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Why do online casinos refuse to pay out in some cases?

In some cases it can happen that an online casino payout is not possible. There can be various reasons for this: The possibility of withdrawal is linked to the wagering requirements of the bonus credit if you have activated a casino bonus. The earned credit must be converted a certain number of times before a payout can be made.

Also, the change of the payment method in the payment may result in no payment is possible. The terms and conditions of the real money casinos precisely specify which withdrawal methods are possible and whether it is possible to switch from the method used for depositing to another. In addition, the real money casino will refuse the transfer if the identity check fails before the first payout .

The ID check as a common protective measure

When you have earned your first win in the best real money games in the online casino with real money and are about to make your first payout, your identity is checked in an ID check. This is a protective measure against money laundering and criminal activities, which is part of the legal requirements that the providers must comply with as part of their licensing. The casino can ask you for your identity card or other official documents in writing that clearly confirm your identity. It is all the more important to provide truthful information when registering. Otherwise, this could prevent your credit balance from being paid out for real money. For more information about the ID check, you should take a look at the terms and conditions of your real money online casino. If you have any questions about this, it is best to contact customer service via live chat.

Overview of payment methods

In the following I would like to introduce you to the individual payment methods with which you can deposit funds and win real money in the casino. Which one you decide on in the end depends on the individual preferences, but of course also on your personal preferences. When making your choice, however, you should always ensure that there is sufficient data encryption and that applicable data protection regulations are complied with. Another criterion for you should be the processing time of the respective lucky cash slotsmethod.

PayPal and other eWallets

PayPal casinos in particular are very popular in this country. Understandably, because the eWallet service impresses with its convenient menu navigation and transparent sales display. Another advantage is the short time it takes for the transactions to run from the instruction to the value date on the recipient account . When paying with PayPal, only so-called tokens are sent to the payee, which contain a personal identifier, the payer’s e-mail address and the amount. The specific account details of the

Other popular payment services include the eWallet providers Skrill, Neteller and ecoPayz. The British provider Skrill belongs to the Paysafe group of companies and is very similar to PayPal. In contrast to PayPal, however, Skrill also allows payments to be sent to email addresses that are not yet registered with Skrill . Neteller is also a very popular UK payment service from the Paysafe group. You can also use both services with casino apps for your stakes.

Bank transfer and instant banking

The most common means of payment in English is still the bank transfer. However, this is not always offered even at the best real money casinos. A number of instant banking service providers represent a suitable and secure alternative. These include the providers giropay, Trustly, iDEAL, which is mainly used in the Benelux region, and SOFORTÜberweisung, which is now part of the Swedish Klarna group. The latter service in particular has established itself on the English market as a good alternative for cashless payment transactions. With instant banking, you share your account details with the service provider who will carry out the respective transaction for you. In contrast to a normal bank transfer, the merchant immediately receives a deposit confirmation with Instant Banking.

Maestro and Visa credit cards

As a rule, online casinos with real money also offer you credit card payments via Maestro or Visa. Of course, this is an attractive alternative, especially for larger amounts, as the total amount is settled within the framework of the individual conditions of the credit card contract . However, you should note that payments to your account with this payment method take longer and your account is credited according to the individual booking cycles of your credit card. Depending on the bank, fees may also apply for the cards.

Paysafecard – This is how the prepaid solution works

Another common payment method is the paysafecard. This can be purchased for cash at many retailers and petrol stations with a maximum value of up to € 100. Then you can enter the code of the paysafecard in the deposit options of your online casino with real money and choose whether you want to use the entire card balance or just part of it. One advantage of this payment method is that you do not have to disclose any bank details or private details and you do not have to open an account with the payment service.

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