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Новости за 14.05.2023


Planned Parenthood calls for Supreme Court expansion

Alexis McGill Johnson, the president and CEO of nonprofit organization Planned Parenthood, called for the expansion of the Supreme Court bench amid the ongoing revelations of ethics issues surrounding certain justices. During an appearance on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki,” McGill Johnson told host Jen Psaki that the reason why she’s calling for changes to...


Victims mourned one year after Buffalo supermarket shooting

The people of Buffalo mourned the victims of the supermarket shooting that left 10 people dead and three people injured last year. The Associated Press reported that the City of Buffalo held a moment of silence at 2:28 p.m. which was followed by the tolling of bells in remembrance of the victims killed in the racist...


Key Biden aide: Recent bank failures 'isolated problems'

National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard said on Sunday that the recent high-profile failures of three mid-sized banks were “isolated problems” and stressed that the banking system is “sound.” “The environment has changed a lot over the last few years with interest rates going up by a large amount, and banks -- several banks that...


The Mother’s Day brunch menu: Workplace equity, higher pay, and caregiving support

Don’t get me wrong, I like a good Mother’s Day brunch. But let’s talk about what needs to be on the menu for working mothers if we are serious about valuing them this Mother’s Day and beyond. When the pandemic shuttered schools across the U.S., millions of working mothers found themselves holding the bag. Left...


Texas Republican pushes back on notion that border situation 'not that bad'

Rep. Tony Gonzalez (R-Texas) took aim at those who describe the U.S. border situation as "not that bad," pointing to videos showing overcrowding at migrant facilities near the border. Gonzalez said he visited El Paso, Texas on Friday and took some videos of the conditions near the border that he said showed an overcrowded room...


Abortion pill battle threatens America’s 'gold standard' drug approval process

The legal battle over the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of the abortion pill mifepristone could undermine a drug approval process considered to be the “gold standard” around the world. With oral arguments in the Texas lawsuit set to begin next week, the implications of how the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals rules are...


Here's what could happen to the military if the US defaults on its debt

As the United States stares down the barrel of a deadline to raise the national debt ceiling, past and current Pentagon leaders are sounding the alarm on how such an event could be deeply damaging to the country and those who keep it safe. Disrupted pay for service members, late benefits checks for veterans and...


Treasury official dismisses using 14th Amendment to avoid default

Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo on Sunday dismissed the idea of President Biden using the 14th Amendment to avert a default on the national debt. “Can you just say yes or no, whether or not the president has the authority to raise the debt limit on his own, without Congress?” CNN’s Dana Bash asked on...


Grizzlies suspend Ja Morant after appearance of another gun video

The Memphis Grizzlies have suspended star guard Ja Morant after he appeared to be brandishing a gun in another social media video. The Grizzlies made their announcement surrounding Morant on Sunday, just hours after a video circulated online showing the 23-year-old team superstar holding a gun while singing along to rapper NBA Youngboy’s lyrics during...


Texas mayor says border city has not been 'overwhelmed'

Laredo Mayor Victor Trevino said on Sunday that his Texas city near the southern border has “not been overwhelmed” in the wake of the expiration of the pandemic-era immigration policy Title 42. “There's no doubt that we're seeing historic challenges in our border. … But everything that we have been doing since the declaration of...


Short-term debt ceiling hike 'not a fix': White House economic adviser

A top economic advisor to President Biden poured cold water on the idea that the White House could be looking for a short term debt ceiling extension on Sunday, saying that outcome was “not a fix.” “Short-term is not a fix,” White House National Economic Council Director Lael Brainard said on CBS’s “Face The Nation.”...


Senate Democrat sees opportunity for bipartisan immigration reform

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said Sunday that he sees an opportunity for bipartisan collaboration in the Senate over immigration reform as the end of Title 42 last week prompted concerns about a surge of migrants at the border. "So despite my tough words for how Republicans approach this issue, I think there is still an...


White House: Proposed GOP spending cuts would be 'gut punch' to border guards

The White House ripped House Republicans for the debt ceiling legislation they passed last month, arguing spending cuts in the bill would be a “gut punch” to border agents. The bill would raise the debt ceiling, but also makes good on Republicans' promise to cut spending. Democrats, who in the Senate have signaled they will...


'CNN went in the tank' to get Trump to agree on town hall, Christie says

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) took aim at CNN on Sunday, saying that the network "was wrong" for cutting a deal with former President Trump to agree to what turned out to be a raucous town hall and that it "went in the tank" to get the GOP frontrunner on board. CNN has...


Nikki Haley: GOP president can’t institute national abortion ban

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley said on Sunday that a Republican president could not institute a national abortion ban because lawmakers are so closely divided on the issue.  “For a national standard, I think we have to tell the American people the truth. In order to do a national standard, you'd have to have a...


Mayorkas: Border Patrol sees 50 percent decrease in migration after Title 42 ends

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said Sunday that the Border Patrol has seen a 50 percent drop in encounters at the southern border in the days following the expiration of Title 42, a pandemic-era policy that allowed the rapid expulsions of asylum-seekers. "In fact, over the past two days, the United States Border Patrol...


Mayorkas on GOP impeachment efforts: ‘I am focused on the work in front of us’ 

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas during an interview on Sunday waved off concerns about a potential impeachment, emphasizing that he is "focused on the work in front of us." "I am focused on the work in front of us meeting the challenge, not only with respect to the southern border, but meeting the challenge...


Democrats press Biden to use 14th Amendment on debt ceiling

Senate Democrats are urging President Biden to use the 14th Amendment to raise the debt ceiling, arguing it is in his constitutional authority to take the unilateral step to prevent a GOP-driven default. They say Biden should not agree to GOP demands for major concessions on spending cuts to raise the debt ceiling, and that...


GOP lawmaker dings McCarthy for 'demonizing' illegal immigrants

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) dinged congressional leadership in both parties on Sunday for their posturing on immigration, including Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) who Gonzales said was “demonizing” illegal immigrants. “You’ve got McCarthy on one side that is demonizing those that come over illegally,” Gonzales said on CBS’s “Face The Nation.” “You’ve got Chuck Schumer on...


Murphy 'skeptical' there will be debt ceiling agreement in two weeks

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on Sunday said he is "skeptical" about Republicans and Democrats coming to an agreement to resolve the debt ceiling crisis in two weeks as the deadline to raise the limit approaches. "Well, if we want to get serious about deficit reduction, then you have to put tax increases for billionaires and...

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Экология в России и мире

Вильфанд предупредил горожан об аномальном холоде и мокром снеге на неделе

Путин в России и мире

В городах России выступят летом юные вокалистки из Приамурья

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Шевчук

«Эта концепция вывозит»: критикующий Россию Шевчук призвал своих зрителей к революции


Фильм «Илья Репин в Самарской Луке» получил приз международного кинофестиваля

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