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11/01/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

11/01/2020 News & Commentary – Korea

News & commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and published by Daniel Riggs.

1. New social distancing system will have 5 tiers (South Korea)

2. [US elections and Korea] Trump vs. Biden: Key advisers give clues on future foreign policy

3. New virus cases above 100 for 5th day on cluster infections

4. N. Korea criticizes S. Korea for its killing of S. Korean official

5. Kim Jong-un's former lover sparks wild speculation

6. Biden's Korea Policy Brings No New Ideas, Experts Say

7. N.K. leader sends congratulatory message to pro-North Korean residents in Japan

8. If Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in the US election, what does that mean for North Korea and Kim Jong-un?

9. Commentary: Trump created a different playbook with North Korea and this should continue

10. New North Korea ICBM Looks Bigger, But...

11. Japan to lift entry ban on China, S. Korea, 6 other nations, Taiwan

12. Military service required for presidency (South Korea)

13. Japan urges South Korea to present solution to wartime labor row

14. Moon admin. should head toward future leaving behind era of punishment

15. Nongovernmental inter-Korean exchanges frozen

16. S. Korean Marines announce first female chopper pilot

17. Nuclear Power Trio Release "A Clear and Present Rager"


1. New social distancing system will have 5 tiers (South Korea)

koreajoongangdaily.joins.com· by Lee Sung-Eun and Kim Min-Wook

Can we learn anything from this?  South Korea never locked down the country.


2. [US elections and Korea] Trump vs. Biden: Key advisers give clues on future foreign policy

koreaherald.com · by Ahn Sung-mi Korea Herald · November 1, 2020

A summary of some key positions.


3. New virus cases above 100 for 5th day on cluster infections

en.yna.co.kr · by 김광태 · November 1, 2020


4. N. Korea criticizes S. Korea for its killing of S. Korean official

donga.com· October 31, 2020

Audacity is right.  I hope policy makers in South Korea take a step back and consider what the regime is doing here.  This is not the statement of a responsible member of the international community (of course the brutal murder is also not something a responsible member would commit).


5. Kim Jong-un's former lover sparks wild speculation

au.news.yahoo.com  · November 1, 2020

More tabloid stuff about Kim Jong-un. I am betting he likes this!  But since he likes a (relatively) older woman I would say he might have mommy issues.


6. Biden's Korea Policy Brings No New Ideas, Experts Say

freebeacon.com · by Jack Beyrer · October 30, 2020

Just as an aside I wonder what it is we have not tried with north Korea?  Are there any "new ideas" for dealing with the mafia-like crime family cult known as the Kim family regime.  The problem is not our Presidents (or Presidential candidates) but it is the existence of Kim Jong-un.


7. N.K. leader sends congratulatory message to pro-North Korean residents in Japan

en.yna.co.kr · by 이원주 · November 1, 2020

A key part of north Korean strategy is subversion, not only in South Korea but also Japan and the US and around the world (re: Korean Friendship Associations). This is just one small indicator.  Beware the Chongryon or Chosen Soren.


8. If Joe Biden beats Donald Trump in the US election, what does that mean for North Korea and Kim Jong-un?

ABC.net.au · October 31, 2020

 Long survey of many issues from Korea watchers in Korea and the US from an Australian media outlet.  The only prediction I will make is that regardless of who wins the election Kim Jong-un will be a continuing problem that will not be easily solved as long as he remains in power.


9. Commentary: Trump created a different playbook with North Korea and this should continue

channelnewsasia.com · by Khang Vu

The playbook is unconventional, experimental, top-down, pen-pal diplomacy.


“Yet the dynamics on the peninsular have undoubtedly changed under Trump. A return to a policy of "strategic patience" that marked the pre-Trump era would likely fail.

While it is understandable from a partisan standpoint for Biden to criticize Trump's North Korea policy in its entirety, Biden should pick up the diplomatic momentum Trump has created, work with North Korea based on the diplomatic framework signed in Singapore, and, if necessary, embrace Kim on a personal level.”

“Such a move would not only stabilize the US-North Korea relationship, but also keep intact South Korea's plan to engage the North diplomatically.”


10. New North Korea ICBM Looks Bigger, But...

breakingdefense.com · by Ralph Savelsberg

Analysis from Dutch professor and missile expert.  A lot to digest here.

Key excerpts: 

“This all points to a missile that can potentially carry a much larger payload to the same ranges as the Hwasong-15. However, other than the gross size envelope, the uncertainties preclude appropriate assessment of the system's capabilities and military characteristics. The missile has not flown and it is unclear which engines power it. Given its increased mass, the Hwasong-15's twin engines do not have enough thrust to lift the larger missile off the ground. Building larger engines or a larger cluster of smaller ones is difficult. The Soviet Union spent years testing and tuning to perfect their use of clusters of similar engines on the R-36 / SS-9.”

“The large fairing appears to have significant volume, leading to an expectation of room for multiple re-entry vehicles. Since much of the technology for defense penetration (tailored to the Moscow defenses of the day) has been published by the UK Government (from the Chevaline project) it seems that the DPRK seeks to gain sufficient payload capacity to utilize a 'bus' and penetration aids to significantly challenge the US BMD system with each missile. In that case, rather than one target per missile, a missile defense system would have to deal with multiple targets, compounding the difficulties. However, the idea that the DPRK could go from a single successful flight of the Hwasong-15 with an untested re-entry vehicle to a much larger ICBM with multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles, in a single step, beggars’ belief.”


11. Japan to lift entry ban on China, S. Korea, 6 other nations, Taiwan



12. Military service required for presidency (South Korea)

The Korea Times· by Chang Se-moon · November 1, 2020

But he also mentions the US.  I do not agree with him that our all volunteer military is doing more harm than good. I do not believe conscription would solve all the ills its proponents think it will. I of course strongly recommend that people volunteer to serve.


13. Japan urges South Korea to present solution to wartime labor row

japantimes.co.jp · October 30, 2020

The solution is President Moon and Prime Minister Suga have to make the politically tough decision to place national security and national prosperity ahead of historical issues.


14. Moon admin. should head toward future leaving behind era of punishment

donga.com· October 39, 2020

The treatment of former Presidents Lee and Park is simply shameful and a severe blackmark on the reputation of South Korea.  But what goes around comes around.  What might happen to future former presidents?


15. Nongovernmental inter-Korean exchanges frozen

The Korea Times · November 1, 2020

Why are they "frozen?"  It is not for lack of South Korean effort.  It is because Kim Jong-un fears engagement, opening, and information getting to the Korean people living in the north.  The biggest "threat" to Kim Jong-un is the existence and example of South Korea and the alternative it offers as the counterpoint to the most despotic and brutal regime in the modern era.


16. S. Korean Marines announce first female chopper pilot

en.yna.co.kr · by 이원주 · November 1, 2020

An army "hooah"to add to the Marine "oorah" for the young Lieutenant.  But I am surprised it has taken this long to reach this "first' in Korea.


17. Nuclear Power Trio Release "A Clear and Present Rager"

notreble.com · by Kevin Johnson · October 31, 2020

Okay.  This is very irreverent satire. But the song is entertaining and the 3 minute video is funny.  No partisan statement is intended by sending this.

I cannot believe this band actually made a CD with these 5 songs. The music on this song is pretty good.  All three are talented musicians and both Trump and Putin really shred the guitar and the bass and Kim look pretty good on the drums.

The video (and song) can be accessed here. The comments on YouTube are pretty hilarious as well.




"All politics is based on the indifference of the majority."

- James "Scotty" Reston


"No man has the right to be ignorant. In a country like this, ignorance is a crime. If a man is going to vote, if he's going to take part in his country and his government, then it's up to him to understand."

- Louis L'Amour 


"Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners"

 - Laurence Sterne


DanielRiggs Sun, 11/01/2020 - 1:13pm

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