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Новости за 29.09.2023


Navy plans to test special forces for steroids

The U.S. Navy in November will start randomly drug testing special operations forces for steroids amid concerns about recruits and service members looking to boost their capabilities during training. The Navy said in a release that starting in November, every month it will randomly test up to 15 percent of its special forces in the...


Tupac Shakur slaying: Las Vegas police arrest suspect 27 years later

More than two decades after his death, a suspect has been arrested in connection with the murder of Tupac Shakur. The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) arrested Duane “Keffe D” Davis on Friday as part of its long-running investigation into Shakur’s unsolved 1996 slaying, officials announced. The Associated Press was first to report news of...


Michigan school shooter eligible for life without parole

The teenager responsible for the 2021 school shooting that left four students dead in Michigan is eligible for life in prison without parole, a judge ruled Friday. Ethan Crumbley, who was 15 at the time of the Oxford High School shooting, pleaded guilty to 24 charges — including terrorism and first-degree murder — in October....


GOP blames looming shutdown on 21 Republican holdouts

House Republicans are letting loose with criticism of their GOP colleagues who voted against the conference’s short-term funding bill with just a day and a half until a government shutdown. “There are 21 Republicans who just voted to defund the United States military and keep the border open,” said Rep. Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.). “They...


Without the right IP protections, we might say goodbye to our biotech innovation sector

The United States lost its once-dominant position in semiconductor research and manufacturing thanks largely to shortsighted policy decisions. Thankfully, Congress, rightfully alarmed over the potential economic and national security implications, passed last year's bipartisan CHIPS Act — which invested $52 billion in domestic semiconductor research and manufacturing — to regain a foothold. And yet, when it comes...


White House takes a swipe at McCarthy as GOP funding bill fails: 'So close'

The White House in an online post Friday took a swipe at Speaker Kevin McCarthy's (R-Calif.) and Congress’s failed attempts to pass government spending bills. McCarthy posted on X, formerly known as Twitter, boasting that the “Republican House has already done what many in the media said was impossible–we voted to fund more than 70%...


Biden administration looking to expand coverage of OTC birth control, other products

The Biden administration is asking for public comment on whether to require most health insurance plans to cover a range of over-the-counter (OTC) preventive products, including contraception, for free. The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to cover preventive services, including specific types of birth control, but only if they are prescribed. Insurers usually don’t cover...


First defendant in Trump Georgia case pleads guilty

A co-defendant in the sweeping Georgia election interference case involving former President Trump has become the first to plead guilty in the case. Scott Hall, a bail bond business owner, after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors pleaded guilty to five misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties before Judge Scott McAfee at...


IRS consultant leaked tax returns on ‘nation’s wealthiest individuals,’ DOJ alleges

The Department of Justice charged an IRS consultant Friday with disclosing tax return information on “thousands of the nation’s wealthiest individuals” to a news organization, the agency said in a statement. The consultant also passed tax information associated with “a high-ranking government official” to a different news outlet. Neither the news outlets nor the government...


White House says garden tours will be canceled or postponed if there is shutdown

The White House says another casualty of a potential government shutdown could be its annual fall foliage-filled garden tours. The dates for the annual autumn tradition — which sees the gardens and South grounds of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. opened to the public — were announced on Friday. The weekend tours will be held on Oct....


OMB director knocks McCarthy claims he won't take a salary during shutdown: 'That is theater'

Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director Shalanda Young on Friday knocked reports that Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said he won’t take a salary during a looming government shutdown. “Look, I’m glad that the Speaker’s made that statement. By the way, members of Congress have to get paid constitutionally, so maybe he’ll put it in a sock drawer. I...


DeSantis backs national 15-week abortion ban

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during Wednesday night's GOP debate said he would support a national 15-week abortion ban if elected president. DeSantis is the fourth GOP presidential candidate to make the commitment, after former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott and former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson. He made the commitment after being...


Biden orders flags flown at half-staff to honor Feinstein

President Joe Biden ordered flags across the nation to be flown at half-staff in honor of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) following her death. “As a mark of respect for the memory of Senator Dianne Feinstein, by the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and the laws of the...


Most national parks to close if government shuts down

If Congress cannot reach an agreement to fund the government, most national parks will close, the Biden administration said Friday.  “In the event of a lapse in annual government appropriations, National Park Service (NPS) sites will be closed,” the Interior Department said in a press release. “This means that the majority of national parks will...


From semiconductors to quantum computing: What the US can learn from past oversight

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has set its sights on quantum computing as a crucial technology for China to dominate by 2049, echoing a familiar tune for those with firsthand experience in the semiconductor industry. The U.S. needs a comprehensive strategy and substantially increased funding to secure victory in the quantum race. The implications of...


Judge denies Jeffrey Clark’s attempt to move Georgia case to federal court

A judge denied former Justice Department official Jeffrey Clark’s attempt to move his Georgia charges to federal court Friday, dealing another significant blow to the early defense strategy being pursued by several charged individuals in former President Trump’s Georgia case. Like the others, Clark argued he was acting in his capacity as a federal official,...


Senate colleagues honor 'trailblazer' Feinstein

The Senate saw an outpouring of support for Sen. Dianne Feinstein's (D-Calif.) family Friday following her death, with colleagues from both parties sharing memories of the longtime lawmaker and praising her tenure. Dozens of senators touted Feinstein's pioneering legacy rising through California politics and breaking ground as the first woman to hold key roles in...


Court allows Paxton accusers' lawsuit to proceed

The Texas Supreme Court has sided with four former staff members of Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), making way for their whistleblower lawsuit to commence. The Republican court rejected Paxton’s request to dismiss the lawsuit Friday after the case was put on pause for a possible settlement. The whistleblowers, Blake Brickman, Mark Penley, David Maxwell...


Top House Democrat on foreign affairs requests Biden pause aid to Egypt

The top Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee requested the State Department pause a portion of military financing for Egypt over concerns that Cairo has failed to deliver on improving its human rights record. Rep. Gregory Meeks (N.Y.) said he is pushing for the Biden administration to withhold $320 million in military financing, saying...


6 memorable moments from Dianne Feinstein's career

Tributes are pouring in after the death of Dianne Feinstein, who had a career of historic firsts, including being California's first female senator. The Democrat's career saw her lead the city of San Fransisco — another first — in a period of political turmoil following the assassination of Mayor George Moscone and supervisor Harvey Milk....


UAW expands strike to Chicago, Michigan plants

The United Auto Workers (UAW) union will expand its strike against three major automakers to a Ford plant in Chicago and a General Motors plant in Lansing, Mich., UAW President Shawn Fain said Friday. An additional 7,000 union members from the two plants were called to join the picket lines at noon, which would bring...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: москвичей 7 мая ждет аномально холодная погода

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят точки на «и»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

В Петербурге представят моноспектакль к 100-летию Булата Окуджавы


Спрос разъехался по дачам // Какие объекты в Московской области популярны у покупателей

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