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Новости за 24.09.2016


Browns hit again: Kicker Murray placed on injured reserve

CLEVELAND — Already down, the Browns have been kicked again by the injury bug. Kicker Patrick Murray was placed on injured reserve Saturday after hurting his surgically repaired left knee in practice, forcing the Browns to sign Cody Parkey to handle their kicking duties in Sunday’s game at Miami. With Murray’s injury, the Browns have


Chinese superstar Lang Lang playing Boston Symphony opener

BOSTON — A classical music superstar from China is helping the Boston Symphony Orchestra kick off its new season this weekend. Piano virtuoso Lang Lang will perform Prokofiev’s “Piano Concerto No. 3” as the orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons opens its 2016-17 run at Symphony Hall on Saturday. Lang Lang has performed at the Grammys


Mladenovic and Garcia cleared to play in Fed Cup final

PARIS — Kristina Mladenovic and Caroline Garcia can play for France in the Fed Cup final against the Czech Republic after the French tennis federation lifted their ban on Saturday. The pair had been provisionally suspended for “damaging” the federation’s image at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics, where the players criticized the FTT over a


‘Don King Way’ won’t move to street where he killed a man

CLEVELAND — Cleveland’s city council won’t further consider a proposal to put Don King’s name on the street where the legendary boxing promoter stomped a man to death in 1966. The honorary “Don King Way” already exists in Cleveland, on a segment of a boulevard near the newspaper he owns. Two council members proposed moving


Black community sees Charlotte as glimmering, fake Oz

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — To much of the world, Charlotte is the Queen City — a gleaming downtown, state-of-the-art stadiums, sparkling new mass transit, the nation’s banking capital. But a very different Charlotte came into the spotlight in the past few days. Move outside the city’s core and there are neighborhoods such as the one where


After dropping Rooney, United beats Leicester 4-1 in EPL

MANCHESTER, England — Dropping Wayne Rooney had the desired effect for Manchester United. With its out-of-form captain on the bench, United scored four goals in a sparkling first-half display and overwhelmed champion Leicester 4-1 in the English Premier League on Saturday. Juan Mata, Marcus Rashford and Paul Pogba scored in a rampant five-minute spell just


Uganda: Police stop gay pride parade deemed illegal

ENTEBBE, Uganda — Ugandan police on Saturday prevented organizers from holding a gay pride parade on the orders of a government minister who said such an event is illegal. Police blocked organizers from staging the event at two locations outside the Ugandan capital, Kampala, said Frank Mugisha, a gay rights leader in Uganda. More than


Niculescu advances to final of Korea Open

SEOUL, South Korea — Fifth-seeded Monica Niculescu of Romania defeated Zhang Shuai of China 6-0, 6-4 on Saturday to advance to the final of the Korea Open. The 28-year-old Niculescu, playing in her first event since reaching the third round of the U.S. Open, won seven of 12 break points on her way to a


New African-American history museum took a decade in build

WASHINGTON — The National Museum of African American History and Culture opening this weekend in Washington took more than a decade to build. A look at some of the key milestones in its construction: Dec. 16, 2003 President George W. Bush signs legislation creating the museum. Early on, it is scheduled to open in 2011.


Syrian troops advance near Aleppo, water cut off across city

BEIRUT — Syrian government forces captured a rebel-held area on the edge of Aleppo on Saturday, tightening their siege on opposition-held neighborhoods in the northern city as an ongoing wave of airstrikes destroyed more buildings. The new government push came as the U.N. said that nearly 2 million people in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city and


Italian navy ship docks in Iran

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian media says an Italian navy ship has docked in the first official visit by a Western naval boat in years. The semi-official ISNA news agency on Saturday says the frigate Euro will visit other Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf. The visit comes two weeks after an Italian navy delegation visited


European leaders discuss ways to solve migrant crisis

VIENNA — Austria’s chancellor has convened a meeting of his German, Greek and west Balkans counterparts on strategies to deal with Europe’s migrant crisis. The European leaders met Saturday at Chancellor Christian Kern’s invitation to discuss how to better fortify the European Union’s outer borders against illegal migration and trafficking. Ahead of the meeting, EU


Iowa State president damaged school plane on personal trip

AMES, Iowa — Iowa State University’s president was returning from an 11-day personal trip to North Carolina when he damaged a small university-owned airplane in a rough landing, the school confirmed Saturday. President Steven Leath, a pilot, flew himself and his wife on July 3, 2015, in the university’s Cirrus SR22 to Ashe County, North


Holocaust survivor Max Mannheimer dies in Germany at age 96

BERLIN — Holocaust survivor Max Mannheimer, who dedicated his life in post-war Germany to fighting anti-Semitism, has died. He was 96. German Chancellor Angela Merkel honored Mannheimer Saturday for his efforts to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive. Her spokesman, Steffen Seibert, said on Twitter that Merkel is mourning his death and that “we


‘We are thirsty’ say Tunisians as drought creates tensions

TUNIS, Tunisia — Struggling with extremism and economic woes, Tunisia now faces another menace: persistent drought across several regions that is creating new social tensions and threatening farming, a pillar of the economy. Farmland is too parched to cultivate crops and rural protesters have tried disrupting water supplies to the capital, while one legislator is


Man United captain Rooney dropped by Mourinho

MANCHESTER, England — Manchester United captain Wayne Rooney was dropped for the English Premier League game against champion Leicester on Saturday. Rooney was demoted to the bench by United manager Jose Mourinho, who said Friday that the striker had not been the same player since he was criticized for his display for England against Slovakia


Latest: Authorities say 5th person dies in mall shooting

BURLINGTON, Wash. — Authorities say a fifth person has died following a shooting at a shopping mall north of Seattle. A spokesman for the Skagit County Emergency Operations Center says the unidentified male victim died early Saturday at a Seattle hospital. Four female victims died earlier following the Friday night shooting at the Cascade Mall


Pope receives relatives of Nice attack victims at Vatican

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis met one by one with relatives of the victims of this summer’s truck attack in Nice, France, at the Vatican Saturday, encouraging them to resist what he called the great temptation to “respond to hatred with hatred and to violence with violence.” The special audience in a Vatican auditorium included


Russian minister holds on to football post as coaches revolt

MOSCOW — Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko is staying in charge of football in the 2018 World Cup host nation. He faced down a revolt Saturday from coaches and officials critical of tight government control and poor national team performances. Mutko remained president of the Russian Football Union (RFU) after beating former national team coach


Global efforts against ivory traffickers still fall short

JOHANNESBURG — Poaching syndicates were able to move large shipments of African elephant ivory last year despite global calls to dismantle the trafficking networks that often collude with corrupt government officials, conservationists said Saturday at an international wildlife meeting. The illegal ivory trade “has remained fairly constant at unacceptably high levels” since 2010, and a


Things to know about new Smithsonian African American museum

WASHINGTON — Things you need to know about the new Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture on its opening weekend: OPENING CEREMONY President Barack Obama, the nation’s first black president, will officially open the museum Saturday during a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Tickets for the opening have been gone for weeks. However, the Smithsonian


Things to see inside new Smithsonian black history museum

WASHINGTON — The new Smithsonian Institution National Museum of African American History and Culture is filled with artifacts that illustrate the African-American journey in the United States. There are so many important things inside the museum that seeing them all in a single visit would be a challenge. Several exhibits that museum visitors may want


Police hunt gunman who killed 5 at Washington state mall

BURLINGTON, Wash. — Police searched Saturday for a gunman authorities said opened fire in the makeup department of a Macy’s store at a mall north of Seattle, killing four females and one man, before fleeing toward an interstate on foot. People fled, customers hid in dressing rooms and employees locked the doors of nearby stores


New Smithsonian museum chronicling black history opens

WASHINGTON — America’s first national museum dedicated to African-American history and culture opened Saturday with emotional but joyful words from the country’s first black president, who said he hoped the stories contained inside will help everyone “walk away that much more in love” with their country. In an impassioned speech, President Barack Obama pointed out


New Smithsonian museum chronicling black history opens

WASHINGTON — Centuries of struggles and strife, decades of planning and pain, and years of hoping for a place that African-American history can call home will culminate as President Barack Obama officially opens the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture. A shining bronze beacon on the National Mall, only steps away from

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Экология в России и мире

Тело пропавшей два дня назад школьницы нашли на востоке Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин провел совещание с участием оборонного сектора и сектора безопасности в связи с инцидентом с вертолетом Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мама Тимати объяснила, почему внуки Ратмир и Алиса могут не сблизиться


В Москву приходит лето: Метеоролог рассказал, когда москвичам ждать дождей

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