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Новости за 13.03.2023


DeSantis headlines record-breaking Alabama GOP dinner

The Alabama Republican Party broke its fundraising record when Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) headlined its annual winter dinner last week, as the rising conservative weighs a White House bid. DeSantis’s appearance at the event helped the party raise nearly $700,000 and break attendance records with more than 1,700 at the dinner. The previous attendance...


PETA to White House: No more real eggs for Easter Egg Roll

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is calling on Jill Biden to egg-cercise some fowl-related restraint at this year’s White House Easter Egg Roll by ending the use of real chicken eggs. In a Monday letter to the first lady, PETA President Ingrid Newkirk wrote that she wanted to “respectfully urge [Biden] not...


How to navigate academia

Ironically, on some research topics the commercial sector offers far more opportunities for innovation than academia.


Chasten Buttigieg responds to Pence's paternity leave joke: ‘Where would you be?’

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's husband Chasten Buttigieg on Monday pushed back against former Vice President Mike Pence’s jokes about his husband's paternity leave, questioning where he would be if his grandchild was born prematurely. “An honest question for you,@mikepence, after your attempted joke this weekend. If your grandchild was born prematurely and placed on a...


Michael Cohen at Manhattan courthouse before expected Trump grand jury testimony: 'This is not revenge'

Michael Cohen, former President Trump’s longtime fixer, arrived at a Manhattan courthouse on Monday ahead of his appearance before a grand jury investigating the former president, according to The Associated Press. Cohen’s appearance marks a critical moment for the grand jury proceedings, with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s (D) office appearing to near a decision...


Watch live: White House press briefing

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday will brief reporters aboard Air Force One as they travel with President Biden to San Diego. While there, Biden will meet with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for a meeting of the recently formed nuclear partnership AUKUS, AP reports. The trilateral...


Five things to know about the Silicon Valley Bank takeover

The federal government took over Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) over the weekend and announced it would insure 100 percent of deposits in a bank that caters to venture capitalists and high-tech startups. The Treasury Department announced Sunday night that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) would use its deposit insurance fund to pay back account...


Jean-Pierre calls for Pence to apologize for Buttigieg, postpartum depression jokes

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday called for former Vice President Mike Pence to apologize for the jokes he made about Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg’s paternity leave and using postpartum depression as a “punchline.” Pence said that Buttigieg took “maternity” leave and everyone else got “postpartum depression” in his absence during the annual...


62 House Democrats call on Biden administration to bolster child labor enforcement

A group of 62 Democrats in the House is pressing the Biden administration to take more aggressive action to combat child labor law violations, following reports of widespread abuses at prominent U.S. companies. The lawmakers, led by Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.), said in a letter to Labor Secretary Marty Walsh and Health and Human Services...


The Hill's 12:30 Report — Biden assures 'our banking system is safe' after SVB collapse

To view past editions of The Hill's 12:30 Report, click here: https://bit.ly/30ARS1U To receive The Hill's 12:30 Report in your inbox, please sign up here: https://bit.ly/41ZMHnw --> A midday take on what's happening in politics and how to have a sense of humor about it.* *Ha. Haha. Hahah. Sniff. Haha. Sniff. Ha--breaks down crying hysterically. NEWS OF THE MORNING Biden: ‘Our...


Almost 2 in 3 Americans say threat of deadly pandemics is growing: poll

A new poll shows nearly two-thirds of Americans believe the risk of deadly pandemics is rising in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a survey published Friday by the Pandemic Action Network, 61 percent of Americans strongly agreed or agreed with the statement that "we are now in an era of increasing risk due...


Prosecutors say Tucker Carlson omitted key Jan. 6 footage of 'QAnon Shaman'

Federal prosecutors said footage that Fox News host Tucker Carlson aired last week of the “QAnon Shaman” during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol lacks context, according to newly filed court documents. The Justice Department said the footage aired by Carlson, which showed rioter Jacob Chansley, who is better known in the...


DeSantis to headline New Hampshire GOP fundraiser in April

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) will travel to New Hampshire next month to headline a key fundraising dinner for the state Republican Party in the latest sign that he’s moving toward a 2024 presidential campaign. DeSantis will deliver the keynote address at the New Hampshire GOP’s annual Amos Tuck Dinner on April 14 in Manchester,...


Stanford police investigating antisemitic drawing as hate crime

Stanford University is investigating the drawing of swastikas and an image resembling Adolf Hitler in a dorm building last week as a hate crime. The investigation was prompted by reports that a Jewish student “found multiple swastikas and an image modified to resemble Adolf Hitler drawn on a white board that was affixed to their...


Trump attorney: hush payment ‘not directly related’ to campaign

An attorney representing former President Trump in the Manhattan prosecutors’ hush money probe, which could soon culminate in criminal charges, described the case as “outrageous” on Monday. During an appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning America” with anchor George Stephanopoulos, attorney Joe Tacopina said an October 2016 hush payment at the center of the case that...


Biden approves controversial oil drilling project in Alaska

The Biden administration on Monday approved a massive drilling project in Alaska, allowing oil company ConocoPhillips to move ahead with the 30-year project over objections from environmental groups. While not a surprise, the move to greenlight the Willow Project is expected to rankle President Biden’s liberal and climate-minded allies, who have opposed the move. According to the decision...


Biden calls legislation targeting transgender people in Florida 'close to sinful'

President Biden is calling legislation targeting transgender people in Florida “close to sinful.” “It’s just terrible what they’re doing,” in the Sunshine State, Biden said on Monday in a preview clip from “The Daily Show.” Biden sat down for an “in-depth” interview at the White House with guest host Kal Penn, the Comedy Central show...


Biden stresses that Silicon Valley Bank is not getting a bailout

President Biden on Monday stressed that Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) will not get a government bailout after regulators seized the assets of the failed bank. “No losses will be — and this is an important for point — no losses will be borne by the taxpayers. Let me repeat that, no losses will be borne...


Biden says 'our banking system is safe' amid Silicon Valley Bank fallout

President Biden on Monday expressed confidence that the U.S. banking system is safe and Americans can access their deposits after regulators closed two banks in recent days. “The bottom line is this: Americans can rest assured that our banking system is safe. Your deposits are safe. Let me also assure you, we will not stop...


Jimmy Kimmel jabs Tucker Carlson at Oscars over Jan. 6 tapes

Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel jabbed Tucker Carlson toward the end of the Academy Awards show on Sunday evening over footage of the Jan. 6, 2021, riots that the Fox News host aired last week. "Editors can do amazing things," Kimmel said while introducing the presenters for the Best Film Editing award. "Editors can turn 40,000...


House Republicans should create 'New Federalism' budget

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has suggested a “national divorce,” a breaking up of federal spending and distribution by state, so that red and blue states each could go their own way. I’m actually stunned to say these words, but she may be on the right track … sort of. Her branding — the name...

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Экология в России и мире

Биологи столицы рассказали, каких животных фотоловушки снимают чаще всего

Путин в России и мире

Как Россия побеждает в Африке: Волна военных переворотов приносит Путину новых союзников

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Марина Василевская передала Александру Лукашенко флаг Беларуси, побывавший на МКС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Святая миссия русского солдата

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Бато Багдаев

В День Пушкина театр кукол «Ульгэр» в райцентре Бурятии: Россия, Культура, Дети


Росавиация расследует инцидент с пролетевшем над федеральной трассой самолетом в Подмосковье

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