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Новости за 12.10.2023


White House battles questions over Iran funds

A quick recap of the day and what to look forward to tomorrow {beacon} Evening Report Thursday, October 12   © The Hill/Greg Nash White House says Iran has not accessed $6B The Biden administration on Thursday sought to assuage concerns about $6 billion in previously unfrozen Iranian funds that the U.S. said would...


Hollywood stars release open letter condemning Hamas amid Israeli conflict

Hundreds of actors and Hollywood executives — including Michael Douglas, Amy Schumer, Gal Gadot, Jamie Lee Curtis and Jerry Seinfeld — are adding their signatures to an open letter condemning Hamas for “barbaric acts of terrorism” in Israel that they say “must be called out by everyone.” More than 700 people signed the letter released Thursday by...


More than 40 percent of Latino LGBTQ youths have contemplated suicide: survey

More than 40 percent of LGBTQ young people in the U.S. who are Latino reported having seriously considered suicide over the past year, according to new research from The Trevor Project, a leading LGBTQ youth suicide prevention organization. In a survey of 28,000 LGBTQ youths ages 13 to 24, 44 percent of LGBTQ young people...


De Niro warns democracy 'won't survive' Trump reelection

Robert De Niro is issuing a dire warning against the country reelecting former President Trump, saying “democracy won’t survive the return of a wannabe dictator.” “I've spent a lot of time studying bad men,” the “Godfather” actor said in a statement read by former Trump administration official Miles Taylor on Wednesday at The New Republic’s “Stop...


Van Orden defends outburst at Biden officials over Israel, denies cursing 

Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.) on Thursday defended his questioning of Biden administration officials at a briefing this week on Israel after other lawmakers criticized him for what they called rude and obnoxious behavior. “I did not use any vulgarity or any profanity,” Van Orden said while leaving a GOP conference meeting Thursday, referring to...


What we know about the Hamas hostages in Gaza

The Israeli and U.S. response to the unprecedented weekend attack by Hamas that left more than 1,200 Israelis dead has been greatly complicated by the abduction of as many as 150 hostages by the militant group. Hostage-taking has long been a part of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but never in terms of the numbers seen Saturday...


Pence pushes back on Trump: 'Hezbollah aren’t smart, they’re evil'

Former Vice President Mike Pence pushed back on former President Trump's labelling of Lebanese militant group Hezbollah as "very smart," arguing instead that the group is "evil." "Hezbollah aren’t smart, they’re evil," Pence said Thursday in an interview with WGIR radio in New Hampshire. "This is no time for the former president, or any other...


How PEPFAR helped to save Botswana from extinction 

Twenty years ago, Botswana was facing an existential threat: the HIV/AIDS pandemic. In a speech to the United National General Assembly in June 2001 as president of Botswana, one of us observed: “We are threatened with extinction. People are dying in chillingly high numbers. It is a crisis of the first magnitude.” At the time, Botswana was the most...


Fetterman calls on full Senate to expel Menendez after new charge

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) on Thursday called on the full Senate to vote on a resolution to expel Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) from the chamber in the wake of new charges asserting the New Jersey senator has acted as a foreign agent on behalf of Egypt. “Senator Menendez should not be a U.S. Senator. He should have...


EU probes X over spread of Israel-Gaza disinformation, 'terrorist' content

The European Union launched a probe Thursday into X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, over the handling of content about the war in Israel and Gaza.  The move to investigate the platform owned by Elon Musk is the most significant action taken by the EU under its new Digital Services Act, which aims to...


New York church group fights to get home from Israel

Up to 20 members of a church group from New York City are stuck in Israel's Ben Gurion Airport, with some Dominican immigrants unable to get visas to board available flights. The International Missionary Commission Narrow Door Pentecostal Church group arrived at the airport early Tuesday morning, after its Jerusalem hotel reservation expired and amid...


DOJ calls for 8 years in prison for Jan. 6 rioter dubbed 'bullhorn lady'

The Justice Department is seeking eight years in prison for a Pennsylvania woman accused of directing Jan. 6 rioters into the Capitol building with a bullhorn. Federal prosecutors said in a sentencing memo Wednesday they are seeking eight years in prison for Rachel Marie Powell, 41, who was convicted on all charges brought against her in July. Obstruction of...


Removing barriers to charitable giving 

“Deeds of giving,” the Talmud says, “are the very foundations of the world." (Sukkah 49b). Charitable giving is not merely an act of philanthropy; it is an embodiment of our humanity and a catalyst for positive change. Charities address pressing societal issues that governments and private companies alone cannot solve, by enabling community-based organizations with...


France bans all pro-Palestinian protests amid Gaza conflict

French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has banned all pro-Palestine protests in the country as fears of antisemitic violence rise in Europe amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. France has a Jewish community of almost 500,000, the largest in Europe, the BBC reports, while its Muslim community is also among the largest in Europe...


White House says GOP making cutting Social Security ‘a priority’ amid speakership fight

The White House on Thursday accused House Republicans of making Social Security and Medicare cuts a "priority" amid discussions within the conference to elect a new speaker. “House Republicans may have spent the past week at each other’s throats. But cutting Social Security and Medicare continues to be one proposal that truly unites their conference,”...


White House: Iran hasn't accessed $6B from prisoner deal

The White House maintained on Thursday that Iran has not accessed any of the $6 billion in funds transferred to a Qatari account as part of a recent prisoner swap with Tehran amid multiple reports that the U.S. and Qatar are discussing blocking Iran from accessing the funds moving forward. John Kirby, a White House...


Man charged with carjacking in DC after argument over ride for dog, police say

Washington, D.C., police arrested a man accused of carjacking and assault amid an argument over his dog and a ride-booked vehicle. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) arrested Dax Franco Willis, a Northeast D.C. native, on charges of unarmed carjacking and robbery, according to a news release from the MPD Thursday. Authorities said that the ride-booking...


Egypt warned Israel of Hamas strike days before attack: GOP chair

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) says that lawmakers were told Egypt had warned Israel of a potential attack from Palestinian militant group Hamas before its deadly strike over the weekend. "We know that Egypt had warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this could happen," McCaul said Wednesday following...


HHS: More than 7 million people have received updated COVID vaccine

More than 7 million Americans have received the updated COVID-19 vaccine since it was approved one month ago, according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) signed off on the Pfizer and Moderna shots Sept. 11, and distribution was allowed to begin after the Centers for Disease...


Primary challenger calls on Senate to vote on Menendez expulsion

Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) called on the Senate to hold a vote to expel Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) after prosecutors unveiled a superseding indictment earlier Thursday alleging that he acted as a foreign agent of the Egyptian government in recent years.  The New Jersey senator and his wife, Nadine, were accused Thursday of conspiring with Wael Hana, a...


White House: 27 Americans killed in Hamas attacks, 14 unaccounted for

The White House on Thursday said that at least 27 American citizens have died as a result of unfolding violence in Israel, marking an uptick in the number of fatalities from earlier in the day. National security spokesman John Kirby also said that the number of Americans unaccounted for is 14, which is a decrease...


Iranian president, Saudi crown prince discuss Israel-Hamas war

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Wednesday talked with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman over the phone for the first time since a deadly war broke out between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas. Mohammad Jamshidi, the deputy chief of staff for political affairs for Iran's Raisi, said the two leaders "agreed on the...

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Экология в России и мире

Вильфанд предупредил горожан об аномальном холоде и мокром снеге на неделе

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят на встрече многие точки над i

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Концерт «Пасхальная радость» пройдет в Музеях Московского Кремля


Орбакайте изменила условия работы в России — она рвется в Кремль

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