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Новости за 28.06.2023


DeSantis suggests he would eliminate several federal agencies, including IRS

Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis suggested that he would eliminate a number of government agencies during an interview on Wednesday. "Are you in favor of eliminating any agencies? I know conservatives in the past have talked about closing the Department of Education, would you do that?" Fox News's Martha MacCallum asked the Florida governor on...


McCarthy races to repair relationship with Trump

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) is racing to mend fences with former President Trump after the GOP leader questioned Trump’s strength as a 2024 presidential contender — a comment he quickly walked back amid blowback from Trump world. The Speaker’s cleanup effort — which has so far included a direct call to Trump, a subsequent media...


Trump to be joined by Graham, McMaster for South Carolina event

Former President Trump will be joined by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Gov. Henry McMaster (R-S.C.) at a campaign event in Pickens, South Carolina this Saturday. The early primary state, which Trump carried in both the primary and general elections in 2016 and 2020, will host the former president and a slate of speakers to...


Madonna delays tour amid hospitalization from bacterial infection

Madonna is putting her concert tour on "pause" as she recovers from a hospitalization, according to her manager. The “Like a Virgin” singer was poised to kick off her international “Celebration” tour July 15 in Vancouver. But on Wednesday, the 64-year-old performer’s manager, Guy Oseary, said in an Instagram post that Madonna “developed a serious bacterial infection”...


More Democrats would consider a third-party presidential candidate: poll

More Democrats than Republicans indicated they would consider a third-party presidential candidate if President Biden and former President Trump are the two 2024 major party nominees, according to a new poll. The NBC News poll found that 44 percent of registered voters said they would be open to considering a third-party candidate in the event...


CBO finds federal debt to rise to 115 percent of GDP in next decade

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects federal debt held by the public will equal 115 percent of GDP in the next 10 years, as Washington struggles to find bipartisan solutions to tackle the nation’s deficits. The CBO said Wednesday that the federal debt held by the public would reach 98 percent of GDP by the...


New wildfires break out across Canada, blanketing Midwest with haze

Welcome to The Hill's Sustainability newsletter {beacon} Sustainability Sustainability   The Big Story Midwest blanketed in smoke as 30 new fires burn across Canada New wildfires have broken out across Canada this week, contributing to unhealthy air now choking Midwestern cities. © The Associated Press At least 30 new fires broke out across the country’s expansive...


Economy tops list of voter concerns in new poll in Pennsylvania

The economy is the top priority for Pennsylvania voters looking ahead at the 2024 presidential election, according to a poll. The new Quinnipiac poll taken among Pennsylvania voters found that 30 percent of respondents said the economy was the most important issue for the 2024 election while 28 percent said preserving democracy was their top...


Whoopi Goldberg tells McCarthy to 'grow a pair of cojones' after Trump comments

“The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg on Wednesday said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) should “grow a pair of cojones” after the Republican leader appeared to waffle on whether former President Trump is the strongest GOP candidate to run against President Biden in 2024. “I think a lot of this is fear … fear of losing...


Jean-Pierre canceled 'View' appearance over writers strike

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre canceled a Wednesday appearance on ABC’s “The View” to support striking writers. “Out of respect for striking writers, we pulled down our scheduled appearance on The View. President Biden and his entire administration sincerely hope that the writers’ strike gets resolved — and writers are given the fair deal...


Free traders wax nostalgic for bygone globalized era

Trade hawks are sounding wistful for the period of intense corporate trade liberalization from which both the Biden and Trump administrations have increasingly been moving away. It was one around which a big business consensus had formed over the last several decades and the move toward a less free trade focused chapter has alarmed some...


Trump, DeSantis neck and neck in Wisconsin: poll

Former President Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are neck and neck for the 2024 GOP presidential primary in Wisconsin, according to a new poll. A Marquette University Law School Poll survey of Wisconsin voters released Wednesday found 31 percent of Republicans and independents who lean Republican said Trump was their Republican presidential primary preference,...


Biden using CPAP machine to treat sleep apnea

President Biden began using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine in recent weeks to improve his sleep quality, the White House confirmed Wednesday. “Since 2008, the President has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports. He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history,” deputy...


Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower defends claims that counter DOJ statements

An IRS whistleblower is defending his claims that the U.S. attorney investigating Hunter Biden was blocked from bringing charges outside of Delaware and did not have full control of the case — which counters statements from multiple Justice Department officials. IRS investigator Gary Shapley told multiple outlets this week that Biden received preferential treatment in a case probing...


Trump: DeSantis 'basically copied everything I said' on immigration

Former President Trump claimed that fellow Republican presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has “basically copied everything” he has said on immigration. “Well, his plan is my plan,” Trump told Semafor on Tuesday. “I mean, he’s basically copied everything I said — catch and release, finish the wall.” The former president also suggested that...


Biden bashes trickle-down economics to promote ‘Bidenomics’

President Biden on Wednesday bashed the economic theory of trickle-down, while promoting what the White House has deemed “Bidenomics.” “Here’s the simple truth about trickle-down economics, it didn’t represent the best of American capitalism, let alone America,” Biden said in remarks in Chicago. “It represented a moment where we walked away… from how this country...


Wyoming, Colorado to partner on developing carbon capture technologies

The governors of Wyoming and Colorado on Wednesday signed a memorandum of understanding for interstate collaboration on the development of carbon capture technologies. The bipartisan partnership, signed by Govs. Mark Gordon (R-Wyo.) and Jared Polis (D-Colo.), will explore the potential of these emerging tools to complement existing and future industries, while boosting economic growth and reducing...


Business leaders plea with Biden for work visas to help with unfilled jobs

A coalition of business leaders is stepping up pressure on the Biden administration to use all means at its disposal to issue more work visas as labor shortages threaten to cripple a variety of industries. In a letter to President Biden, 126 business leaders and employers called for him to "expand a special category of...


Student debt relief: Which way will the Supreme Court go?

The Supreme Court is set to release its decision on President Biden’s relief of up to $20,000 in student loan debt, with advocates and borrowers widely concerned the justices will strike down the plan. The court holds a strong 6-3 conservative majority that seemed skeptical of the administration’s ability to forgive the debt during oral...


Biden administration announces $7 billion residential solar grant program

The Biden administration on Wednesday announced a $7 billion grant competition to expand access to residential solar energy in low-income communities. The funds, paid for by the Inflation Reduction Act’s (IRA) $27 billion Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, will cover up to 60 grants, according to an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) press call Wednesday. Activities covered...


More Americans see gun violence as major problem

A greater share of Americans say gun violence is a major problem than five years ago, with the sentiment increasing across the political spectrum, according to a new poll.  A poll from Pew Research Center released Wednesday found that 60 percent of Americans said gun violence is a “very big problem,” while 23 percent said...


Canadian wildfire smoke prompts air quality alert issued for Kentucky

Wildfire smoke from Canada has triggered air quality warnings in Kentucky on Wednesday. The Bluegrass state is the furthest south to be significantly impacted by smoke, causing public officials to urge residents to stay indoors when possible. Louisville and Lexington, the state’s largest cities, saw Air Quality Index levels above 180 on Wednesday, which is...


More than 50 percent of Americans report facing online harassment, hate: survey 

More than half of American respondents said in a new survey that they have faced online harassment and hate. An Anti-Defamation League (ADL) release published Wednesday found that reports of online hate and harassment have reached a record high since 2020. ADL's 2023 research shows 52 percent of respondents have experienced online harassment or hate, a...

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Экология в России и мире

Жителей Москвы предупредили об аномально холодной погоде

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о героях нашего времени

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Сотрудники библиотеки №12 им. А.К. Толстого Брянска провели музыкально-литературный вечер к 100-летию со дня рождения поэта Булата Окуджавы


Лучшие кадеты ПФО побывали на репетиции Парада Победы в Москве

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