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Новости за 05.08.2016


Japanese PM Abe to attend closing ceremony of Rio Olympics

TOKYO — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will attend the closing ceremony of the Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Friday that Abe will visit Brazil from Aug. 21 and will also meet with Japanese athletes taking part in the Rio Games. Tokyo is host of the next Summer Olympics and


Kim Woojin breaks world record in qualifying at Rio Olympics

RIO DE JANEIRO — There was nothing the least bit shaky about South Korean archer Kim Woojin’s world-record performance at the Olympics. He was in such a rhythm that a wobbly piece of plywood the competitors stood on to shoot failed to even distract him. Kim set a recurve world record with a score of


Ugandan police break up gay pride event, briefly arrest some

KAMPALA, Uganda — Ugandan police broke up a gay pride event in the capital and arrested about 20 people, a gay rights leader said Friday, in the latest incident highlighting the risks homosexuals face in Africa. A fashion show was underway at a nightclub in Kampala when police showed up and asked who the organizers


Attorney: Girl, 14, killed dad as he slept to stop abuse

CLEVELAND — A 14-year-old Ohio girl fatally shot her father in the head as he slept to stop him from abusing her family, her attorney said Friday. The girl denied a charge of aggravated murder on Wednesday in Trumbull County Juvenile Court. She has been held in juvenile detention since the early morning shooting on


Pele says poor health will keep him from opening ceremony

RIO DE JANEIRO — Pele will not attend Friday’s opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics because of poor health, denying Brazilians a chance to celebrate their greatest sports figure. The 75-year-old soccer great said this week he had been invited to light the cauldron, though that was not confirmed by Rio organizers. “I’m not physically


Self-radicalized Tunisian held in Italy on terror suspicion

MILAN — A Tunisian resident has been arrested on terror charges after being identified as a self-proclaimed radical during a year-long investigation into an illegal immigration ring, authorities said Monday. Police investigator, Gen. Giuseppe Governale, told a press conference Friday that the suspect, identified as a caretaker at a mosque outside of Naples, demonstrated an


South Africa’s ruling party suffering biggest electoral blow

JOHANNESBURG — With more than 95 percent of votes counted Friday in municipal elections, South Africa’s ruling party appeared to be headed for its biggest electoral blow since it won power at the end of apartheid 22 years ago. The results remained too close to call in the country’s largest city, Johannesburg, or Tshwane, the


Poll: Satisfaction with Germany’s Merkel lower after attacks

BERLIN — A poll conducted after a string of attacks in Germany shows satisfaction with Chancellor Angela Merkel sliding to its second-lowest level this year. The telephone poll of 1,003 people for ARD television, conducted Monday and Tuesday and published Thursday night, found 47 percent of respondents satisfied with Merkel’s work — down from 59


Cargo plane overshoots runway at Italy’s Bergamo airport

MILAN — A DHL cargo plane skidded off a runway at Bergamo’s Orio al Serio airport early Friday, its nose busting through a perimeter fence and onto a provincial highway. Officials said no one was injured. The airport near Milan, a hub for low-cost airlines and cargo traffic, was closed for about 2 ½ hours,


SEC seeks to continue recent success in high-profile openers

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — With so many high-profile intersectional matchups on neutral sites, the Southeastern Conference’s opening-week schedule bears a striking resemblance to a bowl lineup. Alabama faces Southern California in Arlington, Texas. Ole Miss meets Florida State in Orlando, Florida. LSU takes on Wisconsin at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Georgia meets North Carolina


Popping up near you: Ice cream museums, sitcom-themed diners

BOSTON — Now you see them; now you don’t. Pop-up storefronts and eateries have been around for years, but entrepreneurs increasingly are taking the concept in new and unexpected directions. Last week, New York welcomed the Museum of Ice Cream, an interactive pop-up honoring the frozen treat. In Chicago, a short-term diner this month replicates


For home-run happy Orioles, there’s no place like home

BALTIMORE — For the Baltimore Orioles, home is where the victories are. Coming off another series win at Camden Yards, this time over the AL West-leading Texas Rangers, the Orioles boast a major-league best 39-17 record at home. Their power-laden lineup leads the big leagues with 89 homers at home, including 31 by Mark Trumbo


Belgrade Zoo claims oldest captive American alligator

BELGRADE, Serbia — In the Belgrade Zoo, special treatment is reserved for one elderly resident. Muja, an American alligator, is the oldest animal in the Serbian capital’s small zoo. Moreover, the zoo boasts that he is the world’s oldest American alligator in captivity. Aleksandar Rakocevic, who takes care of Muja, said Friday that information available


Turkey: Dollar bills seen as evidence of coup-plotter links

ISTANBUL — After raiding a home and business owned by someone suspected of loyalties to a banned Muslim cleric, police listed the incriminating evidence they found: two shotguns, a pistol, ammunition, a fake identity card — and three $1 bills. The serial numbers, they noted, all began with the letter F. In one of the


Dale Earnhardt Jr.: ‘I want to race. I’m not ready to quit.’

WATKINS GLEN, N.Y. — Say this about Dale Earnhardt Jr. — he follows doctor’s orders. After missing three straight Sprint Cup races because of lingering effects of a concussion, NASCAR’s most popular driver did something Friday that’s part of his therapy — he made his first public appearance to speak about his recovery. “I missed


‘Suicide Squad’ scores record $20.5 million Thursday night

LOS ANGELES — The baddies of “Suicide Squad” are getting pummeled by critics, but they’re fighting back at the box office. The film took in an estimated $20.5 million in Thursday preview showings, a record for an August opening according to studio estimates Friday. The previous August record-holder was “Guardians of the Galaxy,” which earned


Louisiana pols go to court blaming Big Oil for coastal ruin

ALLIANCE, La. — The oil industry has left a big footprint along the Gulf Coast, where a Delaware-sized stretch of Louisiana has disappeared. But few politicians would blame Big Oil for ecosystem abuse in a state where the industry employs up to 300,000 people and injects $73 billion into the economy. Until now. Following the


Filmmaker digs into lives of ‘Curious George’ creators

NEW YORK — It takes an inquisitive mind and a steady spirit to get the whole story about the creators of “Curious George.” Ema Ryan Yamazaki, 27 and a graduate of New York University’s film school, has spent the last two years working on a documentary about H.A. Rey and Margret Rey, the husband-and-wife team


The Latest: Firefighters work to protect Idaho mountain town

SALT LAKE CITY — The Latest on wildfires burning in the West (all times local): 12:10 p.m. Firefighters have started two simultaneous emergency burns in an effort to stop an 81-square-mile wildfire that on Friday moved to within a few miles of a small town in mountainous central Idaho. The burnouts began late Thursday on


Utah wildfire torches 30 square miles, destroys structures

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah authorities say a rural wildfire near the Idaho border has torched about 30 square miles and destroyed three structures. Box Elder County Fire Marshal Corey Barton said Friday the fire has burned a ranchers’ cabin as well as a camp trailer and a mobile home. All three were vacant, and


Decorated former player Karch Kiraly coaches women his way

RIO DE JANEIRO — Karch Kiraly’s eyes always stay up, hands clasped behind his back, as he deliberately moves around the court checking in with each of his players. During Olympic training at Rio’s Navy School, he stands atop the referee stand, watching intently. Kiraly has done seemingly everything in a remarkable volleyball career, the


Prosecutor: Man’s double-murder trial likely in early 2017

INDIANAPOLIS — The prosecutor handling the case of an Indianapolis man accused of killing two teenagers, one of whom he believed had burglarized his home, says the man’s double-murder trial likely won’t be held until early next year. Marion County Deputy Prosecutor Mark Hollingsworth said Thursday the evidence that will presented in 49-year-old Kevin Watkins’


With 8th album, Tegan and Sara are veterans with fresh feel

NEW YORK — Tegan and Sara remember the unfiltered advice Neil Young and his manager gave them when they were signed to the rock icon’s Vapor Records 16 years ago as budding 19-year-old singers. “There was a very poignant speech about ‘you could go this way and you’re taking a real risk if you don’t


Canada women’s basketball on rise, have medal aspirations

RIO DE JANEIRO — Kim Gaucher has seen the growth of women’s basketball in Canada over her 16 years with the program. She started with the junior national team as a 16-year old and there wasn’t much interest in the sport in Canada. “Hockey and soccer were the top and only sports it seemed that


Cleanup underway in New Orleans after tornado causes damage

NEW ORLEANS — Cleanup is underway after a tornado and high winds caused damage in several New Orleans neighborhoods. City crews were out early Friday morning removing debris from streets and sidewalks. National Weather Service meteorologist Gavin Phillips says an EF0 tornado packing 80 mph winds cut a ½-mile path of destruction through the city’s

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Экология в России и мире

В МЧС предупредили об аномальной жаре в Москве в ближайшие дни

Путин в России и мире

Президент РФ обозначил наиболее острым вопросом для Ингушетии количество мест в детсадах

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил действие ДОВСЕ

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

В Маньжурии открывается российско-китайский ночной клуб Felicity Port


Новое лифтовое оборудование установили в доме 1888 года постройки

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