of the herding effort that it is the “most efficient and least invasive


George Washington Bridge traffic stopped by climber

FORT LEE, N.J. — A man who climbed to the top of the George Washington Bridge is creating traffic problems. Police grabbed the man from a tower on the New Jersey side of the bridge in Fort Lee on Friday morning. Steve Coleman, spokesman for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, says


The Latest: Protesters use burned vehicles to block highway

CANNON BALL, N.D. — The Latest on the protests at the Dakota Access oil pipeline construction site in North Dakota (all times local): 9:40 a.m. Protesters who were ousted from a camp they established on private land in North Dakota to protest the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline are using burned vehicles to


German midwife jailed for giving patients blood thinner

BERLIN — A German court convicted a midwife on seven counts of attempted murder Friday for secretly administering blood thinners to women shortly before they were to give birth by cesarean section. The Munich state court sentenced the 35-year-old defendant, identified only as Regina K. in line with German privacy rules, to 15 years in


Chevron tops Street 3Q forecasts

SAN RAMON, Calif. — Chevron Corp. (CVX) on Friday reported third-quarter net income of $1.28 billion. The San Ramon, California-based company said it had net income of 68 cents per share. The results surpassed Wall Street expectations, but Chevron does not adjust its reported results based on one-time events such as asset sales. The average


Austria, Germany: mineral oil traces in some sweets

VIENNA — Traces of mineral oil in some brands of bitter chocolate and a doughnut variety have led several Austrian supermarkets and IKEA Germany to pull products off their shelves. But others have not followed suit. Austria’s Consumer Information Organization, which carried out the tests in that country, says a third of 20 products examined


Venezuelans step up pressure on Maduro with 12-hour strike

CARACAS, Venezuela — Some stores and schools were closed and rush-hour traffic was noticeably lighter Friday as many residents in Venezuela’s capital stayed home to express their outrage at President Nicolas Maduro. The 12-hour work stoppage came as the opposition stepped up its campaign to force the embattled socialist from office after electoral authorities canceled


US wages, benefits rise 0.6 percent in third quarter

WASHINGTON — Wages and benefits paid to U.S. civilian workers grew at a steady pace in the third quarter. The Labor Department says total compensation rose 0.6 percent from July through September, same as it did from April through June. Wages and salaries increased 0.5 percent, benefits 0.7 percent. In the 12 months that ended


AutoNation misses Street 3Q forecasts

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — AutoNation Inc. (AN) on Friday reported third-quarter earnings of $107.3 million. The Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based company said it had net income of $1.05 per share. Earnings, adjusted for non-recurring costs and to account for discontinued operations, came to $1.11 per share. The results missed Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of


US economy grew at 2.9 percent rate in third quarter

WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy grew at a 2.9 percent rate in the July-September quarter, the strongest pace in two years, as the battered export sector rebounded and businesses finally began restocking their shelves at a faster clip. The third-quarter gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic health, was double the 1.4 percent pace


Charges added against men accused of beating Ravens fan

BALTIMORE — New charges have been brought against two Oakland Raiders fans from New York accused of seriously beating a 55-year-old Maryland man during a Baltimore Ravens football game. The Baltimore Sun (http://bsun.md/2eObiqr ) reports Baltimore City State’s Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Rochelle Ritchie says 30-year-old Scott Smith, of Mount Vernon, New York, and 31-year-old Andrew


MasterCard tops Street 3Q forecasts

PURCHASE, N.Y. — MasterCard Inc. (MA) on Friday reported third-quarter earnings of $1.18 billion. On a per-share basis, the Purchase, New York-based company said it had net income of $1.08. The results topped Wall Street expectations. The average estimate of 18 analysts surveyed by Zacks Investment Research was for earnings of 98 cents per share.

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Экология в России и мире

В Подмосковье призвали отказаться от запуска воздушных шаров ради экологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин перед поездкой в Минск встретился с патриархом Кириллом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Россия и Белоруссия будут тесно сотрудничать в сфере оборонной безопасности

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Зеленскому приготовиться". В Киеве раскрыли, что задумал Порошенко

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

В ДФО в столице Бурятии Улан-Удэ в Будраме в пьесе "Хатан" исполнили 8 бурятских песен: Россия и Культура, Театр


Travel-эксперт Тариел Гажиенко: как отправиться на отдых с питомцем

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