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Новости за 03.10.2016


Some like it hot! Cheesecake, that is. Trust us and try it!

Cheesecake is usually served cold. So brace yourself for something a little different. The first time I made this recipe, I pulled it out of the oven and set it on the counter to cool. The plan was to chill it overnight in the refrigerator. But my dear daughter — also known as The Girl


North, South Korea trade threats over pre-emptive strike

TOKYO — Since North Korea’s latest nuclear test, Pyongyang and Seoul have been openly trading threats of decapitation strikes and annihilating capitals populated by millions of civilians. And the talk of how each side might throw that first pre-emptive punch has become more detailed than ever. Seoul and Pyongyang are now making a point of


Peng Shuai beats Venus Williams in 1st round of China Open

BEIJING — Peng Shuai produced the upset of the first round in the China Open on Monday, beating sixth-seeded Venus Williams 7-5, 6-1. The 30-year-old Chinese wild-card entry broke Williams’ serve twice in the second set. In other matches, top-ranked Angelique Kerber defeated Katerina Siniakova 6-4, 6-4, No. 16 Elina Svitolina beat Tatjana Maria 6-2,


Nissan sales rise 4.9 pct., bucking forecasts of down month

DETROIT — Nissan says its September sales rose 4.9 percent, defying analyst expectations of a U.S. sales decline as demand for cars and trucks has peaked. The Japanese automaker says it sold almost 128,000 vehicles last month, a record for September. The company was led by sales of crossover SUVs and trucks, which were up


Swansea hires Bradley, Premier League’s 1st American manager

LONDON — Bob Bradley became the first American manager in the Premier League after being hired by Swansea on Monday, finally landing the opportunity in a major European competition he had been chasing. Swansea announced the hiring of the former U.S. national team coach while saying it had fired Francesco Guidolin. The Italian coach has


First lady to chat via Skype with girls around the globe

NEW YORK — First lady Michelle Obama will mark International Day of the Girl on Oct. 11 by Skyping with girls around the world about education challenges in their lives. The event is sponsored by Glamour magazine’s The Girl Project, which offers education help to more than 50 million girls worldwide. Obama will be joined


Indiana student with dyslexia to speak at worship service

MUNCIE, Ind. — John Perry and his twin brother Nate pause before answering questions, seemingly choosing their words carefully. People often assume they are shy since they aren’t quick to speak. But, if given the chance, they’ll set the record straight. They aren’t shy, speaking is just difficult. Both John and Nate have severe dyslexia,


Palestinian court rules election in West Bank only, not Gaza

RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Palestinian high court on Monday ruled upcoming municipal elections will be held in the West Bank only, excluding the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, in a move that effectively cancels the anticipated first political contest in a decade between the rival Fatah and Hamas in both territories. The court ruling affirms the


Authorities search for man who shot police K-9 in Virginia

SPOTSYLVANIA, Va. — Authorities are looking for a man they say shot a K-9 that chased after him in Virginia. The Spotsylvania County Sheriff’s Office says in a news release that 34-year-old Joseph Conway shot the dog Sunday night while attempting to flee from deputies. The incident began Sunday evening after deputies conducted a traffic


US poet laureate shares craft with Bloomington students

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — In the presence of one of the great living poets, Melody Cobine was undaunted as she stood to read her just-penned poem written in what U.S. Poet Laureate Juan Felipe Herrera called the 20-second explosion form. “One day, she grew and she didn’t know what to do … her head was in


2 baby manatees rescued after mom found dead in Florida Keys

TAVERNIER, Fla. — Two baby manatees have been rescued after their mother was found dead in the Florida Keys. Dolphin Research Center Mary Stella says the manatees were rescued Sunday after the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission received a report of the dead manatee on the bay side of Tavernier. Wildlife officials asked the


Rockwell museum gets $1.5M grant from ‘Star Wars’ creator

STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. — George Lucas, the creator of the “Star Wars” movie empire, has donated $1.5 million to the Norman Rockwell Museum. The Stockbridge, Massachusetts-based museum says the grant from the George Lucas Family Foundation will enable the museum’s digital learning and engagement division to create multi-media experiences for on-site and online visitors as well


South Africa’s Zuma says protests put universities in peril

JOHANNESBURG — Recent violent protests at some South African universities have caused about $44 million in property damage and threaten to sabotage the country’s system of higher education, President Jacob Zuma said Monday. Zuma spoke at a national education forum as the University of Cape Town re-opened despite some disruptions by students who said they


Zidane scrambling for answers after Madrid’s early struggles

MADRID — Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane goes into the long international break with a lot of thinking to do. While the hiatus leaves fans having to mull over the team’s struggles a little longer, Zidane will be able to use the extra time off to find ways to get his squad back on track


New Hampshire leaders explore aid for ailing dairy farmers

CONCORD, N.H. — An emergency relief fund created in 2008 to help New Hampshire dairy farmers was never funded, and state officials meeting Monday are trying to see what can be done quickly as farmers struggle with low milk prices and drought conditions. Nineteen of the state’s 120 dairies have closed in recent months. New


Police: Motorcyclist dies after crashing into turkey vulture

TOWN OF EVANS, N.Y. — Police say a man riding a sport bike with a group of other motorcyclists has died after hitting a turkey vulture in western New York. First responders arrived at the scene near county Road 323 in the Erie County town of Evans on Saturday afternoon. The town police department says


Investigators: Hibachi grill caused Dartmouth dorm fire

HANOVER, N.H. — The New Hampshire Fire Marshal’s Office says an unattended hibachi-style grill used by students sparked a blaze at a Dartmouth College dormitory over the weekend. The fire broke out shortly after midnight Saturday at Morton Hall. Crews battled the flames for about six hours. Investigators said Sunday the charcoal grill had been


China, Denmark projects among architecture award winners

AL AIN, United Arab Emirates — A children’s center in China, a bridge in Iran and a park in Denmark are among the six winners of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture. The winners were announced on Monday in the United Arab Emirates city of Al Ain. The awards are handed out once every three


6 people injured in 2 downtown Minneapolis shootings

MINNEAPOLIS — Minneapolis police say six people have been wounded in two separate shootings in downtown Minneapolis. Police say two people were injured in the first shooting about 1 a.m. Monday. One person was found at the scene. The other went to Hennepin County Medical Center. Authorities say the second shooting happened about 15 minutes


Boy shot at South Carolina school to have superhero funeral

TOWNVILLE, S.C. — The family of a 6-year-old boy shot at a South Carolina elementary school says a funeral is planned Wednesday, a week after he was shot as a first-grade class left for recess. The family of Jacob Hall says the service will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Oakdale Baptist Church in Townville.


Police: Indiana woman’s fake cancer scam netted $3,000

PATRIOT, Ind. — Indiana State Police say a southern Indiana woman faces charges for pretending to have terminal cancer to solicit more than $3,000 in donations. Authorities say 29-year-old Santana M. Banta of the Ohio River town of Patriot is held at the Switzerland County jail after she was arrested Friday. State police said investigations


Fans frustrated after Selena makeup line sells out

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Some fans of slain Tejano star Selena have flooded social media with complaints after her new makeup products sold out on the first day of online sales. MAC Cosmetics launched its Selena collection on Friday in Corpus Christi, Texas, the singer’s hometown. The collection went on sale Saturday on the company’s


Nobel medicine prize: A look at the winner and his research

STOCKHOLM — Yoshinori Ohsumi, a 71-year-old Japanese scientist and professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, is this year’s winner of the Nobel Prize in medicine. Here’s a look at why he won and the significance of his discoveries: OHSUMI’S RESEARCH Ohsumi is being recognized for groundbreaking experiments in the 1990s dealing with autophagy, the


Philly regional rail returns to schedule after 3 months

PHILADELPHIA — The Philadelphia area’s commuter rail service is resuming a normal schedule three months after a third of its coaches were sidelined due to suspension system defects. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority has said more than 50 of the 120 cars sent to the repair shop will be available for service starting this week.


Day after 52 dead in stampede, Ethiopia unrest continues

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Witnesses said violent unrest continued Monday in Ethiopia, a day after 52 people were crushed to death during an anti-government protest at a massive religious festival. One witness said bodies were still being pulled from ditches where people fell while trying to flee in a stampede from tear gas and bullets.

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Экология в России и мире

Ушел из жизни бывший старший прокурор антикоррупционного отдела Брянской облпрокуратуры Александр Норинский

Путин в России и мире

Мантуров: на инаугурации Путина 7 мая представят обновленный Aurus Senat

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Карди Би и Offset снова вместе спустя 5 месяцев после расставания


Георгиевские ленты раздадут в автобусах Подмосковья к 9 Мая

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