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Новости за 19.10.2016


Man sentenced to 30 years for trying to aid Islamic State

SANTA ANA, Calif. — A former California college student was sentenced Wednesday to 30 years in prison for trying to aid the Islamic State group. Muhanad Badawi, 25, was also sentenced to a lifetime of supervised release during a hearing in federal court in Santa Ana. He was convicted earlier this year of conspiracy to


Raiders owner Mark Davis makes presentation to NFL owners

HOUSTON — His eyes on Las Vegas, Raiders owner Mark Davis says he hasn’t shut the door on anything. Oakland, though, might have shut the door on itself as home for his team. “Oakland was in the driver’s seat if they could’ve put together anything,” Davis said Wednesday at the NFL’s fall meetings, after updating


In Mosul fight, Iraqi forces eye redemption and revenge

QAYARA AIR BASE, Iraq — For Saif, an Iraqi army corporal, the battle for Mosul is intensely personal. Over the course of two years of Islamic State rule, the extremists destroyed his home, arrested his father, killed his brother and forced his fiancee into a marriage with an IS fighter. Now he’s looking for revenge.


Halliburton reports surprise profit, shares rise

HOUSTON — Halliburton, which has been hurt by a slowdown in oil drilling, reported a surprise profit in the last quarter after posting a loss in the same quarter a year ago. Shares of the oilfield service’s company rose Wednesday after the results were announced. Halliburton has suffered as its customers, which include oil and


Rodeo promoter’s lawsuits against 2 Texas cowboys settled

FORT WORTH, Texas — Lawsuits alleging two calf ropers rigged a 2015 Texas rodeo to share a possible $1 million bonus prize have been settled. The Fort Worth Star-Telegram (http://bit.ly/2ekPOiM ) reports settlement details weren’t released in the rodeo promoter’s lawsuits against Tuf Cooper and Timber Moore. Tarrant County court records show the cases were


Review: ‘Jack Reacher’ sequel not as good as 2012 original

It’s not the acting or the action that makes “Jack Reacher: Never Go Back” inferior to the original 2012 hit. It’s the story. The first film, “Jack Reacher,” established the title character as a brilliant, brutal loner dedicated to justice. He’s a former military officer turned drifter, unfettered by emotional ties, motivated purely by exacting


China’s LeEco sets out to shake up US consumer tech market

SAN FRANCISCO — Most U.S. consumers haven’t heard of LeEco, but the Chinese technology company is setting out to become a household name with smartphones and flat-screen TVs that undercut the prices of Apple, Google, Samsung and other industry stalwarts. LeEco heralded its entrance into the U.S. market during a Wednesday showcase in San Francisco,


Actress pleads not guilty in North Dakota pipeline protest

BISMARCK, N.D. — Actress Shailene Woodley has pleaded not guilty in a North Dakota court to criminal trespass and riot charges after her arrest in a protest against the Dakota Access pipeline. Court records show the “Divergent” star entered her pleas on Tuesday through her attorney Alexander Reichert. Woodley and 26 other activists were arrested


NFL evaluates Cam Newton hit, tweaks concussion protocol

NEW YORK — The NFL will require the athletic trainer in the press box to stay in contact with on-field doctors to help determine if a player has a concussion. The requirement, announced Wednesday, is an enhancement made to prevent confusion that occurred in the season opener, when Carolina’s Cam Newton was allowed to return


‘Shoeless’ Joe Jackson’s game bat is auctioned for $583,500

NEW YORK — “Shoeless” Joe Jackson’s game bat has sold for $583,500. Christie’s says it went to an online bidder Wednesday on the first of a two-day auction of baseball memorabilia. The items come from the National Pastime Museum, an online museum based on a private collection of baseball artifacts, photographs and memorabilia. Shoeless Joe’s


A dose of Taylor Swift, title chase spice up US Grand Prix

AUSTIN, Texas — With the promise of blue skies and some sizzling pop from Taylor Swift, the U.S. Grand Prix is back after all those worries about its demise. There’s even a gripping title chase on the track, too. The future of the race at the Circuit of the Americas was in question for months


Rafael Nadal inaugurates tennis academy in Spanish hometown

MALLORCA, Spain — Spanish tennis star Rafael Nadal inaugurated the Rafa Nadal Academy by Movistar on his home island of Mallorca on Wednesday. Nadal was accompanied by long-time rival Roger Federer at the event in his hometown of Manacor. “Today is the day when we finally launch something that has taken a lot of years


COLLEGE FOOTBALL PICKS: 3 ranked games to sort out SEC West

The SEC West could be all but decided Saturday. Seems like a strong statement, but with three games involving ranked teams it is possible for the leader of the division to exit this weekend with essentially a two-game lead on all the closest contenders with three games to play. The leader will be determined in


Argentines mourn crime, protest violence against women

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Argentines marched in the capital of Buenos Aires on Wednesday to condemn violence against women, the latest public outcry after the recent killing of a 16-year-old girl who was slain after she was drugged, raped and tortured. Lucia Perez was found dead in the coastal city of Mar del Plata earlier


The Latest: 15 suffer minor injuries in California bus crash

TRAVER, Calif. — The Latest on a bus crash in Central California (all times local): 11:35 a.m. Authorities say 15 people suffered minor injuries when a bus ran off the highway in Central California and crashed into a fence. Officer Justin Montooth of the California Highway Patrol said Wednesday that the driver was among those


Receiver Kendall Wright healthy, showing his value to Titans

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Kendall Wright’s teammates kept welcoming him back as he caught pass after pass. The Tennessee Titans wide receiver insists he never left. Maybe not, but his injured hamstring cost him all of the preseason and the first three games of the season. Wright made it clear he’s healthy now, catching eight of


Reliable receiver Deontay Burnett preparing to start for USC

LOS ANGELES — The bye week always seems to come at the right time for Southern California wide receiver Deontay Burnett. Burnett parlayed extra reps in practice as a freshman into strong performances when the Trojans were beset by injuries last season. Now Burnett gets extra time to prepare after starting slot receiver Steven Mitchell


Pro Picks looking to rally after tough week

Pro Picks is going golfing. More specifically, we’re taking a mulligan. After asking our sidekick to sub in for last week and seeing him destroy whatever credibility we still had, we’re dismissing the 5-9-1 mark against the spread and, ugh, a 4-11 total straight up. Yep, 4-11 without the spread. OK, we’ll still include the


Comic Marty Allen is 94, but who’s counting? He’s laughing

NEW YORK — The baby face and bug eyes were still in place. Ditto, the famous wasp’s nest of hair. “It’s unbelievable to be 94 years old,” Marty Allen told his audience. “My wife says, ‘What do you want for your birthday?’ I told her, ‘An antique.’ So she framed my birth certificate.” Allen —


California man may have been attacked by mother bear

SIERRA MADRE, Calif. — The California Department of Fish and Wildlife says a man attacked by one of two bears in the Angeles National Forest last week may have come between a mother and yearling. The agency says it analyzed DNA from saliva on the victim’s clothing to determine the attacking bear was female, and


2 San Francisco-area earthquake faults found to be connected

LOS ANGELES — The most dangerous earthquake fault in the San Francisco Bay Area is connected to another, which means both could rupture simultaneously and unleash major devastation, a new study finds. The Hayward Fault has long been considered a threat because it runs under densely populated neighborhoods east of San Francisco. The new work


Bengals defend LB Vontaze Burfict over his latest fine

CINCINNATI — The Bengals defended linebacker Vontaze Burfict on Wednesday for his actions during a loss to New England, which drew a $75,000 fine from the league, according to a person familiar with the situation. Burfict was fined for stepping on Patriots running back LeGarrette Blount after he scored a touchdown near the end of


Jets turn to Geno Smith to start at quarterback vs. Ravens

FLORHAM PARK, N.J. — Fitz Magic fizzled, so it’s Geno Smith’s turn — again. The New York Jets will start Smith at quarterback Sunday against Baltimore at MetLife Stadium, sending Ryan Fitzpatrick and his one-year, $12 million contract to the sideline. “I felt like it was time for a change,” coach Todd Bowles said after


Hornets lose F Williams for preseason to broken finger

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Hornets forward Marvin Williams will miss the remainder of the preseason with a non-displaced fracture of his left middle finger. The Hornets said Wednesday that Williams will be reevaluated next week. Hornets coach Steve Clifford says there is a good chance Williams will be available for the team’s regular season opener on


Mosul Today: Iraq calls on IS fighters in Mosul to surrender

BAGHDAD — The Iraqi military on Wednesday called on Iraqis fighting for the Islamic State group in Mosul to surrender amid a wide-scale operation to retake the militant-held city, where up to 6,000 fighters are believed to be preparing for a climactic battle. Here is a look at the key developments on the third day

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Экология в России и мире

АО «Транснефть – Дружба» провело экологические акции

Путин в России и мире

Кадыров пригласил Путина посетить Чечню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Градский

«КП»: Могила Градского на кладбище находится в заброшенном состоянии


На дорогах Подмосковья зафиксировано более 763 тыс автомобилей утром 23 мая

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