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Новости за 06.10.2016


Women’s hoops tourneys in Puerto Rico moved because of Zika

Two women’s college basketball tournaments in Puerto Rico have been moved because of concerns about the Zika outbreak. The San Juan Shootout held during Thanksgiving weekend will be played in Daytona, Florida. The Puerto Rico Classic will move to Las Vegas on Dec. 19-21. “This is not an easy decision for us in light of


FCC proposal: internet providers must ask to share your data

A new privacy proposal unveiled Thursday will require broadband providers like Verizon and Comcast to get your permission before sharing with advertisers what you’ve been doing on your phone or computer. The Federal Communication Commission has changed its broadband-privacy plan since it was initially proposed in March. The wireless and cable industries had complained that


US wants to strengthen agreement to ban Arctic Ocean fishing

PORTLAND, Maine — The United States is trying to broker an agreement between a host of nations to prohibit unregulated fishing in the international waters of the Arctic Ocean. Such an agreement would be binding and include more countries than a non-binding agreement that the U.S. entered into with Norway, Denmark, Russia and Canada last


Redstone deposition put on hold in Viacom shareholder suit

WILMINGTON, Del. — A Delaware judge on Thursday granted a request by attorneys for Sumner Redstone to halt evidence gathering, including a possible deposition of the ailing media mogul, in a Viacom shareholder lawsuit until he rules on a defense motion to dismiss the complaint. After hearing arguments from attorneys, Chancellor Andre Bouchard agreed to


Federal government: Mylan has been overcharging for EpiPens

TRENTON, N.J. — Even the federal government is apparently paying too much for EpiPens, along with angry patients and insurers. The skyrocketing price of the life-saving allergy shot, which has triggered a storm of criticism, is only part of the problem. Now the federal government, responding to Congressional inquiries, says Medicaid for years has been


Study says apes think like humans in an important way

WASHINGTON — A new study finds that great apes show some key abilities to see the world from someone else’s point of view — a trait that once was considered uniquely human. An international study found that chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans seem to have this ability, even when they know that point of view is


Man freed after 18 years in prison wants innocence declared

CLEVELAND — A man freed from prison after spending 18 years behind bars for a murder he said he didn’t commit is fighting for a declaration of innocence that could allow him to receive compensation. Anthony Lemons sought a new trial and proved that shoes used to connect him to the case weren’t made at


Jordan to introduce Westbrook at state Hall of Fame ceremony

OKLAHOMA CITY — Organizers say Michael Jordan will introduce Russell Westbrook when the Oklahoma City Thunder star is inducted into the Oklahoma Hall of Fame next month. Hall of Fame officials announced the presenters Thursday for the ceremony on Nov. 17. Jordan, who now owns the Charlotte Hornets, will introduce Westbrook, who signed a three-year


The Latest: Police ID father, kids in homicide-suicide

BEAVERTON, Ore. — The Latest on an apparent homicide-suicide involving a father and his two children in the Portland suburb of Beaverton (all times local): 10:45 a.m. Police have identified a 36-year-old Oregon man suspected of fatally shooting his two children at an apartment complex near Portland before killing himself. Authorities on Thursday identified the


Jay Z, calling juvenile solitary ‘inhumane,’ backs TV series

NEW YORK — Rap superstar Jay Z is helping shine a light on prison reform by co-producing an upcoming TV documentary about a young man who spent three years behind bars without trial for allegedly stealing a backpack. The rapper teamed up with Harvey Weinstein to produce the six-part “TIME: The Kalief Browder Story,” which


Blue Jays going with 8 relievers on ALDS rosters vs. Texas

ARLINGTON, Texas — The Toronto Blue Jays have opted for eight relief pitchers on their AL Division Series roster. Toronto made room for extra relief on the 25-man active roster by making outfielder Dalton Pompey and infielder Ryan Goins inactive for the series against the Texas Rangers that begins Thursday. Marco Estrada starts for the


Flooding threatens US coasts well ahead of Hurricane Matthew

MIAMI — The major threat to the Southeast U.S. won’t be Hurricane Matthew’s pummeling winds, which newer buildings have been constructed to withstand. It will be water — the deadly storm surge churned up by such a massive and powerful hurricane. That surge could threaten lives and property long before its eye nears shore, so


Liberal Jewish groups take battle over holy site to court

JERUSALEM — Groups representing liberal streams of Judaism appealed to Israel’s Supreme Court Thursday to force the government to implement its decision on equal prayer at a key Jewish holy site. Israel’s government agreed in January to enlarge and recognize a mixed-gender prayer area at the Western Wall, in Jerusalem. The wall, believed to be


Ghana says it wants to remove Gandhi statue from campus

ACCRA, Ghana — Ghana has expressed its intention to remove a statue of Indian independence leader Mohandas Gandhi from a university in the capital, citing a controversy over what critics call his “racist identity.” But the government made clear the move would be for the statue’s safety, telling the critics that “we must remember that


Coach Jill Ellis names US Women’s roster for friendlies

CHICAGO — Coach Jill Ellis’ training camp roster for a pair of exhibitions against Switzerland features 11 players who have never appeared on the U.S. women’s national team. Ellis left off forward Alex Morgan, midfielder Megan Rapinoe, and defenders Meghan Klingenberg, Ali Krieger and Julie Johnston. All played on the Women’s World Cup-winning team last


Patriots TE Bennett: Goodell ‘looks like a Pringles guy’

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — New England Patriots tight end Martellus Bennett hopes his teammates are all playing with a chip on their shoulders — as long as it isn’t Pringles. Bennett said on Thursday he didn’t think the players needed extra motivation from the “Deflategate” suspension that cost them quarterback Tom Brady for four games. Comparing


Indiana lawmakers recommend expanding publicly funded pre-K

INDIANAPOLIS — A panel of Indiana lawmakers has recommended that the state expand publicly funded early childhood education programming. The Indianapolis Star (http://indy.st/2dvFvcP ) reported that members of the Republican-led Interim Study Committee on Fiscal Policy on Wednesday didn’t provide details on how broad they think the expansion should be. Both the Republican and Democratic


Juvenile charged in severe burning of 10-year-old Texas boy

KERRVILLE, Texas — A Texas juvenile has been charged with arson after police say he tossed aside a burning gas canister that struck and seriously burned a 10-year-old boy, officials said Thursday. City officials in Kerrville, 70 miles northwest of San Antonio, said that the juvenile was arrested Wednesday. Officials haven’t released the identity of


US: Coal mine expansion to have minor climate impact

BILLINGS, Mont. — U.S. officials approved a 117 million-ton expansion of a Montana coal mine after concluding that burning the fuel would have a minor impact on the nation’s overall greenhouse gas emissions, according to documents released Thursday. The expansion of the Spring Creek Mine, Montana’s largest coal mine, would generate roughly 160 million tons


Former officer faces manslaughter charge after child’s death

JACKSON, Miss. — Officials expect a former Mississippi police officer to turn herself in on a manslaughter charge after her child died Friday when left for four hours in a patrol car. Hancock County Sheriff’s Investigator Glenn Grannan said Thursday that his department has issued the warrant for Cassie Barker. Grannan said Barker is expected


Freshmen are beginning to make their marks across Big Ten

Ohio State’s Mike Weber has established himself as one of the nation’s top first-year players and a worthy successor to Ezekiel Elliott. Michigan’s Rashan Gary has lived up to his billing as the country’s No. 1 overall recruit. Out of that spotlight, other young players have begun to emerge across the Big Ten. Here’s a


Canada sets aside payout for female abuse claims

TORONTO — The head of Canada’s national police force issued an emotional apology Thursday and announced that the government has earmarked $75.7 million (CA$100 million) in payouts related to the settlement of two class-action lawsuits stemming from sexual harassment allegations by female employees, some of which date back to 1974. Royal Canadian Mounted Police Commissioner


Famous fan: LeBron James swinging with Indians in playoffs

CLEVELAND — LeBron James has traded teams this October. The Cavaliers superstar, who once wore a New York Yankees cap to a playoff game Cleveland, is swinging hard for the Indians. James has been sending positive messages on social media toward the club, which hosts the Boston Red Sox in the American League Division Series


Airlines cancel hundreds of flights as hurricane hits US

Airlines canceled hundreds of flights for Thursday and again Friday as Hurricane Matthew pelted the Florida coast with high winds and heavy rain. The Fort Lauderdale airport shut down on Thursday morning, and further north the Orlando airport expected to do the same by nighttime. Before 2 p.m. Eastern time, flight-tracking service FlightAware.com reported that


Lawyers: Lost evidence, misconduct make defending Cosby hard

PHILADELPHIA — Bill Cosby’s lawyers blame his arrest on sexual assault charges on “a perfect storm” of mistakes by a federal judge and misconduct by an ambitious prosecutor and celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred. In court papers Thursday, they said Cosby can’t defend the decade-old accusation when key witnesses have died, meeting places have closed and

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Экология в России и мире

Подмосковье примет участие во всероссийском экологическом форуме

Путин в России и мире

Путин посетил пасхальную службу в храме Христа Спасителя в Москве

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Тимати показал повзрослевшего сына от Анастасии Решетовой


Полиция задержала устроившего стрельбу в Москве мужчину

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