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Новости за 01.09.2016


Michael Sweet vs. heavy metal competition: A ‘One Sided War’

Michael Sweet, “One Sided War” (Rat Pak) If there’s anyone else doing more than Michael Sweet to keep ’80s metal alive and vibrant decades later, I’d love to meet him or her. The Stryper vocalist-guitarist, who also co-fronted a reborn Boston from 2007-2011, has been writing, playing and recording as if his hair were on


Q&A: What’s next for ex-Stanford swimmer set for release

SAN FRANCISCO — A former Stanford University swimmer convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman outside a fraternity house will be released from jail Friday after serving half a six-month sentence that critics denounced as too lenient. Brock Turner’s case ignited fierce debate over campus rape and the criminal justice system. It led California lawmakers


Vikings QB Bridgewater vows to attack rehab from knee injury

MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesota Vikings quarterback Teddy Bridgewater is vowing to come back from the freak knee injury that has knocked him out for the season. Bridgewater’s first public remarks since he went down in practice Tuesday came in a statement through the team on Thursday. Bridgewater says he comes from “amazing DNA” and that he


Kaepernick’s protest of ‘rogue cops’ extends to socks

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick says he has been wearing socks depicting police officers as pigs in protest of “rogue cops” who put the community and other officers at risk. Kaepernick issued a statement on Twitter on Thursday after photos began circulating on social media of him wearing the socks


AP Explains: Why national anthem is patriotism, protest icon

San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s recent decision to not stand during the national anthem as a way of protesting police killings of unarmed black men has drawn support and scorn far beyond sports. The Associated Press explains how “The Star-Spangled Banner” became a ritual of American public life, its complicated racial origins and how


Hermine prompts NASCAR to postpone Friday activity

DARLINGTON, S.C. — NASCAR has postponed all track activity Friday at Darlington Raceway in anticipation of Hermine bringing inclement weather to the South Carolina track. Hermine on Thursday strengthened into a hurricane, with maximum sustained winds increasing to near 75 mph. Both the Sprint Cup Series and the Xfinity Series had scheduled practices on Friday.


University suggests students not drink water because of lead

GLASSBORO, N.J. — A New Jersey university has disconnected water fountains and handed out bottled water in dorms after finding elevated lead levels. Rowan University President Ali Houshmand wrote in an email to students Wednesday night that the school suggests people avoid drinking water from any buildings on campus “out of an abundance of caution.”


Indiana University sets new enrollment record

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Indiana University is seeing record levels of enrollment at its Bloomington campus. The Bloomington Herald-Times (http://bit.ly/2c860Dp ) reports that 43,213 students enrolled at IU’s main campus this semester, an increase of 625 students from last year. IU released the figures Wednesday based on an official count conducted Monday. School officials also say


Braves complete 1st home sweep this season, beat Padres 9-6

ATLANTA — In a largely forgettable season, the Atlanta Braves finally have reason to gloat a bit. They swept a three-game series at Turner Field for the first time this year. And, get this: They’ve scored at least seven runs in five straight home games — the first time that’s happened since 1953. Freddie Freeman


Muscular Dystrophy Association seeks post-telethon identity

NEW YORK — For 45 years, many Americans identified the Muscular Dystrophy Association with one man and one event — comedian Jerry Lewis and his annual Labor Day telethon. The MDA dropped Lewis as its national chairman and telethon host in 2011, then scrapped the telethon itself last year. So how is the charity faring


NY woman sentenced to 25 years in prison for church killing

UTICA, N.Y. — A woman has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for joining fellow members of a central New York church in a 14-hour round of beatings that killed one of her half brothers and wounded another. Sarah Ferguson was convicted in July of manslaughter and assault but the judge cleared her of


World Series champion Royals rallying into playoff race

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — The reigning World Series champions had been rendered an afterthought as the calendar flipped to August, the Kansas City Royals so far out of playoff contention that some were wondering whether they might begin jettisoning their stars and rebuilding. They proceeded to have one of the best months in franchise history.


Israeli soldier shot and wounded at West Bank shrine

JERUSALEM — An Israeli soldier was shot and wounded while guarding Jewish worshippers at a flashpoint West Bank prayer site on Thursday, the Israeli military said. Shots fired from the direction of a nearby Palestinian refugee camp wounded the soldier who was securing the entrance to Joseph’s Tomb, according to the military. Worshippers were being


Arkansas board exempts interstate project from freeway limit

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The Metroplan board of directors has voted to exempt an Interstate 30 project in Arkansas from a policy that limits area freeways to six lanes. The board, consisting mostly of Arkansas mayors and county judges, voted Wednesday, The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (http://bit.ly/2ctNVmL ) reports. Little Rock Mayor Mark Stodola wrote a letter


Inactive volcano spotted on largest object in asteroid belt

LOS ANGELES — A NASA spacecraft has spied what appears to be an inactive volcano on the surface of Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The volcano is about half as tall as Mount Everest and likely last erupted several hundred million years ago, scientists reported Thursday. “It’s totally


Man charged with shooting corncobs at neighbor’s home

WESTERLY, R.I. — A 50-year-old Westerly man is charged with shooting corncobs at his neighbor’s home. The Westerly Sun reports (http://bit.ly/2ctr3n9 ) that Jeffrey Osella was arrested Tuesday night. Police say he answered his door shirtless and had corn kernels stuck to his chest. Police say Osella used a potato gun to shoot corncobs at


Meyer seeks more balance with Ohio State’s offensive attack

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Last year Ohio State’s offensive engine was powered mostly by All-American tailback Ezekiel Elliott, and the passing game took a back seat. Coach Urban Meyer wants that to change. The Buckeyes ran the ball nearly two-thirds of the time in 2015, leaning mostly on Elliott, who averaged about 140 yards per game,


Portions of Yellowstone River, some tributaries re-opened

BILLINGS, Mont. — Montana re-opened portions of the Yellowstone River and most of its tributaries Thursday, but it kept a popular stretch of the waterway closed to all recreational activity because of a parasite that has killed thousands of fish. State officials lifted the closure outright along more than 100 miles of river between Livingston


Republican challenger wants investigation into no-bid deal

INDIANAPOLIS — The Republican challenger of Indiana schools Superintendent Glenda Ritz wants authorities to investigate a contract benefiting a company that hired a Ritz aide. Ritz’s office denies wrongdoing and says they have “every confidence that all parties acted appropriately.” But candidate Jennifer McCormick says a report from The Associated Press on Wednesday about the


Engineers give new meaning to the phrase ‘cool clothes’

WASHINGTON — Engineers have created clothing for a warming world — a fabric that allows your body heat to escape far better than other materials do. It hasn’t been worn or tested by humans, so outside experts caution this is far from a sure thing, but a team at Stanford University engineered a fabric using


Tom Sizemore faces misdemeanor domestic violence charges

LOS ANGELES — Los Angeles prosecutors say Tom Sizemore has been charged with three misdemeanors in connection with his arrest in a domestic violence case. The city’s attorney’s office says the “Black Hawk Down” actor was charged this week with intimate partner abuse, intimate partner battery and making terrorist threats. Arraignment is set for Sept.


Facebook adds ‘instant video’ option to texts in Messenger

NEW YORK — Facebook is adding an “instant video” feature to text messages within its Messenger app. This means users can send each other videos while they are texting in the app, in case words are not quite enough. This is different from video calls, which have been available in Messenger since 2015. The latest


With Dempsey sidelined, US counting on Wood to keep scoring

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Between his surprising summer with the U.S. men’s national team last year and his dazzling debut with club team Hamburg last week, it’s been an impressive 14-month stretch for forward Bobby Wood. It might just be the beginning, too. With Clint Dempsey sidelined because of an irregular heartbeat, U.S. coach Jurgen Klinsmann


Settlements totaling $12M-plus reached in minimum wage cases

SEATTLE — Several companies that provide transportation and hospitality services at or near Seattle-Tacoma International Airport have agreed to settle back-pay lawsuits alleging that they ignored the nation’s first $15 minimum wage law after it took effect, deals that will put more than $12 million in the pockets of their current and former workers. The


Ex-Guantanamo detainee plans hunger strike in Uruguay

MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay — A former Guantanamo detainee new resettled in Uruguay is planning to start a hunger strike to demand he be allowed to leave the South American country. The Uruguayan government’s liaison with Syrian native Abu Wa’el Dhiab and five other former Guantanamo detainees says Dhiab told him of his plans for the hunger

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве заметили первый в России электромобиль Tesla Cybertruck

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец Победы Александр Самсонов издал книгу о себе, семье и пути в профессию


Члена партии "Шанс" Шапу удерживают в аэропорту Кишинева после визита в РФ

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