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Новости за 05.08.2016


Oklahoma bondage author sentenced for sex charges

OKLAHOMA CITY — An Oklahoma man who authored books about sexual bondage has been sentenced to two years in federal prison for sending obscene material to a 17-year-old New York girl. The Oklahoman (http://bit.ly/2aUg4B5 ) reports that 60-year-old Charles Segaloff pleaded guilty in April to one count of sending offensive material to an individual under


Leading man: Anthony embraces role as US team’s leader

RIO DE JANEIRO — Carmelo Anthony was the last one to take the practice floor Friday, joining his U.S. teammates after wrapping up interviews where he was asked about everything from the opening ceremony to his diet. He was in heavy demand. With two Olympic gold medals and a chance to be the first men’s


The Latest: Day care closed after tot left in van 9 hours

LEXINGTON, Ky. — The Latest on the investigation of a Kentucky day care center that left a toddler in a van for nine hours overnight (all times local): 3:30 p.m. Kentucky officials have ordered the immediate suspension of services at a day care center where a 3-year-old boy was left alone in a van for


Kelly says nothing “off the table” when it comes to QB

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — About the only think Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly can say for certain about the quarterback position on the eve of practice starting is he doesn’t expect DeShone Kizer and Malik Zaire to play at the same time. He wasn’t willing to rule out much more than that Friday as he


All these years, surgeries later, Brian Baker makes Olympics

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brian Baker is not among the collection of highly ranked players and Grand Slam champions playing tennis at the Rio de Janeiro Olympics. Baker was supposed to be one of those stars, though — or at least appeared destined for big things as an up-and-coming teen who reached No. 2 in


Olympic rugby 7s tipped to change the game

RIO DE JANEIRO — It’s taken rugby 92 years to get back in the Olympic Games, and yet Argentina great Agustin Pichot called it the right moment. Pichot, a key member of the team which got rugby sevens approved for Olympics inclusion in 2009 and who has become vice chairman of World Rugby, could barely


Back on Olympic stage, Leyva eyes making impact for Team USA

RIO DE JANEIRO — The words trail Danell Leyva even now, four eventful years since that warm night in London when — giddy from his bronze in the all-around at the 2012 Olympics — the rising American star made a very public pledge. Shortly after the awards ceremony, Leyva leaned over and asked newly minted


August 2017 trial set in Darren McFadden civil lawsuit

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A federal judge in Little Rock has scheduled an August 2017 jury trial in Dallas Cowboys running back Darren McFadden’s lawsuit against his longtime business manager. McFadden filed the $15 million civil lawsuit in June against Michael Vick of Mabelvale and 10 others named only as “Doe.” The lawsuit alleges that


Search for teen volunteer underway in Grand Teton

MOOSE, Wyo. — A search for a 16-year-old Ohio girl has entered a second day in Grand Teton National Park. Fauna Jackson is part of a youth conservation group called Groundwork USA. She’s been missing since she took a break from working on a trail in the park Thursday morning. Searchers are using dogs and


Drone pilots gather on NYC island for racing championship

NEW YORK — Tyler Brennan is training to be a pilot in the Air Force, yet this weekend he’ll be vying to be top gun at the National Drone Racing Championship. The 22-year-old Air Force lieutenant traveled from Colorado Springs, Colorado, to compete in the tournament, which is being held in New York City this


‘From trails to cocktails,’ active wear hot at outdoor show

SALT LAKE CITY — Once an afterthought in the historically male-dominated outdoor retail industry, women have become a sought-after force with companies vying to tap into a market that has grown to $4.6 billion in annual sales. A wide array of clothing, gear and equipment specifically designed for women adventurers is on display this weekend


Consumer borrowing slows to $12.3 billion gain in June

WASHINGTON — Consumers increased their borrowing in June but at the slowest pace in 17 months as auto and student loans registered the slowest growth in nearly five years. The Federal Reserve said Friday that total borrowing rose by $12.3 billion in June, down sharply from an increase of $17.9 billion in May. That was


Man dead after wife says he jumped from moving vehicle

LAKEWOOD, Colo. — A man is dead after his wife reported that he jumped from their moving vehicle during a fight in the Denver suburb of Lakewood. Officers found the injured man lying in the street shortly before midnight Thursday. They saw that nearby power poles and traffic signals apparently had been hit, but they


Italian PM: 2024 Olympics in Rome would defy extremists

RIO DE JANEIRO — Holding the Olympics in Rome in 2024 would send a message of defiance to terrorists trying to cower people into a “life of fear” and rob them of their sporting and cultural identity, Italian Premier Matteo Renzi said Friday. Renzi came to Brazil to attend the opening of the Rio de


Woman accusing 2 Gators of sexual assault boycotts hearing

A woman who accused two University of Florida football players of sexual assault skipped a school code of conduct hearing Friday because a Gators sports booster was assigned to adjudicate the case, her attorney said in a letter to the school. Receiver Antonio Callaway and quarterback Treon Harris were suspended by the university in January


Prosecutors ask appeals panel to rehear Bank of America case

NEW YORK — A federal appeals panel should reconsider its reversal of a fraud verdict against Bank of America Corp. and $1.2 billion penalty resulting from the bank’s actions during the 2008 financial crisis, prosecutors say. Prosecutors filed papers with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan late Thursday, saying that a three-judge


Cruise firm: Historic ocean liner restoration too pricey

PHILADELPHIA — Don’t buy tickets quite yet for a luxury sail on the SS United States. Plans to return the historic ocean liner to the high seas are being abandoned for a second time after a cruise company concludes it’s not feasible. Los Angeles-based Crystal Cruises will instead make a $350,000 donation to the conservation


St. Louis County sees increase in killings so far this year

ST. LOUIS — Data from Missouri’s medical examiner’s office shows that 47 people have been killed in St. Louis County this year, up 11 from the same time period last year. The office’s report Tuesday also showed that a total number of 66 people were killed in 2015, which was an increase of 78 percent


Kuwait says it arrests Filipina who planned an IS attack

KUWAIT CITY — Kuwait said Friday it arrested a Filipina it accused of joining the Islamic State group through its affiliate in Libya and who planned to launch an attack. The Interior Ministry said the woman, born in 1984, entered Kuwait last June as a house maid. Security forces monitoring the woman’s email found messages


Ball sentenced to 60 days in jail for domestic abuse

MADISON, Wis. — Former NFL and Wisconsin running back Montee Ball has been sentenced to 60 days in jail after pleading guilty to disorderly conduct and battery for his role in two domestic abuse incidents. In an agreement with prosecutors, the 25-year-old Ball entered the plea to three of six charges against him. Ball was


Philippine bank linked to Bangladesh heist gets large fine

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine central bank on Friday imposed a 1 billion peso ($21 million) fine, its largest ever, on a local commercial bank which became embroiled in the laundering of $81 million stolen by hackers from a U.S. Federal Reserve account belonging to Bangladesh’s central bank. The Rizal Commercial Banking Corp. said it


Prosecutor: No charges in Ball State investment scandal

MUNCIE, Ind. — A prosecutor says Ball State University’s investment of $13.1 million with two networks of criminals didn’t violate Indiana securities law and no criminal charges will be filed. Delaware County Prosecutor Jeff Arnold tells The (Muncie) Star Press (http://tspne.ws/2aKJCOo ) that extensive reviews of records obtained by subpoena didn’t reveal any evidence of


Taliban hold Pakistan chopper crew hostage in Afghanistan

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — The crew of a Pakistani helicopter that crashed in a lawless region of Afghanistan is being held by insurgents, an Afghan official and a Pakistani Taliban commander said Friday. The crash took place late on Thursday night and authorities on both sides of the border reported it, saying it had


Woodbury County Courthouse repairs causing schedule issues

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Officials say repairs to courtrooms on the second floor of the Woodbury County Courthouse have been causing problems for scheduling trials. County officials met Thursday to discuss the repairs, which have caused officials to be short a courtroom, according to the Sioux City Journal (http://bit.ly/2ayWhVo ). Repairs have been ongoing for


Mourinho addresses chances of Man United signing Pogba

MANCHESTER, England — Manchester United manager Jose Mourinho said Friday the club will wrap up its offseason transfer business by signing a “very good midfield player” before the opening weekend of the Premier League. Whether that player is Paul Pogba remains to be seen. The France midfielder has been heavily linked with a world-record transfer

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Экология в России и мире

Акция «Чистый лес» прошла на территории округа Балашиха

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с главой Ингушетии Калиматовым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Минск приостановил участие в договоре о вооруженных силах в Европе

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Белый дом признал причастность к выработке «формулы мира» Киева

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



The Beatles

100 лучших сольных песен The Beatles - 6


Террористы из "Крокуса" не выплатят компенсации даже на пожизненном, уверены в ОНК

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